If you don't like JAL, fine. Spend some time denigrating the Baptist church/ the Catholic church/ the JW's/ the Church of God/ Pentecostals/ Latter Day Saints/ etc. as well while you are at it.
Oh heck! I do that all the time. ;)
JAL's made mistakes in his past, seems to be continuing in them, but do you really think sarcasm is gonna fix that??
Sure it will. :B)
... but sarcasm leaves a stain on the soul, and I (for one) believe that we will one day have to answer for all our words spoken (or typed).
Nahhh. Sarcasm is very theraputic, and often acts as a release valve for all the frustrations in dealing with stupid and abuse people, ... and that is the answer that I will give if there ever is that One Day of Answering.
John Lynn'll live.
Update: Looks like Rosestoyou is taking his Holy War to Roy now. ... Don't pay him any mind Roy. He's just found this board, and is going ape-crazy over its neat-o posting features.
"or even let off gasses in tongues" ... ROFL! I love it!!
This forum is not about your alternative gospel so go preach somehere else please!
So God bless and good luck with your preaching!
You don't know me, so don't tell me my eyes are closed!
I refuse to go to your level, so I will not address anything you have to say.
Actually I suspect you are incapable of going to the level of decency that Roy does.
You sound like an angry god preaching a gospel full of hate. So you go preach somewhere else - no please to follow cr@p mouth. This forum is as much about Year2027 as it is about anyone else. For you to make that judgment makes you a shallow and hateful soul.
You are correct though - your eyes are not closed - you are just blind, stupid, deaf and dumb.
Back off on Roy
Sincerely - thornstoyou
Mods - feel free to remove this post - but if so please remove rosethorninyoureye's posts as well - what a spiteful and hateful person that is....
Actually I suspect you are incapable of going to the level of decency that Roy does.
You sound like an angry god preaching a gospel full of hate. So you go preach somewhere else - no please to follow cr@p mouth. This forum is as much about Year2027 as it is about anyone else. For you to make that judgment makes you a shallow and hateful soul.
You are correct though - your eyes are not closed - you are just blind, stupid, deaf and dumb.
Back off on Roy
Sincerely - thornstoyou
Mods - feel free to remove this post - but if so please remove rosethorninyoureye's posts as well - what a spiteful and hateful person that is....
You sound like an angry god preaching a gospel full of hate. So you go preach somewhere else - no please to follow cr@p mouth. This forum is as much about Year2027 as it is about anyone else. For you to make that judgment makes you a shallow and hateful soul.
You are correct though - your eyes are not closed - you are just blind, stupid, deaf and dumb.
Who's being hateful? Sure sounds like you are! What judgement did I make? When someone tells me my eyes are closed and I'm a fool and they don't know me; sure doesn't sound like I'm being the judgemental one here. Again, I will say I will not stoop down to you or 2027's level and call names or tell people they are what you are saying about me!!!!
Again, I will say I will not stoop down to you or 2027's level and call names or tell people they are what you are saying about me!!!!
So have a nice day.
Again would refer to your previous comment about 2027...you never made a previous comment about me - sooooo - go take an English class. While your are it take a class on just having class - oh yeah while your at it - untwist your panty host sweetie - you got them bunched up way too tight for this site.
Again would refer to your previous comment about 2027...you never made a previous comment about me - sooooo - go take an English class. While your are it take a class on just having class - oh yeah while your at it - untwist your panty host sweetie - you got them bunched up way too tight for this site.
Geesh!!!! Who is bunched up too tight for this site? Keep making your hateful comments because you are only making yourself look bad.
Geesh!!!! Who is bunched up too tight for this site? Keep making your hateful comments because you are only making yourself look bad.
I hope God heals your heart!
Okay - you started off by ranting about John Lynn and now you're acting like a garden variety twi-t. Do you realize that you've derailed your own thread?
Perhaps you should take a look at what I posted on another thread concerning those who are so self-righteous that they can't smell the stink they emit:
Listen up you so-called believers in twi and it's various spawn of the devil (I mean splinters - splinters - they get under your nails and cause infection)... what you believe is a lie. You know it or else you would know how to deal with your pain and grief in a manner that is healthy. Instead you try to squeeze life and death into your twi-dimensional world and doctrines. Life is bigger than your walls of Zion. Your doctrine has left you so emotionally inept that you don't know how to just grieve. You are like caged animals growling and snarling at any passerby - even those that might be loving and friendly. You are making your own prison with your "doctrine of deliverance."
