What happened was that back in the 1790s, after witnessing the French Revolution, Toussaint L’ouverture led a successful slave rebellion against the French in the Haitian Revolution, word of which spread and inspired networks of American slaves to consider their own rebellions right up and through the Civil War. Most consider this strain of history “organized political action that helped end slavery in the West.” Pat Robertson considers it a Satanic Pact.
Repellant human being is too nice a way to put it. I have other words for him that would never make it through the filter :realmad:
The core problem here is that in Pat Robertson's mind, bad things can't happen to innocent people. It's like the only part of the bible he read is the part about Soddom and Gomorrah. This belief allows him a feeling of being in control of his life because if he doesn't sin and acts as Christian as he can, then he theoretically should be able to keep himself and his family safe from random disasters. It's a stupid idea, and exactly what TWI taught us as well, but that's why he says stupid crap like this.
THE BOROWITZ REPORT - Just hours after saying that God was punishing Haiti for making a "pact with the Devil," televangelist Pat Robertson retracted the statement, telling TV viewers, "Haiti? I thought they said 'Hades.'"
Rev. Robertson said that he had heard the report of the earthquake on the radio and had misinterpreted its location: "For the life of me, I thought God was punishing Hades, which does in fact have a pact with the Devil."
I guess because he's having a difficult time making reality conform to his theology, Rev. Robertson indulges in a really disgusting game of "Blame the Victim", simultaneously betraying - I think - his own brand of unvarnished bigotry and xenophobia. What a thoroughly repellant personality...
I could not agree more. And IMO, from my experiences in TWI, I know VPW held the same sort of interpretation of the world...this makes me sick and sick that I was ever associated with TWI.
Shame on them all . . . Limbaugh, Robertson . . . . my brother-in-law just arrived in Haiti with Oxfam. They managed to get there quickly with aid . . . not politics or judgment.
Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh are not the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of sacred and secular conservative thought has died, its bloated corpse can still be seen rotting publicly at the intersection of Misery and Despair. These twin towers of modern reactionary thought (covering the metaphysical graveyard of ossified theology and the more material realm of penile vasodilators) have long been twin forces, using their bully pulpits to condemn communities and peoples whose suffering is keenest, whose need is greatest and whose very lives are at the greatest peril. The Opinion was kept alive by means of hot air mixed with moonshine until it crapped on anyone and everyone who wandered anywhere near it, and now its as dead as the deadest thing you ever saw.
In the great tradition of conservative thought the poles that were Tweedledum and Tweedledee consisted of the contrapuntal rhythms of sacred and secular motifs: faith, as portrayed by fundamentalist Christians, was invoked in the public sphere at every opportunity lest anyone who disagreed get uppity, and free market idealism (as practiced by men who built monetary empires on the backs of exploited labor markets) was resoundingly trumpeted as the only thing standing between decent humanity and the squalor of socialism. This arrangement between the Sacred and Secular worked well for much of the (white male) nation for nearly two hundred years until the Reagan Revolution triumphantly destroyed the Middle Class in the War of Wage Suppression, a war that so far has lasted just over three decades.
No longer able to afford the useless products that they had been trained to consume, and no longer able to borrow their capital (bank lending rates had climbed to the level of usury) the Class Formerly Known as Middle began to fret and moan and stamp its feet. Limbaugh, a millionaire draft-eluding ex-junkie, developed a secret recipe for pouring poison into a radio microphone that fell into the greedy ears of his disenfranchised audience. He knew his followers very well: don't educate, agitate. Though he mentioned God from time to time, he left it to Pat Robertson (and his very ill ilk) to shake the Bones of Jesus, the better to rattle his core, conservative audience. If you didn't cotton to Limbaugh you might wiggle to Robertson, and vice versa. The Preacher and the Pedagogue harangued a world of skinheads, dittoheads, talking heads, turnip heads and Rapture Ready Balloon Heads, all for the conservative cause, and all for the glory of god-knows-what.
