I feel the king was feed up with being surround with yes men, and he put them on the spot. Like that dude you put on the spot in that splinter group, he may have kicked you out, but we all know what he chooses to become; love your wisdom; keep believing on.
Why play games with people about who's righter? Who can prove what.....
This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.
Taunting people is intended to get you where? to get others to do what?
And for the record, I have my secrets. Do you want to give me God's answer for my secrets, then tell me the secrets too. Depending on who you are when you fail will determine how I act though, but I'm not making any promises.
foolishness,.... so you sit and yell nanny nanny boo boo?
Here, here, here, here, and there we go trying to understand God’s Holy Word but do we really understand words yet. One understands a word by its meaning but until one has the truth about one needs to witness the pain or joy it brings.
Love cannot truly be understood love until you hated some one or one understands hate by the hate gave then they see as wrong. The people that were laugh at understand what it is to laugh at, so people that have been hated understand hate?
We been laugh at some time in our life maybe not a lever others have but at some lever if we can write. Is written a sign that I been through it all but just takes reading to read these words because hate and love has not set amount of time to understand.
We miss a lot life lessons we walk around like we are high when we are not because we do want to see something that as plain as nose our face. To study something we must think about so we know every reason
Do we truly know every reason to become Atheist or Christian? I called myself an Atheist/Christian because I can be both so some tell me. One side of me views the Atheist being right but the other side of me views the Christians right.
I in the middle looking out as I view myself as weak who is strong by my understanding of the two sides. My human side that will not live forever and spiritual side that will live forever!
I see it as part of me and not part of me like love/hate the two sides of an emotion that we all have. As I think on this I will end this now with thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy.
Healthy Christian Skepticism we understand non-Christian Healthy Skepticism as we understand God by the attacks of Serpent and God by the attacks of the Serpent
to put it simple God is understood by the Serpent
while I choice to love I understand hate I once did
i agree, JeffSjo...King Neb was onto something, and i think it has a lot to do with the vital role of skepticism in all matters, but especially in profoundly important matters such as dream interpretation.
And by vital, i mean necessary for the rest of the parts of the whole system to function. Without skepticism, our interpretation system fails. With only skepticism, our interpretation system fails.
In the Revelation, the voice of the 3rd angel seems like skepticism, and is a vital voice for helping who is telling the truth about their claims...who is able to demonstrate living wisdom in action. As if rational thinking is the 3rd of 7 basic "notes" to learn as we grow in Christ. Of course, like the merely skeptical Chaldeans, not everyone agrees there is a such a knowable musicality to Christ or the universe. I can no longer help my self.
Also, in some fields of developmental psychology, there is a general agreement that things like skepticism, reason, objectivity, provability and such becomes the dominant view for a time at about a 3rd stage of life, and the introduction of a 3rd person perspective. I often wonder if this perhaps even has something to do with the original purpose of the Jewish bar-mitzvah and other pubic rites of passage in world history...like saying "teach your youth how to be reasonable to get them ready to become a reasonable adults...or else they may not...and yet still grow old...maybe only becoming skeptical the hard way." im guessing the pain of late-blooming skepticism is alive and well here. God knows i felt it.
...back to what seems like the theme of this thread...King Neb's skepticism may have been the only way he noticed the general absence of wisdom in his kingdom...and the only way he noticed why Daniel was different...like Neb woke up one day to the runaway non-skeptical (and merely skeptical) thinking in his kingdom's stock market/military advisors/medical advisors.
Without skepticism, our interpretation system fails.
By skepticism alone, our interpretation system fails.
Some of the tales of divine saviours may be ultimately founded upon local Greek traditions, but many features of these religious myths indicate that they were introduced early from the Orient whose religions began to influence the occidental nations at the very dawn of their civilisation. Thus Hercules is the Tyrian Baal Melkarth, probably identical with the Babylonian Bel,--the conqueror of Tiamat; and his twelve labors are the deeds of the sun-god in the twelve months of the year. Phœnix-like, he dies by self-combustion and rises in a transfigured shape from the flames of the pyre. The Jews also appropriated the figure of this solar hero in the shape of Samson whose strength is conditioned by his hair, as the power of the sun lies in his rays.
not sure what "healthy" means...seems there are depths and degrees of "healthiness."
but overall...the context of the paragraph may involve being skeptical about conventional interpretations of scripture...but based on the contents of the paragraph (both writer and context being unknown)...seems there is only a grain of skepticism in a blend of mostly absolute statements.