If you had done any amount of reading at all you would have realized that Roy really doesn't insult people. He blows a holy kiss at everyone for Christ's sake! Or are you still using those research skills you learned - starting with listening without a purpose?
How old are you? Two? No wait, that would insult 2 year olds.
Geesh!!!! Who is bunched up too tight for this site? Keep making your hateful comments because you are only making yourself look bad.
I hope God heals your heart!
Wanna go on a date sweet pie? I got some panty hose just for you. Keep your angry god - I don't need healing - you need to get your crotch a little undone from those panty hose.
Oh yeah - stuff your rude comments about 2027 up your a$. I was thinking you could make a nice stew out of it later since you seem to like to stew in your own waste.
Roy is a GREAT guy...if you can't figure out that he communicates a little differently than many others - well that is your deficiency - not his deficiency there sweet cheeks.
But damn - this is so much fun talking to someone like you with an empathic IQ of about 1 and a compassionate IQ in negative numbers. ya know something? - I'm gonna quote George Carlin here - so I am clean as a whistle - panty hose girl - naw I'm not - go look up "How to Handle a Heckler" on YouTube with George Carlin - naw never mind - this one is for you sweet cheeks....
Okay - you started off by ranting about John Lynn and now you're acting like a garden variety twi-t. Do you realize that you've derailed your own thread?
Perhaps you should take a look at what I posted on another thread concerning those who are so self-righteous that they can't smell the stink they emit:
If you had done any amount of reading at all you would have realized that Roy really doesn't insult people. He blows a holy kiss at everyone for Christ's sake! Or are you still using those research skills you learned - starting with listening without a purpose?
How old are you? Two? No wait, that would insult 2 year olds.
Why such hate from all of you? I never insulted Roy. I just didn't want to hear his preaching. You all were the ones with the insults and hate speech! I have nothing more to say and am disheartened of your treatment of me. You win! Good for you! I'm out of here. God bless!
Why such hate from all of you? I never insulted Roy. I just didn't want to hear his preaching. You all were the ones with the insults and hate speech! I have nothing more to say and am disheartened of your treatment of me. You win! Good for you! I'm out of here. God bless!
See ya - hope not - your hated probably keeps you warm at night - night night panty hose
Not to further derail this thread - - - but: Roy has always been cool in my book. I don't always agree with everything he says, but then again that's the norm (for me) whenever i read anybody's posts. So if I do disagree with "a belief" posted it's no real big deal. Ironically ( or maybe NOT so ironically), ex-cultists on other boards (notably the ex-JW boards) listen to what Roy has to say and can comment civilly without slamming or flaming. Canst thou go and do likewise??
I just _love_ it when people yammer on about 'hate', ... which of course is accompanied with _no_ details of what constitutes said 'hate'. Just "You're a hater!" or "Why such hate from all of you?", ... and that's pretty much it. The others here made detailed arguments as to what was wrong with blowstoyou's approach to Roy, yet blowmetoyou couldn't come back with anything but "Why such hate from all of you?".
That, plus his accusation of John being pozzezzed with 'devil spirits' was a laff and a half.
I agree with the "Roy is cool in my book" statement too. :B)
What the H.... is the this prophetic garbage? Do we now have sooth-sayers? That is what it sounds like to me. I am shocked to hear that they are dabbling in this stuff. I am convinced that CES/truth whatever is completely taken over by the devil. Yes, I said it.
I do know that the enemy is the devil and he will use anyone he can to tear apart the Body of Christ and it looks like he has succeeded in this case. . . . . .. . . . .. It is no longer a ministry of God but a ministry for the devil.
Go get a life and if you want to spread God's word, who is stopping you?
Hi Rosestoyou,
Since the "Roy" thing has been covered I won't add to that. . . . except to say "listening with a purpose" was sage advice. . . . and to mention that I have yet to see Roy answer a "railing" with anything but kindness and love. . . no matter what comes at him. That type of goodness is rare, and reserved, I believe, for those who are the very special and wonderful . . .among us.
I did have a couple of questions about your original post though. There are things some people post on here that confuse me to no end. . . . . genuinely confound me. You say STF is no longer a ministry of God, but, that statement assumes that at one point in time "God"actually had something to do with it. From my vantage point it is simply an offshoot or break-away from a larger Godless, bloodsucking, and people abusing endeavor. Albeit, populated with some good people who were tricked. Do you believe TWI was genuinely a "Godly" ministry?
