I have been meaning to post this for a while. When I was at HQ one of the cabinet folks started selling Mona-Vie. The person really believed that it was an effective, healing, juice that could do wonders for folks. For those unfamiliar, Mona-Vie is an Acai berry juice that is set up as a multi-level marketing sales plan. I can't really say that the juice is good or worthless, I suppose it could help some folks.
acai is awesome. even more awesome now that Costco sells it for 2 large bottles for $10. Kind of takes all the wind out of the MLM scams though.
Anyway, this stuff spread all throughout the way of the usa. Well, of course Rosalie eventually caught wind of it and made it her personal battle to go after this evil juice and marketing plan. She even went so far as to have Gary Frederick present a newly adopted ethical statement that denounced this sort of thing by the way corps as a conflict of interest since the way corps should have people's best interest at heart and not see them as potential marketing partners. She managed to divide those who were against Mona-Vie and the pro Mona-Vie people. It was pretty nasty. Of course many at the way international in recent years, much to the chagrin of Rosalie and others, have used the law to back the old bag off when she starts showing her gnarly teeth. Most of them refrained from selling to HQ staff and kept it to themselves but continued to sell it. Some of these same people refused to back down when confronted and received punishment assignments being sent on the field to start fellowships.
I remember all that. Gary did this big Corps teaching on MLM - and was waffling back and forth on opinion that SELLING a product was OK, but building a MLM pyramid was not. He also taught about how it was like Balaam to sell the stuff, you know - the greedy of filthy lucre is what they were saying. Then Rosie made a policy that you couldn't do it at all. And yes, Ira, Steven from Way of USA deptmt. all got busted down and sent out.
All you long timers on staff, take heed. Either kiss the foot of the pope - ette, or prepare your resume!
I thought I would throw this out there for discussion:
1. We can really see the desperation of the financially strapped long time staffers who are feeling the economic strain of committing their lives to the way international
Here's a unique concept. It's like from business. Hire less people. And pay them more. Then everyone might even have something to do besides mindless BS. But yes, when you have people surviving on minimum wage, then you see the Prez. cabinet paying cash for homes in the local area from savings from their fat salaries, it does tend to spread dissension in the ranks.
2. Is the so called "conflict of interest" rooted in competition presented by Mona-Vie's marketing plan with the way international's marketing plan, contained in the vision and direction document?
the "conflict of interest" just means it is a conflict because it isn't under Rosie's micro-management leadership style. Since she has zero interest in the well being of staff or followers, there's no genuine conflict. If she can't control it, it's aeee-vill, you know.
3. Does the way international engineer financial hardship in their long time way corps, staffers lives to enforce another layer of control?
does a fat bear sh1t in the woods?
4. I'm sure there is more, so let's work this one a little.
rosie's like one of those wicked witches in the Wizard of Oz. Looks so intimidating, until you pour water on it.
Linder is one of those who if he gave a deposition it could implicate virtually everyone there at HQ. There are a few of those types around - they know too much to really jack with.
Here's a unique concept. It's like from business. Hire less people. And pay them more.
Ahh, interesting point. They have by attrition been forced to hire way more people. Yet, they will not increase staff pay. The official line of BS that has been handed around during placements and other high level meetings is, to paraphrase, "People should not work on staff at the way international expecting to make money. Instead they should be there to grow spiritually by serving at an advanced level."
Now never mind obvious scripture like the laborer is worthy of his hire or Vicster's ethics teaching (which I like) that business transactions should be mutually beneficial for both parties. Coming on staff is meant to be an opportunity for mature advanced class grads to be trained. After all HQ is a training location.
Now, where is my johnny mop, I need to go scrub some urinals. You would not believe my advanced urinal scrubbing techniques that I learned while on staff at the way international. I'm even know how to place the johnny cakes just so that contact is guaranteed releasing that wonderful scent.
