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Holiday Relocation Sharings


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I remember running into one of these little Waybots on "ho-ho relo" one year. They were oh so proud of their little personal incident related to the deliverance they had experienced taking the Foundational Class. They bragged to me how their Corps Coordinator spent 32 hours helping them one on one perfect their little incident. When they told it, it was boring, vanilla, dull. Sounded just like the Sunday Teaching Services.

I wanted to take a few to start a new thread on this topic. The holiday relocation time for the in-rez way corps is much more than a time to get out of the camp. It's time to present sharings. Now, one would think these supposedly casual presentations are meant to be a personal time related from the heart...NOT! These bad fellaz are RE-hearsed over and over again for weeks. We presented them to our fellowships, they were recorded so we could watch ourselves and then practice in front of a mirror, they were critiqued by our corpse coordinator, over and over and over. Then we had to set up fellowship meetings to attend while we were away. Some of the more "motivated" would make 2 and 3 stop itineraries even presenting at branch, limb and region meetings.

Can you say advertisement? Makes perfect sense. Let's send the free labor out freshly flossed, exercised, and groomed to present scripted and meticulously rehearsed "sharings" their spiritual partners payed to have prepared. Brilliant!

Edited by OldSkool
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Can you say advertisement? Makes perfect sense. Let's send the free labor out freshly flossed, exercised, and groomed to present scripted and meticulously rehearsed "sharings" their spiritual partners payed to have prepared. Brilliant!

Shame on you OldSkool!

You make it sound like they were concerned with outward appearances.

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God Bless you powerfully in the prevailingly wonderfully name of Jesus Christ, our livingly loving living lord and tremendous saviour! My name is OldSkool and this is my wife Mrs. OldSkool and we are in rez way corpse here to share with you what mightily blessed us from our time in the magnificant Foundational Class that Reverend Rivenbark so graciously made available to us via our training in God's matchless werd as in residentured way corpse.


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I used to hate listening to those shadings. I really mean hate. I developed a severe dislike for saying a lot of words and flowery phrases that mean nothing. I think it was caused by twi corporate teachings and overuse of words like prevail, tremendous, and abundant. Those holday shadings were perfect examples of empty bits of wordy fluff.

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I think it was caused by twi corporate teachings and overuse of words like prevail, tremendous, and abundant. Those holday shadings were perfect examples of empty bits of wordy fluff.

Yes! I felt degraded to have to do them. They were not me nor something I would share but to continue in the programming I had to fill my mouth with their garbage and spew it out during a supposed vacation, that was never a vacation since we were always in training. :confused:

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Go, stand, and spew.

I know what you mean, OldSkool. You would start off with something that meant something... That might help someone. But by the time it came out at the other end, all you could hear was "PREVAIL!"

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The main thing that is wrong with all of that is how it's transformed over time. They used to have the Dale Carnegie course in public speaking taught in the Corps by Larry Mize. This was good and a necessary introduction to people who weren't as comfortable speaking in front of others. They tried to carry that on with the Forehead teaching it and the only drawback there was too much ego and too little credentials - never being trained in all of that beyond taking the course.

Kind of the core idea behind those courses was that to get over self-consciousness, you had to "re-live the incident". When you're 100% focused on retelling a story all the mechanics are less important. And it comes off as real too.

But in today's TWI which seems to be most concerned with removing the flavor from vanilla, the more hands that touch a real moment the less real it becomes. This is the reason why their STS and magazine articles absolutely blow. Along with all of these prepackaged sharings. They actually allowed the FNC teachers to tell a couple incidents and stories, although they come off as pretty canned as well.

You know, if you really want to cultivate a farm of little robots, RR, take your fat @$$ over to China and crank up the little operation over there, where they are used to a culture of subjugation. Here in America - the land of the free and the home of the brave, people will just tell you to shove it.

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The main thing that is wrong with all of that is how it's transformed over time. They used to have the Dale Carnegie course in public speaking taught in the Corps by Larry Mize. This was good and a necessary introduction to people who weren't as comfortable speaking in front of others. They tried to carry that on with the Forehead teaching it and the only drawback there was too much ego and too little credentials - never being trained in all of that beyond taking the course.

When I was in-rez, Bolch@lk taught public speaking and did a really good job. It's part of his professional background. The STS and way ragazine are butchered by another process entirely. Unless a person is extremely seasoned at public speaking, they will have trouble reading their teaching word for word like we all tended to do.

But in today's TWI which seems to be most concerned with removing the flavor from vanilla, the more hands that touch a real moment the less real it becomes. This is the reason why their STS and magazine articles absolutely blow. Along with all of these prepackaged sharings. They actually allowed the FNC teachers to tell a couple incidents and stories, although they come off as pretty canned as well.

And this is exactly the effect of the process Rosalie has employed to control what is said has had on the way international's products. Absolutely devoid of any meaningful substance and presentations that have been neutered. She calls it being a spokesman for God. She thinks and teaches that her efforts have made the teachings from the way international timeless. On one hand I have to agree. 50 years from now someone will look back and talk about how bad they all sucked, same as we do now.

You know, if you really want to cultivate a farm of little robots, RR, take your fat @$$ over to China and crank up the little operation over there, where they are used to a culture of subjugation.

She would have to leave her offices (1 in the OSC, 1 in the PWA, and probably a few others floating around) and the comforts of Foxhaven, her little hacienda, to do that. That isn't about to happen. So she will settle for having just a few people in the way ministry. You know they are a remnant. Like that's a good thing?

