* CAESAR, De Bello Gallico. The name Druid has been thought to be derived from the Greek Drus, an oak tree, or the Celtic Deru, which has the same meaning; but this is obviously a mistake. In Ireland, the name for a Druid is Droi, and in Wales Dryw; and it will be found that the connection of the Druids with the oak was more from the mere similarity of their name to that of the oak, than because they derived their name from it. The Druidic system in all its parts was evidently the Babylonian system. Dionysius informs us, that the rites of Bacchus were duly celebrated in the British Islands and Strabo cites Artemidorus to show that, in an island close to Britain, Ceres and Proserpine were venerated with rites similar to the orgies of Samothrace. It will be seen from the account of the Druidic Ceridwen and her child, afterwards to be noticed (see Chapter IV, Section III), that there was a great analogy between her character and that of the great goddess-mother of Babylon. Such was the system; and the name Dryw, or Droi, applied to the priests, is in exact accordance with that system. The name Zero, given in Hebrew or the early Chaldee, to the son of the great goddess queen, in later Chaldee became "Dero." The priest of Dero, "the seed," was called, as is the case in almost all religions, by the name of his god; and hence the familiar name "Druid" is thus proved to signify the priest of "Dero"--the woman's promised "seed." The classical Hamadryads were evidently in like manner priestesses of "Hamed-dero,"--"the desired seed"--i.e., "the desire of all nations."
Was not a pharaoh also the seed and represented by the sun God?
Is not a "hero" one who is two faced usually wears a mask and is of a superhuman seed?
Excerpt from The Apocalypse, or "The Day of the Lord" by E.W. Bullinger
Further evidence is forthcoming to show that there was design in the figuration of the Constellations. This is from the Babylonian tablets known as the Creation Legend. It states that "some divine personage prepared the mansions... He fixed the stars. Even the Lumasi" (which word Prof. Sayce translates as meaning 'the Sheep of the Hero,' the Hero being the Sun). The conclusion arrived at is that the divine arranger fixed the constellations for each of the twelve months. (See Primitive Constellations, Robert Brown, Junr., vol. ii. p. 1, 1900).
As For El Zorro... Is that not Hollywood perpetuating the exact same mysteries?
Masked swordsman, defender of weak and oppressed.
What makes one a hero? Is it because they rise above adversity or lower themselves to zero through self sacrifice (or both)?
Most modern "super" heroes have a dual nature they usually wear a mask and hide a secret side of their character...
What could make one want to hide a talent?
With the mystery religion one digs under the surface and finds words have two different meanings than generality. This is also with the occult and was also evident in the character of Jesus Christ where he talked in parables. The common understanding was not enlightened... Jesus had two faces, one he showed the mass of people and another he showed only to his disciples...
* The chaplet, or head-band of Ivy, had evidently a similar hieroglyphical meaning to the above, for the Greek "Zeira Kissou" is either a "band or circlet of Ivy," or "The seed of Cush." The formation of the Greek "Zeira," a zone or enclosing band, from the Chaldee Zer, to encompass, shows that Zero "the seed," which was also pronounced Zeraa, would, in like manner, in some Greek dialects, become Zeira. Kissos, "Ivy," in Greek, retains the radical idea of the Chaldee Khesha or Khesa, "to cover or hide," from which there is reason to believe the name of Cush is derived, for Ivy is characteristically "The coverer or hider." In connection with this, it may be stated that the second person of the Phoenician trinity was Chursorus (WILKINSON), which evidently is Chus-zoro, "The seed of Cush." We have already seen that the Phoenicians derived their mythology from Assyria.
except the following quotes, i cant help but agree with most of what you have put out here, dww
I have provided the framework for this new cult.
"God is zero" is my own idea... I have expanded the thoughts on my own so people, we are breaking new grounds here and this is why I have opened this idea up for discussion.
You cannot find this idea anywhere on the internet other than my own posts in my various blogs and if you do then someone has borrowed the ideal from me.
While your choice of wording may be somewhat unique...and you may have come to this quite naturally on your own....the world's religious (non-fundamentalist) histories are soaking wet with what you are describing. The unmanifest, formless, emptiness and "clear light" nature of reality is a significant part of the "sacred arts of dying," "books of the dead," etc... Not just old news...not even just old old news....but old old old news. And the contemporary fields of consciousness have added mountains of understanding to "God is zero."
Perhaps even more important than beliefs and theories about a concept...are the rich variety of practices and disciplines that give direct experience of this aspect of "God." Fundamentalist forms of religions are largely unaware of this, and prefer belief and story over direct experience (which is typically reserved for special people and dead people).
To practice tasting and touching the causal side of life (aka "zeroness") is preparation for "dying well." To "rest in the Witness" is to "relax into the divine ground of being." To sit in the seat of the ultimate subject. Not supernatural...but rather extra-ordinary "I AMness." Beyond conceptual thoughts about "God," but discovering the root of self AS the field of zeros that all else live and moves within.
