And another thing that both bugs me, and begs the question - - - Where-the-hell-is-the FAMILY- during times of "trial and tribulation"??? The Bozos there at headquarters are surely quick enough to condemn, yet where is the "love", the "compassion", the "outreaching" to a person in need? Those folks wouldn't know a true need if it slapped them upside the head.
Gotta luv the fact that they can condemn so quickly, while never offering help or assistance in anyway.
As Ed Abbey once said: "I p!ss on them all from a very great height". And - - - this is for you who are still "in". You're welcome there at the Way as long as you suck the kool-aid, and hand over your cash. You'll get pious platitudes that mean nothing, when you really need help. When the "chips are down", believe me, it'll be chalked up to your "believing" and you won't have a friend at all where you might've thought you had many.
Twi was never about "family". It was too full of itself to diversify.
When it comes to compassion, there's nothing new at the way international.
twi has always preferred to be more like Job's miserable comforters than like
I was away yesterday and just caught this morning. Shellon, I am sorry to hear that you have been subjected to this yet again. If these idiots were really Christian they would follow the example set by Jesus - compassion, understanding, sympathy, and above all love! By their own actions and words they qualify themselves as false. False prophets, false teachers, false brethren that demonstrate contemptible hypocrisy. Keep fighting for your family and know that you are doing the right thing and it's worth every effort.
Perhaps the rest of us haven't had to put up with quite that level of abuse in that particular area and that's why we're so angry about the email.
Not since leaving. Actually, no one bothered after I told them that I couldn't worship a god like the one "protecting" TWI.
The only people who have been going after Shellon with any kind of regularity are her husband's family members who are still in TWI. Maybe now they've gone anonymous. Shellon provides them the perfect scapegoat. It doesn't matter if she is in TWI or not. It can't be them. After all, they are "standing," so whether she's in or not, it has to be her.
I guess my question to Shellon's family is who is Shellon that she has such power and influence over God? I realize that prolonged exposure to TWI damages brain cells, but seriously Shellon's family, are you so brain damaged that you can't grasp the implication of what you're saying? You have literally put your god's grace, power, healing, and mercy into Shellon's hands. That doesn't make for a very powerful god.
That email you received is a disgrace. Shellon, if it came through here, I would ask Paw to let you know who it is. If it went to your home computer, I'd get a computer person to trace. that can be done. I would not stop until I found out. Then I would repost that little ditty, with this coward's name attached at the bottom.
I would not let this go. What they did was cowardly and they deserve to be outed.
Not since leaving. Actually, no one bothered after I told them that I couldn't worship a god like the one "protecting" TWI.
The only people who have been going after Shellon with any kind of regularity are her husband's family members who are still in TWI. Maybe now they've gone anonymous. Shellon provides them the perfect scapegoat. It doesn't matter if she is in TWI or not. It can't be them. After all, they are "standing," so whether she's in or not, it has to be her.
I guess my question to Shellon's family is who is Shellon that she has such power and influence over God? I realize that prolonged exposure to TWI damages brain cells, but seriously Shellon's family, are you so brain damaged that you can't grasp the implication of what you're saying? You have literally put your god's grace, power, healing, and mercy into Shellon's hands. That doesn't make for a very powerful god.
SO well put.... And so very true. THanks fro wrriting that
and Shellon hugs and my prayers are with you and your family. i hope your daughter finds an answer soon and a course to take toward healing, and recovery.
We all go through moments in our childrens lives. But to have some one try to blame anything on whether you are witha particular organization is the ultimate in evilness.
Not since leaving. Actually, no one bothered after I told them that I couldn't worship a god like the one "protecting" TWI.
The only people who have been going after Shellon with any kind of regularity are her husband's family members who are still in TWI. Maybe now they've gone anonymous. Shellon provides them the perfect scapegoat. It doesn't matter if she is in TWI or not. It can't be them. After all, they are "standing," so whether she's in or not, it has to be her.