"People should not work on staff at the way international expecting to make money. Instead they should be there to grow spiritually by serving at an advanced level."
which makes me wonder.. how long is one supposed to be *there* in TRAINING?
look a Cou*ter.. a few others..
and what are they actually learning? From the track record.. to know how to run an offshoot when rosie the terrible runs them off..
I mean.. really.. there for twenty plus years, in some kind of learning or training program?
the "conflict of interest" just means it is a conflict because it isn't under Rosie's micro-management leadership style. Since she has zero interest in the well being of staff or followers, there's no genuine conflict. If she can't control it, it's aeee-vill, you know.
I think this is part of it. But I also think that the conflict of interest extends a little deeper. Competition of time is a big one. If the way corps have time to promote monavie then naturally that time should be spent promoting classes and "establishing people in the word." Let's ignore the fact that many mindless and onerous levels of busy work are layered into way corps lives. Let's also ignore cp3 and any other health related topics...lol....anyways.
Also, I remember Rosalie lecturing a group of us that the people in the ministry should not have to feel an obligation to buy juice from their way corps leadership. It was all about people using their "position" to influence their sales. Now, the Vision and Direction document has many goals that all come back to one litmus test - revenue should be steadily increasing from a given area. A.k.a money being generated from classes, new people starting to tithe, and grads increasing their abundant sharing.
I think it's revealing. From my perspective of hearing her private lectures, I think she felt threatened that time and money would go to monavie, a multi-level marketing scheme, and away from the way international - definitely another type of multi-level marketing scheme. And since monavie had spread across the ministry so fast, I think she felt threatened.
So to summarize:
1 - conflict of interest stemming from the desire to micromanage all that can be micromanaged.
2 - conflict of interest resulting from lost time promoting monavie
3 - conflict of interest from the way corps using their positions to sell juice instead of the way international
4 - conflict of interest because money that could be given to the way international was instead being used to purchase juice. With the proper control, time, and influence exerted by the way corps that money should flow into the way internationals' coffers.
Maybe Rosalie should have the way corps sign a non-compete agreement.
No, it's freeze dried Acai juice sweetened with white grape juice. Acai is nasty by itself. Oh, Ira Berger was one of the people who received a punishment assignment. He went from years as cabinet to going to S.C. to start a fellowship and build to a branch within a year. Actual wording chosen by Rosalie.
Oh ok I would not suprize me if a little Scopolamine was added!
Wayfers are sheeple. One starts something and they all follow. I remember the 80s was a great time to combine MLMs and believing. It was like a business in a box. How about window washing and landscaping? Many weren't able to pay their bills because their businesses didn't make that much, yet so many lived below par to save face with their "believing".
At HQ, I saw MANY follow each other with health trends: Atkins, Fit for Life, you name it. I remember liquid vitamins and colloidal minerals. Sadly, I knew a person who lost their foot in an accident many years ago who actually believed colloidal minerals may make their foot grow back.
Ahh, interesting point. They have by attrition been forced to hire way more people. Yet, they will not increase staff pay. The official line of BS that has been handed around during placements and other high level meetings is, to paraphrase, "People should not work on staff at the way international expecting to make money. Instead they should be there to grow spiritually by serving at an advanced level."
Well again what they say and what they do when it pertains to themselves are 2 different things. Now Rosie herself has drawn little salary as she had inheritance money, and her home was built by Way Builders so cost her nothing or next to nothing, which she paid long ago. She doesn't pay rent like anyone living in Founders Hall or the Mobile Home park.
However, this is not the case for Prez cabinet. Even when others are working barely above minimum wage, these few have much higher salaries approved. They are paid management / corporate VP level salaries (certainly in their sector). Some have certainly paid cash for homes in the local area from what they've made from their salaries.
Jesus taught that the greater should be the greater servant. He did not teach that they should conform to a corporate scaled salary level.