This is why "holy spirit" is a "downpayment"...because tasting the ground of emptiness (as self) has the potential to radically free an ego from the fear of dying (in a non-imaginary way). Once freed, the ego is not destroyed, but becomes a vehicle for greater love. This is the common heart of all religion (and science).
Until someone gives me reason to doubt that God is zero my mind chooses to believe in this logic.
To this i will suggest that "formlessness" of God is only the half-point of the fuller story. A vital half, but only half.
Because "God has no opposite"...."God" is both zero and the opposite of zero (One ...and the many). "God is All in All" describes a nondual marriage of form and formlessness...subject and object. A union of what is ...and what is not.
The profound awareness of the formless nature of spirit and reality and such is also as a potential trap if the next step is not taken (union). The typical potential age for realizing "zeroness" is the middle of life...but the second half of life is spent re-identifying with ALL of creation now that "the ground" has been found. The "embodiment" of God. Without such, realization of "zero" is useless...and well...as empty as it sounds. Young monks were often warned strongly against it. Addicted to bliss. Stuck in nirvana. etc...
Many of the traditions even developed some form of commitment to "refrain from entering heaven" in order to be of service in the world. This involves an re-identification of all that had been transcended. Not only is one spirit ...but one is one with all that is in the infinite field of spirit.
This union of form and formlessness is the language of "an intentional descent into earth and hell" with compassion and concern for even "devils."
anyway...i'm really enjoying the way you are processing and presenting this cult of zero, dww. I hope my crude and rapid attempt to summarize and add so much makes some sort of sense. I have likely mispoke here and there and left out plenty of important points...but i trust you can sift and winnow your own way through it.
I seem to remember the "two face" in connection to noah, have been part of two worlds, (before and after the flood).
Very good memory. Hislop's book revolutionized my ideal of religion many years ago. I know there are quite a few errors in the book but the majority of it still stands the test of time today... I have kept my copy of Hislop's book close at hand all these years. I rate it among perhaps the top ten books I have ever read.
except the following quotes, i cant help but agree with most of what you have put out here, dww
While your choice of wording may be somewhat unique...and you may have come to this quite naturally on your own....the world's religious (non-fundamentalist) histories are soaking wet with what you are describing. The unmanifest, formless, emptiness and "clear light" nature of reality is a significant part of the "sacred arts of dying," "books of the dead," etc... Not just old news...not even just old old news....but old old old news. And the contemporary fields of consciousness have added mountains of understanding to "God is zero."
Perhaps even more important than beliefs and theories about a concept...are the rich variety of practices and disciplines that give direct experience of this aspect of "God." Fundamentalist forms of religions are largely unaware of this, and prefer belief and story over direct experience (which is typically reserved for special people and dead people).
To practice tasting and touching the causal side of life (aka "zeroness") is preparation for "dying well." To "rest in the Witness" is to "relax into the divine ground of being." To sit in the seat of the ultimate subject. Not supernatural...but rather extra-ordinary "I AMness." Beyond conceptual thoughts about "God," but discovering the root of self AS the field of zeros that all else live and moves within.
This is why "holy spirit" is a "downpayment"...because tasting the ground of emptiness (as self) has the potential to radically free an ego from the fear of dying (in a non-imaginary way). Once freed, the ego is not destroyed, but becomes a vehicle for greater love. This is the common heart of all religion (and science).
To this i will suggest that "formlessness" of God is only the half-point of the fuller story. A vital half, but only half.
Because "God has no opposite"...."God" is both zero and the opposite of zero (One ...and the many). "God is All in All" describes a nondual marriage of form and formlessness...subject and object. A union of what is ...and what is not.
The profound awareness of the formless nature of spirit and reality and such is also as a potential trap if the next step is not taken (union). The typical potential age for realizing "zeroness" is the middle of life...but the second half of life is spent re-identifying with ALL of creation now that "the ground" has been found. The "embodiment" of God. Without such, realization of "zero" is useless...and well...as empty as it sounds. Young monks were often warned strongly against it. Addicted to bliss. Stuck in nirvana. etc...
Many of the traditions even developed some form of commitment to "refrain from entering heaven" in order to be of service in the world. This involves an re-identification of all that had been transcended. Not only is one spirit ...but one is one with all that is in the infinite field of spirit.
This union of form and formlessness is the language of "an intentional descent into earth and hell" with compassion and concern for even "devils."
anyway...i'm really enjoying the way you are processing and presenting this cult of zero, dww. I hope my crude and rapid attempt to summarize and add so much makes some sort of sense. I have likely mispoke here and there and left out plenty of important points...but i trust you can sift and winnow your own way through it.
Over 20 years ago I learned that zero was part of the understanding of God but I did not know the extent of it and it has taken me long hours of reason to come to grips with the ideal. I think my ideal of "God is zero" has been borrowed and used by many (including string theorists) but I do not think that others really understand the implications of the ideal as I do.