I guess my question to Shellon's family is
I have to add here, Tzaia, that my husband's family is not who is 'going after me'. Yes, we are mostly estranged but this is not the result of their angst or anger or estrangement of me.
They love Kelly and don't wish her ill or the diseases the docs are talking to me about today. I blame them for nothing, today, except getting caught up in an organization that did some damage in their lives and family. But this foolishness; this letter is not from any of them, this I do know as of today.
The rest of your post I absolutely agree with but not towards Bob's family; not this letter. The writer of this letter resides in Mississippi, the fun to say spell state nor is she contacting me via greasespot cafe. She's made attempts to get my phone number, of which I'm protective to the point of OCD and she's contacted me via a parenting site I frequent, stuff like that. She's at least smart enough to not come in here and blabber all over and expect to get away with it.
Again, she and I will dance, soon. I am not sure about her leadership; it's always been between she and myself, but we'll see. She's tried to save me and my babies many many! times, it seems to be one of her missions in this life.
Today is more energy given to taking care of my child and getting her what she needs.
Shellon - that's good to know that's it's not family doing this. I just assumed. But what I said goes for her (or anyone who thinks like her), too. She's got a pretty small god.
Added in edit -
Shellon's family - I am deeply sorry that I assumed it was one of you
Shellon, thank you for sharing that email. it is a perfect example of the hateful attitude that permeates the fabric of TWI, and proof that the "kinder, gentler TWI" that leaders tried to convince me existed when I decided to leave 3.5 years ago does not exist as anything more than a fantasy in their heads. reading it made me so happy and relieved that I cut ties.
Lately they've changed their thinking. It used to be that the Bible was worshiped because it took the place of the absent Christ. In their lives Christ was considered as absent. Now it seems that they've elevated the organization above that....making twi take pre-eminence in their lives.
I was involved for 20 years and during that entire time TWI "the one true household" was the object of worship. if the bible was ever an object of worship, that era passed long ago with only occasional lip-service. TWI>bible>god is not a recently developed dogma, but a long-standing one.
Shellon, I hope to read good news about your daughter later. I'm a mother who the hateful and ignorant in TWI could easily point to and say my family was destroyed because I walked away, but I know the true causes of the problems we've had to face, and none of them have to do with devil spirits. all the real problems I take care of today spring from having gotten involved with TWI in the first place, like the ongoing post-divorce drama of the narcissist I stayed married to 15 years longer than I should have, caring for an emotionally disturbed child who suffered from TWI-approved abuse, and going through PTSD treatment to get over years of spousal and cult abuse. the rest of my life issues are pretty run-of-the-mill and far milder than the stuff I had laid at my door every day in TWI.
Shellon - that's good to know that's it's not family doing this. I just assumed. But what I said goes for her (or anyone who thinks like her), too. She's got a pretty small god.
Added in edit -
Shellon's family - I am deeply sorry that I assumed it was one of you
No harm done whatsoever, truly. It's easy to assume it's them or them or maybe them, I get that. And I'll not offer that family and I haven NOT said and/or done things in pain and confusion and desire to say our piece.
The seperation of this family is a shame is what it is.
However and had I know for sure the whom part yesterday when I started this thread, I would have cleared that up right away. I had a pretty good idea and I, also, assumed that cuz this chick follows me around and wants to save my life and the lives of my children from all things that aren't hers, but couldn't be sure until about 8 this morning when I knew for sure it was here.
I've responded to her and taken what I hope are measures again that she can't reach me. Sent her on a wild duck chase, stuff like that as far as my email, etc., goes.
What a pain in the asx huh? I have so many more valuable things to do with my time and energy and life. But, what we all have said here is spot on true!
She is still a part of twi and in her misery......well, I'll keep that to myself.
One of the saddest, yet most despicable doctrines of devils TWI has ever come up with is to blame someone or their parents or spouse or whatever for being sick. When I was diagnosed, at least a dozen friends most of the WC grads came to see me in the hospital. Do you know how many of them offered to pray for/with me? You guessed it; not a damn one. No one! When we went back to where we lived, I asked the LC's wife about prayer and healing and she looked at me as if I were a cockroach on her kitchen counter. The snotty little bustard BL stated that anyone who left the household would die spiritually on the spot and "shortly thereafter their physical body will die also."
