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Gen. 2 asked about the giants somewhere, what is your thoughts on DNA and RNA.

Could it be, that Saten and his clan, adjusted or something like that, the DNA and RNA code within the woman back in them days?

If so, then that would explain why those angles are locked up, in Jude, because after the flood, they left heaven to start this DNA and RNA scheme again?

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  On 6/9/2010 at 4:13 AM, teachmevp said:

Gen. 2 asked about the giants somewhere, what is your thoughts on DNA and RNA.

Could it be, that Saten and his clan, adjusted or something like that, the DNA and RNA code within the woman back in them days?

If so, then that would explain why those angles are locked up, in Jude, because after the flood, they left heaven to start this DNA and RNA scheme again?

I am RH negative....and while there are some questions about mutation and where exactly it came from....and I fit the profile for RH negative...blond hair, blue eyes...etc....and while it is pretty strange for a mother's body to attack a child of a positive blood type......I don't really believe we descended from "Watcher" angels...I think it is just a random mutation of some kind.

The only reason I ever heard the angel theory before, is because I was listening to George Noory one night while driving home and someone called in...... :)

I don't really understand a great deal about the genetics of it all...both my parents are a positive blood type.

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Before the flood, Satan and his clan could by doing this DNA and RNA scheme, attack the blood line of the promised seed. After the flood is the Noah covenant, and yet there is Goliath, one big dude being killed by David. It is these Goliath looking dudes I was kinda wondering about. They found off the coast of Japan, somewhere under the water, these big temple building looking things. Tripe stuff.

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  On 6/9/2010 at 6:30 AM, teachmevp said:

Before the flood, Satan and his clan could by doing this DNA and RNA scheme, attack the blood line of the promised seed. After the flood is the Noah covenant, and yet there is Goliath, one big dude being killed by David. It is these Goliath looking dudes I was kinda wondering about. They found off the coast of Japan, somewhere under the water, these big temple building looking things. Tripe stuff.

Don't you do yourself a disservice by allowing your brain to make these wild leaps of illogic? I see it so often with the fundamentalist mindset that adherents will paste a few crumbs of science into a patchwork of immense, unfounded assumptions, and then make even more absurd conclusions based on utterly baseless assertions.

It's your party, you can do what you like I suppose. But why not drop any pretense to actual science and dispense with the technical terminology.

And, as I'm fairly confident you already realize, there are really simple, rather prosaic explanations for the supposed "mysteries" you're invoking. They're definitely not as much fun though. And I think that that in itself is one reason that religion is still popular today...

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God first

Thanks teachmevp

let you some pictures understanding to whether it was a angel or misunderstanding or poor translation or a illusion or fairly tale

lets look at a dinosaurs Family tree and Man Family tree and an Angel Family tree


which takes to this one


which takes us here


so we find dinosaurs

so lets men Family tree


and angel family tree


I think this link do because a another form or the same form as men kind

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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  On 6/9/2010 at 4:13 AM, teachmevp said:

Gen. 2 asked about the giants somewhere, what is your thoughts on DNA and RNA.

Could it be, that Saten and his clan, adjusted or something like that, the DNA and RNA code within the woman back in them days?

If so, then that would explain why those angles are locked up, in Jude, because after the flood, they left heaven to start this DNA and RNA scheme again?

Actually, no. I never asked about the Giants. That was someone else. My understanding about those angels is that they were locked up for their disobediance. But it never says exactly what they did. except as Jude says they didn't stay where they were supposed to. Some people say, as you apparently are, that that proves that angels cohabited with men. I say that's one hell of a lot of filling in of the unknown blanks by people.

For instance, If you want to go off on wild speculations,

Lets say these spirits (of Jude) cause the flood of Noah's time and the fallen (giants) are no more than the prodigy of believers marrying unbelievers and raising their children to not believe .

Or let's say that the War with Satan and his angels against the angels that stood with God, happened before Adam. We know Lucifer had already fallen. Well Lucifer wasn't Imprisoned, as he shows up in the Garden to tempt Adam & Eve. But the angels that left their first principality may have already been imprisoned, but left their prison to cause the flood.

It's all speculation though, and I could list 50 scenarios. But it would all amount to guessing, because God never really goes into it any further

The sons of God saw the daughters of men in Genesis 6, but go back and read Genesis 4 and 5 again. They are about people. Those believers who stand for God are often called sons of God, Chapter 5 - Seth's line, intermarrying with the daughters of men. They saw some good looking women over there in Chapter 4 - Cain's (unbelieving) lineage, and took wives. Well the unbelieving women raised the kids to be more wicked each generation, and things degenerated, and the guys either didn't stop that or helped it along. Before you know it, god was down to only Noah...

Too short a time for forced evolution by the Adversary anyways,... Although I'm sure he supported divisions within people to cause them to lose unity and occupy themselves with their differences, and even promote their differences.

Just be careful when you wander off into complete speculation - that you don't end up believing your own story, the one you "made up"

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Back in 1986, Michail T. O'buck an old friend of mine came up this DNA and RNA thing. Then last year I saw this documentary on how a gene is a machine, they showed it under a microscope, then this gene thing would follow this DNA code and make a cell. This stuff is way over my head. But Satan and his clan might be able to do this?