I did not borrow the ideal from others I was the one who the initial ideal dawned upon through careful consideration of many streams of thought. While the world dreamed of infinity, eternal life, and dancing virgins I was traveling backwards through concepts of pi that drew me from the circumference of heavenly callings to the solitary point in the center within all being and existence. For a point has no length, breath, depth nor height.
As I have mentioned one of the main steams of thought was "the silence of God" and out of that silence came light. Light is both a wave and a particle. (more on that later)
Just consider this, people on the net can spout that "God is zero" and assume that this has been known for ages but that is all they do is spout it, they do not have a firm understanding of "why" God is zero. Most "reliable sources" agree that the concept of zero has existed only a little over a millennium. Then why is zero hidden all through the Bible of which parts thereof are more than several thousand years old?
This gleaning of zero takes methodology of living with the ideal for a time to shed light on its mysteries.
There are many other understanding to pursue. In the beginning was the word, is "the word" zero? Is logos zero?
Matthew 13:22 KJV
He also that received seed [zero] among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.
Luke 8:11 KJV
Now the parable is this: The seed [zero] is the word of God.
John 1:1 KJV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word [zero] was God.
Comment: I am going to try and bring this post soon into even more focus, before I do I would like others honest ideals on why and how God could be zero...
How do we make sense of all of this? If the lord tarries I will be back here soon to shed more light on zero and reveal more of its hidden enigmas.
I don't mean to imply that you are spouting. Google "God is zero" see if anyone else has said what I have said on the subject. Then you will know what I meant by "spouting..."
I will try to be gentle here... The pressure is on me to expand this idea to its conclusion. No one else seems to really understand it or cares to. So I am despised for shaking the tree. While I have been accused of fabricating my information no one has finally said you know it seems you were right... People can criticize me but rare is a compliment given of encouragement. Don't think I don't notice, and a Cutlass is an Oldsmobile... As "Dr" would say, "what am I gonna do about it?" I am grappling with this idea and this seed has long been germinated and incubating and out of it I hope will grow another of my own contributions that I will leave behind for this world. Err, so they can commend me long after I am gone or better yet give the credit to one of their own...
I don't expect a pity party just be real with me.
So it seems zero and I are kindred spirits. God is the most misunderstood entity that unexists.
I do have my sore spots, but, I just don't feel I should lay down my life and die, yet...
If anyone else would like to trade places well how about someone else coming up with some ground breaking ideas for a change and see how well they are received. It just seems the harder one strives in this world the less appreciated they are. After all, look what they did to Jesus...
I will be back to give some more on this subject that I am deliberately withholding to test the waters and see if I really want to divulge my secrets yet.
All I need is to reveal this so others can say, I have not told them anything they didn't know already...
It won't be the first time people have said this to me. It is easy for some in retrospect to say, "I already know this..." PEOPLE OPEN YOUR EYES. There is more to learn and discover here...
It is not my attempt to drive people away but it seems that is the way I rub people. It is unintentional and a casualty of the war on intellects and wills. I am reminded of how other clergy treated Dr. Wierwille (while most of them were just sell-outs). Talk about someone always having to swim against the tide. Even in his absence they steal his beliefs (though some of his beliefs were not his own ideas so what? He expanded on them and made them his own.) while they curse him under their breath. Should I devalue the subject matter to appease people's egos? This site is tame compared to what I have endured on other forums where people are malicious, bitter and outright down and dirty and in this I have learned to float my own boat. No one else is gonna do it for me.
If one is to ever do great things they have to set their face to the wind and swim against the tide. It's a long way back to zero. I am not gonna wear another face I am just gonna say it like it is. Maybe someday people will respect me for if anything the courage of my convictions.
How does this relate to living life on a day-to-day basis?
(BTW----Wierwille was not a "DR.")
Well the word faith goes quite well with the word practice :)
Understanding our place in the cosmos can give one a sense of awe and fulfillment in life. A little fulfillment can go a long way.
But it is fair game to belittle my efforts here huh?
If doctor Wierwille was not a doctor than neither was Luke "the physician" of the bible. I after all Luke did not have a piece of paper from some well known accredited university. Thus Luke's word was of no real value then? Luke was no brain surgeon right?
I think it is up to the class to decide on their own who is a doctor or not. There are many doctors with credentials who are still quacks. I do not condone many of the things that Wierwille did but also I believe the man was not without some great value and truth. He on occasions told people he was "unworthy" but charity can cover a multitude of sins. The word is for sinners not the proud and self sufficient. Who is to judge, you, me or does God judge?
Wierwille could have dedicated his life in secular society but he chose another calling and no one is perfect. I say cut him a little slack. Judge not lest ye be judged. Some people have their own personal vendettas against Wierwille and only God knows their hearts and if they are justified.
Again what does anything have to do with life on a day to day basis. Some day we may all eventually go senile and the only thing that may bring joy in life is lime flavored jello. :)
I had a friend his name was Paul. He was a liberal thinker and meeting up with me would change the course of his life. I was a way believer and studied the bible every day. It seems even today the bible is always somewhere in my thoughts.