Where do they get this stuff? I own two concordances and about five different versions of the Bible and I can't find it anywhere.
Shellon, I do agree with the individual who suggested sending the nasty-gram to Rosie & Co. Perhaps if they don't want their vitriol spewed all over the internet for the world to see, they'd like to gently suggest to the writer(s) of such drivel to shut their traps!
WG (((((((((Shellon & Kelly))))))))
As an answer to your question "where do they get this stuff", I believe it starts in PFAL where VP goes on his rant and says, "You know what killed that little boy! Just quit yakkin' about anything else! You know what killed that little boy! It was the the heart, and life, of that mother!" In Wayworld, human pain and suffering are controllable. If anyone experiences it, then the person, not the teaching, must be flawed. Else the entire charade of The Way would come crashing down and they would have to admit they're wrong. If they're wrong then they're no more special than anyone else and then the notion of being "God's Best" is underminded. No, it has to be the individual suffering that is at fault.
I will now return you to your regularly scheduled program..."Jack-a$$e$ and e-mails".
Shell, after reading the little "joy" of an email.. the tone of it sounds like..
"To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee
and Gawd bless you abundantly in da name of jesus our lord, amen."
kinda conflicted, is it not?
but really.. any sore spot, any possible festering wound they might open.. seems they dig deep..
The last time I ran across a still in wayfer.. he (with subtlety) tried the same thing.. just little hints.. suggestions in almost every sentence that came out of his mouth.. such bile..
he's a frgging lunatic..
what else could one expect..
I think they are still trying to carry out the loyster's mandate.. to (supposedly) bring ruination to people's lives who had the audacity to leave willingly, or even unwillingly..
worse than fiendish Chihuahuas, nipping at one's heels..
if they were much larger, there might be a problem..
Ham. As a writer with a story to tell and then as a woman and mom with a life to live it's tough some days and putting my story out here only took me 11 years.
I'm learning, more so in last month or so, about picking my battles VERY carefully. That's not to say I will shut up, 'cuz now I can't, but it is to say that I know I have critics and what Kelly and I call "starers" and it's part of the game they play; we've learned how to roll with most of their punches.
I wanted us here to take a current look at their silliness.
well your looking at the way ministry of the long past. i was told stuff by the lally's who were my limb and branch coordinators at one time. they are gone and thats good. i was kicked out by a branch guy in the 90's cause i had problems. that branch guy later left. GOD answers prayer if you believe not if you go to a study or not. you do not have to fellowship with the way or any other ministry that teaches GODS word to be protected. i read alota post of people having conversation about the way of the past. the way of today isnt anything like martindales way. alota false ministers and so called believers left or were told not to come back cause they didnt want to believe the word only cause trouble. some of them are here on this website BUT there are others here that were wrongly thown outa the ministry by others who aint here no more. i was yelled at , told i was possesed and other stuff way back when. i went to some of those independant fellowships only to find some of the same trouble makers running them and after they taught they would talk crap about the way insted of staying focased on what was taught cause some taught the rightly divided word and some didnt. i cannot undo the way i was treated by leadership in that WAS in the way long ago so i put that behind me and focus on the WORD. i am sorry that some of you were treated badly but so was i and others and until martindale and the rest were run off things were bad. i relise i will probably get alotta flack from posting this and thats fine cause i know there are some evil people lurking here along with the really good people. its written in peter that there shall be "false ministers" that shall come in among you and no longer do believers sit idle and allow others to hurt us , we kick em out ! GOD looks on the heart and if you gotta heart to know GOD you will get taken care of. all i can do is tell you that the way ministy of today is so far different from martindales way that theres no comparison. i have yet to see one person get mistreated or yelled at or told