The Way taught that homosexuality is caused by a devil spirit. By associating with a homosexual, you were associating/conversing with a devil spirit. Plus, there were, supposedly, spy-type spirits (familiar spirits) that kept track of your conversations and such. They could use that info at a future date, to their advantage.
Basically, the gawd of this world is not all-powerfull, all-knowing or everywhere present, as "our god" is.
But he, for all practical purposes, is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present.
And greater is he that is in you, than he who is going to take you out . . .
Your insites are terrific oldskool. BTY love the machine gun! Are you using it to scare away the evil spirits? What did you regenerate your avaitar into this time?
When I took dance they taught a primary thing. If you keep getting your toes stepped on, fnd another way to protect your feet or get a new partner. If you are the one who keeps stepping on your partners toes, get off the dance floor.
i never heard anyone teach that way followwers are a superior breed of humans. but IF you believe that the WORD of GOD is true and that 1co. ch12 is true and that WE who are born again of GODS spirit can operate the manifestations then you can do what THE WORD says you can do. but if you dont believe that we have the exceeding greatness of GODS power when we believe then why even talk about GOD. do you believe that GOD raised Jesus from the dead ?
Where The HELL did you come from? Don't talk about something you don't have firsthand knowledge of!!!!!
Your insites are terrific oldskool. BTY love the machine gun! Are you using it to scare away the evil spirits? What did you regenerate your avaitar into this time?
Thanks! It seemed time to change my pic. I saw this one on facebook and got a kick out of it. I'll probably revert back to Statler and Waldorf of the Muppets fame.
Where The HELL did you come from? Don't talk about something you don't have firsthand knowledge of!!!!!
I know I talked the same talk that Shiftthis now does, between seemingly decent local leadership and other genuine yet new Wayfers it was pretty easy for me to swallow once Neo.
I like how Oldskool has first hand info contrary to the PR Shiftthis has heard, and if his info isn't just PR he is free to say so I suppose. I hope listening to Oldskool and others helps him too.
I think it is just hard for some people to realize that yes, people can really be that nasty and two-faced. For me it has been a costly lesson Neo.
i cannot speak for what other fellowships would do but if 2 homosexuals that were former way believers came to fellowship hand in hand i would talk to them outside and ask them if they remember what THE WORD says about homosexuality. if they said yes they know what THE WORD says BUT they want to continue doing their homosexual thing i would politley tell them that anyone who refuses to do as THE WORD instructs will not be welcome in my home. this applies to someone showing up who goes around doing drugs,stealing,etc that doesnt want to live according to THE WORD. i would not yell at them , i would not condemn them i would calmly tell them that if they wanted to change and neede help i would help. i have witnessed to a number of homsexuals since i started going to fellowship in 1980 and all of them wanted to continue their homo lifestyle. if they showed up wanting deliverance i would help them. when it comes to allegations of rev. rivenbark being associated with homosexuals anyone can make allegations. Jesus was accused of all kinds of stuff and eve3n his family said he was nuts. as far as i see it whoever made those allegations are liars. i run construction crews and have ben accused of stuff from other construction workers wanting my good paying job. i could make up stuff to say about other people here but would you believe what i would say without me having actual proff ? there are those who work for the adversary that are out to destroy ANY ministry that teaches GOD's WORD. look what happened to Jesus and Paul , Martin Luther. Paul wrote that all asia turned away from him. i hope i answered you question. standing against the homosexual lifestyle deosnt not mean that you mistreat people. you dont go verbally abusing someone cause they are homo.
These are not allegations about Rosalie Rivenbark having two women who professed to be former lesbians living in a one-bedroom apartment in the basement of her home. These are facts. It's known by virtually everyone that was on staff during that time period. Their names are JM and SC. They shared the same bed in Rosalie's home. For more than a year. When Rosalie was questioned about this apparant contradiction between the doctrine and her practices, her response has been that they said they were delivered (which either was a lie or was very well known to Rosalie to be a lie), and when additional questions are asked she relays messages telling the person to shut up.
There are threads here on GS detailing known facts concerning this. The two women (Janet and Sharon) exchanged rings on the anniversaries of knowing one another. Rosalie and Donna M. themselves have a very at best questionable relationship especially considering the facts available.
I know that it's much easier for you to discount facts when they don't align with what you believe. It's much easier to call all of the people on GS possessed and go on about your merry little way. But it doesn't change the truth of the matter, and if you truly believe that God is just, honest, righteous, then you at some point will be responsible for your response to this information.
