The lack of planning is glaring. All the way fields, where the rock of ages were held, are now rented out to local farmers who harvest hay twice during the growing season. Wasteful.
Seems to me ( and I admit to a "foggy memory"), that there was once a time when twi "brow-beat" a local farmer,
who had land right next to hdqtrs that docvic and them wanted ( for who knows what).
And the legal team at twi finally wore the guy out, even though he was fighting for his rightful property.
If I recollect correct, twi considered it a "victory from God (or some other such BS).
Reading this here, I just have to wonder if that poor guy isn't one of the ones "sharecropping " on his own land?
Does anyone else remember this situation, or am I totally off base here?
I remember wierwille talking about two nearby farmers/situations.....
1) The farmer across the road near the brc.....wierwille wanted to buy his property. One of the biggest reasons for wierwille wanting this guy's property was to CONTROL TRAFFIC FLOW ON WIERWILLE ROAD. Wierwille thought that if he owned property on both sides of wierwille road, he could then control the access thru twi's property. The one farmhouse at the east end of wierwille road would still need access to their home/property....but that would be the cut-off point into "wierwille's cult-land."
The farmer across the road never sold his land and vpw held it against him.
2) In 1981/82....the farmer who owned property to the north of the OSC building suddenly died. Within hours, wierwille rushed over there and made a substantial offer to the widow and/or family. In the early 80s, twi had a large amount of abs-inflow......and this land purchase made way for the Founders' Hall to be built without disrupting the 'sacred roa ground.'
The original wierwille property from old man wierwille to harry/vic/reuben........147 acres.
dmiller and Oakspear, I recall the same things. I believe that one of the fields nearly bordering rt 29 was acquired and used for essential commuter parking during the ROA .
I hate to see barren land also. But let's face it, there just isn't the manpower or the need to produce so much of their own food now that so few are quartered in NK.
I'll tell you something though....if I lived in the area, I would certainly rent a couple of acres to plant and harvest some of my own food materials. I'd even consider renting some of their equipment to do it more efficiently. That would be a plus for everyone....those who don't have enough garden space of their own could grow some of their own stuff and the organization could augment it's dwindling coffers.
I'm not interested in helping twi, but I hate to see such valuable land go to waste. And even if it would mean that twi could make some cash on the deal, let's all realize that they'll never consider this. That land is THEIRS and nobody will ever get to set foot on it unless they send in their tithes and offerings....even if "church and spirituality" mean nothing to you.
Tell me...have I really become this cynical and jaded....or is this the way things really are now?
They also rent out the fields around the Ambassador Farm and next to Prueter's farm. He's the guy on the east end of their property that won't sell either. The other fellow, by the BRC, was Shrellicky. (Forgive the bas spelling) Both of these guys hated the Way international for the reasons listed above. The spin from HQ, and the rumors amongst the staffers, was they were....drum roll guessed it....POSSESSED!
I seem to have uncovered a pattern :biglaugh:....wait...I'm having a moment of clarity.... .....disagree with Wierwille, or the board of directors....and....wait....almost there....and your'e POSSESSED! :anim-smile:
Shrellicky died several years ago and some of his family live there now.
yikes what is all that stuff... what is what... keeping in mind they didn't have satellite imagery and internets when i was at ROA.. can some one Identify the main buildings and that circle thing with the spokes radiating out what the heck is that.. I don't remember the grounds being so large at all.. well it has been a long time since i was there.
But it is like looking at some totally different place than what I remember. Where is the way woods? part of it is because I usually went with other people and I don't think I ever looked at it from a map even to orient myself.. sheesh
Okay thanks I was zoomed down in close to see the spoke thing was the gazebo and that oval pad was where the big tent used to sit. and so i am guessing those square baren spots are where we all used to pitch our tents while we stayed there. There are just so man more things..
Okay thanks I was zoomed down in close to see the spoke thing was the gazebo and that oval pad was where the big tent used to sit. and so i am guessing those square baren spots are where we all used to pitch our tents while we stayed there. There are just so man more things..
