I sure admire your attitude about all this. I'd be ready to shed someone's blood for this.
Oh, I am ready to shed blood, I just understand that it's their normal
I have a girl with something wrong with her, bottom line and that's where my energy needs to be. They want to be axsholes and lay their shi+ on me, their welcome to do so and it's not going to do much to me. Myself and others here, this is not the first of it's kind tossed out by them. Sad lives they live indeed.
Maybe I've become immune to it after 12 years of it, I like to think I can still be surprised in this life, it keeps me on my tippy toes, but it does sting, sure.
I'm a mother and a damn good one. If they or anyone else doesn't know that, it doesn't change the reality of it. They can't take a thing away from me, they can't kill my spirit, they can't hurt my babies anymore, they already contributed to the death of my husband; what the hell else could they take?
I am not inferior to them and I actually sort of expect them to be mean spirited and ugly hearted. It's a sad fact of their existance.
Mess with my kids and we'll have problems and I will win, period, no need for discussion.
And from their tone and stupidity, I won't even have to fight with 'em to see that's already been done.
And again, while it's welcome the support, I really wanted us to to share our own stories and point and giggle at them.
I would like to echo everyone's sentiments here and say that I am appalled that a human could even conceive to compose such a letter. For what it's worth, I for one am glad that you chose to share your story and "open up" as you say. You are paying a price, but I for one will say that reading your story helped me connect with parts of myself that needed healing. Your writings have helped me to think through my own involvement in TWI in more detail and with more honesty and I have begun to commit some of this to paper. It's been very helpful, so thank you.
I'm always thrilled to learn that we help each other here; that's what we're supposed to do when it all works right and we take care of each other with a view toward the same goal. I learn more and more each day what that means for me and then for extension to others and I get it right alot of days too.
Nothing incites the faithful of a religion quite so much as when another leaves it.
You got that right! I think that's because when someone was "in" and then leaves it's an affront to an organization that is steeped in legalism. TWI makes all these claims about how wonderful one's life will be if they just "take the class" or whatever the next rung is. When someone has climbed those rungs and then says, "Hey, this is false!" People that are still "in" have to justify why they are still "in" and the only thing they can do is attack the character of the person who left. The truth is, it's more to convince themselves than anything else because somewhere deep down they are still incomplete and what they are doing isn't working...and they know it! I will say that Shellon must have rattled a few cages.
and just think.....according to another site, TWI has become kinder and gentler these days. Just think about what that means about the meaner and tougher old TWI.
You got that right! I think that's because when someone was "in" and then leaves it's an affront to an organization that is steeped in legalism.
Amen John, that is exactly what happens and the screaming and gnashing of teeth serves no more than to make them look foolish and even more irresponsible.
Of course they wouldn't expect me to publish their silly salivating at greasespot, although if they know me as well as they seemingly want to profess, they should know better than to ASSume anything in that regard.
Remember my 5 year old grand daughter "I iggynore them Nama"
OMG! I'm so thankful you have the sense to not believe that crap anymore. Honestly when I got out I use to fear being stricken dead because of starting to believe what I was seeing as the real truth. Makes me feel kind of sorry for those who are still under that wicked belief system. So yes, I pray for them as well but know this, you and Kelly are definately in my prayers and I trust God will help you through it all. Thank God for the stripes that our Lord Jesus Christ bore to free us from all sickness. I sure hope that 1 day those still in will really start believing in those same stripes and they will be healed from their blindness.
Well Shellon, I was a way clergy guy, and I'm still here! And I was kicked out in or around '88. I love you and will pray for you and your daughter. You are wonderful! And you know what that person can do with a rolling donut!
and just think.....according to another site, TWI has become kinder and gentler these days. Just think about what that means about the meaner and tougher old TWI.
Shell, you know our care is for you and K-girl.
I do, Hap, I do and thank you. Under different circumstances it'd be more fun to give you updates on your girl. And the updates will improve if my mama gut is right and it is nearly every time !
God is bigger than me and He's given me peace and comfort; that tells me all I need to know; it's just really that simple.