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When I was in-rez, Bolch@lk taught public speaking and did a really good job. It's part of his professional background.

pro - cough cough - fessional - cough hack cough - experience? my how the resume inflates with the passage of time. Did he actually get certified for that course through Carnegie?

sorry - my personal respect for the dude is quite a few rungs lower. and I believe he was the one exactly responsible for the abomination I heard that the first reference on this thread was about.

The STS and way ragazine are butchered by another process entirely. Unless a person is extremely seasoned at public speaking, they will have trouble reading their teaching word for word like we all tended to do.

same philosophy and very similar process. edit until the vanilla has no taste. actually the stupidest part about it is going through all that and still having people shuffle 5x8's on the lectern. I mean invest in a teleprompter for chrissakes. one of those can even make charles barkley look not stupid at times. i mean with one of those i can actually hear joel olsteen while admiring the high quality of his dental work all at the same time. but common sense and the way are miles apart.

And this is exactly the effect of the process Rosalie has employed to control what is said has had on the way international's products. Absolutely devoid of any meaningful substance and presentations that have been neutered. She calls it being a spokesman for God. She thinks and teaches that her efforts have made the teachings from the way international timeless. On one hand I have to agree. 50 years from now someone will look back and talk about how bad they all sucked, same as we do now.

hmmm. lemmeseee. a person of shall we say, her "persuasion" has the effect of neutering anything male within a 500 mile radius? who would have thought?

i would agree that they are timeless in that 10 minutes after you experience a teaching you absolutely will never remember one thing about it any time later for the rest of your life.

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pro - cough cough - fessional - cough hack cough - experience? my how the resume inflates with the passage of time. Did he actually get certified for that course through Carnegie?

sorry - my personal respect for the dude is quite a few rungs lower. and I believe he was the one exactly responsible for the abomination I heard that the first reference on this thread was about.

Well, you may have debunked a little something I held in esteem about him. I believe he was in radio before coming to the way international. I can't say that he ever had any certifications in Carnegie.

actually the stupidest part about it is going through all that and still having people shuffle 5x8's on the lectern. I mean invest in a teleprompter for chrissakes. one of those can even make charles barkley look not stupid at times.

I'm not sure, given their track record , that the way international can be made to not look stupid. :biglaugh:

hmmm. lemmeseee. a person of shall we say, her "persuasion" has the effect of neutering anything male within a 500 mile radius? who would have thought?

I understand she just doesn't like men....period. Especially men who are a little rowdy and have an opinion that they dare to voice with any conviction.

i would agree that they are timeless in that 10 minutes after you experience a teaching you absolutely will never remember one thing about it any time later for the rest of your life.

ROFLMAO!! That's classic. :eusa_clap::anim-smile::eusa_clap::anim-smile::eusa_clap:

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I used to hate listening to those shadings. I really mean hate.

Omigosh! So did I! Not just the ho-ho relo stories but "night owl" sharings and the like. Just a bunch of people sitting around trying to impress each other with how "spiritual" they were. Yech!

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Bolch@lk was a very early beat-on-the-head "purchase."

His tale of why he is still in the WC is definitely one of thost "what God did for me" tales.

Does he tell anyone about ...?

When they threw him out of the in rez WC?

Then graciously accepted his grovelling apology and took him back in (the usual mind game)?

Dunno what he was like before; but afterwards, he couldn't do enough to stay in their good graces and remain in the WC.

It just made things a bl00dy sight more difficult for the rest of his Corps bros and sis - because we got the screws tightened on us even more, since we were clearly such a wilful and disobedient Corps (they didn't threaten to throw us all out though, not on that particular occasion).

Hah, that'd be a good sharing. Bet you never heard it.

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Bet you never heard it.

You'd lose that bet. There is more of this than you'd know of the top TWI leadership who have some serious character flaw BS in their background. They are owned lock stock and 2 smoking barrels by TWI due to the knowledge of certain damaging information. They sell out, and it's a bribe.

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Oh Chockfull, I don't doubt that TWI has "got" something on many of those at/near the top.

But why did they stay ? Why stay long enough to get near the top? What'd TWI done to break their will?

And I didn't mean people's tales in general. I meant Bolch@lk's in particular.

Though to be fair, the version I got (and the rest of the in rez Corps at the time) was straight out of LCM's outraged mouth, and he was hardly known for his honesty and integrity in the accusations he made.

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But why did they stay ? Why stay long enough to get near the top? What'd TWI done to break their will?

In this case, and IMO, they like being in the club. They like all the whispers, confidentiality, feelings of self-importance, delusions of grandeur that they are specially selected by God and spiritually responsible for others. The especially love to feel stressed and busy and that people are depending on them to do their very important part no matter how insignificant. And more than anything the love to mill amongst themselves enjoying the scent of each others arrogance as if they were honored their presence.

Guess I could've just called them all narcissists but I was feeling somewhat literary. :mooner:

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The main thing that is wrong with all of that is how it's transformed over time. They used to have the Dale Carnegie course in public speaking taught in the Corps by Larry Mize.

I seem to recall a Bill Maze.......but no matter.

In retrospect, I see sales training and MLM 'testimonies' in these corps exercises. Twi professes to be so 'spiritual'.......but mimics the mechanics of sales and marketing a business.


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I seem to recall a Bill Maze.......but no matter.

In retrospect, I see sales training and MLM 'testimonies' in these corps exercises. Twi professes to be so 'spiritual'.......but mimics the mechanics of sales and marketing a business.


You're right. It was Bill Maize / Maze. Sorry.

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