It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love pets. I love da ministry. The powers you give me I will lay down when this crisis has been abated..
Ten years of not once stepping up to the plate and being a true leader,hides in the shadows and makes a once a year public appearance.As far as I can tell she has not encouraged nor allowed any new research,same old blah,blah,blah rehearsed,regurgitated teachings.And rather than deal with so many of the issues that has caused so many to leave and continue leaving she chooses to ignore those issues or reply with a "Your just being negative attitude."I remember back in I believe it was 2004 she wanted feedback on why the sunday sleeping service attendance was so low,we gave honest feedback on the teachings being boring as one of the reasons why,her response was "Your just being negative."
Donna's position does not make alot of sense to me either,I'm sorry her marriage fell apart but,it takes two in a marriage and obviously something was not right in that marriage.I don't believe she should be in a leadership/decision maker position.
Donna's position does not make alot of sense to me either,I'm sorry her marriage fell apart but,it takes two in a marriage and obviously something was not right in that marriage.I don't believe she should be in a leadership/decision maker position.
I listened to her STS a few years back . . . that woman's got a screw loose. Does she really believe the words coming out of her mouth?
Donna was nurtured and cultivated to become the wife of the pres, as much as Craig was nurtured and cultivated to become VP's successor... and yes, I believe the people at that level have convinced themselves they are God's gift and that every thought and utterance they conceive is blessed and true and fruitful...
They cannot see the destruction they leave in their wake, just like Craig still thinks he was called of God.
I listened to her STS a few years back . . . that woman's got a screw loose. Does she really believe the words coming out of her mouth?
I never had the "privilege" of hearing her teach. Guess I never will, since they don't dare put their teachings out on the net so that anyone can listen (how's that for "moving the word," huh?).
Say what you like about CFFM, at least their teachings are available to anybody, free of charge. It's all their on their website.
Gosh, how embarrassing would it have been if some of the SNS from LCM had been in the public domain - available to all on the TWI website (shudder). Sounds like RFR's are the other end of the pendulum from histrionics to utter boredom.
Twi's inception was based upon the personality of one man...twi was a cult and a cult must have a charismatic leader in order to grow...(maybe because there is no substance in what they teach)...
...Today twi celebrates 10 years of running a peronality cult without a personality...Rosie the riveter has as much pazazz as a block of granite. I believe that Vic would start spinning in his grave if he knew that Rozilla had inherited the "mantle"...
...maybe twi could announce that Vic had risen from the dead, find some old guy that looks like him, and teach him to lip-sync on stage while they play old tapes of Vic...
...unless of course, Rosie is only interested in meeting the basic criteria in order to maintain their religious tax exemption and live off of the money from the glory years?
Donna was nurtured and cultivated to become the wife of the pres, as much as Craig was nurtured and cultivated to become VP's successor... and yes, I believe the people at that level have convinced themselves they are God's gift and that every thought and utterance they conceive is blessed and true and fruitful...
They cannot see the destruction they leave in their wake, just like Craig still thinks he was called of God.
Craig boasted that he could run a Fortune 500 company. THAT never happened.
And, Rosalie hides in her office at twi determined to NEVER leave twi. Her behind-the-scenes approach is low risk, low investment, low exposure. With the slow crawl there, she can possibly stay the prez for another 10 years.....into her 80s.
And, Rosalie hides in her office at twi determined to NEVER leave twi. Her behind-the-scenes approach is low risk, low investment, low exposure. With the slow crawl there, she can possibly stay the prez for another 10 years.....into her 80s.
Low risk is a good point here. She probably doesn't want to end up like john lynn..
Twi's inception was based upon the personality of one man...twi was a cult and a cult must have a charismatic leader in order to grow...(maybe because there is no substance in what they teach)...
...Today twi celebrates 10 years of running a personality cult without a personality...Rosie the riveter has as much pizzazz as a block of granite.
Well put!
My description of her teaching style is still that it has all the personality of wet cardboard,
with a chalky aftertaste. The funny part is the practice of the moglets all following the mog
in charge. In this case, that leeches the last of the "interesting" from the dregs of twi.