Hi Grand daughter, nice to see you around here ! Thanks for prayers and I think I have been lucky in that the time I was in TWI I knew their shi+ stunk WAY more than they were willing to admit, so when I left, I knew what was fixin to hit me and how brutal it was going to be and I'd spent months (years maybe) considering if I was up for it and decided I was. Or decided I better be cuz 'here we go......' I was fortunate in that regard and the dynamics of my upbringing and my core bi+ch I was ready for 'em and many of them were family.
Hey Johnny, I heard a rumor that was you ! hahahahahaha. Whatcha been doing, trouble?
I appreciate your kindness to me and my children and thank you~! We're good around here, lots of changes and rearranges but it's going to be ok.
why am I saying that no matter what battles you fight with your daughter there true love between the two of you
I could tell you stand tall but your afraid
i hope she does not die but study how you can die well
the Way Ministry has nothing VPW die a young age
what important that she knows your love for her
and Jesus Christ promise her she will change
I sorry I do not have right words
i love you and your daughter
with love and a holy kiss Roy
Thanks Roy, but I won't accept a diagnosis of anything but something simple that can either be treated or maintained until she's 104 years old and she dies a very old woman, long after burying me. So far the findings have been dire and we've pushed more and dug further and I've spent my days and nights asking more questions, taking her to more doctors, traveling to specialists, pushing into "no, keep looking".
She absolutely knows my love for her, indeed, it's the sustaining factor in our family. Well, that and rib splitting laughter, but yes we know love here, no doubt.
I understand what you are saying and I appreciate your care for us.
Shell, I am so sorry that the person sending you that "hate speech" letter only opened up old wounds. when I first read it, I just wanted to beat him, almost killing him. But then I realized that 2 wrongs do not make it right. If he, Martindale, Geer had said that to me in person, they would have died by my hands. But anger does not heal people but ends up killing you with ulcers and other problems. Wonder he they would like that attitude if they were in your shoes? They are not God or Jesus Christ, and none of them were ever prophets/holy men/women of God. Just immature brats and bullies.
It is interesting, nonetheless, that sickness, insanity, demonic possession, tragedy, and death typically have been soothsaid or interpreted by Wayfers as consequences for less-than-MOG folks leaving of the "household," but the death of the old heresiarch was interpreted as something his subordinates were culpable for.
If you've got an IP address for the e-mail source, you might try running it for location, as well as having it checked against the known IP addresses of registered GSC users (mostly to eliminate the possibility that GSC has some sicko pretending to be a Wayfer).
Shell, I am so sorry that the person sending you that "hate speech" letter only opened up old wounds. when I first read it, I just wanted to beat him, almost killing him. But then I realized that 2 wrongs do not make it right. If he, Martindale, Geer had said that to me in person, they would have died by my hands. But anger does not heal people ...... Just immature brats and bullies.
Hi Thomas, yeah, beating her up, almost killing her wouldn't get me more than three hots and a cot for a couple of years. I haven't ever felt that way about anything TWI said to me during or since my tenure with them. Well, ok one time I wanted to do a wee bit o damage to a horndog leader that told me my 16 y/o daughter was "almost ready for him", but I digress.
And I suppose if someone were literally hand on attacking one of my children, I'd kill 'em if I had to, sure.
This, however, is just snotty attitude of arrogance and 'we're better than you and you suck and look what you did cuz we said and come here and we'll fix your huge mistake and your baby girl will be healed'.
I knew it for what it is, as well as the many others I've been given since Sept 28, 1998; it's part of the package that is leaving TWI and ruffling their feathers.
I do agree with your "just immature brats and bullies" completely; indeed! And thank God that I understand that and won't stoop to her level of stupid. My current goal is to see healing and health and wholeness for my child. They can do nothing to me to stop that.
I'm also so sorry you have to put up with this bovine excretion from on high!
Lately they've changed their thinking. It used to be that the Bible was worshiped because it took the place of the absent Christ. In their lives Christ was considered as absent. Now it seems that they've elevated the organization above that....making twi take pre-eminence in their lives.
It is as if they are standing inside a fence, thumbs in their ears and fingers waving while they sing-song....we told you so.....etc.
They are the ones who are truly sick! And I'm not being sarcastic. The only hope for them is if they turn around and learn once again to worship God and Him alone.