they better come or else or any of that other heavy handed law crap in the way of today. as for you folks that are gonna bad mouth me or the ministy go ahead cause i will then know who to avoid and not reply to. may GOD heal the hearts of those who were hurt by martindale and his cronies. btw i got lots of faults but nobody but me reminds me of them. i get sick sometimes and pull muscles and sprain things get blisters get teeth filled have a bad day etc. right now my arms are really sow frum workin. Shellon i dont believe that someone attending a way ministry fellowship on a regular basis wrote you that letter. that goes against everthing the ministry does in this day and time. i would like to know who wrote you that letter because that is out of line. anyone talking to or treating someone in that manner is either not thinking about what their saying or they are being a jerk and trying to bad mouth the ministry. you dont go telling somebody "see i told you so". for them not giving their name is cowardly. as for forgivness that aint got nothing to do with weather you attend a way fellowship or not thats between you and GOD and it aint nonna my business. i'm sorry you got that letter and i hope your daughter gets well. GOD BLESS YOU
for you folks that are gonna bad mouth me or the ministy go ahead cuase i will then know who to avoid and not reply to
Well thank you-- now I know that despite all your claims of "new and improved" that "Mark and Avoid" certainly hasn't changed--that odious doctrine is still alive
Well thank you-- now I know that despite all your claims of "new and improved" that "Mark and Avoid" certainly hasn't changed--that odious doctrine is still alive
Let me be the first
obviously you havent ben to a way fellowship sicne martindale was kicked out. how can you write that sorta stuff without even knowing ? thats like me saying something about you when i dont know anything about you. what date did you last attend a way fellowship ? i was at one last sunday. what i said is right on and if you want to call me a liar so be it. btw i never said mark and avoid and i never said new and improved. mark and avoid is written in the word and GOD had it written down for a reason. the ministry has changed but maybe you were one of those trouble markers that caused trouble and hurt others after all some of those people came here. i have seen people get attacked here by others. if the ministry was the same as martindales i wouldnt be going to their felowships !
Edited by shiftthis
obviously i'm not marking and avoiding you. but read the scripture GOD says mark and avoid. what does GOD mean by that ? i didnt write that scripture GOD did. if you have a problem with it go to GOD. i was told by a branch coordinator back in the 90's that the believers were to mark and avoid me cause i had some problems i was dealing with. i was kicked out cause i had some problems and martindale wanted a super clean household and didnt want any weakness. that was the wrong usage of that scripture. if somebody is tearing people down and causing all kinds of problems for people then it should be said to stay away from (namne) cause they are a troublemaker > mark and avoid. hey man i was hurt and screwed over by the martindale regime ! martindale and his cronies have ben long gone and thats in the past in my life. phil 3:13.
Edited by shiftthis
Ham. As a writer with a story to tell and then as a woman and mom with a life to live it's tough some days and putting my story out here only took me 11 years.
I'm learning, more so in last month or so, about picking my battles VERY carefully. That's not to say I will shut up, 'cuz now I can't, but it is to say that I know I have critics and what Kelly and I call "starers" and it's part of the game they play; we've learned how to roll with most of their punches.
I wanted us here to take a current look at their silliness.
I've put some of my story here as well. The one "numbnuts" and family.. get nothing unless he (they) read it here..
really.. the last brief encounter.. he says "oh.. I'm developing *professionally*.. blah blah blah.. gonna end up making a mint selling snake oil (my opinion) at such and such place.."
I think he enjoyed just hearing himself talk..
the parting comments.. say hello to so and so .. (the ex) and family.. I didn't ask about his kids.. I already knew far more than he would ever consider going "public" with.
he KNOWS I'm divorced.. what's with that? Maybe he's just suffering memory loss..
or maybe it was just another gentle "stab" and reminder that I'm outside of da crumbling walls of "zion"
Am I Reading too much into this? I really don't think so..