In attempting to stay in power, Rosalie Rivenbark has set the stage for more disintegration
of the way international. Since anyone with a lick of talent is a threat to her and can
stage a coup for the throne, she runs off all the talent before they can backstab her like she
backstabbed craig martindale. Currently, she has to watch for the day John Rupp or Donna
Martindale shows up on the throne..and rfr has to be pushing 80 as it is. She's going to need
their help just to function, and won't be able to oppose their ascension to the throne.
Of course, at that point, twi even kicked Mrs Wierwille off-grounds, so I'm sure Rosa-lie
has had a few nights to dwell on her own future.....
My description of her teaching style is still that it has all the personality of wet cardboard,with a chalky aftertaste.
Great description!!
In attempting to stay in power, Rosalie Rivenbark has set the stage for more disintegration
of the way international.
Interesting thought, that... not to mention with their push to be a "kinder, gentler twi" she cannot impose blatant control quite the way VP and LCM did... so she's a 'wet cardboard' leader in charge of a 'wet cardboard' cult...
In attempting to stay in power, Rosalie Rivenbark has set the stage for more disintegration
of the way international. Since anyone with a lick of talent is a threat to her and can
stage a coup for the throne, she runs off all the talent before they can backstab her like she
backstabbed craig martindale.
Unlike twi's headquarters in Ohio, the disintegration of twi can NOT be hidden from view in state after state, branch meeting after branch meeting. With each passing year, twi's "prevailing word" is retreating to the confines of rhetoric theatre. Some states have NO twi presence, NO limb coordinators.
If the disintegration increases at hq......they might as well tape the sunday sleeping services in the brc multi-purpose building again and lease the auditorium for community events.
Donna's position does not make alot of sense to me either,I'm sorry her marriage fell apart but,it takes two in a marriage and obviously something was not right in that marriage.I don't believe she should be in a leadership/decision maker position.
Speaking of one time these THREE TRUSTEES were in charge.
1) Craig Martindale, divorced
2) Rosalie Rivenbark, vice prez......divorced, never mentions 2 sons
3) John Reynolds, sec-treas..........divorced, one son, remarried 8th corps girl
Doing as "they say, not as they do" is common cult doctrine.
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Did anybody else hear her acceptance speech?
What about her ordination? When the officiating clergy "prophecied" that she had a ministry that would HEAL people....or something to that effect. Is there a ministry of micro-managing for someone
maybe they transcribed it not so accurately.. "you'll heel people". Some bizarre figure of speech, a noun used as a verb or something.. I think she will remain pres until she is of a condition that
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What I wonder is how nobody seems to recall her declaration when she took over as president that it would be no more than a 5-year-term?
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Wayfers can't seem to recall 5 minutes ago. You're asking way too much of them.
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Maybe that was the "present truth" at the time.
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Did anybody else hear her acceptance speech?

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What about her ordination? When the officiating clergy "prophecied" that she had a ministry that would HEAL people....or something to that effect.
Is there a ministry of micro-managing for someone will a longsuit in that area?
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maybe they transcribed it not so accurately..
"you'll heel people". Some bizarre figure of speech, a noun used as a verb or something..
I think she will remain pres until she is of a condition that she can't remember where the skeletons and money and all is hidden..
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I think she will remain pres until she is of a condition that she can't remember where the skeletons and money and all is hidden..
Sounds like a plan to me!
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skyrider, you crack me up!
The last 10 yrs have been the "Decade of BFF's", the "Decade of Control", and the "Decade of Pre-Fail".
It's pre-fail because they don't have enough talent left to completely fail with any kind of noticeable impact.
But hey, if you're a single lady that how you say "swings that way", it's been a decade of opportunity.
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The Decade of Pre-Fail".........
Or, the Decade of Riven-BITE.....she may not bark like martindale, but she sure knows how to bite.
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Ten years of not once stepping up to the plate and being a true leader,hides in the shadows and makes a once a year public appearance.As far as I can tell she has not encouraged nor allowed any new research,same old blah,blah,blah rehearsed,regurgitated teachings.And rather than deal with so many of the issues that has caused so many to leave and continue leaving she chooses to ignore those issues or reply with a "Your just being negative attitude."I remember back in I believe it was 2004 she wanted feedback on why the sunday sleeping service attendance was so low,we gave honest feedback on the teachings being boring as one of the reasons why,her response was "Your just being negative."
Donna's position does not make alot of sense to me either,I'm sorry her marriage fell apart but,it takes two in a marriage and obviously something was not right in that marriage.I don't believe she should be in a leadership/decision maker position.
