there were so many things that leadership said and peons repeated that made no sense even to a kid, and watch out if you were a kid and said something! wham! right in the face or on the arm or on the fingers or somewhere where it really really hurt with the edge of a wooden spoon. and then they'd tell you you were possessed or something! here are some of the things they said that i just knew were insane:
you won't kill a kid if you beat it.
you can't get possessed when you're born again because it's incorruptable seed, but you can lose your unrenewed mind and that can lead to a seared conscious and that's worse than possession.
(these next few are from one conversation)
yes, it's christ in us the hope of glory, but the christ in us is in our spirit, not in our bodies or souls, so what we or anybody else does with our bodies or souls is like doing it to dead dirt, so things like adultery are not really for the truly renewed mind to worry about because it is being done with the unquickened body and not with the quickened spirit.
yes, our spirit is in our bodies but even without our bodies our spirit would have christ in us. it is our spirit that is where the life is, where we are born again.
no, the dead are not alive.
no, your spirit being separated from your body doesn't mean you're dead. it just means your body is not with your spirit any longer.
no, it's not the same as being dead because you can be body and soul without your spirit.
ok, you're asking foolish and unlearned questions and engendering strife. it's obvious you're not spiritually mature enough to understand these things. i beseech you to renew your mind and study the word and wait until you've had at least the advanced class before you try to lay a snare for your brothers and sisters in christ. and maybe take the beam out of your own eye first.
(the next few are from another conversation with a different set of "leaders" in the same area)
there is one sin unto death and paul wouldn't say what it was, but we can glean from acts, chapter 5, verses 1-10 that it was lying to the apostles. you're lying to me now. you will be dead by the end of the day.
you didn't die because revelation changes, so you must have confessed your sin and claimed forgiveness after i gave you the revelation that you were going to die. i'm glad you received the word of prophecy for your benefit.
no, it's not possible that you were telling me the truth because when i discern truth from error i get a certain tingling in my scalp and my vision gets wavy around the person that is lying to me, and that's what i felt and saw when you were lying to me.
i think you are a thorn in my flesh.
(these next few are from a "counseling" session with a visiting "ordained reverend" called in to deal with the possibility that i had "legion" problems)
of course god is not respecter of persons, but he is a respecter of the authority he gives to persons and i am ordained to have authority over you. you are a child and it is written that foolishness is bound in your heart and the rod of correction is the only thing that will drive foolishness far from you.
obviously you are like those written about in timothy when you want to be taught instead of beaten because you are ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.
when you accuse a man of god of rape you have become vain in your imaginations, and it is written that that your foolish heart is darkened.
at this point i can see that you will not be persuaded. i have ceased saying the will of the lord be done, as it is written.
these are taken from my diaries. remember i was barely a teenager when most of these things were said or these "counseling" sessions happened, but i knew the adults in the way international were whack and belonged either behind bars or in straight jackets or in some way removed from society so they couldn't perpetrate against children any longer.
these are taken from my diaries. remember i was barely a teenager when most of these things were said or these "counseling" sessions happened, but i knew the adults in the way international were whack and belonged either behind bars or in straight jackets or in some way removed from society so they couldn't perpetrate against children any longer.
i know. reading these things now is like reading something from another world or something somebody on crack or meth was spewing while in withdrawls or maybe even overdosing. just not even close to being in touch with reality. but they were the reality i grew up in, and that's just too hard to grasp sometimes. i know that if i hadn't kept diaries that even i wouldn't believe me, and i have to bring my diaries into therapy often to go over what really happened and what didn't because when it comes to the way international, the truth of what they think and do and say is always stranger than fiction, and nobody wants to believe that people actually live like this.
I once had my WD Coordinator with me at a department store while we were making a purchase he told the guy behind the counter that we were having sex. My coordinator was 20 years older than me, and 3 inches shorter. I was not cool with this. He said I should get over it, and continued to tell everyone in earshot how he had bedded me and how much I liked it. I NEVER SLEPT WITH THE GUY. I reported it to his leadership who reprimanded him... but where did he get the idea it was OK to say something like that?
And then there was "Uncle Howard" who was just a flat out dirty old man. Once I was attending a STS and caught the attention of a friend across the room. I blew a kiss in her direction and winked at her. Uncle Howard thought I was apparently trying to catch HIS attentions. Good thing my husband was there with me. He cut in front of Howard and told him to get lost.
