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The Cult Of Zero

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This excerpt is posted from my (DrWearWord aka RexRed) journal entry written 10 September 2008 @ 03:02 pm

The Revelation of Jesus Christ according to RexRed

Behold a great vision appeared unto me RexRed, a brethren of the apostles, of the lord Jesus Christ and a son of the beginning. I stood on the shore of a great sea and across the four winds came a dove that transformed into the bodily flesh of my lord Jesus the Christ. His voice were as trumpets and his words were gentle to my inner person. Them who have ears to hear listen to the past, present and the future of times hidden from the ears of newborns in the word of God. The lord spoke and said be of comfort and rejoice in the God of our fathers from whom I reveal unto you the hidden mysteries of the aeons. Seek not the living in the end but in the beginning, for in the beginning were all things new. Only in time doth moth and worm corrupt the knowledge of the truth. For the omega is alpha. Seek your father’s word in the stillness of silence and the brightness of his countenance than no eyes can look openly upon. For Jesus said, I have sacrificed my flesh that you may live again with this life within. The flesh is an illusion of the creation of this mystery within.

Them who have eyes to see will look upon the unity of the beginning. Then the lord took me by the hand and led my to a hidden place upon the earth. There I saw five trees growing and Jesus revealed to me the mystery of the five trees in paradise. One tree was humanity, another tree represented the creeping things great whales and the fouls of the air. Yet still another tree represented the herb of the field and yet another tree represented the stones and elements of the earth that cry out with one loud voice. The fifth tree was the spirit that gave of her fruit only in the season of the age of grace. The lord said ye may partake of these only for a short winter until the summer of heaven returns to the earth. For I was once nailed to these trees upon a cross and died but yet I live, but it is not I that lives but the spirit that lives within me. For I became the spirit and the world now partakes of the fruit of the spirit. This is to say that all things are complete and all dominions are secure against the day of wrath of God.

Then I saw a great wonder in the heavens a woman travailing in birth wearing purple and adorned with the crown of all nations of the world. She brought forth a son and called his name Jesus. The child was mute and neither spoke nor heard the voice of its mother. For the child only heard the voice of God and when he went to speak out of his mouth flowed rivers of spirit the drenched the world in both fire and water. From his tongue came a oneness with all things yet all things became a void and an abyss that no light could escape. The people of the world were perplexed at the strange nature of this child. The child grew and the world bowed down to worship the child but the child needed no admonition. The child desired neither the touch, nor delight of the senses. The people repeatedly asked the child to reveal it’s purpose in the world and the child only stared out blankly into what seem the corporal air vacantly as if looking upon a great treasure.

Then Jesus spoke to me I shall now reveal to the you mystery of the mute child. The mute child is God, who is born as the spirit within. It is the image of God. For God desires only to be known but does not speak. It is the spirit that speaks for God. The world tries to provoke God into action but God only acts through the spirit. What need does God have? It is our own worth that we impose upon God and God knows only of the hidden treasures of the heart. For God in the beginning is likened unto this young child that only needs to be. And who shall raise God up into the full stature of a man? God is forever young, as the end and death can never conquer the beginning and life.

Then Jesus took me way up into the heavens above all principalities and powers. There were clouds in all directions and angels and ministers of grace were at our feet. And I sought the face of God in the clouds. Jesus said why do you seek God among the dead? I answered, is not the dead that which lives again? Jesus answered the flesh can never re-enter the mothers womb and be reborn and a baby leaves the sucking of his mother breast and then is sustained upon the meat and grains of the other trees of the garden. Innocence can only enter the kingdom of God. So I asked Jesus where is innocence then?

Then I saw this world pass away and I saw a shining city of great beauty and awe. Innocence is the unity of the spirit with truth, for the truth without spirit is vanity and the spirit without truth is dead. Only when the spirit is energized with truth is the world living and innocent truth is born of spirit and the child awakes and sings praise.

Then Jesus took a deep breath and out of his mouth came three sparrows. They flew up into the air and disappeared in the mist and hazy fog of the future. Then Jesus spoke and said the three sparrows you see are earth, wind and fire, for all that is created were forged of these three. The five trees in paradise are shaken by the wind and the wind is the breath of God. The wind shakes the trees and their fruits fall to the ground and grow into all that is both seen and unseen. It is the fire that tries the world and the earth that coddles and nurtures the soul. Within this balance the spirit is made a verity. Of a truth our lives are written in the words of the living God. Thus the child speaks through the garden of the mind‘s heart. Suddenly the dark abyss and precipice was standing in front of me and I was looking into its depth. I felt the Lord beside me and I was not afraid. I realized the nature of God. This God was this light hidden by darkness. I began to weep and Jesus wept with me, then he smiled his eyes sparkled and I knew not to be troubled. He said the abyss is where God gains much of his strength. Yet the perfect God who, only his image do we know, does not need the abyss to exist. God was before the beginning of the abyss. The abyss is the recompense for free will.

