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Kinder Gentler Way (the transformation)


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I thought I would start a thread that had the main events that catalyzed, or perhaps catabolized - depending on ones viewpoint :biglaugh:, the new way international we hear so much about from those who are still with them. Hopefully, some of you will remember other events but the some of the main ones follow - at least the ones I remember :redface2:

  • Rosalie did a way corpse meeting teaching that eventually became "Spokesman for God"

    This teaching was all about biblical confrontation, being kind and loving to one another, restoring one another .... ya you get the idea.

  • Rosalie confronted the way corpse at the 2000 advanced class special in Dallas Texas.

    She blamed the way corpse for not speaking up and confronting Craig Martindale for his loud and abusive ways and also for not confronting him about his philandering ways. Nice, eh?

  • The teaching formats for the Way Magazine and especially the Sunday Teaching Service were tightly re-constructed and reigned in.

    Basically, all personality, Greek words, yelling, animation, jokes, tangents, etc, ad naseum, ad infinitum was washed from all teaching outlets. It was taught and enforced all through the way tree. Soon I will post what it is like putting a teaching together for a STS - the CliffsNotes: It sucks.

  • From these efforts those who yelled at others were dealt with.

    It is pretty much not in-vogue anymore to run the corn field cult like a football camp.

  • Living God's Word as a Family was made and released.

    This is where they finally get around to condemning adultery and other inappropriate sexual behavior. I would say that adultery is also not in-vogue anymore in the way international. Although it still happens. When it is discovered it is dealt with pretty quickly.

Perhaps it's me, but with the exception of fixing the "adultery is acceptable traditions" that were passed down from Da Vicster, do these changes seem just a wee-bit superficial?

Edited by OldSkool
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[*]Rosalie confronted the way corpse at the 2000 advanced class special in Dallas Texas.

She blamed the way corpse for not speaking up and confronting Craig Martindale for his loud and abusive ways and also for not confronting him about his philandering ways. Nice, eh?

seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY??? what is she, stupid? the only reason she had anyone to talk to at all is because they were the ones who didn't say anything. if they had, they would have been thrown out with everyone else who disagreed with him.

whatEVER! dumb beyotch. GOSH.

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She actually blamed the way corpse household. Crazy as it sounds.

it IS crazy, but I know that's TWI style. someone high on the ladder screws up, they get to blame it on anyone occupying a lower rung that they want.

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She was only following the precedent set by Chris Geer when he blamed the WC for VPW's death.

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Okay so the Adulterers kicked out the homosexuals,.... and then,.... when the shoe was on the other foot,... ~~flip-flop~~

The grass is always greener...?

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Okay so the Adulterers kicked out the homosexuals,.... and then,.... when the shoe was on the other foot,... ~~flip-flop~~

The grass is always greener...?

Wow - now that cuts right to the chase. I've never thought about it like that. So true. Nice. :eusa_clap:

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Rosie said the ministry is not The Word (breaking the "ministry is the word and the word is the ministry" blah de blah) , we must make the ministry more like The Verd. (at a Corp meeting).

Read six ways into that BS.

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Rosie said the ministry is not The Word (breaking the "ministry is the word and the word is the ministry" blah de blah) , we must make the ministry more like The Verd. (at a Corp meeting).

Read six ways into that BS.

I just got a spine shiver on that one. I had forgotten she said that non-sense. WTF does all that mean anyway? :excl:

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  • Rosalie did a way corpse meeting teaching that eventually became "Spokesman for God"

    This teaching was all about biblical confrontation, being kind and loving to one another, restoring one another .... ya you get the idea.

  • Rosalie confronted the way corpse at the 2000 advanced class special in Dallas Texas.

    She blamed the way corpse for not speaking up and confronting Craig Martindale for his loud and abusive ways and also for not confronting him about his philandering ways. Nice, eh?

  • The teaching formats for the Way Magazine and especially the Sunday Teaching Service were tightly re-constructed and reigned in.

    Basically, all personality, Greek words, yelling, animation, jokes, tangents, etc, ad naseum, ad infinitum was washed from all teaching outlets. It was taught and enforced all through the way tree. Soon I will post what it is like putting a teaching together for a STS - the CliffsNotes: It sucks.