STF, despite talk to the contrary, and in my opinion, never corrected the huge doctrinal errors of VP's cult and simply wandered deeper into that abyss. Where else was there to go? Isn't it just odd to sink that low. . . . while still paying homage to their "Father in the word". Ironic that he was the one who lead them so astray in the first place?. . . . And all because of his lust and the need to justify it publicly and in a such grand manner?
So, this "God's word" that JAL should go spread. . . . what is that again? Is that the same doctrinal error, which lead to the Godless or "devil" inspired practice of an offshoot from a larger Godless cult? What is it JAL should go out and spread.? JCNG, Soul sleep, TWI's energy force field, manifesting at our beck and call "Big H Little h" "IT" of a Holy Spirit? Maybe the tithe? Selling out "body, soul, and spirit" to some guy who calls himself a minister. The ineffectual and clueless God they now espouse?
Or is it "breath life" and abortion that constitutes God's word these days?
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You don't know me, so don't tell me my eyes are closed!
I refuse to go to your level, so I will not address anything you have to say.
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God first
thanks rosestoyou
yes I don't know you but the word calls you a fool
but it calls everybody a fool
if you do not understand the word how can you understand anything?
I am a fool which makes me wise
I can quote the bible but what that a book that Prince James takes credit for
my eyes are not open all the way yet
it not wrong to say your eyes are closed
how can be your alive are you not
you have not die in Christ yet
with love and a holy kiss Roy
Edited by year2027Link to comment
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Oh heck! I do that all the time. ;)
Sure it will. :B)
Nahhh. Sarcasm is very theraputic, and often acts as a release valve for all the frustrations in dealing with stupid and abuse people, ... and that is the answer that I will give if there ever is that One Day of Answering.
John Lynn'll live.
Update: Looks like Rosestoyou is taking his Holy War to Roy now. ... Don't pay him any mind Roy. He's just found this board, and is going ape-crazy over its neat-o posting features.
"or even let off gasses in tongues" ... ROFL!
I love it!!
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Actually I suspect you are incapable of going to the level of decency that Roy does.
You sound like an angry god preaching a gospel full of hate. So you go preach somewhere else - no please to follow cr@p mouth. This forum is as much about Year2027 as it is about anyone else. For you to make that judgment makes you a shallow and hateful soul.
You are correct though - your eyes are not closed - you are just blind, stupid, deaf and dumb.
Back off on Roy
Sincerely - thornstoyou
Mods - feel free to remove this post - but if so please remove rosethorninyoureye's posts as well - what a spiteful and hateful person that is....
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God first
thanks RumRunner
rosestoyou just him time
he has made me a friend
it took him time to move pass all those twig thinking
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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You sound like an angry god preaching a gospel full of hate. So you go preach somewhere else - no please to follow cr@p mouth. This forum is as much about Year2027 as it is about anyone else. For you to make that judgment makes you a shallow and hateful soul.
You are correct though - your eyes are not closed - you are just blind, stupid, deaf and dumb.
Who's being hateful? Sure sounds like you are! What judgement did I make? When someone tells me my eyes are closed and I'm a fool and they don't know me; sure doesn't sound like I'm being the judgemental one here. Again, I will say I will not stoop down to you or 2027's level and call names or tell people they are what you are saying about me!!!!
So have a nice day.
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Again would refer to your previous comment about 2027...you never made a previous comment about me - sooooo - go take an English class. While your are it take a class on just having class - oh yeah while your at it - untwist your panty host sweetie - you got them bunched up way too tight for this site.
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God first
thanks RumRunner and rosestoyou
peace please
there no need to get upset
the Word of God calls everybody a fool
rosestoyou is not use to it rosestoyou is on a high mule
RumRunner is a friend and hope rosestoyou will soon enjoy my writtens
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Roy you are a great guy - you keep posting out of what is clearly the purity of your heart. Death will sort all of us out.
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Geesh!!!! Who is bunched up too tight for this site? Keep making your hateful comments because you are only making yourself look bad.
I hope God heals your heart!
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Okay - you started off by ranting about John Lynn and now you're acting like a garden variety twi-t. Do you realize that you've derailed your own thread?
Perhaps you should take a look at what I posted on another thread concerning those who are so self-righteous that they can't smell the stink they emit:
If you had done any amount of reading at all you would have realized that Roy really doesn't insult people. He blows a holy kiss at everyone for Christ's sake! Or are you still using those research skills you learned - starting with listening without a purpose?
How old are you? Two? No wait, that would insult 2 year olds.
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Wanna go on a date sweet pie? I got some panty hose just for you. Keep your angry god - I don't need healing - you need to get your crotch a little undone from those panty hose.