In recent days, with the tragedy of the events in Haiti to spur them on, both Limbaugh and Robertson have revealed a bilious callousness towards human suffering that is towering in its smallness, its meanness, the conjoined misanthropy of two gasbags floating joylessly in their own projected versions of hell. Tweedledum and Tweedledee will be remembered at last as just a couple of malevolent bastards who, for a time, made some ghastly noises in public, until that day came when they made their noises no more. Amen.
In lieu of flowers it is suggested that one make a donation to Doctors Without Borders or choose a charitable group (Digby has a list of organizations) to help a people in a time of suffering and pain. Whatsoever you do for the least of them you do for the core mystery of your own humanity. Peace.
Heres drug addled Rush Slimebag on the reason that the president responded quickly with help to Haiti: to endear himself to the black community...
Its tough to pick who is more reprehensible Robertson or Limbaugh
Easily it's Limbaugh. I think Pat Robertson is one of the more likeable religious conservatives, despite his propensity to say dumb things.
I guess I have a soft spot for likeable TV evangelists.
Limbaugh, on the other hand, is pure vitriol. He is one the worst pieces of dange on this planet. I question the very judgement and intelligence of some of my own friends that listen to him.
In my opinion, Pat Robertson is just out and out wicked. His thoughts and words are wicked/evil. He is about as spiritual and Christian as a dead cow. Even if what he thinks about the Haiti situation was true, a loving, caring, sensitive, mature, wise Christian (I use Christian because that is what he claims to be) would never dare to think to utter the kind of meanness that came out of his mouth.
Yuck, ugh, spew...This is why I hate religiosity, particularly the Christian brand. It is pure-teefied, rotten hatefulness.
I don't pay too much attention to the media. When this tragedy hit that small country, the last thing I thought of was Gods "wrath". My heart went out to those people.
After being in TWI, and labeling people as "out of fellowship", possessed, mark and avoid, etc. The last thing I was to do is "decide" why God did or allowed something to happen. IMO thAt is a dangerous place to be.
The core problem here is that in Pat Robertson's mind, bad things can't happen to innocent people. It's like the only part of the bible he read is the part about Soddom and Gomorrah. This belief allows him a feeling of being in control of his life because if he doesn't sin and acts as Christian as he can, then he theoretically should be able to keep himself and his family safe from random disasters. It's a stupid idea, and exactly what TWI taught us as well, but that's why he says stupid crap like this.
The entire "Word-Faith" doctrine rests on bull-caca like this.
You prospered? It was entirely because of you.
Bad things happened? You failed, or you brought them to you.
Meanwhile, " 44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. "
Robertson speaks of Haiti but I think he is subtilly telling his congregation/followers, " See what happend to the unfaithful not-like-me(s)? Gruesome death and tragedy to their families. Hell on Earth. They deserved this with their wrong faith."
Text Size: tool nameclose tool goes here The Minneapolis Star-Tribune published a letter from Satan to evangelist Pat Robertson, responding to his comment that Haiti's persistent troubles, including the earthquake, are due to a pact the nation made with Mephistopheles.
Actually, it wasn't Satan who wrote the letter but Lilly Coyle of Minneapolis writing in the persona of the hellish one.
I think she got it down pretty well. What say you?
FILE - In a Nov. 7, 2007 file photo, Pat Robertson endorses Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani during a news conference in Washington. On Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010, a day after a devastating earthquake hit Haiti, Robertson said that Haiti has been "cursed" because of what he called a "pact with the devil" in its history. His spokesman said the comments were based on Voodoo rituals carried out before a slave rebellion against French colonists in 1791. - AP Photo Dear Pat Robertson,
I know that you know that all press is good press, so I appreciate the shout-out. And you make God look like a big mean bully who kicks people when they are down, so I'm all over that action.
But when you say that Haiti has made a pact with me, it is totally humiliating. I may be evil incarnate, but I'm no welcher. The way you put it, making a deal with me leaves folks desperate and impoverished.
Sure, in the afterlife, but when I strike bargains with people, they first get something here on earth -- glamour, beauty, talent, wealth, fame, glory, a golden fiddle. Those Haitians have nothing, and I mean nothing. And that was before the earthquake. Haven't you seen "Crossroads"? Or "Damn Yankees"?
