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The Cult Of Zero

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reminds me of a story...

a missionary goes to india to preach the word of God

and meets an old man walking down the road

the old man agrees to listen to his message

so the preacher starts, "in the beginning, God..."

but the old man suddenly walks away

so the preacher moves on with his mission

years later, the old man finds the preacher again

and asks "ok, what's next?"

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sirguessalot cute story, it seems some are at least initially content in just knowing zero :)

The Red Thread...

We have been taught that the red thread is Jesus Christ who is the word and the subject of every book in the bible.

Well, Zero is actually the red thread and Jesus Christ is an incarnation of Zero.

Jesus Christ as the shepherd king demonstrated zero as the guide to all numbers. As the servant Jesus was the servant to all numbers. As the man he was the first born of all numbers and as the son of God he was the offspring of all numbers.

We are born of water which is another zero and of blood which is another zero. Water is the zero of the earth and blood is the zero of the human body. Together thy are fused into a new being as only zero has the ability to create. All zero’s either exist within two extremes or outside of two extremes.


Hydrogen and oxygen become water, body and soul become spirit…

Thus this red thread stems from the beginning of time and travels through the beginning of consciousness and through the ages until now.

One might ask if Jesus revealed God to us why did he leave out zero? Why did he talk in parables to the main populace if he was the way and the TRUTH and the life?

Well one might argue that he did reveal zero... Yet, this message has been lost to our generation. Perhaps Jesus did not fully reveal zero and this is the purpose of our life in this day and time.

When we picture Jesus holding up the mustard seed Jesus said, this is "ZERA" and zera is the word of God. Now in our language we do not think of seeds as zero but we do think of seeds as the beginning of something. When Jesus was asked how a person gets born again he said we cannot go back into the womb (back to zero)... Then Jesus breathed... Breath is another invisible form of zero. Nephesh khi, pneuma hagione…

Was Jesus revealing zero? Was Jesus another biblical story of zero being carried upon the wings of the bible writers as the red thread? It seems all of the biblical writers have been aware of zero but never would spell it out literally. Yet then we are told by Jesus that zero is the word of God? Are words just knowledge of good and evil?

Why is the word of God so illusive that it cannot be spoken but needs to be alluded to in fables and parables?

Then we arrive in our logic to a certain argument that was going on in the time of Jesus. It seems the religions community were in an all out battle over what constituted divinity.

The Gnostic believed that divinity came from knowledge or “words” where their opponents the orthodoxy believed that it was the “spirit” that brought divinity. Thus we see Jesus kowtowing to both factions as being baptized by John and the holy spirit dove anointing him and then his statement in private that the seed is the word of God. A thief can steal the word from a person’s heart and mind but can a thief steal the spirit of God?

Well this can of worms seems only solved by proclaiming that both knowledge and the spirit are both zero… Does zero need knowledge to procreate? Must we confess Jesus from sin and believe God raised him from the dead before we can be a zero ourselves and be “born again“?

Well it seems since there are different zeros then are all zeros true images of God? They are all rounded and have roughly the same appearance…

Fire is a zero but is fire the image of God? Well God sure used that image on the day of Pentecost and burned that image into our minds… Yet not all people see fire when they obtain the holy spirit.. As with water the apostles were sprinkling water and people were manifesting the spirit before water had touched them. Also with blood here we do not sacrifice with blood yet we still receive spiritual birth from on high as if we had. Isn’t righteousness of the law yet we can forgo blood water bombardment form the law and receive zero by a simple confession of faith…

Does Christ Jesus in the knowledge of him not replace these zeros with a greater zero a form of knowledge? Is one zero greater than another zero? We are born of zero by a teacher yet is it the spirit that teaches? Underneath all of these oxymora there seems to be an underlying process at work. It seems the laws of reproduction applies where zero creates a dichotomy (knowledge/spirit, male/female, bond/free, jew/gentile, good/evil, law/liberty light/darkness, heaven/earth, fire/water) this dichotomy bonds and zero is born from the union… This zero that bonds from the union then again bonds back to with Zero who initiated the union and fellowship with zero is the result… One might reason and say, well, fire and water can't bond they are opposites... Yet the human body is exactly that, a mixture of mostly water with small electrical nerve impulses of "fire" and without that fire within our bodies we could not "think..."