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i'm sorry about your daughter and i'm praying for her and all of you and yours. i haven't read all the replies here yet but i will but right now i have to run but i wanted to say something but if it's
I WANT TO tell a short story here,... On Jan 07 2007, my fiancee died. I was there. then on the 12th of the same month my mother died. I've lost 4 good friends since then, and last September my fathe
Hi Thomas, yeah, beating her up, almost killing her wouldn't get me more than three hots and a cot for a couple of years. I haven't ever felt that way about anything TWI said to me during or since my
When it comes to compassion, there's nothing new at the way international.
twi has always preferred to be more like Job's miserable comforters than like
anything Jesus Christ said to behave like.
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What the writer of that letter doesn't get is the deep and abiding thankfulness exTWI feel about being FREE of that culture of bullies.
Both good times and bad times are better out of TWI, away from people like that cruel letter writer and their ugly, harmful doctrine.
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I was away yesterday and just caught this morning. Shellon, I am sorry to hear that you have been subjected to this yet again. If these idiots were really Christian they would follow the example set by Jesus - compassion, understanding, sympathy, and above all love! By their own actions and words they qualify themselves as false. False prophets, false teachers, false brethren that demonstrate contemptible hypocrisy. Keep fighting for your family and know that you are doing the right thing and it's worth every effort.
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Not since leaving. Actually, no one bothered after I told them that I couldn't worship a god like the one "protecting" TWI.
The only people who have been going after Shellon with any kind of regularity are her husband's family members who are still in TWI. Maybe now they've gone anonymous. Shellon provides them the perfect scapegoat. It doesn't matter if she is in TWI or not. It can't be them. After all, they are "standing," so whether she's in or not, it has to be her.
I guess my question to Shellon's family is who is Shellon that she has such power and influence over God? I realize that prolonged exposure to TWI damages brain cells, but seriously Shellon's family, are you so brain damaged that you can't grasp the implication of what you're saying? You have literally put your god's grace, power, healing, and mercy into Shellon's hands. That doesn't make for a very powerful god.
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That email you received is a disgrace. Shellon, if it came through here, I would ask Paw to let you know who it is. If it went to your home computer, I'd get a computer person to trace. that can be done. I would not stop until I found out. Then I would repost that little ditty, with this coward's name attached at the bottom.
I would not let this go. What they did was cowardly and they deserve to be outed.
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SO well put.... And so very true. THanks fro wrriting that
and Shellon hugs and my prayers are with you and your family. i hope your daughter finds an answer soon and a course to take toward healing, and recovery.
We all go through moments in our childrens lives. But to have some one try to blame anything on whether you are witha particular organization is the ultimate in evilness.
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I have to add here, Tzaia, that my husband's family is not who is 'going after me'. Yes, we are mostly estranged but this is not the result of their angst or anger or estrangement of me.
They love Kelly and don't wish her ill or the diseases the docs are talking to me about today. I blame them for nothing, today, except getting caught up in an organization that did some damage in their lives and family. But this foolishness; this letter is not from any of them, this I do know as of today.
The rest of your post I absolutely agree with but not towards Bob's family; not this letter. The writer of this letter resides in Mississippi, the fun to say spell state nor is she contacting me via greasespot cafe. She's made attempts to get my phone number, of which I'm protective to the point of OCD and she's contacted me via a parenting site I frequent, stuff like that. She's at least smart enough to not come in here and blabber all over and expect to get away with it.
Again, she and I will dance, soon. I am not sure about her leadership; it's always been between she and myself, but we'll see. She's tried to save me and my babies many many! times, it seems to be one of her missions in this life.
Today is more energy given to taking care of my child and getting her what she needs.
Your support is ever appreciated.
Edited by ShellonLink to comment
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Shellon - that's good to know that's it's not family doing this. I just assumed. But what I said goes for her (or anyone who thinks like her), too. She's got a pretty small god.
Added in edit -
Shellon's family - I am deeply sorry that I assumed it was one of you
Edited by TzaiaLink to comment
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Shellon, thank you for sharing that email. it is a perfect example of the hateful attitude that permeates the fabric of TWI, and proof that the "kinder, gentler TWI" that leaders tried to convince me existed when I decided to leave 3.5 years ago does not exist as anything more than a fantasy in their heads. reading it made me so happy and relieved that I cut ties.
