Tecnicamente, un hovercraft può essere classificato come appartenente alla classe degli aeromobili ed in tale ambito, un aeroscafo o anche aeroscivolante. Il successo commerciale degli "hovercraft civili" ha sofferto per la rapida crescita del costo del combustibile. Ma,... tra i metodi di pesca all'anguilla, l'hovercraft regna sovrana!!
Tecnicamente, un hovercraft può essere classificato come appartenente alla classe degli aeromobili ed in tale ambito, un aeroscafo o anche aeroscivolante. Il successo commerciale degli "hovercraft civili" ha sofferto per la rapida crescita del costo del combustibile. Ma,... tra i metodi di pesca all'anguilla, l'hovercraft regna sovrana!!
I hope you don't mind when. I saw your profile. it reminded me of something. I did a google search and I found monty python one the most zanyist shows ever!
My grandparents had church in their home back in the 1920's and early 30's......so I've never viewed wierwille/twi as revolutionary in this area.
My grandparents and others would alternate home-church meetings and an itinerant preacher would visit once or twice a month. When the preacher was not in attendance, the home meetings consisted of Bible reading and prayer and singing......followed by a meal together.
Wow! That's awesome! They must have had a real heart for what they were doing. Perhaps "revolutionary" is the wrong word. Maybe "somewhat unique" is better. Even then I'm just talking about people I was around. Church, for us, was in a building and Christianity was simply something one did on Sundays. That certainly wasn't the way everyone felt, but I and a lot of my peers grew up that way.
Technically, a hovercraft can be classified as it belongs to a class of aircraft and the contents, a areocraft or hovercraft. the commerical success of "hovercraft" civlilzed "has suffered from a fast rising cost of fuel. but bettween the methods of ell fishing. the hovercraft is king.
Tecnicamente, un hovercraft può essere classificato come appartenente alla classe degli aeromobili ed in tale ambito, un aeroscafo o anche aeroscivolante. Il successo commerciale degli "hovercraft civili" ha sofferto per la rapida crescita del costo del combustibile. Ma,... tra i metodi di pesca all'anguilla, l'hovercraft regna sovrana!!
are you speaking Esperanto? seems to be part Spanish/French/Portuguesse/Italian/Belgian/Latin. I could have said writing in tongues(a new manifestation). lol
Dave Arneson, the inventor and co-author of Dungeons & Dragons took Foundational PFAL about a year or so before D&D was published in the fall of '74. He faithfully practiced abundant sharing, and 10% of the royalties he made off of D&D went to HQ. It was no small piece of change! In the tens of thousands per year. The people at HQ knew him. Whenever they came to the Twin Cities, Arneson got invited to the parties "regular" believers didn't even hear about. They were all buddy-buddy to his face, including Wierwille himself, but then they turned around and excoriated D&D as the work of the devil in their classes.
Yes, there was a huge wave of the "art"s in TWI a few years....."The Word in Culture"......it died out though after a time. Too bad, cause there were so many people who were artists, musicians, authors etc. It was a nice break from all the classes etc.
Dave Arneson, the inventor and co-author of Dungeons & Dragons took Foundational PFAL about a year or so before D&D was published in the fall of '74. He faithfully practiced abundant sharing, and 10% of the royalties he made off of D&D went to HQ. It was no small piece of change! In the tens of thousands per year. The people at HQ knew him. Whenever they came to the Twin Cities, Arneson got invited to the parties "regular" believers didn't even hear about. They were all buddy-buddy to his face, including Wierwille himself, but then they turned around and excoriated D&D as the work of the devil in their classes.
wondering...i follow a board-gaming blog by Er!k Arnes*n on About.com
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Sono certo che è vero....
Tecnicamente, un hovercraft può essere classificato come appartenente alla classe degli aeromobili ed in tale ambito, un aeroscafo o anche aeroscivolante. Il successo commerciale degli "hovercraft civili" ha sofferto per la rapida crescita del costo del combustibile. Ma,... tra i metodi di pesca all'anguilla, l'hovercraft regna sovrana!!
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I hope you don't mind when. I saw your profile. it reminded me of something. I did a google search and I found monty python one the most zanyist shows ever!

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Broken Arrow
Wow! That's awesome! They must have had a real heart for what they were doing. Perhaps "revolutionary" is the wrong word. Maybe "somewhat unique" is better. Even then I'm just talking about people I was around. Church, for us, was in a building and Christianity was simply something one did on Sundays. That certainly wasn't the way everyone felt, but I and a lot of my peers grew up that way.
Neat story about your grandparents, Skyrider.
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I know I was
But In case anyone wants to know what gen-2 said.
I am sure that is true.....
Technically, a hovercraft can be classified as it belongs to a class of aircraft and the contents, a areocraft or hovercraft. the commerical success of "hovercraft" civlilzed "has suffered from a fast rising cost of fuel. but bettween the methods of ell fishing. the hovercraft is king.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
are you speaking Esperanto? seems to be part Spanish/French/Portuguesse/Italian/Belgian/Latin. I could have said writing in tongues(a new manifestation). lol
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Its Italian tom!
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Steve Lortz
Dave Arneson, the inventor and co-author of Dungeons & Dragons took Foundational PFAL about a year or so before D&D was published in the fall of '74. He faithfully practiced abundant sharing, and 10% of the royalties he made off of D&D went to HQ. It was no small piece of change! In the tens of thousands per year. The people at HQ knew him. Whenever they came to the Twin Cities, Arneson got invited to the parties "regular" believers didn't even hear about. They were all buddy-buddy to his face, including Wierwille himself, but then they turned around and excoriated D&D as the work of the devil in their classes.
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I knew Dave, he was a very kind and gentle man in his real life, it was no pose.
(added in editing)
"We'll take your Godly money but condemn your devilish life."
They fooled many, but couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag apparently.
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Yes, there was a huge wave of the "art"s in TWI a few years....."The Word in Culture"......it died out though after a time. Too bad, cause there were so many people who were artists, musicians, authors etc. It was a nice break from all the classes etc.
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wondering...i follow a board-gaming blog by Er!k Arnes*n on About.com
anyone know if they are related?
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