Yes, tx, it was EXACTLY like an annual review at work, without a raise.
There was this sheet you had to fill in to rate yourself and then you discussed it with your branch/limb leader.
It sucked and I dreaded March because of it.
engine, me too, I usually don't think about it but this year I did. I was at work and an e-mail announced that it's Womens' History Month, and I started thinking, "March, March what is March? oh yeah.....Evaluation Time, and the relief set in that always does if I remember."
Evaluations...God I dreaded those, I hated them. I would usually come out of those feeling like I wanted a jump off the nearest bridge.
We never seem to ever do it well enough or good enough or 'best' enough. There was this "MARK" we were all supposed to was elusive and impossible.
We were supposed to be perfect...throughly perfected unto all good works... PERFECT, PERFECT, PERFECT...and if you happen to flub-up they made sure to let you know before you could even explain yourself...because explaining yourself only meant you were rationalizing your behaviour. Explaining what happened only meant you weren't meek. Explaining yourself only meant you 'didn't see it'.
If you happened to say something to someone with no ill intent...they made sure to find something wrong with you and they way you intended to say it.
And all or most of this was brought up during evaluations...every fault, every mis-hap...even unbeknownst to you ... it was brought up. Things that were told to the LC/BC... by others ... was brought to your attention.
The biggest lie about the whole 'evaluation' thing was it was always done to BETTER your life. So you could see where you needed to grow. So you could reach the MARK.
It did nothing but sink me under deeper.
Our last evaluation, our loving leader R*ndy G*nn, started asking us how much time we spent with our earthly families. We lived in a town where both our earthy families (God I hate that term...i want to vomit just typing those words) lived close by. We sheepishly told him that my one daughter took piano lessons with my sister-in-law for free. He need to watch that.
He then asked me about my sister...who would pop-in periodically unannounced. He seemed to know more about her than I did. I then asked him how he knew this. He said that the BC of my area had told him. I said, "The BC has never mentioned any of this to me or that this was a problem."
He than called the BC in and they agreed that they felt it was a problem and a terrible influence in my life. One that I did not see spiritually. My sister would come over to help with the girls, or take us shopping, or go for lunch...things that a mom at home appreciates ... just to get out and feel apart of the real world again. (especially when you're involved in a mind-bending, life encroaching cult). This was said that it was a terrible influence.
I was asked about my health. I told them that I was recently diagnosed with a mild dose of asthma. I was told ... YOU NEED TO WATCH THAT. IT CAN GET OUT OF CONTROL.
I felt evil for having this problem.
We were also asked about our finances and our debts.
Then he told us that our twig members were weak, that they were burdens in the household. That they weren't cutting it sorta speak.
Then he said that we could no longer run a fellowship. That the people in our fellowship had to attend a fellowship some 30 miles away. (this included my elderly mother-in-law). And that we were not to attend the same fellowship as them. So we drove also 30 miles 2x's / week (plus another time for corps hook-ups) to attend fellowship.
When all of this was sweet,tender husband sat in his chair crying. I did not. I was angry. I was soooooooo angry. I couldn't believe how much evil could actually live in one human being's heart. I was numb.
let me just pencil you in on my redeemed time analysis sheet
excathedra - ROFLMAO! :D--> :D--> :D--> You're too much!
Ala, I'm so sorry for you and your hubby. It sounds so terrible. No wonder most of us were seriously depressed. :(-->
Did they hold y'all accountable for how much abs came in, how many people went WOW/WD, WC and/or AC, AC Specials, etc. How many STS / mag subscriptions were in your area? Outreach?
A la, that sounds horrible. You getting angry was a healthy reaction to all that bullsh1t.
Those evil sons of b1tches..........unbelivable.
Yeah, you'd better watch it, free piano lessons from your sister-in-law. Unbelievable. I'm starting to see the picture more and more that the leaders in charge were doing far more EVIL than what they accused others of.
F'in Pharisees!
And you're right, we could never defend ourselves.
I hated those things. I started the thread because I wondered if other ex-Corps were glad not to have those dang things anymore.
Join the celebration at my table and have a beer. :)--> :D--> It's green beer, with St Patti's coming up!
