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Kinder Gentler Way (the transformation)


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Well I think Bolshie missed my joke, but Ham got it...!

Hahaha! left, right, Up, down, spin, static, thud, meoooooooooow!

And even >>>>>POOF<<<<<

Edited by Gen-2
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More details about her "confronting" the Corps at AC Special 2000 - she did not do this in a formal meeting that was planned out, but appeared in the back of the reception hall at a reception where people(Corps) were talking, and drinking punch and having cake, where very few people had paper or notebooks to be able to record what she said or take any notes. She sat down at a small two-person table at the back, got a microphone and began talking. Ha$rve Pl@tig was her little puppy dog sidekick. She deflected all criticism from herself by confronting the Corps on not confronting LCM on his philandering. Most Corps had no idea of it, and were duly shocked. The timing also was shocking. But from court records that indirectly refer to specific depositions by LCM, Rosalie herself had specific knowledge of LCM's philandering that is documented in 1995, 5 years earlier. This was quite a tactic to put suspicion off of herself and onto other unsuspecting people. As I recall, nobody even questioned this until at least 5 years later. You can actually see here the political craftiness and astuteness of the woman. Quite a remarkably executed strategy.

I had never considered how underhanded a move this really was. I guess my conscience had been conditioned to accept stuff like this as "God-inspired."

Anyways, you can really see the snake like qualities that woman has mastered. To come into a room full of innocent subordinates and lay the blame at their feet is twisted. Especially since she outright lied to the way ministry by saying she did not know that Martindale was busy with extramarital affairs, even though court documents show that she knew as early as 1995. But for the way corpse folks present to take that crap, and I would have taken it at one time too so I speak from hind-sight, just shows how ingrained the mind control really is in the "way corpse household." You can almost see the self-condemnation, guilt ridden, fear induced reactions ripple across the room. There are many that sit at Rosalie's feet and consider her pronunciations to be from revelation, inspiration, and energized ministries - and as such - to be taken with the utmost regard in considering how it applies to themselves. After-all, she is the woman of God - even though she does not make that claim of herself, I have never seen her act contrary. She expects strict obedience from followers and especially the way corpse. I digress. It's a shame they are blinded to the cold, cunning calculations she undertakes to position herself seemingly blameless and worthy to lead the way international. I assume that is what it was all about at that time.

Then there are those who no doubt sat there and thought - "BULL$#!t" I eventually became one of those folks as I started for the door...anyways. I used to see the hypocrisy and chalk it up to human frailty. As if the hypocrisy and blatant evil were accidental. Then I starting telling myself that it was changing for the better. Then I started telling myself that I could change it as my generation came into it's own. Then I went on the cabinet and saw for myself that Rosalie and Donna run the way international, that the other directors do EXACTLY what Rosalie tells them and little more, that the presidents cabinet have no meaningful authority unless you are authorized by Rosalie to move on something, that the only ones who last are those who mold themselves in Rosalie's image and ingratiate themselves doing just as she says. The people she has promoted and have lasted any length of time either know too much to fire or are completely convinced that the way ministry is the best in the world and they need not change what Rosalie has started but refine it. Then I grabbed my family and hauled a$$ out of there! That place is corrupt and it will remain corrupt after Rosalie is mercifully put out to pasture. That which is crooked cannot be made straight.

OldSkool exits soap box and resumes normal Saturday morning activities. :mooner:

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Nor can one make a silk purse from a rosie's *ahem* sows ear, either.

If you take just about 3/4, they will grow back. One could sell these as doggie chew toys . . . they would become attack dogs of course.

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OMG - I love Looney Toons.

aka TWI :biglaugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's the kinder gentler way thread,.....

Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!

the ballet moves of LCM in Atheletes of the Spirit :biglaugh::smilie_kool_aid::evilshades::evildenk::sleep1: :blink: :unsure: :asdf::mad2:

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