However, if you start to look at The Way like a corporation, complete with laws and politics that plague every corporation, then it starts to make more sense. In some ways due to the "spiritual" tag they excuse every behavior with, the evil in politics and the using of people is much worse than a standard corporation, because you have no checks and balances. "God" leading people, and the tenet that you believe God is leading the people in charge is the trump card that they pull to back people down, to maintain loyalty, and to excuse atrocities against perceived enemies. In this it is closer to what you would see in a Communist regime than it is to what you see even in corporate environments. I know I was typically treated much better in the world than I was in the Way. This includes all the typical corporate BS I experienced in the world.
Rosie answers to nobody. Yet she will eventually answer to God. And so will her successors.
Now never mind obvious scripture like the laborer is worthy of his hire or Vicster's ethics teaching (which I like) that business transactions should be mutually beneficial for both parties. Coming on staff is meant to be an opportunity for mature advanced class grads to be trained. After all HQ is a training location.
Let's cover a little of Vicster's ethics teachings, even though they were basically college freshman level [Lifestyle of a Believer]. No man is the means to another man's end. And an ethical business transaction is good for both parties.
"Training" mature advanced class grads is the fallacy there. In reality, those who have been on staff for years have only "staff" experience with which to train people. Many advanced class grads have much more directly skilled experience in direct areas that could benefit the Way. Yet the whole corporate culture shuts them down from providing it. They are being trained. They are not training. In essence, they are being used under the guise of being trained.
For this "training" to be valuable, it would benefit the individuals when leaving Staff. And yet there are countless tales of people on staff for decades that have to start over and build a new career, because the "experience" they obtained on staff is not viewed as "experience" in areas that corporations recognize. LCM is a prime example - he used to brag that he could be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. When he left he hefted boxes at UPS part time like a college job. This is an altogether too common story.
The "training" is a narrow-minded, egotistical indoctrination towards certain policies and procedures. Sure some level of preparation is part of any job. But the Way did not originate the dress rehearsal before a performance. Yet they act like it. They teach a narrow-minded egotism, and that attitude stinks from miles away. In a corporate team environment it is a death sentence for a career. Their "training" does more harm than good.
Yeah - your examples of scrubbing toilets are a great one. People "learn humility" by peeling potatoes, scrubbing toilets, and working on grounds being "ridden hard and put away wet". WOW. That sounds like the jobs I had as a teenager. That's the stage of someone's career that they should experience that. Not throughout the duration of it. The day that scrubbing toilets, peeling potatoes, and cutting grass actually provide the training they promise is the day you see Rosalie doing it. Otherwise it's just her using people, bending them to her will, and establishing an egotistical pecking order.
It's a dysfunctional corporate environment, posing as a research, teaching, and fellowship ministry. The corporate culture kills all 3 of their supposed tenets and purpose for being.
The "lifers" on Prez cabinet get a salary. They're not learning. They are training. Rosie has her little system of running events she teaches them all and they all do it.
Others who are the grunts there for 20 years just don't have anywhere else to go - like the dude in lighting.
Maybe Rosalie should have the way corps sign a non-compete agreement.
Your writeup on the elements of the conflict of interest are good thoughts and analysis OldSkool.
On the non-compete agreement, she did that. Except it was a policy that people didn't have to agree to - it was a new policy set from the Directors, that no Way Corps leadership could have a distributorship of any kind or resell anything. This by the letter of it even ruled out becoming a paper distributor for personal use discounts, although I doubt they could expect to enforce that.
A good friend of mine in Florida (an ex-Wayfer -- boy, did she get screwed by TWI) is involved with MonaVie and has apparently made a buttload of money. She tries to get me involved, but I've always found MLM a shaky business model. I just drink Blueberry-Acai V8 Fusion!
Another thing I found ironic in Oldskool's post was the "punishment." Being sent out to (basically plant new churches) start fellowships was/is considered punishment. Wow. However, the truly entrepreneurial would see that as an opportunity to not only win souls, but have first dibs on any new MLM opportunities.
