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in a court of law


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i have read many times the apologists for the way international about how even if wierwille or other way international leadership said or implied things that people had the "choice" on what to do with their own lives so why did they do things that the way international leadership said or implied? and i've wondered that a bunch of times myself and i've been very mad at people like my mother because i always thought she had a choice in matters, but then i watched an msnbc program called "the stripper and the steelworker" today and the judge in the "the stripper's" sentencing case said something that has been making me think. he said, "i see no difference between the puppet who pulls the trigger and the puppeteer who pulls the strings." he then went on to give "the stripper" the same 99 year sentence that another judge gave the actual triggerman. one thing i've been wondering and wondering all day long is if this is the case in a court of law where murder is concerned, then could it be the case in a court of law where child abuse is concerned? i mean would it have changed a whole lot of things in my life and a bunch of the kid's lives i knew if leadership knew they could get as much time for child abuse as the parents could get for teaching the parents things like "it will not kill a child to beat a child"? it really makes me think.

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i have read many times the apologists for the way international about how even if wierwille or other way international leadership said or implied things that people had the "choice" on what to do with their own lives so why did they do things that the way international leadership said or implied?

Ya, this one probably pi$$es me off the most. Waysider hits the nail on the head. The reason it gets me is the systematic indoctrination, guilt, fear, self-helplessness, and other learned characteristics that are used by the way international to control people. So a person is schooled and trained into strict obedience and to follow coercive tactics to enforce participation in da ministry. That sort of programming is especially vulnerable to predators wearing marble name tags, holy spirit dove rings, and using their positions as spokesman for God to manipulate others into things they do not want to do.

Then when the truth comes out the victim is blamed! :realmad:

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