And here at GSC we don't appear to have any ex-TWI willing to tell any of us how carnal we are to presume to consider giving our own money to a credible charitable organization that actually helps people in dire need.
If I'm number two, then I hardly started the trend.
And from what I've already heard of GSC ex-wayfers here, I'm certain that a little giving like any I might do here is a drop in the bucket compared to any real giving they already do.
Yes, I'd agree that many already help out in their own generous ways - practically, monetarily, other ways.
As for me, I went a long run as a final long practice yesterday. I ran about 9 miles. The Half a level route all on roads, so that's how I've been running. Surprising, however, how one overlooks the little undulations in a route when driving... I run easily on the flat and downhill but anything more than a slight rise has me doing a brisk walk not so much of a run.
It was nice (?) being out running because I had time to look over the stone walls and observe bits of countryside that I had no idea about before.
Today my back is sore from the running, despite my new well-sprung running shoes.
I will run a couple of miles on Weds and maybe something similar on Tues. After that, my training consists of a meal of fish and chips on the night before the Run. Carbo-loading.
An early night would probably be a good idea, too....!
Aaaaarghhhh.... it's this weekend! This Sunday!!! Am I ready? Not really, but as ready as I'm going to be. I may not complete with much style, but I will complete it! Whatever time I achieve will be a personal best. Things can only improve ...
.... does that mean I'm thinking of doing another one? Lord, preserve me from such madness.
Someone at the Cafe kindly let me know the link doesn't work, not sure why because it has worked for donors in the UK and in another country. Maybe something to do with how this board is set up.
If anyone is willing to sponsor me, perhaps they could type into their browser this address - but omit the spaces, of course:
Had just a little run today, as I have been strictly told to rest and not overdo running, so only a shortish 3 miler today, and I walked up the hill and the last bit home, so really it was only about a 2 mile run. I am not to run after this, just continue to do stretches.
But it was too pretty and bright an afternoon to stay in. Lovely just looking at the trees and the swelling leaf buds; at the catkins on some of the bushes; at the snowdrops in full bloom; at the daffodils just swording up out of the ground. Birdsong was deafening. The wind was quite strong and cold but the sun was bright.
Thank you very very much Bowtwi! Pleased you got the link to work.
It's tomorrow!! Aargh! (Head in hands)
Not so sure I am looking forward to the run - but I am MIGHTILY looking forward to getting across the finish line and thinking, "Yes, I did it!" (grins with delight, victory salute)
Weather forecast looks good. Should be dry, sunny...probably quite warm.
Less than 12 hours to go! - There is a group photo for all the people running on behalf of The Genesis Trust (nine of us, if no-one withdraws - and if everyone turns up for the photo), then into the holding areas for 10.30 ready for 11 am start.
...Still no disaster has struck me such that I can honorably withdraw...guess I need to go through with it.
The weather forecast is good. Sunny, cool, dry. No rain.
I have some encouraging visual imagery to help me round the course.
But specially, I keep visualizing myself going through that finish line and the satisfaction of having completed my race. Yay!!!!! Whatever time I achieve, it'll be my PB (personal best) - being as I've never attempted anything this ambitious before.
Something between 2h15 and 2h20mins, I think. Results are posted on the organisers' website, but can't get on that. Everyone else wants to know their times.
My time was 2 hours 22 mins 04 seconds. There are some photos on the web of me (and all competitors!) and I look really...blessed... to be doing this. Kind of a rough style, but hey, I did it!
It took 45 mins to get from the start gate to the start pen, so although the race started at 11am, I didn't actually get to the start line until about 11.15. Everyone has a microchip on their shoe, which records times at (personal) start, 10km and finish.
I was lapped about a mile or so in by the winning little group - the winner was a Kenyan and boy, did he have style. He was past before anyone near me realised what was happening, just so smooth, made it look nearly effortless. A collective groan went up from those near me at the though of his speed and our slowness. He was closely followed by two other black men (one last year's winner, also Kenyan who came third). A white local (UK) male came next and his style was really ponderous compared with the Kenyans - different sort of body shape - but hey, he too came in in excellent time, about 1:06.