Ya know, I have a confession to make. Back in 1987, I tried an MLM thing out once. It was called "NSA", which stands for "National Safety Associates". I was just about kicked out of The Way by that time, and I had just left my assignment as a BC (OMG! I copped out on my assignment! First time ever!), and was getting established financially in my hometown of Kensington, MD. I was an ordained guy, but I successfully kept it a secret from the local believers, and I and my wife really enjoyed our anonymity at this twig that was only a block from the house I grew up in. It was fun just bein' "reglar people". But yeah, I finally decided that "it was okay to have a job" regardless of what any "leadership" thought of me.
And so, one of the recent Corps grads was into this NSA thing, which, to put it in short, meant selling water filters. Like I said, it was MLM, with great promises of riches and good health through clean water. But what I saw with the guy who turned me on to it was that everyone he talked to was now a prospective customer, a prospective "distributer" I guess I should say. No longer were the people around him (which of course were mostly Wayfers) just friends to hang out with. They now became "prospectives". And then I too began to be that way with people, because if it's going to work, it simply is what you have to do. And you know, the highers ups in NSA in that area (non-Wayfers, higher up than the new corps grad guy who got me into it), would say things in a bright manner like; "This isn't selling! It's just friends helping friends!" But, it was selling and that's all there is to it.
I actually sold a few though. And it was actually a good product. But, I just hated the faux friendliness that seemed to accompany my "upline" guy's countenance as he talked with people, waiting for that opportunity to bring up the "NSA Family". I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't really listening to the Prospect to whom he was talking, he was waiting for his "opening". I mean, it was also SO much like the way we treated people when trying to get them to take "The Class". Actually, it was a real eye opener for me to see that because it was just like I'd done for a long time with "prospective class takers". And so, since this was a major time of upheaval and turmoil for me as I was seeing the light about getting out of The Way and "breaking my Corps commitment" and also my clergy commitment to The Way, the last thing I wanted to do was start trying to convince people to buy something or be part of something they didn't really want.
So, I took the water filters and brochures and crap back to the guy and simply said; "Here. I'm done with this". He tried to "under shepherd me" back into it and I just glared at him and repeated; "I am done with this". And then he got the message.
So, I gotta laugh now that I have learned of The Great Mona-Vie TWI Debacle! I can just see them all trying to "sell each other", turning their faux friendliness on each other with promises of riches! This story is pretty rich, ya know? Got me laughin' pretty good. But just like the guy I gave my water filters back to, it's a free country, and if that's what the Wayfers want to do, it's their business and they ought to be able to do it. But it shore wasn't for me!
Wasn't there another one that came through TWI? Mellaluca maybe?
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ROFL! Ya, I forgot to mention that it also has ground Jimson seeds in it....lol
acai is awesome. even more awesome now that Costco sells it for 2 large bottles for $10. Kind of takes all the wind out of the MLM scams though.
I remember all that. Gary did this big Corps teaching on MLM - and was waffling back and forth on opinion that SELLING a product was OK, but building a MLM pyramid was not. He also taught about how it was like Balaam to sell the stuff, you know - the greedy of filthy lucre is what they were saying. Then Rosie made a policy that you couldn't do it at all. And yes, Ira, Steven from Way of USA deptmt. all got busted down and sent out.
All you long timers on staff, take heed. Either kiss the foot of the pope - ette, or prepare your resume!
Here's a unique concept. It's like from business. Hire less people. And pay them more. Then everyone might even have something to do besides mindless BS. But yes, when you have people surviving on minimum wage, then you see the Prez. cabinet paying cash for homes in the local area from savings from their fat salaries, it does tend to spread dissension in the ranks.
the "conflict of interest" just means it is a conflict because it isn't under Rosie's micro-management leadership style. Since she has zero interest in the well being of staff or followers, there's no genuine conflict. If she can't control it, it's aeee-vill, you know.
does a fat bear sh1t in the woods?
rosie's like one of those wicked witches in the Wizard of Oz. Looks so intimidating, until you pour water on it.