Then I saw the lamb of God and the shepherd and fields and rivers in peace and harmony, nor does this vision leave me. So as I speak this in letter and in deed the strength of the Lord is ever present in me. Knowing that the silence of the inner child is only a veil hiding the treasure of the truth of God within. I came down from the clouds and suddenly I felt myself reborn and new life. As if the essence of this child was now who I became. I was standing on the shore of the waters and I saw Jesus he then went back up into the sky and sat upon a great throne placed in the heavens by God. I was back to my present day and I felt that God was more evident than I had known before. That through the veil of my own understanding mind that God was more real than even my present time and life. That the inner reality was more than what I could see with my eyes and hear with my ears. We are visited by the revelation of our inner world on daily basis. It requires the eyes and ears of the inner person opened to realize the message of the spirit of truth. A fountain of water flows and nurtures the soul and we are fed upon the bread of life. The fruit of the trees sustain us as we search within for our way of life. It is the presence of the spirit in truth, liberty born of love, that keeps life on course.

Peace to God and the lord Jesus Christ from the beginning, amen.

(I didn't clean up any typos I figured I would just leave it as is...)


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I had to redo my hard drive OS but I am back now :)


Besides Zoroastrianism's claims to be the world’s oldest revealed religion it is also, arguably, the world’s first proponent of ecology, through caring for the elements and the earth.

The Zoroastrian faith enjoins the caring of the physical world not merely to seek spiritual salvation. Human beings, as the purposeful creation of God, are seen as the natural motivators or overseers of the Seven Creations. As the only conscious creation, it is humanity’s ultimate task to care for the universe.

The faith endorses the caring of Seven Creations (sky, water, earth, plant, animal, human and fire), as part of a symbiotic relationship. Zoroastrianism sees the physical world as a natural matrix of Seven Creations in which life and growth are inter-dependent if harmony and perfection is to be the final goal.

The sacredness of the creations demands a greater awareness on the part of Zoroastrians, for at the end of time humanity must give to Ahura Mazda a world of "purity", a world in its original perfect state. As an example of their concern, it is a tradition that Zoroastrians never enter a river, to wash in it or pollute it in any way[citation needed]. Purity of nature in their tradition is seen as the greatest good.

Zoroastrians in India remembered their traditional story of The Crisis: how, once upon a time, Mother Earth was in trouble. She asked God (Ahura Mazda) if He could send her a prince, with warriors, to stop the people from hurting her, using force. But Ahura Mazda said he could not. Instead he would send Her a holy man, to stop the people from hurting her, using words and inspirational ideas. And thus was born the prophet, Zoroaster.


Ahura Mazda is the beginning and the end, the creator of everything which can and cannot be seen, the Eternal, the Pure and the only Truth.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/1/2010 at 10:32 PM, DrWearWord said:


The search for zero in the infinitesimally small...

"Nothing is infinitesimally small. People are just infinitesimally small minded."

I'm with Professor Hawkings on this one.

They won't find the Higgs Bosun, rather several related particles to the ones we already know. Wait till The Scientific community gets a load of the fact that all matter has "instructions". That's how it all knows how and what to be. I expect private debates over this. This comes from someone that has spent the last week firing lasers into rare gasses

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Here is my latest video connected with the cult of zero theme I have been promoting lately.

and this,


please rate them and subscribe to my Ferlsen channel add yourself as a friend on youtube.

Thanks for watching/listening! DWW (AKA RexRed) Edited by DrWearWord
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I just listened to Baby You're a Star (live version).

Solid and unpretentious. Simple but effective progression. Very nice voice. I can hear this being done with just a hint of Dobro and a splash of fiddle. Might be a good one for someone like Alison Krauss. May be an issue with the title, though, as there is already a song with the same title.

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  On 4/11/2010 at 6:08 PM, waysider said:

I just listened to Baby You're a Star (live version).

Solid and unpretentious. Simple but effective progression. Very nice voice. I can hear this being done with just a hint of Dobro and a splash of fiddle. Might be a good one for someone like Alison Krauss. May be an issue with the title, though, as there is already a song with the same title.

Thank you for the listen and the nice review. Your words are flattering and I welcome any artist who would like to perform my songs. An interesting fact about songwriting is that an artist cannot copyright a song title. Many song titles are just thought up and are not usually plagiarized as is the case with my song. When you know that your song is your own, you just don't worry about it. :)

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2 Samuel 22:47 KJV

The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation.

Matthew 16:18 KJV

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

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I just have to relay something that has been fascinating me lately.

I have been getting into numbers. (not the book of numbers) :)

I never liked nor disliked numbers.