Like minded believers, the mind of Christ, the mind of Zero… Is the mind of zero the process itself, the result of the process, the initiator of the process or all of the above?

Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace…

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  On 2/27/2010 at 7:28 PM, Bolshevik said:

hydrogen and oxygen form peroxide

Hehe an excellent additive for tooth paste :)

I wonder how can zero be God? Zero is just a concept, a thought, an abstract symbol...

Just consider that long before humans evolved on the earth zero was represented as the sun rotating, the earth encircling the sun and the moon in its own orbit. Long after we are gone and DNA unwinds its own seemingly endless spiral, the arbitrary symbols that we have created will fade in the debris and junk piles of time, yet zero will remain on this constant atomic orbital throughout eternity. As surely as the milky way galaxy swirls around a black hole and the entire universe revolves around the abyss of the unknown light which alludes our sight, zero will faithfully remain just beyond our own comprehension...

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Interesting book.. if you read the back bookcover.. Hawking holds a Newton's chair as Lucasian Professor Mathematics at Cambridge University..

Considering this is a "math" book.. I can find only one equation or formula anywhere.. the whole book relies on the reader's knowledge and intuition..

in other words, a mathematical novice or layman can understand it..

So that is one thing on my "to do" list for spring break this coming week..

do some math homework.. figure out lesson plans for twelve days from now, read entirely through Hawkings brief history of time, and make my 10,000th post on Greasespot Cafe.


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  On 3/5/2010 at 2:13 AM, Ham said:

Stephen Hawking wrote A brief history of time. Ever read it? Supposedly the universe was once a singularity..

I am going to read his books too thanks for the idea. Perhaps we can share notes, singularity is a great buzz word, Now if i can just figure out what it means :)

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On page 180 he gives a brief biography of Newton. It starts.. "Isaac Newton was not a pleasant man."

Thats a pretty tame description.. Newton generally was practically a raving lunatic.. even by my standards..

last part of his life was pretty pathetic..

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reminds me of this, from Roy's heads or tails thread:

The Call of Cthulhu (Weird Tales, 1928)

I. The Horror In Clay

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

while i am no longer able to fully agree with any "either-or" type reductions, i also cant help but agree that the two options offered by lovecraft are alive and well and have never left the table.

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we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age

i think that is why the Christ is so careful

but mostly and primarily love

cuz without it these options are quite real and are occuring

the other options are much more acceptable in love

the pull to run is out weighed by that love i think...

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we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age

I've seen this happen..

A fellow I knew explained that a lot of the "freaks" acid heads and seekers of "truth" went the route of narcotics in an attempt to return to some kind of peace and safety..

some of the great "gurus" either were or became absolute fruitcakes.. like Crowley..

even Newton..

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Page 82 of Hawkings "A Brief History of Time", though you can find this information in likely hundreds of other sources..

During the period of these two disputes [one of which was over the intellectual rights to the Calculus] Newton had already left Cambridge and academe. He had been active in anti-Catholic politics at Cambridge, and later in Parliament, and was rewarded eventually with the lucrative post of Warden of the Royal Mint. Here he used his talents for deviousness and vitriol in a more socially acceptable way, successfully conducting a major campaign against counterfeiting, and sending several men to their death on the gallows

interesting, no?

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  On 3/6/2010 at 5:56 PM, Ham said:

Page 82 of Hawkings "A Brief History of Time", though you can find this information in likely hundreds of other sources..

interesting, no?

Hawkings mentions zero I think twice in both of his books combine.

He uses zero seemingly (sort of) as adjectives not nouns...

in other words ZERO...

I just read both of his books in two nights.