Even Doc vic's teaching about how "every woman in the kingdom belonged to the king" should have woken me up. I thought he must just be mistaken.
Or overhearing a conversation in the hall while visiting HQ between the head of International Outreach and someone else in which the International Outreach guy said, "Well, the Japanese people can't say the letter R because their mouths are built differently than ours are."
And I made excuses for all of them.
I hated being called "sweetheart" by Uncle Howard after one of my husband's friends was talking with him. Uncle howard was talking about how many young guys would go to their room at founders hall to eat durring the noon meal. He said "back in my day we used to go home for a piece of a$$". Sick old man...sick-sick old man.
Glad you broke free and are getting things sorted out, my friend.
i know. reading these things now is like reading something from another world or something somebody on crack or meth was spewing while in withdrawls or maybe even overdosing. just not even close to being in touch with reality. but they were the reality i grew up in, and that's just too hard to grasp sometimes. i know that if i hadn't kept diaries that even i wouldn't believe me, and i have to bring my diaries into therapy often to go over what really happened and what didn't because when it comes to the way international, the truth of what they think and do and say is always stranger than fiction, and nobody wants to believe that people actually live like this.
He said "back in my day we used to go home for a piece of a$$". Sick old man...sick-sick old man.
there were so many things that leadership said and peons repeated that made no sense even to a kid, and watch out if you were a kid and said something! wham! right in the face or on the arm or on the fingers or somewhere where it really really hurt with the edge of a wooden spoon. and then they'd tell you you were possessed or something! here are some of the things they said that i just knew were insane:
you won't kill a kid if you beat it.
you can't get possessed when you're born again because it's incorruptable seed, but you can lose your unrenewed mind and that can lead to a seared conscious and that's worse than possession.
(these next few are from one conversation)
yes, it's christ in us the hope of glory, but the christ in us is in our spirit, not in our bodies or souls, so what we or anybody else does with our bodies or souls is like doing it to dead dirt, so things like adultery are not really for the truly renewed mind to worry about because it is being done with the unquickened body and not with the quickened spirit.
yes, our spirit is in our bodies but even without our bodies our spirit would have christ in us. it is our spirit that is where the life is, where we are born again.
no, the dead are not alive.
no, your spirit being separated from your body doesn't mean you're dead. it just means your body is not with your spirit any longer.
no, it's not the same as being dead because you can be body and soul without your spirit.
ok, you're asking foolish and unlearned questions and engendering strife. it's obvious you're not spiritually mature enough to understand these things. i beseech you to renew your mind and study the word and wait until you've had at least the advanced class before you try to lay a snare for your brothers and sisters in christ. and maybe take the beam out of your own eye first.
(the next few are from another conversation with a different set of "leaders" in the same area)
there is one sin unto death and paul wouldn't say what it was, but we can glean from acts, chapter 5, verses 1-10 that it was lying to the apostles. you're lying to me now. you will be dead by the end of the day.
you didn't die because revelation changes, so you must have confessed your sin and claimed forgiveness after i gave you the revelation that you were going to die. i'm glad you received the word of prophecy for your benefit.
no, it's not possible that you were telling me the truth because when i discern truth from error i get a certain tingling in my scalp and my vision gets wavy around the person that is lying to me, and that's what i felt and saw when you were lying to me.
i think you are a thorn in my flesh.
(these next few are from a "counseling" session with a visiting "ordained reverend" called in to deal with the possibility that i had "legion" problems)
of course god is not respecter of persons, but he is a respecter of the authority he gives to persons and i am ordained to have authority over you. you are a child and it is written that foolishness is bound in your heart and the rod of correction is the only thing that will drive foolishness far from you.
obviously you are like those written about in timothy when you want to be taught instead of beaten because you are ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.
when you accuse a man of god of rape you have become vain in your imaginations, and it is written that that your foolish heart is darkened.
at this point i can see that you will not be persuaded. i have ceased saying the will of the lord be done, as it is written.
these are taken from my diaries. remember i was barely a teenager when most of these things were said or these "counseling" sessions happened, but i knew the adults in the way international were whack and belonged either behind bars or in straight jackets or in some way removed from society so they couldn't perpetrate against children any longer.
Holy crap! (I wonder if that got past the cuss-blocker.)
