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Rosalie, you lie like a rug.


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On 5/14/2010 at 9:58 AM, OldSkool said:

I guess Rozilla has mastered the babe in the woods routine. Maybe her attorney's coached her to take advantage of her "southern belle" demeanor? Anyways.

Last night I found and read through all of the Peeler case's evidentiary hearing files. I am going to study them in detail but just in the first few minutes, at a very fast pace, a golden nugget jumped off the page at me during Rosalie's testimony, under oath. This is from the first file on page 19 or so. The questions are asked by one of the way international's attorneys and Rozilla is under oath.

Here is the file link:

Peeler Evediantary Hearing File 1

Now I will continue in just a second, but are you FREAKING kidding me? Let's just refresh our memories a bit shall we?


  1. Advanced Class requirement - be debt free
  2. Way Disciple requirement - be debt free
  3. Fellowship Coordinator requirement - be debt free
  4. Be on Staff at the way international requirement - be debt free
  5. Be on Staff at Camp Gunnison requirement - be debt free
  6. Enter the Way Corpse training - be debt free
  7. Remain active Way Corpse requirement - Be debt free.


Ok, now let's see her lawyer come to her aid and give her a very thin veneer of plausible deniability.

Rosalie - you lie! You know good and well that you and Donna were the driving force in setting the no debt requirements in the mid-to late 90s. You know darn good and well how very unpopular these requirements are amongst followers of the way international, and especially many of the Way Corps. And now, under oath during a evidentiary hearing you are all of a sudden struck with selective memory?

This makes me want to start fellowshipping with the way international so I could leave all over again.

OS, this makes me glad I left when I did.  Such garbage!

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On 5/14/2010 at 9:11 PM, GrouchoMarxJr said:

This whole "money tracking" thing was a point of contention for me just before I left twi in 1987...

I sat down with the limb coordinator (clergy) and reminded him that God gave the increase...that He kept track of who gave from the heart...not people...I then announced that all my future tithes and donations would be given without reference to my name...

He was furious...but had absolutely no scripture to back him up...

...Of course I never gave them another dime...and shortly thereafter, I left.

Groucho, great post!!!  I wish I had done what you did.

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On 4/2/2012 at 5:16 PM, excathedra said:

i'm trying to remember it was 82 or 83 when i happened upon donna and rosenfark making out like boyfriend and girlfriend

Excie - this is a firsthand account that people right now are wondering about or discounting.  Glad to see it documented.

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On 4/3/2012 at 5:59 PM, excathedra said:

making out -- necking -- smoosh smoosh smooshing -- in a car -- both basically in the same seat

is that what you wanted to know ?

maybe i should have said smooching, not smooshing - sorry i'm old

So again here are the details.  Early 80's - 82 or 83 -  The Way Living Victoriously timeframe, before Craig became President Rosalie and Donna had an intimate relationship.

I call this a firsthand account actually even more reliable than any Craig Martindale account, because there never were detail revealed like this about his escapades.

Thanks excie again, and glad to have the account documented.

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