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The First TWI Belief to Go...


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Sometimes I'm never sure what went first. It's like at times there was a trickle of one or two, but other times a whole avalanche. But here's where my journey has led me. Like it, hate it, it is what I am, and where I am at this moment..

I do know I left because I realized they didn't care about God and His Word.

That was started because I realized they didn't care about people.

And that was started cause I did care and wanted to help!

Since it was a financial topic where I wanted to help, that started all that. Eventually it led to realizing what was taught about the tithe was ungodly, but honestly that took many many years after I left.

In the meantime, I think the first thing was realizing their definition of "love/agape" was completely unsound and unscriptural. That was realized while half in and the rest soon after leaving.

Follow that with realizing dispensations/administrations was bogus and only kept the "special love" in "this supposed administration".

Relearning what the OT really said then along those lines, their defining of "holy spirit" was tossed out because without dispensational support, it's meaningless.

The "law of believing" went about the same time as "holy spirit" since I realized it really all comes to trusting God, not ourselves and our "spiritual gift".

Next on the chopping block was the great divide between clergy/laity and that is a complete ungodly mess. As if we no longer are all priests. Romans 13.. It's sad I ever believed their take on that..

And I think that is about the time I finally came around to realizing the tithe was corrupt. Since clergy no longer needed it and its purpose was to take care of those who DID have a Genuine need not a need made up on their own (such as I'm going to b a minister, now pay me).

And all while those were being re-thought out. I was in constant dialogue and debate with countless other Christians. A few from TWI/branches, mostly with other denominations. At first I threw the need for doctrine out the window since it was the culprit of all these divisions and hate (actually more so our own beliefs and unwillingness to accept other's different beliefs). So I figured love would cover it all. But after joining a group that lifted love way above doctrine, I saw how far in left field that would go and realized while love is certainly more important, doctrine does have a place, yet God's love does still cover!

And lately in the past number of years. Realizing how fundamentalism is the mother of all &*%&^@#..

While the trinity may be a topic for others. I debated and dialogued with it for countless times. But I was a Trinitarian before the Way. I also was a Unitarian before. I have come to understand the many facets of it all, and really, while I am still a unitarian in most ways, the other's have good reason. Just not enough proof in any camp, Tri's, Unitari's, Modali's, etc... God's love will cover.

The same with the dead.. As if our "belief" (law of believing) is going to change the end result! lol.. I've been up and down scriptures just like with the topic "who God is", and while I still hold to they are dead, I can see the other's have just as good reason. God's love will cover.

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The first belief that I had to get rid of ... was that God thought I was a "self-willed bitch". The director of the Family Corps told me he had heard this from God by way of a revelation. When I think of any bad thing that's happened in my life, I can also remember counting on God for a solution. But when I believed that God Himself had rejected me, there was no place to go for comfort. Being dropped from Corps Training, along with my family, nearly all of my focus HAD TO be on mere survival. We had no home, no money, no jobs. The survival mode kept my brain too busy to concentrate on God's rejection of me. I suppose this was a good thing. When we finally got our feet back on the ground, I realized that the so-called revelation was just a crock.

Edited by Shifra
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  On 5/7/2010 at 4:01 AM, Ham said:

what if you found everything you believed was wrong..


I love that question.. a good friend asked my that once..

My old goof-ball fellowship coordinator used to say "What if the Catholics are right and we're wrong?" (Oldskool enters serious mental monologue) mmmm......uhhhh.....(oldskool puts on waybrain)....oh I know answer a question with a question....(Oldskool ends serious mental monologue) "well what if Catholics are right and we're wrong?" :biglaugh:

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  On 5/7/2010 at 4:04 AM, OldSkool said:

My old goof-ball fellowship coordinator used to say "What if the Catholics are right and we're wrong?" (Oldskool enters serious mental monologue) mmmm......uhhhh.....(oldskool puts on waybrain)....oh I know answer a question with a question....(Oldskool ends serious mental monologue) "well what if Catholics are right and we're wrong?" biglaugh.gif

"Then we had the BEST TIME living THE WORD!" (Right? I'm paraphrasing VP - it was something like that...) I'm sure he had the "best time" living "the Word." (Meaning, of course, the word according to the gospel of Vic)

Now, where is that puking emoticon?

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