  • From these efforts those who yelled at others were dealt with.

    It is pretty much not in-vogue anymore to run the corn field cult like a football camp.

  • Living God's Word as a Family was made and released.

    This is where they finally get around to condemning adultery and other inappropriate sexual behavior. I would say that adultery is also not in-vogue anymore in the way international. Although it still happens. When it is discovered it is dealt with pretty quickly.

Perhaps it's me, but with the exception of fixing the "adultery is acceptable traditions" that were passed down from Da Vicster, do these changes seem just a wee-bit superficial?

I can confirm virtually everything on this list, as I was present or very aware of most of it.

More details about her "confronting" the Corps at AC Special 2000 - she did not do this in a formal meeting that was planned out, but appeared in the back of the reception hall at a reception where people(Corps) were talking, and drinking punch and having cake, where very few people had paper or notebooks to be able to record what she said or take any notes. She sat down at a small two-person table at the back, got a microphone and began talking. Ha$rve Pl@tig was her little puppy dog sidekick. She deflected all criticism from herself by confronting the Corps on not confronting LCM on his philandering. Most Corps had no idea of it, and were duly shocked. The timing also was shocking. But from court records that indirectly refer to specific depositions by LCM, Rosalie herself had specific knowledge of LCM's philandering that is documented in 1995, 5 years earlier. This was quite a tactic to put suspicion off of herself and onto other unsuspecting people. As I recall, nobody even questioned this until at least 5 years later. You can actually see here the political craftiness and astuteness of the woman. Quite a remarkably executed strategy.

The "kinder, gentler Way" propaganda is not new. It started then in 2000, with her having people to stop yelling like LCM did. Which is fine - all the little idiots screaming their heads off needed to develop better people skills, I'm sure myself included. But she had other people do her dirty work for her - and axed people. She is ruthless - has no qualms about putting whole families out on the street for her political gains. The Mona Vie example is just one in a series of many. I mean the kinder, gentler thing is good, IF you don't have to fear for your life like living in a Communist regime that if you would dare to voice an opinion different from the Communist government that you would disappear in the night. But that's what you see when an organization just doesn't know the direction to go - can't figure out the right strategy to execute to survive. They turn on each other, bite and devour and consume one another, and people get defamed, slandered, sent out in disgrace on assignments with little resources, money, ability to live in the real world.

That woman, and her lust for power, and her evil little schemes based upon an abhorrent mind, are perhaps one of the greatest things wrong with TWI right now. And she has little goose-steppers as well ready to step right in and continue their pattern of abuse when she's gone. Men who have sold their souls for the title they possess and the closeness of the relationship with her they enjoy.

These to me are among some of the many things I anticipate the righteousness of God taking care of at the return of Jesus Christ. No longer will corrupt people usurp power in the name of the Lord and Savior - every knee shall bow and the Righteous Judge will judge.

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The word isn't working cause you idiots aren't applying it right . . .

why can't they just get honest.. the *word* as they know it.. just doesn't work..

"like the guy at the patent office with a plan for a perpetual motion machine, it might look complicated.. intricate, but it just does not work.."


that's the closest I can get to the quote from christians should be preposterous. Maybe someone could provide the correct quote..

which would make for another *interesting* thread..

if the organized churches view of prosperity didn't work, what made the vicsters gimme well over ten percent of your income device help the giver.. in other words, what made his "device" any better?

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Just strap a buttered toast to a cat's back Hold the cat up in the air and let go.

The cat wants to land on it's feet. The toast wants to land butter side down

Naturally the two cancel out and the cat spins like a motor. Physics is boggled and perpetual motion is achieved!

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. . .

That woman, and her lust for power, and her evil little schemes based upon an abhorrent mind, are perhaps one of the greatest things wrong with TWI right now.

. . .

She runs twi . . . whoop de doo . . . she's an evil conniving sissy . . . she can't really have any goal in mind . . . just enjoys watching the squirming is what I figure . . . like lcm liked the shivering . . .

One of the stranger pets.. is it, or isn't it..


what you want is tortoise.

Not if it's Schrödinger's cat.

ah, we will know by the thud

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