Yes! They now call that area where the gazebo is "the spokes." The tent pad, as it's called, is used for overflow parking for the OSC. The barren spots where camping was are called "The Way Fields." They are all rented out for hay now. Stand by for rented, farmed areas.
Folks, here is a Google Maps pic of International Headquarters of TWI, and one of the things that just jumps out at me in seeing this, is look at the vast tracts of land that is doing ... nothing. ... Nada. ... Ziltch! ... Zippo!
Fly-overs for most arial shots are done during either before the spring bloom or after the autumn leaves fall so that foliage from the trees doesn't obscure everything. (I can tell from the satellite shots of my own house that they were taken during the winter.
It brings back memories looking at that and thinking about what I did while i was there... Like there at the corner of Tent city is where I almost got run over by Wierwille driving that cart thing. and Way woods where I went to my secret spot to get away from the crushing masses of people and LOL some poor Corps patrol guy almost got in trouble because I was in there and the woods was supposed to be empty for VP and LCM to walk through it... If at the time I had understood that if they had seen me he would have gotten reemed i might have been more sympathetic... I went back to the same hiding spot every year. just because it was so peaceful it was a tree stump with black berry vines growing around it and it was not on the path it wa sright at teh edge and when you got to it you were surrounded by bushes and shrubs.. a perfect place to pray and compose yourself.
Then there was the Corps tents where hubby and i stayed my last ROA and the showers.. burr.
COrps week I got stuck doing some kind of earth moving adventure Yuck... oh and there used to be a farmers market thing during ROA when I went where you could get yogurt and granola cookies and hamburgers I think..Sodas...and tehre was teh book store.... ahh memories.. the rain the mud the crushing masses....
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The lack of planning is glaring. All the way fields, where the rock of ages were held, are now rented out to local farmers who harvest hay twice during the growing season. Wasteful.
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Great to see an aerial view of Victor Skull Island.
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Seems to me ( and I admit to a "foggy memory"), that there was once a time when twi "brow-beat" a local farmer,
who had land right next to hdqtrs that docvic and them wanted ( for who knows what).
And the legal team at twi finally wore the guy out, even though he was fighting for his rightful property.
If I recollect correct, twi considered it a "victory from God (or some other such BS).
Reading this here, I just have to wonder if that poor guy isn't one of the ones "sharecropping " on his own land?
Does anyone else remember this situation, or am I totally off base here?
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I remember wierwille talking about two nearby farmers/situations.....
1) The farmer across the road near the brc.....wierwille wanted to buy his property. One of the biggest reasons for wierwille wanting this guy's property was to CONTROL TRAFFIC FLOW ON WIERWILLE ROAD. Wierwille thought that if he owned property on both sides of wierwille road, he could then control the access thru twi's property. The one farmhouse at the east end of wierwille road would still need access to their home/property....but that would be the cut-off point into "wierwille's cult-land."
The farmer across the road never sold his land and vpw held it against him.
2) In 1981/82....the farmer who owned property to the north of the OSC building suddenly died. Within hours, wierwille rushed over there and made a substantial offer to the widow and/or family. In the early 80s, twi had a large amount of abs-inflow......and this land purchase made way for the Founders' Hall to be built without disrupting the 'sacred roa ground.'
The original wierwille property from old man wierwille to harry/vic/reuben........147 acres.
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dmiller and Oakspear, I recall the same things. I believe that one of the fields nearly bordering rt 29 was acquired and used for essential commuter parking during the ROA .
I hate to see barren land also. But let's face it, there just isn't the manpower or the need to produce so much of their own food now that so few are quartered in NK.
I'll tell you something though....if I lived in the area, I would certainly rent a couple of acres to plant and harvest some of my own food materials. I'd even consider renting some of their equipment to do it more efficiently. That would be a plus for everyone....those who don't have enough garden space of their own could grow some of their own stuff and the organization could augment it's dwindling coffers.
I'm not interested in helping twi, but I hate to see such valuable land go to waste. And even if it would mean that twi could make some cash on the deal, let's all realize that they'll never consider this. That land is THEIRS and nobody will ever get to set foot on it unless they send in their tithes and offerings....even if "church and spirituality" mean nothing to you.