I was involved for 20 years and during that entire time TWI "the one true household" was the object of worship. if the bible was ever an object of worship, that era passed long ago with only occasional lip-service. TWI>bible>god is not a recently developed dogma, but a long-standing one.
Shellon, I hope to read good news about your daughter later. I'm a mother who the hateful and ignorant in TWI could easily point to and say my family was destroyed because I walked away, but I know the true causes of the problems we've had to face, and none of them have to do with devil spirits. all the real problems I take care of today spring from having gotten involved with TWI in the first place, like the ongoing post-divorce drama of the narcissist I stayed married to 15 years longer than I should have, caring for an emotionally disturbed child who suffered from TWI-approved abuse, and going through PTSD treatment to get over years of spousal and cult abuse. the rest of my life issues are pretty run-of-the-mill and far milder than the stuff I had laid at my door every day in TWI.
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What? No one in TWI ever gets sick....has trouble with kids.....or dies? Oh please! What a load of......fill in the blank.
Edited by geisha779Link to comment
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Watered Garden
I got sick while I was "in" and it was because I was not sufficiently submissive to my husband.
My kid had ADHD and was in rebellion and it was because he was possessed.
I knew of those who died. It was because they disobeyed their husband, or their leadership, or left TWI, or stopped believing to live.
Those guys have an excuse for everything and every one of their excuses is a lame lie.
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No harm done whatsoever, truly. It's easy to assume it's them or them or maybe them, I get that. And I'll not offer that family and I haven NOT said and/or done things in pain and confusion and desire to say our piece.
The seperation of this family is a shame is what it is.
However and had I know for sure the whom part yesterday when I started this thread, I would have cleared that up right away. I had a pretty good idea and I, also, assumed that cuz this chick follows me around and wants to save my life and the lives of my children from all things that aren't hers, but couldn't be sure until about 8 this morning when I knew for sure it was here.
I've responded to her and taken what I hope are measures again that she can't reach me. Sent her on a wild duck chase, stuff like that as far as my email, etc., goes.
What a pain in the asx huh? I have so many more valuable things to do with my time and energy and life. But, what we all have said here is spot on true!
She is still a part of twi and in her misery......well, I'll keep that to myself.
Support is appreciated for my girl !
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Broken Arrow
As an answer to your question "where do they get this stuff", I believe it starts in PFAL where VP goes on his rant and says, "You know what killed that little boy! Just quit yakkin' about anything else! You know what killed that little boy! It was the the heart, and life, of that mother!" In Wayworld, human pain and suffering are controllable. If anyone experiences it, then the person, not the teaching, must be flawed. Else the entire charade of The Way would come crashing down and they would have to admit they're wrong. If they're wrong then they're no more special than anyone else and then the notion of being "God's Best" is underminded. No, it has to be the individual suffering that is at fault.
I will now return you to your regularly scheduled program..."Jack-a$$e$ and e-mails".
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Shell, after reading the little "joy" of an email.. the tone of it sounds like..
"To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee
and Gawd bless you abundantly in da name of jesus our lord, amen."
kinda conflicted, is it not?
but really.. any sore spot, any possible festering wound they might open.. seems they dig deep..
The last time I ran across a still in wayfer.. he (with subtlety) tried the same thing.. just little hints.. suggestions in almost every sentence that came out of his mouth.. such bile..
he's a frgging lunatic..
what else could one expect..
I think they are still trying to carry out the loyster's mandate.. to (supposedly) bring ruination to people's lives who had the audacity to leave willingly, or even unwillingly..
worse than fiendish Chihuahuas, nipping at one's heels..
if they were much larger, there might be a problem..
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when I see these guys.. I don't tell them anything. No fuel..
"well, everything is going GREAT! I'm doing so and so..(despite not going to *twig*).."
it's not just "small talk" anymore with these numbnuts..
suppose one has a few roadblocks..
