It was dreadful at the time and for years afterwards.
Unlikely, however, that I would have left of my own accord. I'd well and truly burned my bridges and there was nowhere else for me to go (as I thought).
Thank God He has bigger and better plans for us all than toilet cleaning, the dish room, grovelling in chicken sh it,and generally wasting the abilities He gave us.
It was dreadful at the time and for years afterwards.
Unlikely, however, that I would have left of my own accord. I'd well and truly burned my bridges and there was nowhere else for me to go (as I thought).
Thank God He has bigger and better plans for us all than toilet cleaning, the dish room, grovelling in chicken sh it,and generally wasting the abilities He gave us.
They didn't kick me out just tried REALLY hard to mess with me and bring me under their total control. It was nasty and in retrospect would have been better to kick me out.
I would like to thank the Board of Directors of the Way International for trying to kick me in the a$$ as I was leaving HQ for a field assignment. Without your help I would likely still be in your little, corn field cult. Thanks to your efforts I am free from your bondage and sorting it all out on here on Grease Spot Cafe, the bane of your existence. Thank you, and God Bless you Abundantly! <_<
This is a prime example of how when you put stupid people (BOD) together with firearms (their policies), they end up shooting themselves in the foot.
Many thanks to the Oirish git country co-ord. who kicked us out because he was terrified we would open our mouths about the shennanigans we saw going on at campus during our in-res. year ! We wouldn't have, because we were still pretty 'sold out' to the ministry. Boy oh boy, did us a HUGE favor
OldSkool-I really enjoy reading your posts as they are informative and honest. I was never Way Corps but was on Staff. When I left Staff it was as if no one cared. When I finally left twi (by my own choice) the responses I got from "friends" were very disheartening and rude-as if I did something really wrong and was kicked out.
Keep sharing as you have helped me to put many pieces of the puzzle together especially during the time I was on Staff-many of the same years you were.
Me-Haul...come on, you and FeLeeeesha were so nice when you did your year at HQ. Geeesh, was that a rehabilitation period? Oh well....who will ever know...
OldSkool-I really enjoy reading your posts as they are informative and honest. I was never Way Corps but was on Staff. When I left Staff it was as if no one cared. When I finally left twi (by my own choice) the responses I got from "friends" were very disheartening and rude-as if I did something really wrong and was kicked out.
Keep sharing as you have helped me to put many pieces of the puzzle together especially during the time I was on Staff-many of the same years you were.
Thank you. I am happy you are here and encourage you to let loose. Or not...really, whatever you need to do.
Amazing, OldSkool. There was a high attrition rate from my Corps, but we started out very much bigger. I thought at the time that throwing someone out every so often, together with the culture of fear (disguised as doing one's best for God), was designed to keep the remainder in line, lest we too get thrown out.
With so few in your Corps, they hadn't the disposable bodies to try that tactic.
OldSkool, you mean to tell me MeHell kept the sheepskin on for the WHOLE YEAR ?! I know he had a 'deal' with HQ that he was only to be there for ONE year, guess he missed his little polynesian wahine ( I wish you could read it in the original )
Heya Twinky, I liked the guy too, til he called me up at campus and screamed down the phone that I had a 'coconut marriage'. I guess he was envious
I want to thank the Board of Directors as well. Since OldSkool just went ove 1,000 posts, I'd have to say he's been more motivated here, and he seems much happier.
I think the Board should not be a respecter of persons and do the same favor for all it's employees, No doubt they'll also be much happier!
Congratulations on yer crossing the 1,000 mark OldSkool !! It was only a day ago or so (even though you have done many more since)
OldSkool, you mean to tell me MeHell kept the sheepskin on for the WHOLE YEAR ?! I know he had a 'deal' with HQ that he was only to be there for ONE year, guess he missed his little polynesian wahine ( I wish you could read it in the original )
Oh man, those guys were celebrities while they were there. And oh so nice. We ate with them often at the noon meal and spent time with them at events and such. Can't say I really know them though. Just remember when they were there to be re-programmed, uh I mean trained...ya....trained.
I want to thank the Board of Directors as well. Since OldSkool just went ove 1,000 posts, I'd have to say he's been more motivated here, and he seems much happier.
I think the Board should not be a respecter of persons and do the same favor for all it's employees, No doubt they'll also be much happier!
Congratulations on yer crossing the 1,000 mark OldSkool !! It was only a day ago or so (even though you have done many more since)
I am happier. TWI was my life for many years. Since I started posting here it's like a damn broke. The more I get off my chest the better I feel and the lighter my day to day gets.
I think OS is going for the record of how many posts can made in the shortest time.
Now, OldSkool... the aim is to be EXCEPTIONAL not the EXCEPTION.
Glad you are here, OldSkool.
Last time I looked it was 32 posts in a 24 hour period? Seriously??
Could be, I work on a computer all day. So lots of times I crank out a post or two when taking a break or waiting or whatever. Guess they accumulate
I too would like to thank the Board of Directors, formerly the Board of Trustees, because, according to the Region Coordinator who threw me out, the Trustees were deeply involved in every decision to mark & avoid someone.