I believe your youngest will be healed just as you say, a simple solution. I think you are one of the strongest women I know. With everything you have on your mind....and then this piece of ugliness.....you have already risen above it. Your mind is sound and your spirit is meek. We all know they look for examples of people who walked away and suffered various ills. They rev these things up to keep the fear high in those who still remain.....just in case they were reading here and considering leaving.
And another thing that both bugs me, and begs the question - - - Where-the-hell-is-the FAMILY- during times of "trial and tribulation"??? The Bozos there at headquarters are surely quick enough to condemn, yet where is the "love", the "compassion", the "outreaching" to a person in need? Those folks wouldn't know a true need if it slapped them upside the head.
Gotta luv the fact that they can condemn so quickly, while never offering help or assistance in anyway.
As Ed Abbey once said: "I p!ss on them all from a very great height". And - - - this is for you who are still "in". You're welcome there at the Way as long as you suck the kool-aid, and hand over your cash. You'll get pious platitudes that mean nothing, when you really need help. When the "chips are down", believe me, it'll be chalked up to your "believing" and you won't have a friend at all where you might've thought you had many.
Twi was never about "family". It was too full of itself to diversify.
Make a copy of the email and send it to the current Way International Board of Directors. Ask them if that's the way they teach their followers to "witness" to former members. Ask them if they'd be comfortable seeing that e-mail in a public news piece on their organization.
They are turds, but honestly there is nothing that's going to affect that deluded individual like getting smacked down by their own leadership. And that will happen if you escalate it.
People like that will only learn boundaries if they suffer consequences for violating them. It will also send a message to other similar minded 'tards.
I'm way past putting up with these idiot's shenanigans.
Interesting it that seems more people are incensed about that email than Shellon herself is. As far as TWI is concerned, she sees through their manipulative and mean-spirited approach and has of necessity grown a thick hide to withstand it.
Perhaps the rest of us haven't had to put up with quite that level of abuse in that particular area and that's why we're so angry about the email.
It's double-edged abuse. A form of self-abuse. The fact is that the writer probably sincerely meant what she said. Sincere, but diametrically opposed to Godliness.
Interesting it that seems more people are incensed about that email than Shellon herself is. As far as TWI is concerned, she sees through their manipulative and mean-spirited approach and has of necessity grown a thick hide to withstand it.
Perhaps the rest of us haven't had to put up with quite that level of abuse in that particular area and that's why we're so angry about the email.
It's double-edged abuse. A form of self-abuse. The fact is that the writer probably sincerely meant what she said. Sincere, but diametrically opposed to Godliness.
Please don't mistake my quiet about the words themselves as acceptance of them. I suppose I have thickened my skin to allow for less sting at this kind of behavior from others, but let me add that this isn't anything new. I got in TWI in 1982 and hung out there until 1998, so this doesn't shock me at all, doesn't surprise me, doesn't make me do much more than feel shame for their attitude; it's embarassing isn't it?
That's not to say it doesn't hack me off, but from a mothers lens only, really. I am a fantastic mother and I don't take to being accused of anything less, ever. Whether it were TWI or a total stranger or someone that lived in my life 24/7, going after my parenting skills and ability and love of my child is way past fighting words.
The old stand by works: Mess with me all ya want, but don't you dare involve my babies.
When I left TWI I did so with full and complete knowledge that there was the clicking of teeth that went something like "what is she doing to those girls?" and I've not been left wanting as to them keeping it up for the last 12 years. My husband had just died and TWI was in the process of setting me up with a new head of my home in the form of three men who would share the responsibilities as to what I might need.
Interpret that anyway you choose; I'll not elaborate except to say that it was clear to me what I was to do and relenquish the traditional male role as to my daughter's spiritual needs was priority. "Those children need male influence, Shellon". Okfine, so I grew a pair.
Since that time, they have been often the first place I get criticism and accusations as to lack. Striking, actually, since they are the first place I put my care, concern and attention.
I knew from my first PFAL in 1982 that I was to "believe" for my children's health and turn their needs over to God and whatever current trend TWI was shoving in my face as to child care ie wooden spoon, etc., and follow their trends. It didn't fit me then and nothing changed as the time crept by.