"see.. he (she) can't cut the mustard, because they left da dumb house hole.."
I think they are experts in da gift(?) of analyzing "faults"..
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I'm learning, more so in last month or so, about picking my battles VERY carefully. That's not to say I will shut up, 'cuz now I can't, but it is to say that I know I have critics and what Kelly and I call "starers" and it's part of the game they play; we've learned how to roll with most of their punches.
I wanted us here to take a current look at their silliness.
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well your looking at the way ministry of the long past. i was told stuff by the lally's who were my limb and branch coordinators at one time. they are gone and thats good. i was kicked out by a branch guy in the 90's cause i had problems. that branch guy later left. GOD answers prayer if you believe not if you go to a study or not. you do not have to fellowship with the way or any other ministry that teaches GODS word to be protected. i read alota post of people having conversation about the way of the past. the way of today isnt anything like martindales way. alota false ministers and so called believers left or were told not to come back cause they didnt want to believe the word only cause trouble. some of them are here on this website BUT there are others here that were wrongly thown outa the ministry by others who aint here no more. i was yelled at , told i was possesed and other stuff way back when. i went to some of those independant fellowships only to find some of the same trouble makers running them and after they taught they would talk crap about the way insted of staying focased on what was taught cause some taught the rightly divided word and some didnt. i cannot undo the way i was treated by leadership in that WAS in the way long ago so i put that behind me and focus on the WORD. i am sorry that some of you were treated badly but so was i and others and until martindale and the rest were run off things were bad. i relise i will probably get alotta flack from posting this and thats fine cause i know there are some evil people lurking here along with the really good people. its written in peter that there shall be "false ministers" that shall come in among you and no longer do believers sit idle and allow others to hurt us , we kick em out ! GOD looks on the heart and if you gotta heart to know GOD you will get taken care of. all i can do is tell you that the way ministy of today is so far different from martindales way that theres no comparison. i have yet to see one person get mistreated or yelled at or told they better come or else or any of that other heavy handed law crap in the way of today. as for you folks that are gonna bad mouth me or the ministy go ahead cause i will then know who to avoid and not reply to. may GOD heal the hearts of those who were hurt by martindale and his cronies. btw i got lots of faults but nobody but me reminds me of them. i get sick sometimes and pull muscles and sprain things get blisters get teeth filled have a bad day etc. right now my arms are really sow frum workin. Shellon i dont believe that someone attending a way ministry fellowship on a regular basis wrote you that letter. that goes against everthing the ministry does in this day and time. i would like to know who wrote you that letter because that is out of line. anyone talking to or treating someone in that manner is either not thinking about what their saying or they are being a jerk and trying to bad mouth the ministry. you dont go telling somebody "see i told you so". for them not giving their name is cowardly. as for forgivness that aint got nothing to do with weather you attend a way fellowship or not thats between you and GOD and it aint nonna my business. i'm sorry you got that letter and i hope your daughter gets well. GOD BLESS YOU
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Well thank you-- now I know that despite all your claims of "new and improved" that "Mark and Avoid" certainly hasn't changed--that odious doctrine is still alive
Let me be the first
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DUH-- because...YOU just told me that YOU would
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Do they still teach "the law of believing"?
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Do these last few posts need to be a separate thread?
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I've put some of my story here as well. The one "numbnuts" and family.. get nothing unless he (they) read it here..
really.. the last brief encounter.. he says "oh.. I'm developing *professionally*.. blah blah blah.. gonna end up making a mint selling snake oil (my opinion) at such and such place.."
I think he enjoyed just hearing himself talk..
the parting comments.. say hello to so and so .. (the ex) and family.. I didn't ask about his kids.. I already knew far more than he would ever consider going "public" with.
he KNOWS I'm divorced.. what's with that? Maybe he's just suffering memory loss..
or maybe it was just another gentle "stab" and reminder that I'm outside of da crumbling walls of "zion"
Am I Reading too much into this? I really don't think so..
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