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Linder is one of those who if he gave a deposition it could implicate virtually everyone there at HQ. There are a few of those types around - they know too much to really jack with.
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Ahh, interesting point. They have by attrition been forced to hire way more people. Yet, they will not increase staff pay. The official line of BS that has been handed around during placements and other high level meetings is, to paraphrase, "People should not work on staff at the way international expecting to make money. Instead they should be there to grow spiritually by serving at an advanced level."
Now never mind obvious scripture like the laborer is worthy of his hire or Vicster's ethics teaching (which I like) that business transactions should be mutually beneficial for both parties. Coming on staff is meant to be an opportunity for mature advanced class grads to be trained. After all HQ is a training location.
Now, where is my johnny mop, I need to go scrub some urinals. You would not believe my advanced urinal scrubbing techniques that I learned while on staff at the way international. I'm even know how to place the johnny cakes just so that contact is guaranteed releasing that wonderful scent.
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That one, I believe, actually "originated" with (He's not my uncle) Harry.
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which makes me wonder.. how long is one supposed to be *there* in TRAINING?
look a Cou*ter.. a few others..
and what are they actually learning? From the track record.. to know how to run an offshoot when rosie the terrible runs them off..
I mean.. really.. there for twenty plus years, in some kind of learning or training program?
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Gee Oldskool, yer my hero.....
Laughs Hysterically and saunters off...................
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Naturally, I have had advanced training at the way international.
Well, they're way corps and are always in training. It's like a recursive acronym that....oh my I've gone cross-eyed....
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I see, thanks for the clarification.
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I think this is part of it. But I also think that the conflict of interest extends a little deeper. Competition of time is a big one. If the way corps have time to promote monavie then naturally that time should be spent promoting classes and "establishing people in the word." Let's ignore the fact that many mindless and onerous levels of busy work are layered into way corps lives. Let's also ignore cp3 and any other health related topics...lol....anyways.
Also, I remember Rosalie lecturing a group of us that the people in the ministry should not have to feel an obligation to buy juice from their way corps leadership. It was all about people using their "position" to influence their sales. Now, the Vision and Direction document has many goals that all come back to one litmus test - revenue should be steadily increasing from a given area. A.k.a money being generated from classes, new people starting to tithe, and grads increasing their abundant sharing.
I think it's revealing. From my perspective of hearing her private lectures, I think she felt threatened that time and money would go to monavie, a multi-level marketing scheme, and away from the way international - definitely another type of multi-level marketing scheme. And since monavie had spread across the ministry so fast, I think she felt threatened.
So to summarize:
1 - conflict of interest stemming from the desire to micromanage all that can be micromanaged.
2 - conflict of interest resulting from lost time promoting monavie
3 - conflict of interest from the way corps using their positions to sell juice instead of the way international
4 - conflict of interest because money that could be given to the way international was instead being used to purchase juice. With the proper control, time, and influence exerted by the way corps that money should flow into the way internationals' coffers.
Maybe Rosalie should have the way corps sign a non-compete agreement.
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No, it's freeze dried Acai juice sweetened with white grape juice. Acai is nasty by itself. Oh, Ira Berger was one of the people who received a punishment assignment. He went from years as cabinet to going to S.C. to start a fellowship and build to a branch within a year. Actual wording chosen by Rosalie.
Oh ok I would not suprize me if a little Scopolamine was added!
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ROFL! Ya, I forgot to mention that it also has ground Jimson seeds in it....lol
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LOL! So rosie made her own cool aid!
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Wayfers are sheeple. One starts something and they all follow. I remember the 80s was a great time to combine MLMs and believing. It was like a business in a box. How about window washing and landscaping? Many weren't able to pay their bills because their businesses didn't make that much, yet so many lived below par to save face with their "believing".
At HQ, I saw MANY follow each other with health trends: Atkins, Fit for Life, you name it. I remember liquid vitamins and colloidal minerals. Sadly, I knew a person who lost their foot in an accident many years ago who actually believed colloidal minerals may make their foot grow back.