I understand, also, that women such as myself are a problem when we don't bow to their level of stupid or lower our standards to their level of what's right. I'm not a stranger to that, so again it doesn't get me when they, again, puke their threats in my direction.
Dmiller speaks of family and that was unique in our case as well and I'm used to being denied access to some of my daughters' family as to their love and care and concern, even as their grand daughter/niece is ill. It's sad is what it is.
I tend to learn more in this life of what NOT to do and how NOT to treat people. I file this kind of thing in my don't do that to someone place and stick with Kailin's iggynore them, for the most part.
I don't know that I'll publish the author's name of this silly email in a place of attention for TWI, but I do know that it likely won't be the last one I'll receive on that context; I am just used to it in emails, phone calls, IM's and messages via third parties.
I quote my grandmother often and it's a familiar one to many. Be a duck, calm and quiet on the surface and paddle like hell underneath. So often in a crisis such as Kelly's being sick, I recall her teaching me basic things about behaving when the going gets a little rough or even if it get really rough and first and foremost she would tell me to let the least important things simmer when I can so that the bigger things don't boil over and make a worse mess. Sometimes I get it right.
The most important thing for this moment is that my daughters doctors now have the correct lab reports and test results and it's hoped that there can now be a definitive correct diagnosis. That is what's important to me today, give me the name of THAT enemy and let me at it.
TWI is a blip on my radar that is to be cautiously eyed and I don't turn my back on them, but my child's care is where I place my energy and time for now.
Until we about her returned good health and life gets back to something besides medical tests and specialist and no answers. Then, sure, bring it on as to dealing with the poopysillyheads.
can you tell I've spoken to my 5 year old grandbaby this morning? I like the way she thinks.
My husband's remains are buried in The Way Woods, my children's paternal family is still involved; some of them. It's not a matter of just storming in and kicking azs and hoping I get a name or three right.
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i'm sorry about your daughter and i'm praying for her and all of you and yours. i haven't read all the replies here yet but i will but right now i have to run but i wanted to say something but if it's
I WANT TO tell a short story here,... On Jan 07 2007, my fiancee died. I was there. then on the 12th of the same month my mother died. I've lost 4 good friends since then, and last September my fathe
Hi Thomas, yeah, beating her up, almost killing her wouldn't get me more than three hots and a cot for a couple of years. I haven't ever felt that way about anything TWI said to me during or since my
Watered Garden
I sure admire your attitude about all this. I'd be ready to shed someone's blood for this.
Oh, yeah, I forgot: I'm supposed to be dead, too and here I am ornery as ever!
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Oh, I am ready to shed blood, I just understand that it's their normal
I have a girl with something wrong with her, bottom line and that's where my energy needs to be. They want to be axsholes and lay their shi+ on me, their welcome to do so and it's not going to do much to me. Myself and others here, this is not the first of it's kind tossed out by them. Sad lives they live indeed.
Maybe I've become immune to it after 12 years of it, I like to think I can still be surprised in this life, it keeps me on my tippy toes, but it does sting, sure.
I'm a mother and a damn good one. If they or anyone else doesn't know that, it doesn't change the reality of it. They can't take a thing away from me, they can't kill my spirit, they can't hurt my babies anymore, they already contributed to the death of my husband; what the hell else could they take?
I am not inferior to them and I actually sort of expect them to be mean spirited and ugly hearted. It's a sad fact of their existance.
Mess with my kids and we'll have problems and I will win, period, no need for discussion.
And from their tone and stupidity, I won't even have to fight with 'em to see that's already been done.
And again, while it's welcome the support, I really wanted us to to share our own stories and point and giggle at them.
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Broken Arrow
I would like to echo everyone's sentiments here and say that I am appalled that a human could even conceive to compose such a letter. For what it's worth, I for one am glad that you chose to share your story and "open up" as you say. You are paying a price, but I for one will say that reading your story helped me connect with parts of myself that needed healing. Your writings have helped me to think through my own involvement in TWI in more detail and with more honesty and I have begun to commit some of this to paper. It's been very helpful, so thank you.