Paul did not believe in God and made it well known. I witnessed to Paul any chance I could until one day we were riding in Paul's hippi van and he said could we please talk about something other than God? I said, "stop the van and let me out."
We were on a deserted highway in the middle of nowhere and Paul stopped the van he said I did not have to go and I said to him everything we have to discuss whether directly or indirectly is about God... He said whatever and said I did not have to leave so I decided not to get out of the van at that point.
I continued to witness to Paul every day and he continued to show absolutely no interest in God. I was a song writer at the time and Paul was a singer guitarist. So in our time together Paul began to write songs also. I would be talking about something off the top of my head and Paul would walk out of the room and write it down then a week later he would play a song for me on his guitar with his own slant on what I had said.
Some of what he would say was not flattering but he had a sense of love and acceptance for me that always shined through in the lyrics.
Paul wrote over twenty songs about me. Still I kept witnessing to him. Paul was a homosexual and I learned that Paul had aids. We had had some intimacy but I was lucky to have never contracted the virus from him.
One day I was speaking the word and I spoke of some off the wall old testament story, I don't even remember what it was. Suddenly a light bulb went off in Paul's head and from that time on Paul carried a bible everywhere he went. He read the bible day in day out and loved Ephesians and the Epistles.
Paul's family was cynical of his conversion and were liberal minded unbelievers as he had once been. I felt my work was done. But not yet, God had more to show me.
I signed Paul up for PFAL at that point Paul was dying of aids. He made it through four sessions and each session he had to travel over an hour away on his own to get to class. He loved the class. Well on the fifth session Paul was late because he had to hitchhike to try and make it to the class.
Paul was kicked from the class and pretty much asked not to return. Then Paul's health took a serious turn for the worst. He was going through Chemo therapy and I remember sitting next to him by his hospital bed. His blue eyes seemed to glow from the radiation as if they had cooked him. I began to cry. I remember him saying just think how I feel.
I asked a believer from twig if they could ask the trunk leader to come and visit Paul in the hospital and pray for him and he said he would ask. He asked and they refused because Paul was a homosexual. Then this same twig leader asked my mother to disown me and if she did not she was not permitted to come to twig anymore. My mother flat out refused, the branch twig leader's pregnant wife gave us the finger as we drove off.
Then they had my sister who I had witnessed to and got in way corps mark and avoid my mother and our family for five years.
Finally Paul was dying. His only request in life was for his unbeliever sister to keep reading Ephesians to him while his life faded from him.
And what does anything have to do with day to day life? I have stopped trying to figure it out.
I won't go that far personally, I would not like that to be said about my own life. I may say it myself about my own life but it is different when other say that about me.
VPW brought me into the word when I was 18 and at that time I was planning my own death. I met him personally and he was the one who taught the week of my own WOW training. Had it not been for his ministry (as errant as it may have been) I may not have survived those turbulent years of my youth. He was not a complete zero as we in the west understand zero to mean. What I personally witnessed was a humble man who did not put on as many airs as he could have. Though parts of his doctrine could be construed as hateful and even hypocritical it was not nearly over the top. I personally don't care what most people do in their own bedroom as long as they don't judge me for my lifestyle. The man had a heart but was troubled by his own demons, he was human, aren't we all? There are far worse people who have lived in deception and caused far greater damage to humanity as a whole. I see VPW as a person who could have been much worse had God not tempered his walk. I feel the same way about myself and many others I met in the way ministries. Most of us all came from troubled lives with no hope to the refuge of the way and were saved by some sort of dream that helped us to overcome our own tribulations.
I have no regrets about my way years I would live them the same way if confronted with a choice. The lord does truly work in mysterious and wondrous ways. Had VPW been perfect perhaps we would never have identified with him. Even nincompoops need love :)
Sorry my post came across that way, dww. My own long-developed interest in "zero the hero" is what draws me to your posts. I'm mostly only pointing towards some parallel fields, histories, terms and schools of thought that i am familiar with that seem highly relevent to and supportive of your theories...maybe even able to fill in some holes.
By all means, carry on with your life's work. Sounds like you've at least got a very interesting book/s...and a unique and original expression of some timeless notions.
Sorry my post came across that way, dww. My own long-developed interest in "zero the hero" is what draws me to your posts. I'm mostly only pointing towards some parallel fields, histories, terms and schools of thought that i am familiar with that seem highly relevent to and supportive of your theories...maybe even able to fill in some holes.
By all means, carry on with your life's work. Sounds like you've at least got a very interesting book/s...and a unique and original expression of some timeless notions.
You're a beautiful person and I cherish your friendship very much.
zero = love
For only when the heart is free from the fetters of prejudgment and the intellect of perfectionism are we free to love others without hypocrisy.
Only in a humbled state is love free to fly upon the wings of angels.
Love is zero and God is love.
When we open our eyes to zero we see zero in everything that is sacred. Zero is the seed to understanding, alpha and omega, where the two ages meet.