There definitely was a "seared conscience" there, but it wasn't yours!
HA really was a pervert. I remember meeting him at a Word in Business conference where we had to dress up cowboy style for a Texas BBQ. He had his red cowboy boots on. Another friend and I went over to greet him and commented on his red boots. He said he shined them up real good so he coult put his foot in the perfect place to see the reflection up girls' dresses......GAK!
I remember seeing him at an ACS after I moved from HQ. He looked straight at my boobs, and said "You are looking REAL good!" It felt creepy. Ironicly, that ACS convinced me to get out of TWI. I left 2 weeks later.
I thought I heard somewhere that when all the Corps was put on paid staff that TWI almost went down financially and LCM fired HA for not saying anything about it until it was almost too late. I could be wrong so don't quote me.
I was told by multiple corps that TWI almost fell apart financially after that decision. Did LCM tell people that God told him to do it? Serious question. I was around at the time but can't remember. It must be yet another thing I've blanked from my memory. about this? "When our wives won't take care of us (sexually), what can we do but turn to each other?" He wanted me to go to a hotel with him. And, yes, I'm a guy. And, yes, my wife "took care of me" just fine, thank you. Ugh!
Or this: "God kept his Word hidden until TWI came along to revive the true ministry." Imagine that God let centuries go by and passed on guys like Martin Luther but couldn't resist the Forehead. :o
Haha Yanno,... in the Palmer case pages that were linked up,... there was one comment that really reached out and scorched my brain. I could post this in the - Rosie, you lie like a Rug - thing but it just fits here with what you said so well, JustThinking. I could quote it but I'm lazy this morning (busy with something actually) ... ... ... But Rosie makes some comment about how the women and girls found Craig very exciting, and how they had to address that problem.
You see, it wasn't really Craig's fault after all,.... those Wild Way Women just wouldn't let him be,....................................................
The denial inherant in that statement set off alarms in my head as soon as I read it.
The denial inherant in that statement set off alarms in my head as soon as I read it.
I'll type it in for you. This quote is Rosalie during her direct examination in the Ron Peeler case. She had been asked if the board of directors did anything in response to Craig having an affair. Part of the board of director's "reasoning" contains Gen-2 creepy quote, and it's below.
And another thing we noted was that he was a dynamic teacher and there were a lot of girls, women, that found him very exciting. And we thought, "Well,we need to do something about this."
Count Two, Assault and Intentional Affliction of Emotional Distress
11. Beginning in 1996 and continuing thereafter until March 1999, Defendant Martindale, and Defendant Bidon, acting as procuress for Defendant Martindale, wilfully and with malice, began a campaign to coerce Plaintiff (Mrs.) Allen into engaging in sexual activity with Defendant Martindale. Through the undue influence and psychological control referred to hereinabove, Defendants Martindale, Bidon and others eventually succeeded in sexually victimizing Plaintiff (Mrs.) Allen.
Ya, looks like Mrs. Allen just "threw" herself on Forehead.
Maybe, when Ramona Bidon was acting as "procuress" for Craig she was playing recordings of Craig teaching, since he was so dynamic and women found him "exciting." (barfola!)
I hated being called "sweetheart" by Uncle Howard after one of my husband's friends was talking with him. Uncle howard was talking about how many young guys would go to their room at founders hall to eat durring the noon meal. He said "back in my day we used to go home for a piece of a$$". Sick old man...sick-sick old man.
He would eat DONKEY MEAT?
What a strange thing for a noon meal!
Seriously, Howard Allen was a pervert and a dirty old man.
Unless he's still alive, in which case he IS a dirty old man. about this? "When our wives won't take care of us (sexually), what can we do but turn to each other?" He wanted me to go to a hotel with him. And, yes, I'm a guy.
What I really don't get, is after all this was aired. Publicly. How can Ramona and her husband still be at HQ as if nothing happened. I mean.. I just don't get it. Either T$d either is in complete denial over his wife's admittance, or just doesn't care.. And as nice of a guy as he is, which he really is, I believe, I dunno, a really sad situation..
What I really don't get, is after all this was aired. Publicly. How can Ramona and her husband still be at HQ as if nothing happened. I mean.. I just don't get it. Either T$d either is in complete denial over his wife's admittance, or just doesn't care.. And as nice of a guy as he is, which he really is, I believe, I dunno, a really sad situation..