So we won't get much on zero in Hawkings...

and singularity is not persuasive enough to explain the beginning.

Is zero singular or does it divide duality?

How can singularity exist amid division?

Singularity must exhibit more than singularity but also exhibit creation and rebirth.

Singularity must also have synergy and synthesis.

That the nature of zero is to create.

Zero is the former, maker and creator...

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well i'll quote something as well...

Beauty and goodness are always there in each of us. This is the basic teaching of the Buddha. A true teacher, a true spiritual partner, is one who encourages you to look deeply in yourself for the beauty and love you are seeking. The true teacher is someone who helps you discover the teacher in yourself.

According to the Buddha, the birth of a human being is not a beginning but a continuation, and when we’re born, all the different kinds of seeds—seeds of goodness, of cruelty, of awakening—are already inside us. Whether the goodness or cruelty in us is revealed depends on what seeds we cultivate, our actions, and our way of life.

At the moment of his awakening at the foot of the bodhi tree, the Buddha declared, “How strange—all beings possess the capacity to be awakened, to understand, to love, to be free—yet they allow themselves to be carried away on the ocean of suffering.” He saw that, day and night, we’re seeking what is already there within us. We can call it buddhanature, awakened nature, the true freedom that is the foundation for all peace and happiness. The capacity to be enlightened isn’t something that someone else can offer to you. A teacher can only help you to remove the non-enlightened elements in you so that enlightenment can be revealed. If you have confidence that beauty, goodness, and the true teacher are in you, and if you take refuge in them, you will practice in a way that reveals these qualities more clearly each day.

Each one of us is sovereign over the territory of our own being and the five elements we are made of. These elements are form (body), feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness. Our practice is to look deeply into these five elements and discover the true nature of our being—the true nature of our suffering, our happiness, our peace, our fearlessness.

But when we’ve abandoned our territory, we’re not responsible rulers. We haven’t practiced and, every day, instead of taking care of our territory, we’ve run away from it and allowed conflicts and disorder to arise. We’re afraid to go back to our territory and face the difficulties and suffering there. Whenever we have fifteen “free” minutes, or an hour or two, we have the habit of using television, newspapers, music, conversation, or the telephone to forget and to run away from the reality of the elements that make up our being. We think, “I’m suffering too much, I have too many problems. I don’t want to go back to them anymore.”

We have to come back to our physical selves and put things in order. The Buddha gave us very concrete practices that show us how to do this. He was very clear that to clean up and transform the elements of our selves, we need to cultivate the energy of mindfulness. This is what will give us the strength to come back to ourselves.

The energy of mindfulness is something concrete that can be cultivated. When we practice walking mindfully, our solid, peaceful steps cultivate the energy of mindfulness and bring us back to the present moment. When we sit and follow our breathing, aware of our in- and out-breath, we are cultivating the energy of mindfulness. When we have a meal in mindfulness, we invest all our being in the present moment and are aware of our food and of those who are eating with us. We can cultivate the energy of mindfulness while we walk, while we breathe, while we work, while we wash the dishes or wash our clothes. A few days practicing like this can increase the energy of mindfulness in you, and that energy will help you, protect you, and give you courage to go back to yourself, to see and embrace what is there in your territory.

There are real, painful feelings, strong emotions, troubling perceptions that agitate or make us afraid. With the energy of mindfulness, we can spend time with these difficult feelings without running away. We can embrace them the way a parent embraces a child and say to them, “Darling, I am here for you; I have come back; I’m going to take care of you.” This is what we do with all our emotions, feelings, and perceptions.


a little Eastern thought life......

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God first

thanks Todd

reminds me of this, from Roy's heads or tails thread:

I have been reading how "Spinoza" seem to understand mind of men and "Albert Einstein" enjoyed him and understood the emotion work of "Spinoza"

he seems to see the mind as God's proved but no one can prove other in their own mind

then I been reading how some think we can get to complete word but that never be

we known in part only

with love and a holy kiss Roy

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yes sirg, while some measure themselves by a book

it is the books that are saying to look in ourselves

and being mindful of what is with us

for the full measure

which can be seen, being patient

both books and conversation can inspire the revealing of our true nature

such is the word of god written in the heart

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I am going to try and make some sense out of the senseless and some meaning out of the meaningless. :)

I will use Einstein, Hawking and string theories to contrast and solidify a theory of all that is.