Can God still bless you for your actions and heart in spite of people in leadership over you who are not worth a beggar's spit? Yes He can. But some day when the corruption in these people eventually finds you, you will understand.
i never heard anyone teach that way followwers are a superior breed of humans. f
So,then, during your two stints as a WOW and one stint as a WD, you never encountered the term "empties floating by"? Saying that people are inferior to you is no different than saying you are superior to them.
So,then, during your two stints as a WOW and one stint as a WD, you never encountered the term "empties floating by"? Saying that people are inferior to you is no different than saying you are superior to them.
(unbelievers are sooo two-dimensional . . . it's hard not to look down on them . . . one must renew their mind . . )
well that means you refuse to believe what GOD says in his WORD about homosexaulity. i thought greasespot cafe was a place for believers who were wrongly kicked out of the ministry. i see that unbelievers reside here to. if your not into GOD and HIS word why are you here ? is it to stir up trouble amongst people ? GOD says homosexuality is wrong. and no its not o.k. for homosexuals (male or female) who know THE WORD to stay in the closet and attend fellowship. i never typed that and dont go saying i did. you should read what i typed again. end of story !
Firstly, you are wrong about what Greasespot is for. Nothing in it's design has anything to do with whether one is a "believer" or not. Many of us were never kicked out of the ministry....we just left on our own for a variety of reasons. In my case it was because of the hypocrisy.
Secondly, ya know Shiftthis, in your profile you talk of your "interest in outrunning cops"? And yet you look disparagingly at people who don't want to do the "Word". I have known people killed by others recklessly speeding away from cops.
Finally, if you insist on posting your hypocritical BS here, learn to use the "Enter" key once in awhile.
No abuse, please; and Shiftthis hasn't responded in a while. Perhaps it's been "suggested" to him that he discontinue the conversation.
So far all I conclude is that homosexuals are still not welcome at The Way.
So not much "softer and gentler."
At a guess all those of us who were M&A'd and who have joined other churches would still not be welcome, either, unless we conformed to current TWI doctrine, whatever it is.
Thanks! It seemed time to change my pic. I saw this one on facebook and got a kick out of it. I'll probably revert back to Statler and Waldorf of the Muppets fame.
Oldskool you are cool! Stalter and waldorf had a million sarcastic remarks!
i never heard anyone teach that way followwers are a superior breed of humans. but IF you believe that the WORD of GOD is true and that 1co. ch12 is true and that WE who are born again of GODS spirit can operate the manifestations then you can do what THE WORD says you can do. but if you dont believe that we have the exceeding greatness of GODS power when we believe then why even talk about GOD. do you believe that GOD raised Jesus from the dead ?
Have you read anything on this web site? I have read and even in privite the TWI thinks they are better than everone else. No offence I think moe hit you in the head too many times!
Oldskool you are cool! Stalter and waldorf had a million sarcastic remarks!
Aww shucks. I loved those two..
Looks like Shift came by here and got all those nasty debil sprrts stirred up.
That's what my old way brain would say anyway. It's a long hard road realizing that you think you are in the "true" household of God only to find out you have been systematically brainwashed into propagating a multi-level marketing based cult. All the best Shift - hopefully something that was said here can begin your awakening process.
I understand I am being a little off topic but I was involved in scientology they claimed that you could to be superior being too but like the TWI its all about the money and how to make you feel gulity if you don't obey.
I understand I am being a little off topic but I was involved in scientology they claimed that you could to be superior being too but like the TWI its all about the money and how to make you feel gulity if you don't obey.
I can substantiate this from experience. I got involved when I lived in Hollywood years before the way international. I spent many dollars in sessions at The Church of Scientology in LA to become "clear." Do cults share the same handbook?
I can substantiate this from experience. I got involved when I lived in Hollywood years before the way international. I spent many dollars in sessions at The Church of Scientology in LA to become "clear." Do cults share the same handbook?
Oh you known about scientology too!? I thought I was the only one here that was victumize by 2 diffrent cults. Well we have something in common oldskool! I never meet Zemu have you? !
I am a member of the ex-scientology member board if you like I can introduce to to emma she is the adminstator there. !
Yet (and please excuse my ignorance) it's run by a woman who is a lesbian? Do I have this right?
(edited because I just re-read chockfull's post and answered my own question)
I just don't get it. Then again, I can be a dumbazz at times. it not ironic?? The ministry founded by a man who believed women were always to occupy a subservient position to a mog??? His baby, his pride and joy...his lifes work... now being RUN by snort a lowly woman! Worse yet a woman who seemingly surrounds herself with ulp that which they fear and despise the most...the lowest of the low.....