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I listened to her STS a few years back . . . that woman's got a screw loose. Does she really believe the words coming out of her mouth?
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Donna was nurtured and cultivated to become the wife of the pres, as much as Craig was nurtured and cultivated to become VP's successor... and yes, I believe the people at that level have convinced themselves they are God's gift and that every thought and utterance they conceive is blessed and true and fruitful...
They cannot see the destruction they leave in their wake, just like Craig still thinks he was called of God.
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I never had the "privilege" of hearing her teach. Guess I never will, since they don't dare put their teachings out on the net so that anyone can listen (how's that for "moving the word," huh?).
Say what you like about CFFM, at least their teachings are available to anybody, free of charge. It's all their on their website.
Gosh, how embarrassing would it have been if some of the SNS from LCM had been in the public domain - available to all on the TWI website (shudder). Sounds like RFR's are the other end of the pendulum from histrionics to utter boredom.
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Probably only just enough that she can make it sound convincing..
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Twi's inception was based upon the personality of one man...twi was a cult and a cult must have a charismatic leader in order to grow...(maybe because there is no substance in what they teach)...
...Today twi celebrates 10 years of running a peronality cult without a personality...Rosie the riveter has as much pazazz as a block of granite. I believe that Vic would start spinning in his grave if he knew that Rozilla had inherited the "mantle"...
...maybe twi could announce that Vic had risen from the dead, find some old guy that looks like him, and teach him to lip-sync on stage while they play old tapes of Vic...
...unless of course, Rosie is only interested in meeting the basic criteria in order to maintain their religious tax exemption and live off of the money from the glory years?
...pathetic indeed.
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Sounds like a prison sentence! :blink:
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Craig boasted that he could run a Fortune 500 company. THAT never happened.
And, Rosalie hides in her office at twi determined to NEVER leave twi. Her behind-the-scenes approach is low risk, low investment, low exposure. With the slow crawl there, she can possibly stay the prez for another 10 years.....into her 80s.
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Is that the plan? Somehow I don't see it..
when rosie is even older, and can't remember where all the skeletons and money and all is hidden..
isn't donna a little younger? I mean.. she's "paid" for the position, hasn't she?
I'm sure they could portray it as "da will of gawd" or something.. wouldn't get too much objection..
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Low risk is a good point here. She probably doesn't want to end up like john lynn..
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Well put!
My description of her teaching style is still that it has all the personality of wet cardboard,
with a chalky aftertaste. The funny part is the practice of the moglets all following the mog
in charge. In this case, that leeches the last of the "interesting" from the dregs of twi.
In attempting to stay in power, Rosalie Rivenbark has set the stage for more disintegration
of the way international. Since anyone with a lick of talent is a threat to her and can
stage a coup for the throne, she runs off all the talent before they can backstab her like she
backstabbed craig martindale. Currently, she has to watch for the day John Rupp or Donna
Martindale shows up on the throne..and rfr has to be pushing 80 as it is. She's going to need
their help just to function, and won't be able to oppose their ascension to the throne.
Of course, at that point, twi even kicked Mrs Wierwille off-grounds, so I'm sure Rosa-lie
has had a few nights to dwell on her own future.....
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Interesting thought, that... not to mention with their push to be a "kinder, gentler twi" she cannot impose blatant control quite the way VP and LCM did... so she's a 'wet cardboard' leader in charge of a 'wet cardboard' cult...
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Unlike twi's headquarters in Ohio, the disintegration of twi can NOT be hidden from view in state after state, branch meeting after branch meeting. With each passing year, twi's "prevailing word" is retreating to the confines of rhetoric theatre. Some states have NO twi presence, NO limb coordinators.
If the disintegration increases at hq......they might as well tape the sunday sleeping services in the brc multi-purpose building again and lease the auditorium for community events.
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Well, you know, it's the people that move the packages at UPS that REALLY run the company.

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Speaking of one time these THREE TRUSTEES were in charge.
1) Craig Martindale, divorced
2) Rosalie Rivenbark, vice prez......divorced, never mentions 2 sons
3) John Reynolds, sec-treas..........divorced, one son, remarried 8th corps girl
Doing as "they say, not as they do" is common cult doctrine.
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