We seem locked into a world that can’t see outside of its own realm.

All theories start with some sort of great mass inhibited by some sort of energy.

I struggle through dreams/visions of transparent glass, reflective mirrors, water, fire, empty space, time, black holes, the color red, spheres and geometry of every shape and size all to only become confused in the end by infinity itself.

So we are locked into not understanding by our own seemingly limited symbology and physical geometry of numbers and theories. Oozing pools of smart elements, frothy bubbles and, what created chemistry itself?

In math we have four states that we use to describe nearly every known phenomenon in the real world. Like pillars they lock us behind their bars, a limiting prison that we dare not try and escape from. Something is either added, multiplied, subtracted or divided. Beyond that we simply stop trying to conceptualize things.

Yet, there is one symbol we have not attached to a theoretical action… What is the symbol for “created?” Creation is neither addition, subtraction, multiplication nor division. Science has left us with no possible way to represent our beginning with the tools provided..

Science does not have a symbol for creation… thus an equation for space and time will never be possible until that symbol is devised.

The problems with all physical theories i.e. big bang, quantum string theories and singularity is there is always a question that can be asked that shatters the theory in the very same manner.

Let’s start with the big bang…

It seems plausible that the universe started with a big bang considering the red shift of stellar objects and the sound waves we hear that are a result of this big bang. Though the “big bang” has either passed or has been canceled by another big bang that we are somewhere in the canceled field between these big bangs. Like two stones dropped in a swimming pool the waves cancel in the center where they collide. Well our earth must be in such a place. For if there was a really big bang why is our world silent to us. There must be another force that is at work through time and space perhaps the bang has not reached us yet or has passed us already and moved ahead of our time. This seems curious that if the “big bang” has passed us already yet light is still reaching us from stellar objects that we can see that date back to the formation of our universe then it seems the actual noise of the big bang is long behind and will take eons to reach us.

Regardless there is a seemingly known fabric to our universe, an impedance to light and sound. That light takes many billions upon billions of years to travel across time and space simply attests to the immensity of the known universe.

Yet science points to the ideal that the universe is apparently finite and with its own beginning.

Whether if we coalesce all of the constituents elements of the universe into one mass and portray it as blowing up and scattering all of its matter out and away from its epicenter we still have a beginning.

I find it curious that a big bang usually scatters matter in all directions regardless of what is in its way. Yet our universe seems to be expanding all in one direction as if there is an even greater force of energy containing it and shaping the explosion in a controlled way.

That there was a structure to the empty space where the big bang occurred.

The seemingly simple question is, what created the materials that were present in the big bang?

Perhaps there were very tight “invisible” strings of great mass that funneled the universe explosion into its own pattern of expansion and decay.

And even so then before the strings if all things were once massed into a great singularity then what created that?

All physical theories fall apart when asked, “what created them?” Thus the only answer is to start with absolutely nothing. Yet nothing may have properties that everything cannot have.

Many of these answers are right in front of our face. Yet we are distracted by the imagery of our physical world. We are distracted by the tools used to perceive and measure the physical world such that we overlook the symbols that define infinity and utter emptiness.

For we dismiss infinity and emptiness because we ourselves cannot perceive or measure them. Infinity seems to bend in upon itself and the visible laws of the universe display corruption and decay. Also the laws of the universe seem to dictate a beginning and it seems imperceptible that there is simply no beginning to our physical model of space and time. Time itself requires a beginning. How do we measure nothing how do we define zero divided by itself? How can we define the undefined? What representation do you give as an answer? We do not have symbols to represent those kinds of dilemmas.

We perceive space and mass as different things.