IMHO - maybe this is our example of a seared conscience????
Old Skool - do NOT post pix like that without a warning first!
Irresistable ... wasn't quite the word that came to mind.
ROFL!! Exciting, perhaps?....I know, just play one of his old teaching classics like "Put Your Money Where Your's Mouth Is" and surely while he is screaming at you to give at least 10% or God won't even spit in your direction you will find him VERY EXCITING! :biglaugh:
What I really don't get, is after all this was aired. Publicly. How can Ramona and her husband still be at HQ as if nothing happened. I mean.. I just don't get it. Either T$d either is in complete denial over his wife's admittance, or just doesn't care.. And as nice of a guy as he is, which he really is, I believe, I dunno, a really sad situation..
if Ted didn't bolt over the idea that Ramona was married to T*m M while she was having sex
with l craig martindale, and lcm refused to let her leave the grounds when T0m decided he'd
had enough twi abuse and was going to leave, and she continued to have sex with lcm soon
after T0m put a bullet in his head because he couldn't deal with the bizarre set of events,
then why would he bolt over the idea that Ramona was trying to procure more victims for lcm
after he tired of her?
As for Ramona, she's obviously insane. No sane person could fail to respond in all the
situations she's just "coasted" through.
I'm married, and another woman's husband wants to have sex with me? Ok.
My husband doesn't like it? Well, he can leave, I'll stay with the adulterer. Ok.
My husband blew his brains out over it? What a pity. Yes I'll screw the adulterer again, sure.
Oh, the adulterer is tired of me and wants younger meat? Sure I'll find him another girl....
ROFL!! Exciting, perhaps?....I know, just play one of his old teaching classics like "Put Your Money Where Your's Mouth Is" and surely while he is screaming at you to give at least 10% or God won't even spit in your direction you will find him VERY EXCITING! :biglaugh:
Exciting isn't quite the word, either.
All my in rez Corps nights were spent, y'know, in the third row back with a real close view of him. And all the rehearsals for SNS straight after breakfast on Sunday morning (then a quick dash for some more of the same, in the BRC).
And I had a few personal interviews (face meltings) from him.
Worst, though, was when he would look at me with this look of deep and profound sorrow and disappointment. Like he'd done everything possible for me and still I couldn't/wouldn't learn. Once he said to me, "I just don't know why God just keeps on giving people so many [chances/opportunities]" - can't remember the exact word there - but it was in the nature of I'd f'd up again and here was he, the great LCM, being sooo patient with me (presumably because God hadn't yet given LCM the "revelation" to kick me out).
Sheer manipulation.
There were strangled entries in my journal about that.
Oh shoot. 11 Dec of my 2nd yr in rez. I just found some journal entries. Did I really think this stuff?
There was a meeting with 2 very high-ups J and Y, at which a junior V was called as witness against me; then another interview with another high-up A; then at 5pm a grilling from LCM and also present were J, A, 4 branch coords, and my in rez twig coord S. It was my "last chance". What I'd said got V, BL, Donna, BH and Howard Allen all involved, not to mention all these people hauling me over the carpet in about 4 different interviews. It appeared only S spoke up for me.
Apparently I wasn't good at working in a team, and I was a professional brawler and striker. Y said: "You hear what's said and immediately start to think of your own way of doing it." Definitely not meek. I must now ring all my SPs and request they pray for me.
I recorded that this was an "incredible display of longsuffering, grace, patience and love." It was "my own stupidity" if I failed after this. I recognized that ability is a liability and that to seek recognition of ability is to think carnally.
Sheer manipulation.
I think this stemmed from an unguarded comment to V, who was a couple of corps earlier than me, that I'd felt "stifled."
Please don't think I'm stupid...I'm qualified in a high-level profession, am very practical in advice given to my clients, am proficient in my ability with outsiders, can think things through in very useful ways, and get on with a whole bunch of people from very different backgrounds.
Or at least I was all these things till I went in rez.
I'm qualified in a high-level profession, am very practical in advice given to my clients, am proficient in my ability with outsiders, can think things through in very useful ways, and get on with a whole bunch of people from very different backgrounds.