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*drops everything . . . runs erratically through the OSC and across grounds . . . leaps into wierwille pond*
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Well again what they say and what they do when it pertains to themselves are 2 different things. Now Rosie herself has drawn little salary as she had inheritance money, and her home was built by Way Builders so cost her nothing or next to nothing, which she paid long ago. She doesn't pay rent like anyone living in Founders Hall or the Mobile Home park.
However, this is not the case for Prez cabinet. Even when others are working barely above minimum wage, these few have much higher salaries approved. They are paid management / corporate VP level salaries (certainly in their sector). Some have certainly paid cash for homes in the local area from what they've made from their salaries.
Jesus taught that the greater should be the greater servant. He did not teach that they should conform to a corporate scaled salary level.
However, if you start to look at The Way like a corporation, complete with laws and politics that plague every corporation, then it starts to make more sense. In some ways due to the "spiritual" tag they excuse every behavior with, the evil in politics and the using of people is much worse than a standard corporation, because you have no checks and balances. "God" leading people, and the tenet that you believe God is leading the people in charge is the trump card that they pull to back people down, to maintain loyalty, and to excuse atrocities against perceived enemies. In this it is closer to what you would see in a Communist regime than it is to what you see even in corporate environments. I know I was typically treated much better in the world than I was in the Way. This includes all the typical corporate BS I experienced in the world.
Rosie answers to nobody. Yet she will eventually answer to God. And so will her successors.
Let's cover a little of Vicster's ethics teachings, even though they were basically college freshman level [Lifestyle of a Believer]. No man is the means to another man's end. And an ethical business transaction is good for both parties.
"Training" mature advanced class grads is the fallacy there. In reality, those who have been on staff for years have only "staff" experience with which to train people. Many advanced class grads have much more directly skilled experience in direct areas that could benefit the Way. Yet the whole corporate culture shuts them down from providing it. They are being trained. They are not training. In essence, they are being used under the guise of being trained.
For this "training" to be valuable, it would benefit the individuals when leaving Staff. And yet there are countless tales of people on staff for decades that have to start over and build a new career, because the "experience" they obtained on staff is not viewed as "experience" in areas that corporations recognize. LCM is a prime example - he used to brag that he could be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. When he left he hefted boxes at UPS part time like a college job. This is an altogether too common story.
The "training" is a narrow-minded, egotistical indoctrination towards certain policies and procedures. Sure some level of preparation is part of any job. But the Way did not originate the dress rehearsal before a performance. Yet they act like it. They teach a narrow-minded egotism, and that attitude stinks from miles away. In a corporate team environment it is a death sentence for a career. Their "training" does more harm than good.
Yeah - your examples of scrubbing toilets are a great one. People "learn humility" by peeling potatoes, scrubbing toilets, and working on grounds being "ridden hard and put away wet". WOW. That sounds like the jobs I had as a teenager. That's the stage of someone's career that they should experience that. Not throughout the duration of it. The day that scrubbing toilets, peeling potatoes, and cutting grass actually provide the training they promise is the day you see Rosalie doing it. Otherwise it's just her using people, bending them to her will, and establishing an egotistical pecking order.
It's a dysfunctional corporate environment, posing as a research, teaching, and fellowship ministry. The corporate culture kills all 3 of their supposed tenets and purpose for being.
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The "lifers" on Prez cabinet get a salary. They're not learning. They are training. Rosie has her little system of running events she teaches them all and they all do it.
Others who are the grunts there for 20 years just don't have anywhere else to go - like the dude in lighting.
Your writeup on the elements of the conflict of interest are good thoughts and analysis OldSkool.
On the non-compete agreement, she did that. Except it was a policy that people didn't have to agree to - it was a new policy set from the Directors, that no Way Corps leadership could have a distributorship of any kind or resell anything. This by the letter of it even ruled out becoming a paper distributor for personal use discounts, although I doubt they could expect to enforce that.