I'd also like to thank:
John Reynolds for telling me to talk to Tom Horrocks about the problems that I was having with TWI doctrine. If not for that conversation I would never have heard Horrocks say "I don't need to work the Word, if the Way of Abundance and Power Class is good enough for the trustees, it's good enough for me, showing up the shallowness of the supposed "research"
The late Fred B whose nastiness to me and my family in the name of 'The Word' and whose lack of logic and critical thinking helped me to see that 'leadership' were devoid of any practical use to me
My fellowship coordinator Roger T whose attempts to drive a wedge between me and at least one of my children made it easier to leave the organization and speak out against it without any second thoughts or regrets
Eric K, the Limb Coordinator who put me on 6 month probation and called my actions 'trecherous' while defending Martindale's actions - he made the organization's hypocrisy crystal-clear
and last but not least all the TWI peons who meekly accepted the directive to mark and avoid me, making it easier to cut all ties with that evil group
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Yeah, they kicked me out too.
And I'm grateful (now).
It was dreadful at the time and for years afterwards.
Unlikely, however, that I would have left of my own accord. I'd well and truly burned my bridges and there was nowhere else for me to go (as I thought).
Thank God He has bigger and better plans for us all than toilet cleaning, the dish room, grovelling in chicken sh it,and generally wasting the abilities He gave us.
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They didn't kick me out just tried REALLY hard to mess with me and bring me under their total control. It was nasty and in retrospect would have been better to kick me out.
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Wouldn't that be, God bless you REdundantly
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ROFL! Yep..
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You got kicked out by the BOD? I'm impressed! With me, it was just my Branch Coordinator (with the Limb Coordinator on the phone).
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This is a prime example of how when you put stupid people (BOD) together with firearms (their policies), they end up shooting themselves in the foot.
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ROFL! I love the perspective chockful! Ya, great way to maintain your way corpse numbers, eh?
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OldSkool - how many people in your Corps group
a) started?
b) graduated?
c) were still with TWI when you left (as far as you know)?
d) are still (as far as you know) with TWI today? - this one might be a bit hard to answer, LOL
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Many thanks to the Oirish git country co-ord. who kicked us out because he was terrified we would open our mouths about the shennanigans we saw going on at campus during our in-res. year ! We wouldn't have, because we were still pretty 'sold out' to the ministry. Boy oh boy, did us a HUGE favor
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Guest Balanced
OldSkool-I really enjoy reading your posts as they are informative and honest. I was never Way Corps but was on Staff. When I left Staff it was as if no one cared. When I finally left twi (by my own choice) the responses I got from "friends" were very disheartening and rude-as if I did something really wrong and was kicked out.
Keep sharing as you have helped me to put many pieces of the puzzle together especially during the time I was on Staff-many of the same years you were.
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Hey, there, Balanced.
Isn't it amazing how, when you were still in, people would tell you how much they "just loved you" but forgot you ever existed after you left?
Oh----and welcome to GSC,

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Haha! Sometimes they Ignore you while you're there! ANYWAYS,.... There's no future there for some people I know. Nope, nope, nope!
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"Oirish git"? Poly, that's not very polite of you.
Try something else. "Fekking eejit" for example.
Or, "Feisigh do thoin fein" which apparently means "F-ck your own donkey (?)." (You might need another word there
I liked the Oirish git. But that was then. Now, you tell me, he has gone the way of other TWI leadership.
(edited cos the fonts went funny)
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Me-Haul...come on, you and FeLeeeesha were so nice when you did your year at HQ. Geeesh, was that a rehabilitation period? Oh well....who will ever know...
Thank you. I am happy you are here and encourage you to let loose. Or not...really, whatever you need to do.
Thanks again for the encouragement.
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Oops, this one got by me...sorry.
a) 18 - going in-res (this includes children - there were a lot of kids.)
b) 18 - graduated
c) 16 or so?
d) not sure. I am in a TWI free zone and have no contacts left inside.
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Amazing, OldSkool. There was a high attrition rate from my Corps, but we started out very much bigger. I thought at the time that throwing someone out every so often, together with the culture of fear (disguised as doing one's best for God), was designed to keep the remainder in line, lest we too get thrown out.
With so few in your Corps, they hadn't the disposable bodies to try that tactic.
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OldSkool, you mean to tell me MeHell kept the sheepskin on for the WHOLE YEAR ?! I know he had a 'deal' with HQ that he was only to be there for ONE year, guess he missed his little polynesian wahine ( I wish you could read it in the original )
Heya Twinky, I liked the guy too, til he called me up at campus and screamed down the phone that I had a 'coconut marriage'. I guess he was envious
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I want to thank the Board of Directors as well. Since OldSkool just went ove 1,000 posts, I'd have to say he's been more motivated here, and he seems much happier.
I think the Board should not be a respecter of persons and do the same favor for all it's employees, No doubt they'll also be much happier!
Congratulations on yer crossing the 1,000 mark OldSkool !! It was only a day ago or so (even though you have done many more since)
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I think OS is going for the record of how many posts can made in the shortest time.
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Now, OldSkool... the aim is to be EXCEPTIONAL not the EXCEPTION.
Glad you are here, OldSkool.
Last time I looked it was 32 posts in a 24 hour period? Seriously??
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Oh man, those guys were celebrities while they were there. And oh so nice. We ate with them often at the noon meal and spent time with them at events and such. Can't say I really know them though. Just remember when they were there to be re-programmed, uh I mean trained...ya....trained.
I am happier. TWI was my life for many years. Since I started posting here it's like a damn broke. The more I get off my chest the better I feel and the lighter my day to day gets.
Could be, I work on a computer all day. So lots of times I crank out a post or two when taking a break or waiting or whatever. Guess they accumulate
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You can go as fast and far with your post count as your believing takes you!

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I too would like to thank the Board of Directors, formerly the Board of Trustees, because, according to the Region Coordinator who threw me out, the Trustees were deeply involved in every decision to mark & avoid someone.
I'd also like to thank:
Thanks guys!
(Livin' the dream!)
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