What is wrong with a deduction? Is God not logical or did God forget how to count?
Are humans smarter than God?
As for the scripture references I already gave them in previous postings in this thread. God left some information for us to deduct so take that up with God if you don't like using your head. :) "I didn't write the book."
Considering the bible does not contain the word zero because zero had not yet been discovered, well, the bible also does not directly mention the name of God... so does that mean God does not exist either? Or is Gods name Zero?
Deuteronomy 30:6 KJV
And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed [zero], to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.
Comment: Circumcision contains the word "circle" and relates to zero and seed.
Psalms 69:36 KJV
The seed [zero] also of his servants shall inherit it: and they that love his name shall dwell therein.
Over 20 years ago I learned that zero was part of the understanding of God but I did not know the extent of it and it has taken me long hours of reason to come to grips with the ideal. I think my ideal of "God is zero" has been borrowed and used by many (including string theorists) but I do not think that others really understand the implications of the ideal as I do.
"Special knowledge that no one else really understands."
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The Cult Of Zero (An alternative explanation of existence.) This is my own attempt to explain existence and give of myself to the powers that be. Why a cult? Well all systems of faith start out as re
What are you all talking about? :) When one speaks in tongues privately there is no interpreter... While we were being instructed in PFAL to speak in tongues we all just spoke out loud together. If
Carte blanche
Another Hislop excerpt:
* CAESAR, De Bello Gallico. The name Druid has been thought to be derived from the Greek Drus, an oak tree, or the Celtic Deru, which has the same meaning; but this is obviously a mistake. In Ireland, the name for a Druid is Droi, and in Wales Dryw; and it will be found that the connection of the Druids with the oak was more from the mere similarity of their name to that of the oak, than because they derived their name from it. The Druidic system in all its parts was evidently the Babylonian system. Dionysius informs us, that the rites of Bacchus were duly celebrated in the British Islands and Strabo cites Artemidorus to show that, in an island close to Britain, Ceres and Proserpine were venerated with rites similar to the orgies of Samothrace. It will be seen from the account of the Druidic Ceridwen and her child, afterwards to be noticed (see Chapter IV, Section III), that there was a great analogy between her character and that of the great goddess-mother of Babylon. Such was the system; and the name Dryw, or Droi, applied to the priests, is in exact accordance with that system. The name Zero, given in Hebrew or the early Chaldee, to the son of the great goddess queen, in later Chaldee became "Dero." The priest of Dero, "the seed," was called, as is the case in almost all religions, by the name of his god; and hence the familiar name "Druid" is thus proved to signify the priest of "Dero"--the woman's promised "seed." The classical Hamadryads were evidently in like manner priestesses of "Hamed-dero,"--"the desired seed"--i.e., "the desire of all nations."
Was not a pharaoh also the seed and represented by the sun God?
Is not a "hero" one who is two faced usually wears a mask and is of a superhuman seed?
Excerpt from The Apocalypse, or "The Day of the Lord" by E.W. Bullinger
Further evidence is forthcoming to show that there was design in the figuration of the Constellations. This is from the Babylonian tablets known as the Creation Legend. It states that "some divine personage prepared the mansions... He fixed the stars. Even the Lumasi" (which word Prof. Sayce translates as meaning 'the Sheep of the Hero,' the Hero being the Sun). The conclusion arrived at is that the divine arranger fixed the constellations for each of the twelve months. (See Primitive Constellations, Robert Brown, Junr., vol. ii. p. 1, 1900).

Edited by DrWearWordLink to comment
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As For El Zorro... Is that not Hollywood perpetuating the exact same mysteries?
Masked swordsman, defender of weak and oppressed.
What makes one a hero? Is it because they rise above adversity or lower themselves to zero through self sacrifice (or both)?
Most modern "super" heroes have a dual nature they usually wear a mask and hide a secret side of their character...
What could make one want to hide a talent?
With the mystery religion one digs under the surface and finds words have two different meanings than generality. This is also with the occult and was also evident in the character of Jesus Christ where he talked in parables. The common understanding was not enlightened... Jesus had two faces, one he showed the mass of people and another he showed only to his disciples...
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More from Hislop:
* The chaplet, or head-band of Ivy, had evidently a similar hieroglyphical meaning to the above, for the Greek "Zeira Kissou" is either a "band or circlet of Ivy," or "The seed of Cush." The formation of the Greek "Zeira," a zone or enclosing band, from the Chaldee Zer, to encompass, shows that Zero "the seed," which was also pronounced Zeraa, would, in like manner, in some Greek dialects, become Zeira. Kissos, "Ivy," in Greek, retains the radical idea of the Chaldee Khesha or Khesa, "to cover or hide," from which there is reason to believe the name of Cush is derived, for Ivy is characteristically "The coverer or hider." In connection with this, it may be stated that the second person of the Phoenician trinity was Chursorus (WILKINSON), which evidently is Chus-zoro, "The seed of Cush." We have already seen that the Phoenicians derived their mythology from Assyria.