It was quite something being in this seething mass of bouncing heads. Looking forward up the road, it was bobbing solid ribbon of multicolored shirts. Looking back was the same. Some were quite fit, others definitely lacked style, and some you might think should never attempt such an undertaking. Big crowds all the way round, a samba band, other musicians, lots of encouragement.
Lovely sunny day, dry, but a very cold strong wind blowing. A mile or so from the end I had to put my sweater and gloves back on.
And now I'm the delighted possessor of a Race Finisher T shirt and a commemorative medal.
Got a round of applause when I walked into the place where I'm a volunteer worker, yesterday.
Thanks for your good wishes and prayers . I'm sure they helped .
Every year there is a casualty rate but I saw only three emergency vehicles rushing people away (to hospital presumably), which is quite good for saying there were 15,000 entrants.
If any of you would like to support me financially, my online donation page is still open and will remain so for the next three months:Twinky's page
Doing well on this. Feel free to check out the web page, even if you don't want to donate (but feel free to do that, too!). I have 76% of my desired total, will go up a little when the charity gets the tax back from the taxman. Am very grateful to all my donors.
What's surprising is the number of people who say that they themselves ran marathons or half-marathons in their youth...looking at them now, it's hard to imagine some of them in fit enough shape. Alas, age and gravity affect us all; also, too much sugar in the coffee... (he he).
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Twinky, as we say here in the are good people.
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Cool thread Twinky,
And here at GSC we don't appear to have any ex-TWI willing to tell any of us how carnal we are to presume to consider giving our own money to a credible charitable organization that actually helps people in dire need.
Just keeps getting better and better.....
Edited by JeffSjoLink to comment
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Okay, Jeff, start a Cafe trend!!
Join my (so far) one current donor, from the far side of the world.
And yes, it's a very credible organisation, supported by a large number of churches throughout the city and well-respected by all - churchy or not.
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Well Twinky,
If I'm number two, then I hardly started the trend.
And from what I've already heard of GSC ex-wayfers here, I'm certain that a little giving like any I might do here is a drop in the bucket compared to any real giving they already do.
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Many drops make a bucketful, Jeff.
Yes, I'd agree that many already help out in their own generous ways - practically, monetarily, other ways.
As for me, I went a long run as a final long practice yesterday. I ran about 9 miles. The Half a level route all on roads, so that's how I've been running. Surprising, however, how one overlooks the little undulations in a route when driving... I run easily on the flat and downhill but anything more than a slight rise has me doing a brisk walk not so much of a run.
It was nice (?) being out running because I had time to look over the stone walls and observe bits of countryside that I had no idea about before.
Today my back is sore from the running, despite my new well-sprung running shoes.
I will run a couple of miles on Weds and maybe something similar on Tues. After that, my training consists of a meal of fish and chips on the night before the Run. Carbo-loading.
An early night would probably be a good idea, too....!
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Aaaaarghhhh.... it's this weekend! This Sunday!!! Am I ready? Not really, but as ready as I'm going to be. I may not complete with much style, but I will complete it! Whatever time I achieve will be a personal best. Things can only improve ...
.... does that mean I'm thinking of doing another one? Lord, preserve me from such madness.
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Posting on the fly - sorry this is short - but GREAT JOB - WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!
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Thanks Chas.
Someone at the Cafe kindly let me know the link doesn't work, not sure why because it has worked for donors in the UK and in another country. Maybe something to do with how this board is set up.
If anyone is willing to sponsor me, perhaps they could type into their browser this address - but omit the spaces, of course:
and a little picture of my braver cat Tuxedo will be there to greet you.
The link in post #1 works but the later one doesn't seem to. Try below:
Had just a little run today, as I have been strictly told to rest and not overdo running, so only a shortish 3 miler today, and I walked up the hill and the last bit home, so really it was only about a 2 mile run. I am not to run after this, just continue to do stretches.
But it was too pretty and bright an afternoon to stay in. Lovely just looking at the trees and the swelling leaf buds; at the catkins on some of the bushes; at the snowdrops in full bloom; at the daffodils just swording up out of the ground. Birdsong was deafening. The wind was quite strong and cold but the sun was bright.