Alrighty, then. You're hired. (just kidding -- what you just wrote sounds like the career objective blurb that everyone puts at the top of their resume)
Of course, I don't think you're stupid at all. Thanks for sharing. :)
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there were so many things that leadership said and peons repeated that made no sense even to a kid, and watch out if you were a kid and said something! wham! right in the face or on the arm or on the
i know. reading these things now is like reading something from another world or something somebody on crack or meth was spewing while in withdrawls or maybe even overdosing. just not even close to be
Thanks! I will read up on them.
I wonder if that's why the officially pulled both of those books some time ago?
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there were so many things that leadership said and peons repeated that made no sense even to a kid, and watch out if you were a kid and said something! wham! right in the face or on the arm or on the fingers or somewhere where it really really hurt with the edge of a wooden spoon. and then they'd tell you you were possessed or something! here are some of the things they said that i just knew were insane:
(these next few are from one conversation)
(the next few are from another conversation with a different set of "leaders" in the same area)
(these next few are from a "counseling" session with a visiting "ordained reverend" called in to deal with the possibility that i had "legion" problems)
these are taken from my diaries. remember i was barely a teenager when most of these things were said or these "counseling" sessions happened, but i knew the adults in the way international were whack and belonged either behind bars or in straight jackets or in some way removed from society so they couldn't perpetrate against children any longer.
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They would be funny if they weren't so deranged.
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i know. reading these things now is like reading something from another world or something somebody on crack or meth was spewing while in withdrawls or maybe even overdosing. just not even close to being in touch with reality. but they were the reality i grew up in, and that's just too hard to grasp sometimes. i know that if i hadn't kept diaries that even i wouldn't believe me, and i have to bring my diaries into therapy often to go over what really happened and what didn't because when it comes to the way international, the truth of what they think and do and say is always stranger than fiction, and nobody wants to believe that people actually live like this.
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I hated being called "sweetheart" by Uncle Howard after one of my husband's friends was talking with him. Uncle howard was talking about how many young guys would go to their room at founders hall to eat durring the noon meal. He said "back in my day we used to go home for a piece of a$$". Sick old man...sick-sick old man.
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Glad you broke free and are getting things sorted out, my friend.
That's Uncle Horndog for ya!
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Holy crap! (I wonder if that got past the cuss-blocker.)
There definitely was a "seared conscience" there, but it wasn't yours!
So psoriasis is now revelation? :wacko:
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See, God DID work at the ACS!
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I was told by multiple corps that TWI almost fell apart financially after that decision. Did LCM tell people that God told him to do it? Serious question. I was around at the time but can't remember. It must be yet another thing I've blanked from my memory.
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Things Leadership Said? about this? "When our wives won't take care of us (sexually), what can we do but turn to each other?" He wanted me to go to a hotel with him. And, yes, I'm a guy. And, yes, my wife "took care of me" just fine, thank you. Ugh!
Or this: "God kept his Word hidden until TWI came along to revive the true ministry." Imagine that God let centuries go by and passed on guys like Martin Luther but couldn't resist the Forehead. :o
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Haha Yanno,... in the Palmer case pages that were linked up,... there was one comment that really reached out and scorched my brain. I could post this in the - Rosie, you lie like a Rug - thing but it just fits here with what you said so well, JustThinking. I could quote it but I'm lazy this morning (busy with something actually) ... ... ... But Rosie makes some comment about how the women and girls found Craig very exciting, and how they had to address that problem.
You see, it wasn't really Craig's fault after all,.... those Wild Way Women just wouldn't let him be,....................................................
The denial inherant in that statement set off alarms in my head as soon as I read it.
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I'll type it in for you. This quote is Rosalie during her direct examination in the Ron Peeler case. She had been asked if the board of directors did anything in response to Craig having an affair. Part of the board of director's "reasoning" contains Gen-2 creepy quote, and it's below.
Denial, yes. Let's see a quote from the Allen case. This little gem is from
Ya, looks like Mrs. Allen just "threw" herself on Forehead.
Maybe, when Ramona Bidon was acting as "procuress" for Craig she was playing recordings of Craig teaching, since he was so dynamic and women found him "exciting." (barfola!) The Forehead irresistible?

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He would eat DONKEY MEAT?
What a strange thing for a noon meal!
Seriously, Howard Allen was a pervert and a dirty old man.
Unless he's still alive, in which case he IS a dirty old man.