If I had a thing going with Haiti, there'd be lots of banks, skyscrapers, SUVs, exclusive night clubs, Botox -- that kind of thing. An 80 percent poverty rate is so not my style. Nothing against it -- I'm just saying: Not how I roll.
You're doing great work, Pat, and I don't want to clip your wings -- just, come on, you're making me look bad. And not the good kind of bad. Keep blaming God. That's working. But leave me out of it, please. Or we may need to renegotiate your own contract.
I don't know anything about the site - whether it's conservative, liberal, or if the writer is smarter than a fifth grader.
I don't hold any credence on the "deal with the Devil" because if you read the article, the first coup took place with 500,000 slaves fighting 26,000 French and 30,000 affranchis of mixed ancestry. Those kind of odds didn't need any 'ole black magic.
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What happened was that back in the 1790s, after witnessing the French Revolution, Toussaint L’ouverture led a successful slave rebellion against the French in the Haitian Revolution, word of which spread and inspired networks of American slaves to consider their own rebellions right up and through the Civil War. Most consider this strain of history “organized political action that helped end slavery in the West.” Pat Robertson considers it a Satanic Pact.
Repellant human being is too nice a way to put it. I have other words for him that would never make it through the filter
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"And you know, Christy, something happened a long time ago and people might not want to talk about it. You see, I lost my mind."--------Pat R. :P
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Mister P-Mosh
The core problem here is that in Pat Robertson's mind, bad things can't happen to innocent people. It's like the only part of the bible he read is the part about Soddom and Gomorrah. This belief allows him a feeling of being in control of his life because if he doesn't sin and acts as Christian as he can, then he theoretically should be able to keep himself and his family safe from random disasters. It's a stupid idea, and exactly what TWI taught us as well, but that's why he says stupid crap like this.
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THE BOROWITZ REPORT - Just hours after saying that God was punishing Haiti for making a "pact with the Devil," televangelist Pat Robertson retracted the statement, telling TV viewers, "Haiti? I thought they said 'Hades.'"
Rev. Robertson said that he had heard the report of the earthquake on the radio and had misinterpreted its location: "For the life of me, I thought God was punishing Hades, which does in fact have a pact with the Devil."
They kicked the French out of Hades???
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I could not agree more. And IMO, from my experiences in TWI, I know VPW held the same sort of interpretation of the world...this makes me sick and sick that I was ever associated with TWI.
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It time for Pat roberson to be put in an old folks home. That was a pretty stupid ,ignorant if not downright racist thing he said.
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Heres drug addled Rush Slimebag on the reason that the president responded quickly with help to Haiti: to endear himself to the black community
Its tough to pick who is more reprehensible Robertson or Limbaugh
<iframe src="http://videos.mediaite.com/embed/player/?content=2D6YL91RJ1ZQJH0X&widget_type_cid=svp" width="420" height="451" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
edit--you have to click the advertisement off of the above clip
plus The Haitian Ambassador schools Robertson with a history lesson not based on fantasy
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That's like trying to pick which is more disgusting: cockroaches or bedbugs.
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Shame on them all . . . Limbaugh, Robertson . . . . my brother-in-law just arrived in Haiti with Oxfam. They managed to get there quickly with aid . . . not politics or judgment.
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I wish your brother in law well, as well as all the people of Haiti and the rescuers
I just read THIS ARTICLE
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soul searcher
Easily it's Limbaugh. I think Pat Robertson is one of the more likeable religious conservatives, despite his propensity to say dumb things.
I guess I have a soft spot for likeable TV evangelists.
Limbaugh, on the other hand, is pure vitriol. He is one the worst pieces of dange on this planet. I question the very judgement and intelligence of some of my own friends that listen to him.
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Wow. Good find.
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In my opinion, Pat Robertson is just out and out wicked. His thoughts and words are wicked/evil. He is about as spiritual and Christian as a dead cow. Even if what he thinks about the Haiti situation was true, a loving, caring, sensitive, mature, wise Christian (I use Christian because that is what he claims to be) would never dare to think to utter the kind of meanness that came out of his mouth.