Must remember to take some sunglasses on Sunday!
Edited by TwinkyLink to comment
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Thank you very very much Bowtwi! Pleased you got the link to work.
It's tomorrow!! Aargh! (Head in hands)
Not so sure I am looking forward to the run - but I am MIGHTILY looking forward to getting across the finish line and thinking, "Yes, I did it!" (grins with delight, victory salute)
Weather forecast looks good. Should be dry, sunny...probably quite warm.
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Hi Twinky Good Luck Tomorrow .. I tried to go on and donate.... I got to your page but it wouldn't let me... I will try again a bit later on.
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Less than 12 hours to go! - There is a group photo for all the people running on behalf of The Genesis Trust (nine of us, if no-one withdraws - and if everyone turns up for the photo), then into the holding areas for 10.30 ready for 11 am start.
...Still no disaster has struck me such that I can honorably withdraw...guess I need to go through with it.
The weather forecast is good. Sunny, cool, dry. No rain.
I have some encouraging visual imagery to help me round the course.
But specially, I keep visualizing myself going through that finish line and the satisfaction of having completed my race. Yay!!!!! Whatever time I achieve, it'll be my PB (personal best) - being as I've never attempted anything this ambitious before.
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I did it.
Something between 2h15 and 2h20mins, I think. Results are posted on the organisers' website, but can't get on that. Everyone else wants to know their times.
Quite tired.
An early night beckons.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Yay Twinky Congrats and Well Done! And a respectable time too!
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I was thinking of you Sunday afternoon, my time, and said, "Well, Twinky has finished her race and home by now."
You go girl!!!!!!
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My time was 2 hours 22 mins 04 seconds. There are some photos on the web of me (and all competitors!) and I look really...blessed... to be doing this. Kind of a rough style, but hey, I did it!
It took 45 mins to get from the start gate to the start pen, so although the race started at 11am, I didn't actually get to the start line until about 11.15. Everyone has a microchip on their shoe, which records times at (personal) start, 10km and finish.
I was lapped about a mile or so in by the winning little group - the winner was a Kenyan and boy, did he have style. He was past before anyone near me realised what was happening, just so smooth, made it look nearly effortless. A collective groan went up from those near me at the though of his speed and our slowness. He was closely followed by two other black men (one last year's winner, also Kenyan who came third). A white local (UK) male came next and his style was really ponderous compared with the Kenyans - different sort of body shape - but hey, he too came in in excellent time, about 1:06.
It was quite something being in this seething mass of bouncing heads. Looking forward up the road, it was bobbing solid ribbon of multicolored shirts. Looking back was the same. Some were quite fit, others definitely lacked style, and some you might think should never attempt such an undertaking. Big crowds all the way round, a samba band, other musicians, lots of encouragement.
Lovely sunny day, dry, but a very cold strong wind blowing. A mile or so from the end I had to put my sweater and gloves back on.
And now I'm the delighted possessor of a Race Finisher T shirt and a commemorative medal.
Got a round of applause when I walked into the place where I'm a volunteer worker, yesterday.
Thanks for your good wishes
and prayers
. I'm sure they helped
Every year there is a casualty rate but I saw only three emergency vehicles rushing people away (to hospital presumably), which is quite good for saying there were 15,000 entrants.
If any of you would like to support me financially, my online donation page is still open and will remain so for the next three months:Twinky's page
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I put some pre- and post-race photos on my online page.
Unfortunately the official photos are all copyrighted and they want megabucks for permission to download.
If any of you would like to support me financially, my online donation page is open till June 2010:Twinky's page
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Doing well on this. Feel free to check out the web page, even if you don't want to donate (but feel free to do that, too!). I have 76% of my desired total, will go up a little when the charity gets the tax back from the taxman. Am very grateful to all my donors.
What's surprising is the number of people who say that they themselves ran marathons or half-marathons in their youth...looking at them now, it's hard to imagine some of them in fit enough shape. Alas, age and gravity affect us all; also, too much sugar in the coffee... (he he).
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