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You're welcome John, thank you!
I'm always thrilled to learn that we help each other here; that's what we're supposed to do when it all works right and we take care of each other with a view toward the same goal. I learn more and more each day what that means for me and then for extension to others and I get it right alot of days too.
Someday we'll get to read your writing, yes?
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Broken Arrow
You got that right! I think that's because when someone was "in" and then leaves it's an affront to an organization that is steeped in legalism. TWI makes all these claims about how wonderful one's life will be if they just "take the class" or whatever the next rung is. When someone has climbed those rungs and then says, "Hey, this is false!" People that are still "in" have to justify why they are still "in" and the only thing they can do is attack the character of the person who left. The truth is, it's more to convince themselves than anything else because somewhere deep down they are still incomplete and what they are doing isn't working...and they know it! I will say that Shellon must have rattled a few cages.
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and just think.....according to another site, TWI has become kinder and gentler these days. Just think about what that means about the meaner and tougher old TWI.
Shell, you know our care is for you and K-girl.
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Amen John, that is exactly what happens and the screaming and gnashing of teeth serves no more than to make them look foolish and even more irresponsible.
Of course they wouldn't expect me to publish their silly salivating at greasespot, although if they know me as well as they seemingly want to profess, they should know better than to ASSume anything in that regard.
Remember my 5 year old grand daughter "I iggynore them Nama"
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OMG! I'm so thankful you have the sense to not believe that crap anymore. Honestly when I got out I use to fear being stricken dead because of starting to believe what I was seeing as the real truth. Makes me feel kind of sorry for those who are still under that wicked belief system. So yes, I pray for them as well but know this, you and Kelly are definately in my prayers and I trust God will help you through it all. Thank God for the stripes that our Lord Jesus Christ bore to free us from all sickness. I sure hope that 1 day those still in will really start believing in those same stripes and they will be healed from their blindness.
Much Love
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Well Shellon, I was a way clergy guy, and I'm still here! And I was kicked out in or around '88. I love you and will pray for you and your daughter. You are wonderful! And you know what that person can do with a rolling donut!
(Psst! It's me, one time Jonny Lingo)

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I do, Hap, I do and thank you. Under different circumstances it'd be more fun to give you updates on your girl. And the updates will improve if my mama gut is right and it is nearly every time !
God is bigger than me and He's given me peace and comfort; that tells me all I need to know; it's just really that simple.
Hi Grand daughter, nice to see you around here ! Thanks for prayers and I think I have been lucky in that the time I was in TWI I knew their shi+ stunk WAY more than they were willing to admit, so when I left, I knew what was fixin to hit me and how brutal it was going to be and I'd spent months (years maybe) considering if I was up for it and decided I was. Or decided I better be cuz 'here we go......' I was fortunate in that regard and the dynamics of my upbringing and my core bi+ch I was ready for 'em and many of them were family.
Hey Johnny, I heard a rumor that was you ! hahahahahaha. Whatcha been doing, trouble?
I appreciate your kindness to me and my children and thank you~! We're good around here, lots of changes and rearranges but it's going to be ok.
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Broken Arrow
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God first
thanks Shellon
your daughter will be ok
why am I saying that no matter what battles you fight with your daughter there true love between the two of you
I could tell you stand tall but your afraid
i hope she does not die but study how you can die well
the Way Ministry has nothing VPW die a young age
what important that she knows your love for her
and Jesus Christ promise her she will change
I sorry I do not have right words
i love you and your daughter
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Thanks Roy, but I won't accept a diagnosis of anything but something simple that can either be treated or maintained until she's 104 years old and she dies a very old woman, long after burying me. So far the findings have been dire and we've pushed more and dug further and I've spent my days and nights asking more questions, taking her to more doctors, traveling to specialists, pushing into "no, keep looking".
She absolutely knows my love for her, indeed, it's the sustaining factor in our family. Well, that and rib splitting laughter, but yes we know love here, no doubt.
I understand what you are saying and I appreciate your care for us.