Oh yeah - stuff your rude comments about 2027 up your a$. I was thinking you could make a nice stew out of it later since you seem to like to stew in your own waste.
Roy is a GREAT guy...if you can't figure out that he communicates a little differently than many others - well that is your deficiency - not his deficiency there sweet cheeks.
But damn - this is so much fun talking to someone like you with an empathic IQ of about 1 and a compassionate IQ in negative numbers. ya know something? - I'm gonna quote George Carlin here - so I am clean as a whistle - panty hose girl - naw I'm not - go look up "How to Handle a Heckler" on YouTube with George Carlin - naw never mind - this one is for you sweet cheeks....
Leave Roy the F alone Rosalie.
<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it9kpZHXhxI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it9kpZHXhxI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it9kpZHXhxI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
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God first
thanks RumRunner
RumRunner does look bad but rosestoyou sounds like a baby a child
but we all learning
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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I just took a peak at your profile rosestoyou - Isn't it odd that you have year2027 down as a friend?
I guess the splinter doesn't infect far from the cult...
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Why such hate from all of you? I never insulted Roy. I just didn't want to hear his preaching. You all were the ones with the insults and hate speech! I have nothing more to say and am disheartened of your treatment of me. You win! Good for you! I'm out of here. God bless!
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See ya - hope not - your hated probably keeps you warm at night - night night panty hose
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Not to further derail this thread - - - but: Roy has always been cool in my book. I don't always agree with everything he says, but then again that's the norm (for me) whenever i read anybody's posts. So if I do disagree with "a belief" posted it's no real big deal. Ironically ( or maybe NOT so ironically), ex-cultists on other boards (notably the ex-JW boards) listen to what Roy has to say and can comment civilly without slamming or flaming. Canst thou go and do likewise??
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I just _love_ it when people yammer on about 'hate', ... which of course is accompanied with _no_ details of what constitutes said 'hate'. Just "You're a hater!" or "Why such hate from all of you?", ... and that's pretty much it. The others here made detailed arguments as to what was wrong with blowstoyou's approach to Roy, yet blowmetoyou couldn't come back with anything but "Why such hate from all of you?".
That, plus his accusation of John being pozzezzed with 'devil spirits' was a laff and a half.
I agree with the "Roy is cool in my book" statement too. :B)
Edited by GarthP2000Link to comment
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God first
thanks rosestoyou and RumRunner and doojable and dmiller and GarthP2000
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Roy is more than cool in my book as well..
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Aye - Roy is a true hearted soul - no one can steal that from him regardless of the posts on this place or any other.
Rock On Roy!!!! Carp Diem - Don't let the b@st@rds get you down - Every time you post it is clean and pure - thank you for your heart and soul
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Hi Rosestoyou,
Since the "Roy" thing has been covered I won't add to that. . . . except to say "listening with a purpose" was sage advice. . . . and to mention that I have yet to see Roy answer a "railing" with anything but kindness and love. . . no matter what comes at him. That type of goodness is rare, and reserved, I believe, for those who are the very special and wonderful . . .among us.
I did have a couple of questions about your original post though. There are things some people post on here that confuse me to no end. . . . . genuinely confound me. You say STF is no longer a ministry of God, but, that statement assumes that at one point in time "God"actually had something to do with it. From my vantage point it is simply an offshoot or break-away from a larger Godless, bloodsucking, and people abusing endeavor. Albeit, populated with some good people who were tricked. Do you believe TWI was genuinely a "Godly" ministry?
STF, despite talk to the contrary, and in my opinion, never corrected the huge doctrinal errors of VP's cult and simply wandered deeper into that abyss. Where else was there to go? Isn't it just odd to sink that low. . . . while still paying homage to their "Father in the word". Ironic that he was the one who lead them so astray in the first place?. . . . And all because of his lust and the need to justify it publicly and in a such grand manner?
So, this "God's word" that JAL should go spread. . . . what is that again? Is that the same doctrinal error, which lead to the Godless or "devil" inspired practice of an offshoot from a larger Godless cult? What is it JAL should go out and spread.? JCNG, Soul sleep, TWI's energy force field, manifesting at our beck and call "Big H Little h" "IT" of a Holy Spirit? Maybe the tithe? Selling out "body, soul, and spirit" to some guy who calls himself a minister. The ineffectual and clueless God they now espouse?
Or is it "breath life" and abortion that constitutes God's word these days?
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venial sin i know
mortal sin i know
stubborn sin.... who are you ????
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I dunno. I hope it isn't me.. some people say I' pretty stubborn..
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