Lesbians!!!...lmao and the wife of the disgraced second president a rumored participant...what a testimony...What a legacy
I sometimes wonder if God has a sense of humor.
Too bad people still take these people seriously...sigh
Others have come to see the hypocrisy of TWI and their personal beliefs when trying to defend them here. Hopefully that's what's going on with shiftthis. :) Remember Jerry came on here defending PFAL and, thanks to reasonable discussions, debates and study he came to see how foul TWI teachings are.
It's painfully obvious to those of us who have gone through the enlightenment process and come to terms with the 'holier than thou' attitude we were conditioned to have while in TWI that those teachings are still promoted in TWI. The twisting of words, severe condemnation of not just homosexuals but also refusal to accept those who won't "do the word"..... All while acting as though everyone in TWI is perfect and does everything TWI teaches..... not scripture, but TWI legalism.
It's tough to realize that TWI teachings aren't all that accurate and that the behavior within the walls of TWI is not what God would be proud of. I'm ashamed of how I treated folks when I thought the way shiftthis does.
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Kinder & Gentler? Well they can't Mark and Avoid ten thousand people, because there aren't 10,000 left (is mostly why).... And to shiftthis... I'm just a gal that was never in The Way herself,
Shiftthis posted a number of quotes recently. These are some extracts (edited a little to correct some spelling bloopers): Shiftthis is at pains to emphasise how much TWI has changed since Martind
Before I start I am going to give enough personal information so that whoever is current WAYGB will know who I am. John if that's you, and I assume it is, you can rest assured I would not be here on G
Seemed pretty obvious, yet worth mentioning ;-)
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Basically, the gawd of this world is not all-powerfull, all-knowing or everywhere present, as "our god" is.
But he, for all practical purposes, is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present.
And greater is he that is in you, than he who is going to take you out . . .
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Your insites are terrific oldskool. BTY love the machine gun! Are you using it to scare away the evil spirits?
What did you regenerate your avaitar into this time?
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GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!
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Where The HELL did you come from? Don't talk about something you don't have firsthand knowledge of!!!!!
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Thanks! It seemed time to change my pic. I saw this one on facebook and got a kick out of it. I'll probably revert back to Statler and Waldorf of the Muppets fame.
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I know I talked the same talk that Shiftthis now does, between seemingly decent local leadership and other genuine yet new Wayfers it was pretty easy for me to swallow once Neo.
I like how Oldskool has first hand info contrary to the PR Shiftthis has heard, and if his info isn't just PR he is free to say so I suppose. I hope listening to Oldskool and others helps him too.
I think it is just hard for some people to realize that yes, people can really be that nasty and two-faced. For me it has been a costly lesson Neo.
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These are not allegations about Rosalie Rivenbark having two women who professed to be former lesbians living in a one-bedroom apartment in the basement of her home. These are facts. It's known by virtually everyone that was on staff during that time period. Their names are JM and SC. They shared the same bed in Rosalie's home. For more than a year. When Rosalie was questioned about this apparant contradiction between the doctrine and her practices, her response has been that they said they were delivered (which either was a lie or was very well known to Rosalie to be a lie), and when additional questions are asked she relays messages telling the person to shut up.
There are threads here on GS detailing known facts concerning this. The two women (Janet and Sharon) exchanged rings on the anniversaries of knowing one another. Rosalie and Donna M. themselves have a very at best questionable relationship especially considering the facts available.
I know that it's much easier for you to discount facts when they don't align with what you believe. It's much easier to call all of the people on GS possessed and go on about your merry little way. But it doesn't change the truth of the matter, and if you truly believe that God is just, honest, righteous, then you at some point will be responsible for your response to this information.
Can God still bless you for your actions and heart in spite of people in leadership over you who are not worth a beggar's spit? Yes He can. But some day when the corruption in these people eventually finds you, you will understand.
Edited by pawtucketRemoving Names
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So,then, during your two stints as a WOW and one stint as a WD, you never encountered the term "empties floating by"? Saying that people are inferior to you is no different than saying you are superior to them.
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(unbelievers are sooo two-dimensional . . . it's hard not to look down on them . . . one must renew their mind . . )
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Firstly, you are wrong about what Greasespot is for. Nothing in it's design has anything to do with whether one is a "believer" or not. Many of us were never kicked out of the ministry....we just left on our own for a variety of reasons. In my case it was because of the hypocrisy.
