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The Government is Manifestation of the churches?


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God first

The Government is Manifestation of the churches?


I did not come up with this Anita Dunn did she to join the churches to she get more money because no other reason for bringing together church with government? Manifestations is a word she does not understand because it bringing out something from God or the inner self into this world.

It is mostly used as specking in an unknown language but it also means bringing from your inner self to present world. Like when Atheism confesses that he/she does not believe in God with his/her inner self.

Or when a person brings forth a Message from God by speaking it out loud so other can hear and be blessed. While the Atheism understands is so must the Christian see it as a illusion or something that can not be done today.

While it would a good thing for church and government to join hands it will never really happen. Anita Dunn just see the money that some have she looking to get rich like other men have done.

But money will fail like it has in past and it will again will I end here my friends. Thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy.

Edited by year2027
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I haven't kept up with Anita Dunn, Roy. And as is often the case (I'll Admit) I don't always understand you.

So what did she do or say that has you posting about her?

You know I luvs ya Roy


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God first

thanks Gen-2


with love and a holy kiss Roy

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  On 5/23/2010 at 5:05 AM, year2027 said:

The most disturbing part of that Facebook post were the inane and hateful comments. If those were Christians talking then maybe they should read their bibles:

"Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt."

Exodus 22:21

I don't see any figures of speech in that verse. :wink2:

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God first

thanks soul searcher

the alien playing he the same everyone other is a figures of speech

the alien who is human being the same is a figures of speech

I could go on but we can see how bible draws us a picture with figures of speech

I thank you my friend

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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Ahhh Okay Roy, the link showed Nancy Pelosi (the Speaker of the House) and not Anita Dunn

Anyways, you're right Roy. Her idea of manifestations is a little more "political" than it is "scriptural".

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