Yuck, ugh, spew...This is why I hate religiosity, particularly the Christian brand. It is pure-teefied, rotten hatefulness.
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I don't pay too much attention to the media. When this tragedy hit that small country, the last thing I thought of was Gods "wrath". My heart went out to those people.
After being in TWI, and labeling people as "out of fellowship", possessed, mark and avoid, etc. The last thing I was to do is "decide" why God did or allowed something to happen. IMO thAt is a dangerous place to be.
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But I have no doubt that the aid groups CBN supports were among the first in there.
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The entire "Word-Faith" doctrine rests on bull-caca like this.
You prospered? It was entirely because of you.
Bad things happened? You failed, or you brought them to you.
Meanwhile, " 44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. "
(Matthew 5:44-45, KJV).
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I do not know if this post belongs here or not. What Danny glover said is just as stupid and jusy as looney as what Pat Robertson said!
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Robertson speaks of Haiti but I think he is subtilly telling his congregation/followers, " See what happend to the unfaithful not-like-me(s)? Gruesome death and tragedy to their families. Hell on Earth. They deserved this with their wrong faith."
Fear motivation.
Maybe donations have slipped in the bad economy.
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I couldn't find the link)
The 'Devil' writes Pat Robertson a letter
By Frank James - NPR E-Mail
Reprint or license
Text Size: tool nameclose tool goes here The Minneapolis Star-Tribune published a letter from Satan to evangelist Pat Robertson, responding to his comment that Haiti's persistent troubles, including the earthquake, are due to a pact the nation made with Mephistopheles.
Actually, it wasn't Satan who wrote the letter but Lilly Coyle of Minneapolis writing in the persona of the hellish one.
I think she got it down pretty well. What say you?
FILE - In a Nov. 7, 2007 file photo, Pat Robertson endorses Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani during a news conference in Washington. On Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010, a day after a devastating earthquake hit Haiti, Robertson said that Haiti has been "cursed" because of what he called a "pact with the devil" in its history. His spokesman said the comments were based on Voodoo rituals carried out before a slave rebellion against French colonists in 1791. - AP Photo Dear Pat Robertson,
I know that you know that all press is good press, so I appreciate the shout-out. And you make God look like a big mean bully who kicks people when they are down, so I'm all over that action.
But when you say that Haiti has made a pact with me, it is totally humiliating. I may be evil incarnate, but I'm no welcher. The way you put it, making a deal with me leaves folks desperate and impoverished.
Sure, in the afterlife, but when I strike bargains with people, they first get something here on earth -- glamour, beauty, talent, wealth, fame, glory, a golden fiddle. Those Haitians have nothing, and I mean nothing. And that was before the earthquake. Haven't you seen "Crossroads"? Or "Damn Yankees"?
If I had a thing going with Haiti, there'd be lots of banks, skyscrapers, SUVs, exclusive night clubs, Botox -- that kind of thing. An 80 percent poverty rate is so not my style. Nothing against it -- I'm just saying: Not how I roll.
You're doing great work, Pat, and I don't want to clip your wings -- just, come on, you're making me look bad. And not the good kind of bad. Keep blaming God. That's working. But leave me out of it, please. Or we may need to renegotiate your own contract.
Best, Satan
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I was bored, so I typed the words, "Haiti's deal with the devil" into a Google search box. I found this article:
Haiti's deal
I don't know anything about the site - whether it's conservative, liberal, or if the writer is smarter than a fifth grader.
I don't hold any credence on the "deal with the Devil" because if you read the article, the first coup took place with 500,000 slaves fighting 26,000 French and 30,000 affranchis of mixed ancestry. Those kind of odds didn't need any 'ole black magic.
Anyway - I thought I'd add to all this bru ha ha.
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soul searcher
From Kathleen Parker, a conservative columnist, in the Washington Post...
The "deal with the devil" is complete and utter bullshyte.
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Of course it is. I just wanted to see what little tidbit in history could cause such histrionics.
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Cheranne - Here's a link for you to that letter. I dug it up so I could send it "in the original" to my pastor.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention here!
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