Tell me...have I really become this cynical and jaded....or is this the way things really are now?
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They also rent out the fields around the Ambassador Farm and next to Prueter's farm. He's the guy on the east end of their property that won't sell either. The other fellow, by the BRC, was Shrellicky. (Forgive the bas spelling) Both of these guys hated the Way international for the reasons listed above. The spin from HQ, and the rumors amongst the staffers, was they were....drum roll guessed it....POSSESSED!
I seem to have uncovered a pattern
:biglaugh:....wait...I'm having a moment of clarity....
.....disagree with Wierwille, or the board of directors....and....wait....almost there....and your'e POSSESSED!
Shrellicky died several years ago and some of his family live there now.
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The red line is the property boundaries.
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yikes what is all that stuff... what is what... keeping in mind they didn't have satellite imagery and internets when i was at ROA.. can some one Identify the main buildings and that circle thing with the spokes radiating out what the heck is that.. I don't remember the grounds being so large at all.. well it has been a long time since i was there.
But it is like looking at some totally different place than what I remember. Where is the way woods? part of it is because I usually went with other people and I don't think I ever looked at it from a map even to orient myself.. sheesh
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I'll label things. They have many woods now.
Ambassador Farm Woods
North Woods
West Woods
Way Woods
Founder's Hall Woods
stand by for labels.
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Okay thanks I was zoomed down in close to see the spoke thing was the gazebo and that oval pad was where the big tent used to sit. and so i am guessing those square baren spots are where we all used to pitch our tents while we stayed there. There are just so man more things..
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Yes! They now call that area where the gazebo is "the spokes." The tent pad, as it's called, is used for overflow parking for the OSC. The barren spots where camping was are called "The Way Fields." They are all rented out for hay now. Stand by for rented, farmed areas.
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Thank you... it is all starting to make sense now... so much of that came after i left or was off limits while we were there.
It is so odd looking at it now and putting it in perspective of wandering from tent to big tent to way woods
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Here's the farming breakdown. They don't have the staff to maintain the place so they rent out as much as possible.
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soul searcher
Fly-overs for most arial shots are done during either before the spring bloom or after the autumn leaves fall so that foliage from the trees doesn't obscure everything. (I can tell from the satellite shots of my own house that they were taken during the winter.
Is it possible that that's the case here?
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Yes. The woods are brown and not green.
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It brings back memories looking at that and thinking about what I did while i was there... Like there at the corner of Tent city is where I almost got run over by Wierwille driving that cart thing. and Way woods where I went to my secret spot to get away from the crushing masses of people and LOL some poor Corps patrol guy almost got in trouble because I was in there and the woods was supposed to be empty for VP and LCM to walk through it... If at the time I had understood that if they had seen me he would have gotten reemed i might have been more sympathetic... I went back to the same hiding spot every year. just because it was so peaceful it was a tree stump with black berry vines growing around it and it was not on the path it wa sright at teh edge and when you got to it you were surrounded by bushes and shrubs.. a perfect place to pray and compose yourself.
Then there was the Corps tents where hubby and i stayed my last ROA and the showers.. burr.
COrps week I got stuck doing some kind of earth moving adventure Yuck... oh and there used to be a farmers market thing during ROA when I went where you could get yogurt and granola cookies and hamburgers I think..Sodas...and tehre was teh book store.... ahh memories.. the rain the mud the crushing masses....
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You guys aren't going to believe this. But these satellite shots were probably taken during a Sunday Teaching Service. Check the proof to my theory.
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Okay i will bite... saftey van?????
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Safety is a euphemism for security. They set up on Shelby Road to guard the service and other events.
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soul searcher
"Way Woods"...the name has a strange, eerie feel to it.
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun never shines
-- Leadbelly
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I actually appreciate these. Gives me the ability to show my daughter where daddy is buried, sort of, in their Way Woods.
Better than anything she's had up 'til now, at least.
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Well, here is a close up. The Campfire is the green oval. Enough of the woods are shown too.
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