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  On 6/10/2010 at 2:50 AM, teachmevp said:

Back in 1986, Michail T. O'buck an old friend of mine came up this DNA and RNA thing. Then last year I saw this documentary on how a gene is a machine, they showed it under a microscope, then this gene thing would follow this DNA code and make a cell. This stuff is way over my head. But Satan and his clan might be able to do this?

I think you might develop a much different perspective on life if you stop trying to figure out how Satan does this, that or the other thing.

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Now, George Aar and I could probably argue over the color of a stop sign, but he's right on the money with this.

Don't waste any time over HOW something was accomplished. If you're a believer, then the exact origin and meaning of the giants in the earth phrase in Genesis got exactly as much theopneustos-type mention as the Creator wanted--zero. If you're not a believer, then speculating over genetic mutations millennia ago with no tissue samples in hand to compare is like speculating who's going to win the World Series in the year 3000--completely devoid of any concrete basis from which to judge.

It makes just as much sense to say Satan miracled evil humans out of thin air as it does to try to explain some tiny DNA manipulation on his part. How did Christ feed five thousand people with one kid's lunch? "Well, perhaps Jesus reached into the fourth-dimensional hypersolid that underlay the 3-D manifestation in our physical world of the loaves and fishes. broke parts of it off, which would of course have been identical 3-D slices off its 4-D entity, and distributed those among the crowd." Flashy, scientific, plausible...and utterly devoid of any evidence either for or against it.

Trying to explain supernature through nature is like dividing by zero. Keep perspective! If you want to believe, (like I do), why not just accept that the Supreme Being of the Universe is not bound by our physical laws--having written them Himself. If you don't, then you won't even give such matters the tiniest bit of thought anyway.

Miracles happen, QED.

God bless!


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  On 6/10/2010 at 6:33 AM, teachmevp said:

On YouTube "DNA replication" this shows what I was trying to say. It may be possible.

So is Jurassic Park - just not likely.

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God first

Thanks teachmevp

why do you like looking at dirt so close

dirt is dirt when look at it

matter and antimatter it all from substance of dirt form

otherwise a frog decays to pill of dust

and I will decay to pill of dust

must I go on

read something new because you have as far DNA or RNA will take put it on back shelf

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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Over 22 years ago, Michail T. O'buck and I was drinking coffee one day; he used to read these medical digest magazines, he looked and started talking about this giant thing. No, i have not seeing anything, O'buck might still be on to something here. Something happened within the womb of daughters man?

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  On 6/10/2010 at 3:01 PM, teachmevp said:

Over 22 years ago, Michail T. O'buck and I was drinking coffee one day; he used to read these medical digest magazines, he looked and started talking about this giant thing. No, i have not seeing anything, O'buck might still be on to something here. Something happened within the womb of daughters man?

WELL - that's not a new process, I like to refer to it as birth.

Here's the thing,... If you think this all happened right out of the gate after Adam or again after the flood of Noah's time,... Then with six thousand years of Humans being born and the Debil manipulating, we should be seeing all sorts of oddities that we aren't seeing. More likely those verses are talking about people increasing in their wickedness.

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This first irruption happen before Enoch, but Gen 3:15 shows it could not have happened right out of the gate. Yahweh told Satan how it was going to be, I find it interesting, could Satan have attacked that DNA code on the earth, back in Gen 1:1 before Satan flooded it?

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Silly,... before that he was in charge. Working for God, he was Lucifer. He was perfect in all his ways. He was in the Garden of God before Adam, back when he was perfect. he was the Bright and morning star.

He isn't anymore. The earth that then was, was overflowed with water and perished. But before it was... Lucifer was a chief among the angels.

There may be some merit to your friend's ideas, but not on this earth.

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It is interesting, the cherubim's would carry Yahweh to the stone's of fire, then Yahweh would inter into Lucifer, thats why lucifer wore that suite made of every precious stones; but one day Yahweh goes to enter into Lucifer, but Lucifer got a plan. Could it be that Lucifer was eyeballing that machine, putting the DNA code together?

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God first

thanks teachmevp

once upon a time my friend had some ideals how the Climate was before the Eve ate of fruit

once upon a time I had an Ideal of where God came from

once upon I had an dirt was before man

once VPW had an ideal to rule the world

once Satan had an Ideal that he was more powerful than God

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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You could start your own Religion. Write books, sell them,...... There's not enough information in the Bible about this to do much beyond speculate. If you want to speculate, I respect your right to speculation. But you need outside sources (like your friend) to provide the information that God failed to provide you with. Good Luck!

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  On 6/9/2010 at 6:12 AM, geisha779 said:

I am RH negative....and while there are some questions about mutation and where exactly it came from....and I fit the profile for RH negative...blond hair, blue eyes...etc....and while it is pretty strange for a mother's body to attack a child of a positive blood type......I don't really believe we descended from "Watcher" angels...I think it is just a random mutation of some kind.

The only reason I ever heard the angel theory before, is because I was listening to George Noory one night while driving home and someone called in...... smile.gif

I don't really understand a great deal about the genetics of it all...both my parents are a positive blood type.

Haha!!! Oh yes Geisha! Patrick Heron inspired a lot of that talk. He's a former Way Believer from Ireland, Some of the GSC people here might have known him,.....? Anyways, he wrote that Book about the Nephilim and stuff about the end of the world and all. And he's been on Coast to Coast.

Maybe teachmevp can read his books? <grin> http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/heron-patrick/5713

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