A lot of "is" ...very little "maybe" and/or "maybe not."
Not much skepticism about the writer's own methods or conclusions...not much curiosity...not much actively touching, holding, handling something that is being doubted/wondered about.
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Hi Jeff,
I feel the king was feed up with being surround with yes men, and he put them on the spot. Like that dude you put on the spot in that splinter group, he may have kicked you out, but we all know what he chooses to become; love your wisdom; keep believing on.
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Why play games with people about who's righter? Who can prove what.....
This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.
Taunting people is intended to get you where? to get others to do what?
foolishness,.... so you sit and yell nanny nanny boo boo?
Good for you!
Edited by Gen-2Link to comment
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Well, only with the very best intentions....and even then I could be screwing it up. :B)
To yell or not to yell....
To confront or to walk away....
To lovingly care for or to rebuke....
Mercy or consequences, maybe both....
If I decide to yell it just might be far more colorful than "nanny nanny boo boo" though. :B)
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hahahahahaha! Good! Every situation is different, so the response should not always be the same!
and besides - if you didn't stick up for yourself,... I'd've called ya a wimp Jeff!
<<dances off>>
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:huh: :P
Till tomorrow then. 
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God first
thanks Jeff
good subject
what is Unhealthy unchristian un-skepticism next to Healthy Christian Skepticism
just a question
and why do we need to know this?
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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God first
thanks Jeff
Healthy Christian Skepticism we understand non-Christian Healthy Skepticism as we understand God by the attacks of Serpent and God by the attacks of the Serpent
to put it simple God is understood by the Serpent
while I choice to love I understand hate I once did
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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i agree, JeffSjo...King Neb was onto something, and i think it has a lot to do with the vital role of skepticism in all matters, but especially in profoundly important matters such as dream interpretation.
And by vital, i mean necessary for the rest of the parts of the whole system to function. Without skepticism, our interpretation system fails. With only skepticism, our interpretation system fails.
In the Revelation, the voice of the 3rd angel seems like skepticism, and is a vital voice for helping who is telling the truth about their claims...who is able to demonstrate living wisdom in action. As if rational thinking is the 3rd of 7 basic "notes" to learn as we grow in Christ. Of course, like the merely skeptical Chaldeans, not everyone agrees there is a such a knowable musicality to Christ or the universe. I can no longer help my self.
Also, in some fields of developmental psychology, there is a general agreement that things like skepticism, reason, objectivity, provability and such becomes the dominant view for a time at about a 3rd stage of life, and the introduction of a 3rd person perspective. I often wonder if this perhaps even has something to do with the original purpose of the Jewish bar-mitzvah and other pubic rites of passage in world history...like saying "teach your youth how to be reasonable to get them ready to become a reasonable adults...or else they may not...and yet still grow old...maybe only becoming skeptical the hard way." im guessing the pain of late-blooming skepticism is alive and well here. God knows i felt it.
...back to what seems like the theme of this thread...King Neb's skepticism may have been the only way he noticed the general absence of wisdom in his kingdom...and the only way he noticed why Daniel was different...like Neb woke up one day to the runaway non-skeptical (and merely skeptical) thinking in his kingdom's stock market/military advisors/medical advisors.
Without skepticism, our interpretation system fails.
By skepticism alone, our interpretation system fails.
Edited by sirguessalotLink to comment
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God first
thanks everybody
would this be Healthy Christian Skepticism
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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not sure what "healthy" means...seems there are depths and degrees of "healthiness."
but overall...the context of the paragraph may involve being skeptical about conventional interpretations of scripture...but based on the contents of the paragraph (both writer and context being unknown)...seems there is only a grain of skepticism in a blend of mostly absolute statements.
A lot of "is" ...very little "maybe" and/or "maybe not."
Not much skepticism about the writer's own methods or conclusions...not much curiosity...not much actively touching, holding, handling something that is being doubted/wondered about.
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God first
thanks Todd
I am reading
that taking from his book
yes I enjoyed your views keep then coming
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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the pure skeptic philosophy and it's out right rejection of absolutes
documented as an absolute it seems
kind of funny....
absolutes are not stationary,
skeptically speaking of course
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