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Hey, Bolshe, wait for me, I'm coming tooooooooo!!!!!
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Oops - big typo - maybe I should send my posts to way publications first...
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A good friend of mine in Florida (an ex-Wayfer -- boy, did she get screwed by TWI) is involved with MonaVie and has apparently made a buttload of money. She tries to get me involved, but I've always found MLM a shaky business model. I just drink Blueberry-Acai V8 Fusion!
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Another thing I found ironic in Oldskool's post was the "punishment." Being sent out to (basically plant new churches) start fellowships was/is considered punishment. Wow. However, the truly entrepreneurial would see that as an opportunity to not only win souls, but have first dibs on any new MLM opportunities.
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Pass the Mona-Vie please!
I think its noteworthy that they consider speaking the word to people (that are not within their walls) --- punishment!
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"Punishment assignments" didn't start after graduation; they were an integral part of the in reez WC training.
You need to learn humility.
Go directly to the Dishroom.
Do not pass Go.
Do not collect $200.
You cannot use your Community Chest "Get out of Jail Dishroom Free" card.
(If you are female and have a chest, you can use it for other benefits.)
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Ya know, I have a confession to make. Back in 1987, I tried an MLM thing out once. It was called "NSA", which stands for "National Safety Associates". I was just about kicked out of The Way by that time, and I had just left my assignment as a BC (OMG! I copped out on my assignment! First time ever!), and was getting established financially in my hometown of Kensington, MD. I was an ordained guy, but I successfully kept it a secret from the local believers, and I and my wife really enjoyed our anonymity at this twig that was only a block from the house I grew up in. It was fun just bein' "reglar people". But yeah, I finally decided that "it was okay to have a job" regardless of what any "leadership" thought of me.
And so, one of the recent Corps grads was into this NSA thing, which, to put it in short, meant selling water filters. Like I said, it was MLM, with great promises of riches and good health through clean water. But what I saw with the guy who turned me on to it was that everyone he talked to was now a prospective customer, a prospective "distributer" I guess I should say. No longer were the people around him (which of course were mostly Wayfers) just friends to hang out with. They now became "prospectives". And then I too began to be that way with people, because if it's going to work, it simply is what you have to do. And you know, the highers ups in NSA in that area (non-Wayfers, higher up than the new corps grad guy who got me into it), would say things in a bright manner like; "This isn't selling! It's just friends helping friends!" But, it was selling and that's all there is to it.
I actually sold a few though. And it was actually a good product. But, I just hated the faux friendliness that seemed to accompany my "upline" guy's countenance as he talked with people, waiting for that opportunity to bring up the "NSA Family". I could see it in his eyes that he wasn't really listening to the Prospect to whom he was talking, he was waiting for his "opening". I mean, it was also SO much like the way we treated people when trying to get them to take "The Class". Actually, it was a real eye opener for me to see that because it was just like I'd done for a long time with "prospective class takers". And so, since this was a major time of upheaval and turmoil for me as I was seeing the light about getting out of The Way and "breaking my Corps commitment" and also my clergy commitment to The Way, the last thing I wanted to do was start trying to convince people to buy something or be part of something they didn't really want.
So, I took the water filters and brochures and crap back to the guy and simply said; "Here. I'm done with this". He tried to "under shepherd me" back into it and I just glared at him and repeated; "I am done with this". And then he got the message.
So, I gotta laugh now that I have learned of The Great Mona-Vie TWI Debacle! I can just see them all trying to "sell each other", turning their faux friendliness on each other with promises of riches! This story is pretty rich, ya know? Got me laughin' pretty good. But just like the guy I gave my water filters back to, it's a free country, and if that's what the Wayfers want to do, it's their business and they ought to be able to do it. But it shore wasn't for me!
Wasn't there another one that came through TWI? Mellaluca maybe?
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STEED (oil additive)---- That's how F@rt got in the word.
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