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God first
thanks Shellon
I love you and your daughter my friend
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Shell, I am so sorry that the person sending you that "hate speech" letter only opened up old wounds. when I first read it, I just wanted to beat him, almost killing him. But then I realized that 2 wrongs do not make it right. If he, Martindale, Geer had said that to me in person, they would have died by my hands. But anger does not heal people but ends up killing you with ulcers and other problems. Wonder he they would like that attitude if they were in your shoes? They are not God or Jesus Christ, and none of them were ever prophets/holy men/women of God. Just immature brats and bullies.
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What a pack of false teachers and false prophets.
It is interesting, nonetheless, that sickness, insanity, demonic possession, tragedy, and death typically have been soothsaid or interpreted by Wayfers as consequences for less-than-MOG folks leaving of the "household," but the death of the old heresiarch was interpreted as something his subordinates were culpable for.
If you've got an IP address for the e-mail source, you might try running it for location, as well as having it checked against the known IP addresses of registered GSC users (mostly to eliminate the possibility that GSC has some sicko pretending to be a Wayfer).
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Hi Thomas, yeah, beating her up, almost killing her wouldn't get me more than three hots and a cot for a couple of years. I haven't ever felt that way about anything TWI said to me during or since my tenure with them. Well, ok one time I wanted to do a wee bit o damage to a horndog leader that told me my 16 y/o daughter was "almost ready for him", but I digress.
And I suppose if someone were literally hand on attacking one of my children, I'd kill 'em if I had to, sure.
This, however, is just snotty attitude of arrogance and 'we're better than you and you suck and look what you did cuz we said and come here and we'll fix your huge mistake and your baby girl will be healed'.
I knew it for what it is, as well as the many others I've been given since Sept 28, 1998; it's part of the package that is leaving TWI and ruffling their feathers.
I do agree with your "just immature brats and bullies" completely; indeed! And thank God that I understand that and won't stoop to her level of stupid. My current goal is to see healing and health and wholeness for my child. They can do nothing to me to stop that.
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I'm also so sorry you have to put up with this bovine excretion from on high!
Lately they've changed their thinking. It used to be that the Bible was worshiped because it took the place of the absent Christ. In their lives Christ was considered as absent. Now it seems that they've elevated the organization above that....making twi take pre-eminence in their lives.
It is as if they are standing inside a fence, thumbs in their ears and fingers waving while they sing-song....we told you so.....etc.
They are the ones who are truly sick! And I'm not being sarcastic. The only hope for them is if they turn around and learn once again to worship God and Him alone.
I believe your youngest will be healed just as you say, a simple solution. I think you are one of the strongest women I know. With everything you have on your mind....and then this piece of ugliness.....you have already risen above it. Your mind is sound and your spirit is meek. We all know they look for examples of people who walked away and suffered various ills. They rev these things up to keep the fear high in those who still remain.....just in case they were reading here and considering leaving.
God bless Shellon - - I salute you!
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Jonny (ClayJay) had great advice. It's hard to believe jerks like this still exist.
Tell the @$hole who sent you that letter to take a flying F### at a rolling doughnut.
I find it amazing, that such ignorance can be so prevalent with "God's Chosen".
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And another thing that both bugs me, and begs the question - - - Where-the-hell-is-the FAMILY- during times of "trial and tribulation"??? The Bozos there at headquarters are surely quick enough to condemn, yet where is the "love", the "compassion", the "outreaching" to a person in need? Those folks wouldn't know a true need if it slapped them upside the head.
Gotta luv the fact that they can condemn so quickly, while never offering help or assistance in anyway.
As Ed Abbey once said: "I p!ss on them all from a very great height". And - - - this is for you who are still "in". You're welcome there at the Way as long as you suck the kool-aid, and hand over your cash. You'll get pious platitudes that mean nothing, when you really need help. When the "chips are down", believe me, it'll be chalked up to your "believing" and you won't have a friend at all where you might've thought you had many.
Twi was never about "family". It was too full of itself to diversify.
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Make a copy of the email and send it to the current Way International Board of Directors. Ask them if that's the way they teach their followers to "witness" to former members. Ask them if they'd be comfortable seeing that e-mail in a public news piece on their organization.
They are turds, but honestly there is nothing that's going to affect that deluded individual like getting smacked down by their own leadership. And that will happen if you escalate it.