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What I really don't get, is after all this was aired. Publicly. How can Ramona and her husband still be at HQ as if nothing happened. I mean.. I just don't get it. Either T$d either is in complete denial over his wife's admittance, or just doesn't care.. And as nice of a guy as he is, which he really is, I believe, I dunno, a really sad situation..
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IMHO - maybe this is our example of a seared conscience????
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Old Skool - do NOT post pix like that without a warning first!
Irresistable ... wasn't quite the word that came to mind.
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ROFL!! Exciting, perhaps?....I know, just play one of his old teaching classics like "Put Your Money Where Your's Mouth Is" and surely while he is screaming at you to give at least 10% or God won't even spit in your direction you will find him VERY EXCITING!
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if Ted didn't bolt over the idea that Ramona was married to T*m M while she was having sex
with l craig martindale, and lcm refused to let her leave the grounds when T0m decided he'd
had enough twi abuse and was going to leave, and she continued to have sex with lcm soon
after T0m put a bullet in his head because he couldn't deal with the bizarre set of events,
then why would he bolt over the idea that Ramona was trying to procure more victims for lcm
after he tired of her?
As for Ramona, she's obviously insane. No sane person could fail to respond in all the
situations she's just "coasted" through.
I'm married, and another woman's husband wants to have sex with me? Ok.
My husband doesn't like it? Well, he can leave, I'll stay with the adulterer. Ok.
My husband blew his brains out over it? What a pity. Yes I'll screw the adulterer again, sure.
Oh, the adulterer is tired of me and wants younger meat? Sure I'll find him another girl....
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Exciting isn't quite the word, either.
All my in rez Corps nights were spent, y'know, in the third row back with a real close view of him. And all the rehearsals for SNS straight after breakfast on Sunday morning (then a quick dash for some more of the same, in the BRC).
And I had a few personal interviews (face meltings) from him.
Worst, though, was when he would look at me with this look of deep and profound sorrow and disappointment. Like he'd done everything possible for me and still I couldn't/wouldn't learn. Once he said to me, "I just don't know why God just keeps on giving people so many [chances/opportunities]" - can't remember the exact word there - but it was in the nature of I'd f'd up again and here was he, the great LCM, being sooo patient with me (presumably because God hadn't yet given LCM the "revelation" to kick me out).
Sheer manipulation.
There were strangled entries in my journal about that.
Oh shoot. 11 Dec of my 2nd yr in rez. I just found some journal entries. Did I really think this stuff?
There was a meeting with 2 very high-ups J and Y, at which a junior V was called as witness against me; then another interview with another high-up A; then at 5pm a grilling from LCM and also present were J, A, 4 branch coords, and my in rez twig coord S. It was my "last chance". What I'd said got V, BL, Donna, BH and Howard Allen all involved, not to mention all these people hauling me over the carpet in about 4 different interviews. It appeared only S spoke up for me.
Apparently I wasn't good at working in a team, and I was a professional brawler and striker. Y said: "You hear what's said and immediately start to think of your own way of doing it." Definitely not meek. I must now ring all my SPs and request they pray for me.
I recorded that this was an "incredible display of longsuffering, grace, patience and love." It was "my own stupidity" if I failed after this. I recognized that ability is a liability and that to seek recognition of ability is to think carnally.
Sheer manipulation.
I think this stemmed from an unguarded comment to V, who was a couple of corps earlier than me, that I'd felt "stifled."
Please don't think I'm stupid...I'm qualified in a high-level profession, am very practical in advice given to my clients, am proficient in my ability with outsiders, can think things through in very useful ways, and get on with a whole bunch of people from very different backgrounds.
Or at least I was all these things till I went in rez.
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soul searcher
Alrighty, then. You're hired. (just kidding -- what you just wrote sounds like the career objective blurb that everyone puts at the top of their resume)
Of course, I don't think you're stupid at all. Thanks for sharing. :)
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No, it's more that the vile things they said made me doubt my every move.
I was a horrible mess when they'd finished screwing me up and then cast me out like waste paper.
Taken a lot of time (from me) and patience (from others) to bring me back to something like I used to be.
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All that effort they put into "confronting" - confronting people who already had a heart to love God and people (shakes head).
Compared with all the effort they don't put into helping people who have a real need, whether in rez or in the field.
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Crazy. And I don't think you are stupid at all. Just took a wrong turn into a POS cult. Same as me.
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