Secondly, ya know Shiftthis, in your profile you talk of your "interest in outrunning cops"? And yet you look disparagingly at people who don't want to do the "Word". I have known people killed by others recklessly speeding away from cops.
Finally, if you insist on posting your hypocritical BS here, learn to use the "Enter" key once in awhile.
Edited by modbakerLink to comment
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No abuse, please; and Shiftthis hasn't responded in a while. Perhaps it's been "suggested" to him that he discontinue the conversation.
So far all I conclude is that homosexuals are still not welcome at The Way.
So not much "softer and gentler."
At a guess all those of us who were M&A'd and who have joined other churches would still not be welcome, either, unless we conformed to current TWI doctrine, whatever it is.
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Thanks! It seemed time to change my pic. I saw this one on facebook and got a kick out of it. I'll probably revert back to Statler and Waldorf of the Muppets fame.
Oldskool you are cool! Stalter and waldorf had a million sarcastic remarks!
i never heard anyone teach that way followwers are a superior breed of humans. but IF you believe that the WORD of GOD is true and that 1co. ch12 is true and that WE who are born again of GODS spirit can operate the manifestations then you can do what THE WORD says you can do. but if you dont believe that we have the exceeding greatness of GODS power when we believe then why even talk about GOD. do you believe that GOD raised Jesus from the dead ?
Have you read anything on this web site? I have read and even in privite the TWI thinks they are better than everone else. No offence I think moe hit you in the head too many times!
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Aww shucks. I loved those two..
Looks like Shift came by here and got all those nasty debil sprrts stirred up.
That's what my old way brain would say anyway. It's a long hard road realizing that you think you are in the "true" household of God only to find out you have been systematically brainwashed into propagating a multi-level marketing based cult. All the best Shift - hopefully something that was said here can begin your awakening process.
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I understand I am being a little off topic but I was involved in scientology they claimed that you could to be superior being too but like the TWI its all about the money and how to make you feel gulity if you don't obey.
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I can substantiate this from experience. I got involved when I lived in Hollywood years before the way international. I spent many dollars in sessions at The Church of Scientology in LA to become "clear." Do cults share the same handbook?

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I can substantiate this from experience. I got involved when I lived in Hollywood years before the way international. I spent many dollars in sessions at The Church of Scientology in LA to become "clear." Do cults share the same handbook?

Oh you known about scientology too!? I thought I was the only one here that was victumize by 2 diffrent cults. Well we have something in common oldskool! I never meet Zemu have you?
I am a member of the ex-scientology member board if you like I can introduce to to emma she is the adminstator there.
Edited by nyunknownLink to comment
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soul searcher
Yet (and please excuse my ignorance) it's run by a woman who is a lesbian? Do I have this right?
(edited because I just re-read chockfull's post and answered my own question)
I just don't get it. Then again, I can be a dumbazz at times.
Edited by soul searcherLink to comment
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obviously you havent been to a way fellowship since martindale was kicked out...
so now it's kicked out
when i first found Waydale the line
they were feeding 'em was that he resigned.
how long did it take (among those still in) to replace
"resigned" with the more ignominious KICKED OUT?
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rascal it not ironic?? The ministry founded by a man who believed women were always to occupy a subservient position to a mog??? His baby, his pride and joy...his lifes work... now being RUN by snort a lowly woman! Worse yet a woman who seemingly surrounds herself with ulp that which they fear and despise the most...the lowest of the low.....
Lesbians!!!...lmao and the wife of the disgraced second president a rumored participant...what a testimony...What a legacy
I sometimes wonder if God has a sense of humor.
Too bad people still take these people seriously...sigh
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Comedy is a serious business-----W. C. Fields
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I think being the wife of the president is her lifetime assignment, no matter who the president it..
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Others have come to see the hypocrisy of TWI and their personal beliefs when trying to defend them here. Hopefully that's what's going on with shiftthis. :) Remember Jerry came on here defending PFAL and, thanks to reasonable discussions, debates and study he came to see how foul TWI teachings are.
It's painfully obvious to those of us who have gone through the enlightenment process and come to terms with the 'holier than thou' attitude we were conditioned to have while in TWI that those teachings are still promoted in TWI. The twisting of words, severe condemnation of not just homosexuals but also refusal to accept those who won't "do the word"..... All while acting as though everyone in TWI is perfect and does everything TWI teaches..... not scripture, but TWI legalism.
It's tough to realize that TWI teachings aren't all that accurate and that the behavior within the walls of TWI is not what God would be proud of. I'm ashamed of how I treated folks when I thought the way shiftthis does.
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