But lately I have found them to be worthy of taking some time to understand how they function on certain levels.

Considering numbers play such a great role in our lives and usually we are unaware of them even being there.

My fascination begins with the number 960

divide that number by 128 and you get 7.5

To understand this further I typed a row of the numbers 1-32 in a word processor.

Then below them I typed the sub divisions of 32 divided into 960

Above them I typed the numbers 1-16 and aligned them over top of the corresponding numbers 1-32 skipping every other one.

Then I computed the sub divisions and wrote them under the corresponding numbers 1-16

I did that also for 8th quarter and half and whole

I was amazed at how the numbers fell always on a value that ended in zero or whole number.

The same when you divide 960 by 32 24 16 8 4 2 and 1

When you divide 960 by the number 64 it then introduces the numeral 5 (grace)

so when dividing 960 by 64 the counting begins 15, 30, 45, 60, etc. to 960.

one might ask why not just use 1000?

Well half of 1000 is easy, 500, but when you start breaking half of that and half of that you end up with confusing decimals and fractions of a point.

Half of 500 is 250. or 2.5 you already reach the number of 5 (grace) at the 1/2 mark of digital quantization based on 1000, versus, reaching 5 at the 64 mark with using 960 for quantization.

The whole numbers are easier to remember and keep in your head.

This is an example of how zero, unlike any other number, makes complex computation simpler.

I might add that the number nine is similar to the number zero in that nine is almost zero again. :)

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  On 4/11/2010 at 9:18 PM, DrWearWord said:

Thank you for the listen and the nice review. Your words are flattering and I welcome any artist who would like to perform my songs. An interesting fact about songwriting is that an artist cannot copyright a song title. Many song titles are just thought up and are not usually plagiarized as is the case with my song. When you know that your song is your own, you just don't worry about it. :)

Yeah, I realize that much about copyrights as I own several myself. Still, if you are pitching your wares to potential clients, it's best not to introduce anything that might confuse or dissuade them from giving a listen. If I received a tape/CD with that particular title, I might be inclined to assume it was

. I know you're not supposed to assume anything, but, face it, people do. I really do see potential in it, though. Haven't had much time to listen to the rest.
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  On 4/12/2010 at 9:22 PM, waysider said:

Yeah, I realize that much about copyrights as I own several myself. Still, if you are pitching your wares to potential clients, it's best not to introduce anything that might confuse or dissuade them from giving a listen. If I received a tape/CD with that particular title, I might be inclined to assume it was

. I know you're not supposed to assume anything, but, face it, people do. I really do see potential in it, though. Haven't had much time to listen to the rest.

I have been told "Prince" released a song named "Baby You're A Star" (I haven't heard that version yet either...) after Quatro's song... Would you listen to that? :)

I have been writing songs since I was seventeen I just never give it a thought, I just write what I come up with for a title. I have tons of my own energy to draw from. I never have a lack of inspiration, usually, a certain instrumental phrase gives me my first inspiration. but it can come from many types of things as in words, pictures, music, a logical concept and/or a method in my own life.

I wrote a song called "the sands hands". It is about a ship that gets old and just wanders off, contemplates life, then, "sinks and falls into the sands hands".

I wrote the whole song and the very last phrase of the last line I wrote supplied the title. :)

"the ocean fills her tired hull as she sinks and falls into the sands hands..."

"Came a captain to her wheel, when she was young and true

Together they sailed to far off lands

Upon the ocean blue...

Life was so easy then, one could live without a care

But now her planks have lost their youth,

From their years of wear and tear.

She opens up her eyes from sleep

And sees her final stand,

The ocean fills her tired hull...

As she sinks and falls into the sands hands."

So much for the romantic attachment to a boat. :)


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Has anyone asked God, why grace?

Why the great mystery?

And why do we still today only know in part?

If all is revealed then what is still in part?

Perhaps all is revealed yet not all is understood.

For is not all that is just another cipher hidden in the eye of God?

God has reveal all pertaining... yet we still only know in part...

The great zero

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I have been contemplating speaking in tongues... (among other things) and, I look back to the time when Dr Wierwille led me though the manifestation.

He convinced me that speaking in an unknown tongue was the realization of the holy spirit.

That i had no knowledge of what i was saying or speaking.

and that while I was speaking I still had my intellectual facilities intact.

I still sit back in awe of that experience for whatever it is ultimately worth.

This only again shows us that zero is a part of the ancient understanding of the past as it relates to how we perceive it today.

I have seen artist's drawings depicting Atlantis, built architecturally upon the design of a series of concentric circles or islands connected by bridges radiating out from a central point.

Even when we get to ancient humans, tribal houses were round long before they were square.

This "round house" gave I think the human psyche a feeling of both isolation, but also purpose and perhaps a connection to zero.

Out of a round house comes a round table...

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