Here is a quick tip to make it go faster for you. just write this save them the trouble and you'll be good for at least another year... :D-->
Yes you are right!!
I am a complete and total f*ckup. I have more spiritual problems than Clarita bitten by devils. Your right I am not worth the powder it would take to blow me up!!! Thank you for for pointing this out to me you are so spiritual and I am such a dirt ball. I'm glad you are around to make up for slackers like me.... Yes I know I need to watch that..... --> -->
My hubby is fine. I of course was later reproved because of my 'uncrying' way at the meeting. He actually said, "Your husband was crying...that was good, but you showed no reaction. I'm concerned. It shows me where your heart is at."
Ya, it was brutal. The brutality with which we were handled...was completely unfathomable to me from a so called 'Christian Ministry'...but then again...the inquisition was all done in the 'NAME OF GOD' as well!
My mom-in-law and other twig members attended those fellowships for a short time, but hated it. They found the fellowships unloving and cold and uninviting. They felt they were being watched. So, they stopped going and just started hanging out at our place for coffee and just hanging!!
It's ok...I don't mind's also a big part of the healing process!! I want to thank YOU for starting the thread.
And thanks for the green beer!!! Tho' I don't drink beer...I'll have some Dubonnet with you! And St. Paddy's Day!!! Perfect... I'm a celtic nut!
Whitedove...halarious!!! I spewed all over my screen once again! -->
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O&A, You CELEBRATE, Girl! It IS something to celebrate!
Especially considering all that you went through.
Can we get a pitcher of cold beer sent to O&A'a table, please? Put it on my tab.
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Right-o, Belle, and thanks for the beer! Paw, did you get a liquor license for this place?
Anybody else celebrating a Non Evaluation March?
Come on over and have a beer with me!
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i'm celebrating with ya outie
let me just pencil you in on my redeemed time analysis sheet
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It's March and it is still 20 degrees or colder with two inches of snow coming. The roads are snow and ice covered
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Was that like an annual review at work? I hate those. Here's why we're not giving you a raise...
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doggone, is that when they were? In March?
I totally forgot about dem things.
Pfffft on'em.
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Yes, tx, it was EXACTLY like an annual review at work, without a raise.
There was this sheet you had to fill in to rate yourself and then you discussed it with your branch/limb leader.
It sucked and I dreaded March because of it.
engine, me too, I usually don't think about it but this year I did. I was at work and an e-mail announced that it's Womens' History Month, and I started thinking, "March, March what is March? oh yeah.....Evaluation Time, and the relief set in that always does if I remember."
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A la prochaine
Evaluations...God I dreaded those, I hated them. I would usually come out of those feeling like I wanted a jump off the nearest bridge.
We never seem to ever do it well enough or good enough or 'best' enough. There was this "MARK" we were all supposed to was elusive and impossible.
We were supposed to be perfect...throughly perfected unto all good works... PERFECT, PERFECT, PERFECT...and if you happen to flub-up they made sure to let you know before you could even explain yourself...because explaining yourself only meant you were rationalizing your behaviour. Explaining what happened only meant you weren't meek. Explaining yourself only meant you 'didn't see it'.
If you happened to say something to someone with no ill intent...they made sure to find something wrong with you and they way you intended to say it.
And all or most of this was brought up during evaluations...every fault, every mis-hap...even unbeknownst to you ... it was brought up. Things that were told to the LC/BC... by others ... was brought to your attention.
The biggest lie about the whole 'evaluation' thing was it was always done to BETTER your life. So you could see where you needed to grow. So you could reach the MARK.
It did nothing but sink me under deeper.
Our last evaluation, our loving leader R*ndy G*nn, started asking us how much time we spent with our earthly families. We lived in a town where both our earthy families (God I hate that term...i want to vomit just typing those words) lived close by. We sheepishly told him that my one daughter took piano lessons with my sister-in-law for free. He need to watch that.
He then asked me about my sister...who would pop-in periodically unannounced. He seemed to know more about her than I did. I then asked him how he knew this. He said that the BC of my area had told him. I said, "The BC has never mentioned any of this to me or that this was a problem."