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my copy of hislop's book is buried . . .
I seem to remember the "two face" in connection to noah, have been part of two worlds, (before and after the flood).
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compelled to break my posting fast...
except the following quotes, i cant help but agree with most of what you have put out here, dww
While your choice of wording may be somewhat unique...and you may have come to this quite naturally on your own....the world's religious (non-fundamentalist) histories are soaking wet with what you are describing. The unmanifest, formless, emptiness and "clear light" nature of reality is a significant part of the "sacred arts of dying," "books of the dead," etc... Not just old news...not even just old old news....but old old old news. And the contemporary fields of consciousness have added mountains of understanding to "God is zero."Perhaps even more important than beliefs and theories about a concept...are the rich variety of practices and disciplines that give direct experience of this aspect of "God." Fundamentalist forms of religions are largely unaware of this, and prefer belief and story over direct experience (which is typically reserved for special people and dead people).
To practice tasting and touching the causal side of life (aka "zeroness") is preparation for "dying well." To "rest in the Witness" is to "relax into the divine ground of being." To sit in the seat of the ultimate subject. Not supernatural...but rather extra-ordinary "I AMness." Beyond conceptual thoughts about "God," but discovering the root of self AS the field of zeros that all else live and moves within.
This is why "holy spirit" is a "downpayment"...because tasting the ground of emptiness (as self) has the potential to radically free an ego from the fear of dying (in a non-imaginary way). Once freed, the ego is not destroyed, but becomes a vehicle for greater love. This is the common heart of all religion (and science).
To this i will suggest that "formlessness" of God is only the half-point of the fuller story. A vital half, but only half.Because "God has no opposite"...."God" is both zero and the opposite of zero (One ...and the many). "God is All in All" describes a nondual marriage of form and formlessness...subject and object. A union of what is ...and what is not.
The profound awareness of the formless nature of spirit and reality and such is also as a potential trap if the next step is not taken (union). The typical potential age for realizing "zeroness" is the middle of life...but the second half of life is spent re-identifying with ALL of creation now that "the ground" has been found. The "embodiment" of God. Without such, realization of "zero" is useless...and well...as empty as it sounds. Young monks were often warned strongly against it. Addicted to bliss. Stuck in nirvana. etc...
Many of the traditions even developed some form of commitment to "refrain from entering heaven" in order to be of service in the world. This involves an re-identification of all that had been transcended. Not only is one spirit ...but one is one with all that is in the infinite field of spirit.
This union of form and formlessness is the language of "an intentional descent into earth and hell" with compassion and concern for even "devils."
anyway...i'm really enjoying the way you are processing and presenting this cult of zero, dww. I hope my crude and rapid attempt to summarize and add so much makes some sort of sense. I have likely mispoke here and there and left out plenty of important points...but i trust you can sift and winnow your own way through it.
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Very good memory. Hislop's book revolutionized my ideal of religion many years ago. I know there are quite a few errors in the book but the majority of it still stands the test of time today... I have kept my copy of Hislop's book close at hand all these years. I rate it among perhaps the top ten books I have ever read.
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Over 20 years ago I learned that zero was part of the understanding of God but I did not know the extent of it and it has taken me long hours of reason to come to grips with the ideal. I think my ideal of "God is zero" has been borrowed and used by many (including string theorists) but I do not think that others really understand the implications of the ideal as I do.
I did not borrow the ideal from others I was the one who the initial ideal dawned upon through careful consideration of many streams of thought. While the world dreamed of infinity, eternal life, and dancing virgins I was traveling backwards through concepts of pi that drew me from the circumference of heavenly callings to the solitary point in the center within all being and existence. For a point has no length, breath, depth nor height.
As I have mentioned one of the main steams of thought was "the silence of God" and out of that silence came light. Light is both a wave and a particle. (more on that later)
Just consider this, people on the net can spout that "God is zero" and assume that this has been known for ages but that is all they do is spout it, they do not have a firm understanding of "why" God is zero. Most "reliable sources" agree that the concept of zero has existed only a little over a millennium. Then why is zero hidden all through the Bible of which parts thereof are more than several thousand years old?
This gleaning of zero takes methodology of living with the ideal for a time to shed light on its mysteries.
There are many other understanding to pursue. In the beginning was the word, is "the word" zero? Is logos zero?
Matthew 13:22 KJV
He also that received seed [zero] among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.
Luke 8:11 KJV
Now the parable is this: The seed [zero] is the word of God.
John 1:1 KJV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word [zero] was God.
Comment: I am going to try and bring this post soon into even more focus, before I do I would like others honest ideals on why and how God could be zero...
How do we make sense of all of this? If the lord tarries I will be back here soon to shed more light on zero and reveal more of its hidden enigmas.
Until then,
Oneness with zero... :)
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and well...thanks for clarifying regarding the degree of your self-confidence...i was not aware
carry on
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I don't mean to imply that you are spouting. Google "God is zero" see if anyone else has said what I have said on the subject. Then you will know what I meant by "spouting..."