People like that will only learn boundaries if they suffer consequences for violating them. It will also send a message to other similar minded 'tards.
I'm way past putting up with these idiot's shenanigans.
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Interesting it that seems more people are incensed about that email than Shellon herself is. As far as TWI is concerned, she sees through their manipulative and mean-spirited approach and has of necessity grown a thick hide to withstand it.
Perhaps the rest of us haven't had to put up with quite that level of abuse in that particular area and that's why we're so angry about the email.
It's double-edged abuse. A form of self-abuse. The fact is that the writer probably sincerely meant what she said. Sincere, but diametrically opposed to Godliness.
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Please don't mistake my quiet about the words themselves as acceptance of them. I suppose I have thickened my skin to allow for less sting at this kind of behavior from others, but let me add that this isn't anything new. I got in TWI in 1982 and hung out there until 1998, so this doesn't shock me at all, doesn't surprise me, doesn't make me do much more than feel shame for their attitude; it's embarassing isn't it?
That's not to say it doesn't hack me off, but from a mothers lens only, really. I am a fantastic mother and I don't take to being accused of anything less, ever. Whether it were TWI or a total stranger or someone that lived in my life 24/7, going after my parenting skills and ability and love of my child is way past fighting words.
The old stand by works: Mess with me all ya want, but don't you dare involve my babies.
When I left TWI I did so with full and complete knowledge that there was the clicking of teeth that went something like "what is she doing to those girls?" and I've not been left wanting as to them keeping it up for the last 12 years. My husband had just died and TWI was in the process of setting me up with a new head of my home in the form of three men who would share the responsibilities as to what I might need.
Interpret that anyway you choose; I'll not elaborate except to say that it was clear to me what I was to do and relenquish the traditional male role as to my daughter's spiritual needs was priority. "Those children need male influence, Shellon". Okfine, so I grew a pair.
Since that time, they have been often the first place I get criticism and accusations as to lack. Striking, actually, since they are the first place I put my care, concern and attention.
I knew from my first PFAL in 1982 that I was to "believe" for my children's health and turn their needs over to God and whatever current trend TWI was shoving in my face as to child care ie wooden spoon, etc., and follow their trends. It didn't fit me then and nothing changed as the time crept by.
I understand, also, that women such as myself are a problem when we don't bow to their level of stupid or lower our standards to their level of what's right. I'm not a stranger to that, so again it doesn't get me when they, again, puke their threats in my direction.
Dmiller speaks of family and that was unique in our case as well and I'm used to being denied access to some of my daughters' family as to their love and care and concern, even as their grand daughter/niece is ill. It's sad is what it is.
I tend to learn more in this life of what NOT to do and how NOT to treat people. I file this kind of thing in my don't do that to someone place and stick with Kailin's iggynore them, for the most part.
I don't know that I'll publish the author's name of this silly email in a place of attention for TWI, but I do know that it likely won't be the last one I'll receive on that context; I am just used to it in emails, phone calls, IM's and messages via third parties.
I quote my grandmother often and it's a familiar one to many. Be a duck, calm and quiet on the surface and paddle like hell underneath. So often in a crisis such as Kelly's being sick, I recall her teaching me basic things about behaving when the going gets a little rough or even if it get really rough and first and foremost she would tell me to let the least important things simmer when I can so that the bigger things don't boil over and make a worse mess. Sometimes I get it right.
The most important thing for this moment is that my daughters doctors now have the correct lab reports and test results and it's hoped that there can now be a definitive correct diagnosis. That is what's important to me today, give me the name of THAT enemy and let me at it.
TWI is a blip on my radar that is to be cautiously eyed and I don't turn my back on them, but my child's care is where I place my energy and time for now.
Until we
about her returned good health and life gets back to something besides medical tests and specialist and no answers. Then, sure, bring it on as to dealing with the poopysillyheads.
can you tell I've spoken to my 5 year old grandbaby this morning? I like the way she thinks.
My husband's remains are buried in The Way Woods, my children's paternal family is still involved; some of them. It's not a matter of just storming in and kicking azs and hoping I get a name or three right.
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