He than called the BC in and they agreed that they felt it was a problem and a terrible influence in my life. One that I did not see spiritually. My sister would come over to help with the girls, or take us shopping, or go for lunch...things that a mom at home appreciates ... just to get out and feel apart of the real world again. (especially when you're involved in a mind-bending, life encroaching cult). This was said that it was a terrible influence.
I was asked about my health. I told them that I was recently diagnosed with a mild dose of asthma. I was told ... YOU NEED TO WATCH THAT. IT CAN GET OUT OF CONTROL.
I felt evil for having this problem.
We were also asked about our finances and our debts.
Then he told us that our twig members were weak, that they were burdens in the household. That they weren't cutting it sorta speak.
Then he said that we could no longer run a fellowship. That the people in our fellowship had to attend a fellowship some 30 miles away. (this included my elderly mother-in-law). And that we were not to attend the same fellowship as them. So we drove also 30 miles 2x's / week (plus another time for corps hook-ups) to attend fellowship.
When all of this was sweet,tender husband sat in his chair crying. I did not. I was angry. I was soooooooo angry. I couldn't believe how much evil could actually live in one human being's heart. I was numb.
There's a taste of a corps evaluation for you!
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Typically vague TWI-speak. What the h**l does that mean?!!!!!
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oh i'm so sorry your husband cried. is he happy now ? how 'bout his mom ? is she "in" or "out" ? happy ?
"burdens in the household" holy crap
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excathedra - ROFLMAO!
:D--> You're too much!
Ala, I'm so sorry for you and your hubby. It sounds so terrible. No wonder most of us were seriously depressed.
Did they hold y'all accountable for how much abs came in, how many people went WOW/WD, WC and/or AC, AC Specials, etc. How many STS / mag subscriptions were in your area? Outreach?
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A la, that sounds horrible. You getting angry was a healthy reaction to all that bullsh1t.
Those evil sons of b1tches..........unbelivable.
Yeah, you'd better watch it, free piano lessons from your sister-in-law. Unbelievable. I'm starting to see the picture more and more that the leaders in charge were doing far more EVIL than what they accused others of.
F'in Pharisees!
And you're right, we could never defend ourselves.
I hated those things. I started the thread because I wondered if other ex-Corps were glad not to have those dang things anymore.
Join the celebration at my table and have a beer.
:D--> It's green beer, with St Patti's coming up!
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In fact, I hated those things so much that I started dreading them months before March.
eeeeew sorry if I brought up some bad memories....
When I left TWI it was in March and I never did have to go to that one!!!!
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Hated them what a waste of time!
Outandabout is now a good time to mention that it is almost April and your annual mark and avoid review is due!!!
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Here is a quick tip to make it go faster for you. just write this save them the trouble and you'll be good for at least another year...
Yes you are right!!
I am a complete and total f*ckup. I have more spiritual problems than Clarita bitten by devils. Your right I am not worth the powder it would take to blow me up!!! Thank you for for pointing this out to me you are so spiritual and I am such a dirt ball. I'm glad you are around to make up for slackers like me.... Yes I know I need to watch that.....
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Did you quote yourself so you would have two years' worth?
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Just kidding. I thought your "Evaluation" was very funny.
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A la prochaine
My hubby is fine. I of course was later reproved because of my 'uncrying' way at the meeting. He actually said, "Your husband was crying...that was good, but you showed no reaction. I'm concerned. It shows me where your heart is at."
Ya, it was brutal. The brutality with which we were handled...was completely unfathomable to me from a so called 'Christian Ministry'...but then again...the inquisition was all done in the 'NAME OF GOD' as well!
My mom-in-law and other twig members attended those fellowships for a short time, but hated it. They found the fellowships unloving and cold and uninviting. They felt they were being watched. So, they stopped going and just started hanging out at our place for coffee and just hanging!!
It's ok...I don't mind's also a big part of the healing process!! I want to thank YOU for starting the thread.
And thanks for the green beer!!! Tho' I don't drink beer...I'll have some Dubonnet with you! And St. Paddy's Day!!! Perfect... I'm a celtic nut!
Whitedove...halarious!!! I spewed all over my screen once again!
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Well, I thought that it's March, almost April, almost spring, and time for twue wove.
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