I will try to be gentle here... The pressure is on me to expand this idea to its conclusion. No one else seems to really understand it or cares to. So I am despised for shaking the tree. While I have been accused of fabricating my information no one has finally said you know it seems you were right... People can criticize me but rare is a compliment given of encouragement. Don't think I don't notice, and a Cutlass is an Oldsmobile... As "Dr" would say, "what am I gonna do about it?" I am grappling with this idea and this seed has long been germinated and incubating and out of it I hope will grow another of my own contributions that I will leave behind for this world. Err, so they can commend me long after I am gone or better yet give the credit to one of their own...
I don't expect a pity party just be real with me.
So it seems zero and I are kindred spirits. God is the most misunderstood entity that unexists.
I do have my sore spots, but, I just don't feel I should lay down my life and die, yet...
If anyone else would like to trade places well how about someone else coming up with some ground breaking ideas for a change and see how well they are received. It just seems the harder one strives in this world the less appreciated they are. After all, look what they did to Jesus...
I will be back to give some more on this subject that I am deliberately withholding to test the waters and see if I really want to divulge my secrets yet.
All I need is to reveal this so others can say, I have not told them anything they didn't know already...
It won't be the first time people have said this to me. It is easy for some in retrospect to say, "I already know this..." PEOPLE OPEN YOUR EYES. There is more to learn and discover here...
It is not my attempt to drive people away but it seems that is the way I rub people. It is unintentional and a casualty of the war on intellects and wills. I am reminded of how other clergy treated Dr. Wierwille (while most of them were just sell-outs). Talk about someone always having to swim against the tide. Even in his absence they steal his beliefs (though some of his beliefs were not his own ideas so what? He expanded on them and made them his own.) while they curse him under their breath. Should I devalue the subject matter to appease people's egos? This site is tame compared to what I have endured on other forums where people are malicious, bitter and outright down and dirty and in this I have learned to float my own boat. No one else is gonna do it for me.
If one is to ever do great things they have to set their face to the wind and swim against the tide. It's a long way back to zero. I am not gonna wear another face I am just gonna say it like it is. Maybe someday people will respect me for if anything the courage of my convictions.
And, oneness with zero.
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I will give some hints...
I will be discussing the zodiac soon... (a celestial zero)
I will also be discussing time as a circle and not a straight line, for time is also a zero. :)
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How does this relate to living life on a day-to-day basis?
(BTW----Wierwille was not a "DR.")
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Well the word faith goes quite well with the word practice :)
Understanding our place in the cosmos can give one a sense of awe and fulfillment in life. A little fulfillment can go a long way.
But it is fair game to belittle my efforts here huh?
If doctor Wierwille was not a doctor than neither was Luke "the physician" of the bible. I after all Luke did not have a piece of paper from some well known accredited university. Thus Luke's word was of no real value then? Luke was no brain surgeon right?
I think it is up to the class to decide on their own who is a doctor or not. There are many doctors with credentials who are still quacks. I do not condone many of the things that Wierwille did but also I believe the man was not without some great value and truth. He on occasions told people he was "unworthy" but charity can cover a multitude of sins. The word is for sinners not the proud and self sufficient. Who is to judge, you, me or does God judge?
Wierwille could have dedicated his life in secular society but he chose another calling and no one is perfect. I say cut him a little slack. Judge not lest ye be judged. Some people have their own personal vendettas against Wierwille and only God knows their hearts and if they are justified.
Again what does anything have to do with life on a day to day basis. Some day we may all eventually go senile and the only thing that may bring joy in life is lime flavored jello. :)
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I had a friend his name was Paul. He was a liberal thinker and meeting up with me would change the course of his life. I was a way believer and studied the bible every day. It seems even today the bible is always somewhere in my thoughts.
Paul did not believe in God and made it well known. I witnessed to Paul any chance I could until one day we were riding in Paul's hippi van and he said could we please talk about something other than God? I said, "stop the van and let me out."
We were on a deserted highway in the middle of nowhere and Paul stopped the van he said I did not have to go and I said to him everything we have to discuss whether directly or indirectly is about God... He said whatever and said I did not have to leave so I decided not to get out of the van at that point.
I continued to witness to Paul every day and he continued to show absolutely no interest in God. I was a song writer at the time and Paul was a singer guitarist. So in our time together Paul began to write songs also. I would be talking about something off the top of my head and Paul would walk out of the room and write it down then a week later he would play a song for me on his guitar with his own slant on what I had said.
Some of what he would say was not flattering but he had a sense of love and acceptance for me that always shined through in the lyrics.
Paul wrote over twenty songs about me. Still I kept witnessing to him. Paul was a homosexual and I learned that Paul had aids. We had had some intimacy but I was lucky to have never contracted the virus from him.
One day I was speaking the word and I spoke of some off the wall old testament story, I don't even remember what it was. Suddenly a light bulb went off in Paul's head and from that time on Paul carried a bible everywhere he went. He read the bible day in day out and loved Ephesians and the Epistles.