Did space create mass or mass create space?

What symbol do we have in math for creation? Relativity can be defined because it is in the realm of mass and energy as it is affected by velocity.

Thus creation is an assumption in itself. We can say we were not created until something proves that assumption wrong or we can assume we were created until something proves that wrong.

People want to know the answers… We are on this finite rock of earth floating in space with seemingly infinite complexity. Each person has only, if we are fortunate, one hundred years to figure it all out before we become cosmic dust floating on the surface of some cosmic sea of collective speculation.

So we dream about black holes, empty dry canyons, panes of glass, clouds, justice, love, liberty etc in our heated pursuit for the answer. Like Alice through the looking glass we want to perceive beyond our perceived reality into an alternative dimension that explains our existence.

We seem to become dissatisfied with all physical theories when we ask ourselves what created the original materials of big bangs, quantum strings and singularities so then we delve back into the objects of our perceived world looking for clues within them. It seems we circle round and round in our search for what we are. We will never find the answer within our reality. For what created our reality is also outside of our reality thus outside our ability to measure. We only see faint traces of our creator within the paint on the canvas and instead of the style of our universe we are transfixed by the portrait instead. The portrait on the canvas is not a self portrait but a combination of many images composed to reveal the intent of the painter.

Does the creator look like planets, suns, saturn, earth, black holes is god pure energy or empty space?

Can natural eyes see and behold the creator?

Is the creator ever present but invisible in our world? Is the creator omni and multi dimensional? Can zero be measured and seen through a telescope?

The only way to resolve the physical theories (relativity, strings and singularity) is to hypothesize that, “zero created the universe.” There is no equation that can be used mathematically to represent this because there is no symbol for creation in mathematics and science.

Just ask yourself, who created the big bang? Who created the strings in quantum mechanics? Who created the singularity? Each time you come up with yet another layer of needed discovery.

Yet, when you ask yourself who created zero? Only then do we understand the greatness, immensity, implications, nature‘s grand design and the infinity of zero itself. Only then can we glimpse into what we are on the other side. Only then can we step beyond the physical world into the isness of everything that is.

Then we see the answer has been right there all along. In the beginning zero created one. In the beginning zero created energy (heaven) and mass (earth). One might call this a singularity but singularity just does not reveal the same ideal as zero. For a singularity is a thing where zero is nothing.

It is simply foolishness to then ask, “well then who created nothing (zero)?”

Only zero answers this dilemma. Only zero prevails. Zero is more than a seed. For one might ask who created the seed? What came first the chicken or the egg?

Then we enter back into the circular logic of the physical world that can be measured by math. Only when we perceive zero as nothing do we then understand the true implications of our creators omnipotent reign over all that is. That out of nothing came everything. Nothing is the actual seed of everything. And what created nothing? That is when the redundant egg within an egg within an egg (matryoshka doll) question becomes moot.

Science rejects creation and until they give creation its own symbol and unique meaning their theories of infinite speculation will be nothing more than a matryoshka doll leading deeper down the rabbit hole pure speculation and grandiose imagination. Eventually science will exhaust itself and have to face that fact that only a concept like zero can answer their endless search for the unknown, undefined, uncreated and what unexists.

Only when zero becomes science and we examine the creative properties of zero will we then be able to build a scientific theory the unifies all things into one exquisite equation that explains “the beginning”…

In the beginning zero created one. Zero represents creation itself and one represents all other numbers, science, the physical world, energy and everything theoretically measurable by our set of known symbols and abstract vectors of scientific expression.

Zero is the only symbol that transcends science. Zero even transcends infinity, for infinity as we know it is based upon our own physical model. It is still measured by time, space and science relative from those future beings able to perceive their own current time happening long after we are gone.

Zero created our own perceived infinity and zero will accompany our physical universe to the end of time as we know it. Till the last atom decays into the abyss.

Only zero can create

Peace and oneness with zero,

DrWearWord (RexRed)

(creation through condescension or partum sententia condescensio)

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