Paul's family was cynical of his conversion and were liberal minded unbelievers as he had once been. I felt my work was done. But not yet, God had more to show me.
I signed Paul up for PFAL at that point Paul was dying of aids. He made it through four sessions and each session he had to travel over an hour away on his own to get to class. He loved the class. Well on the fifth session Paul was late because he had to hitchhike to try and make it to the class.
Paul was kicked from the class and pretty much asked not to return. Then Paul's health took a serious turn for the worst. He was going through Chemo therapy and I remember sitting next to him by his hospital bed. His blue eyes seemed to glow from the radiation as if they had cooked him. I began to cry. I remember him saying just think how I feel.
I asked a believer from twig if they could ask the trunk leader to come and visit Paul in the hospital and pray for him and he said he would ask. He asked and they refused because Paul was a homosexual. Then this same twig leader asked my mother to disown me and if she did not she was not permitted to come to twig anymore. My mother flat out refused, the branch twig leader's pregnant wife gave us the finger as we drove off.
Then they had my sister who I had witnessed to and got in way corps mark and avoid my mother and our family for five years.
Finally Paul was dying. His only request in life was for his unbeliever sister to keep reading Ephesians to him while his life faded from him.
And what does anything have to do with day to day life? I have stopped trying to figure it out.
peace with zero
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Seems there is more to this /zero Cult then at first suspected.
Dww, you can't make zero anything but zero.
And it will keep it's own intent.
Sirguessalot, thanks for your very enlightening inspiration.
Zeroed in on it perfectly abstract , as it should be.
With solid history of the practice of zero.
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That is the beauty of zero.
0 + 0 = 0
0 - 0 = 0
0 / 0 = 0
0 x 0 = 0
...and the square root of zero is zero :)
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VPW = 0
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I won't go that far personally, I would not like that to be said about my own life. I may say it myself about my own life but it is different when other say that about me.
VPW brought me into the word when I was 18 and at that time I was planning my own death. I met him personally and he was the one who taught the week of my own WOW training. Had it not been for his ministry (as errant as it may have been) I may not have survived those turbulent years of my youth. He was not a complete zero as we in the west understand zero to mean. What I personally witnessed was a humble man who did not put on as many airs as he could have. Though parts of his doctrine could be construed as hateful and even hypocritical it was not nearly over the top. I personally don't care what most people do in their own bedroom as long as they don't judge me for my lifestyle. The man had a heart but was troubled by his own demons, he was human, aren't we all? There are far worse people who have lived in deception and caused far greater damage to humanity as a whole. I see VPW as a person who could have been much worse had God not tempered his walk. I feel the same way about myself and many others I met in the way ministries. Most of us all came from troubled lives with no hope to the refuge of the way and were saved by some sort of dream that helped us to overcome our own tribulations.
I have no regrets about my way years I would live them the same way if confronted with a choice. The lord does truly work in mysterious and wondrous ways. Had VPW been perfect perhaps we would never have identified with him. Even nincompoops need love :)
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Sorry my post came across that way, dww. My own long-developed interest in "zero the hero" is what draws me to your posts. I'm mostly only pointing towards some parallel fields, histories, terms and schools of thought that i am familiar with that seem highly relevent to and supportive of your theories...maybe even able to fill in some holes.
By all means, carry on with your life's work. Sounds like you've at least got a very interesting book/s...and a unique and original expression of some timeless notions.
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You're a beautiful person and I cherish your friendship very much.
zero = love
For only when the heart is free from the fetters of prejudgment and the intellect of perfectionism are we free to love others without hypocrisy.
Only in a humbled state is love free to fly upon the wings of angels.
Love is zero and God is love.
When we open our eyes to zero we see zero in everything that is sacred. Zero is the seed to understanding, alpha and omega, where the two ages meet.
A circle of protection my friend.
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I know what your reference is for "God is love."
What is your reference for "Love is zero."?
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As for the trinity, yes 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
0 + 0 + 0 = 0
It is what in euclidean geometry is called substitution. If a = b and b = c then c = a
Zero is the seed
The seed is the word.
The word is God
God is love
Therefore, love is zero.
Even within this logic is a perfect circle. (circular logic)
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I asked for a reference, not a deduction.
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What is wrong with a deduction? Is God not logical or did God forget how to count?
Are humans smarter than God?
As for the scripture references I already gave them in previous postings in this thread. God left some information for us to deduct so take that up with God if you don't like using your head. :) "I didn't write the book."
Considering the bible does not contain the word zero because zero had not yet been discovered, well, the bible also does not directly mention the name of God... so does that mean God does not exist either? Or is Gods name Zero?
Deuteronomy 30:6 KJV
And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed [zero], to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.
Comment: Circumcision contains the word "circle" and relates to zero and seed.
Psalms 69:36 KJV
The seed [zero] also of his servants shall inherit it: and they that love his name shall dwell therein.
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"Special knowledge that no one else really understands."
Now where is it I've heard that before?
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