I think everyone knows someone that has a 'glow' about them or who 'lights up a room' when they enter. If I was going to get more new agey I could tie it into auras or the energy that people emit which is more or less a real thing
I think that is what artists were trying to represent in a symbolic way by inventing the halo and other forms.
It eventually got codified into an accepted formula--but I'm pretty sure that is what it represents although I may not be wording it well..
FWIW Here is a photograph of a stained glass window I am currently restoring where Christ not only has a halo but is surrounded by fire
I've been wondering of late about the halo...where did it come from?
My uneducated guess is that the artists from the middle ages and renaissance (sp?) first employed it as a device to distinguish Jesus Christ from the all the other men in a scene. And then it just caught on and became the standard way of representing JC in paintings.
Am I totally out of line?
Doesn't seem out of line to me in the least. . . . now I am curious :) . . . . but, I am going to go with what Waysider and Mstar said. . . . that makes perfect sense to me.
Oh sarcasm. . . . . how unique around here. . . . great way to contribute to the topic! As to your question . . . sure you can polish my halo. . . come on over. . . my silver is looking dull too.
"That is my truth...and I have looked around...I am one of those sold out committed Jesus freaks...who are rare to emerge from the Way."
Your statement is another way of saying, "I am holier than thou", so if the halo fits then wear it.
I was thinking just this week that if one believes that believes the Bible to be literally true, one must necessarily mentally suspend logic and factual data. Consider some of these biblical "truths".
2 Kings 8:26 says that "Two and twenty years was Ahaziah when he began to reign..." Yet, 2 Chronicles 22:2 says "Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign..."
I Samuel 31: 4-6 says that Saul took his sword and fell upon it. Yet, 2 Samuel 21:12 says that Samuel was slain by the Philistines in Gilboa.
In Leviticus 11:20-21, God tells the children of Israel that all fowl that creep, going about on all four shall be an abomination unto them. Fowls do not creep around on all fours.
In between some interesting history this little nugget was nestled in:
A more prosaic influence that has been cited by some historians is the Greek practice of placing circular metal discs above the head of statues to protect them from birds and their droppings,
"That is my truth...and I have looked around...I am one of those sold out committed Jesus freaks...who are rare to emerge from the Way."
Your statement is another way of saying, "I am holier than thou", so if the halo fits then wear it.
I was thinking just this week that if one believes that believes the Bible to be literally true, one must necessarily mentally suspend logic and factual data. Consider some of these biblical "truths".
2 Kings 8:26 says that "Two and twenty years was Ahaziah when he began to reign..." Yet, 2 Chronicles 22:2 says "Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign..."
I Samuel 31: 4-6 says that Saul took his sword and fell upon it. Yet, 2 Samuel 21:12 says that Samuel was slain by the Philistines in Gilboa.
In Leviticus 11:20-21, God tells the children of Israel that all fowl that creep, going about on all four shall be an abomination unto them. Fowls do not creep around on all fours.
Whew. . . you saved me! FYI. . . . . trying to tarnish my halo while offering to polish it? Just adding more to your workload.
how many times have we seen a person pick up a bible ....say here is what your doing that is wrong here is your problem here is the reason why you suffer.
I thought I had seen the end of it, but I just now saw it again Pond--In the exact same thread no less
Last night I came across the movie, Inherit the Wind, which I’ve seen before, showing on the Turner Classic Movies channel and found myself loving it even more than I did first time I watched it. Here are some summaries about the plot, which I think ties into the topic of this thread about where we got the idea that truth can be found only in the Bible.
Netflix summary from their web site:
Spencer Tracy (in one of his best roles) as lawyer Henry Drummond and Fredric March as Matthew Harrison Brady square off as opposing attorneys in this blistering courtroom drama about the famed 1930s "Scopes Monkey Trial," where a Tennessee teacher was taken to task for teaching Darwinism in the schoolroom. Song-and-dance man Gene Kelly co-stars as newspaper reporter H.L. Mencken
Inherit the Wind (1960) portrays, in partly fictionalized form, the famous and dramatic courtroom "Monkey Trial" battle (in the sultry summer of 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee) between two famous lawyers (Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan) who volunteered to heatedly argue both sides of the case (over 12 days, including two weekends).
Its story centers around the issue of evolution vs. creationism, in the prosecution of 24 year-old Dayton High School mathematics teacher and sports coach - and substitute science teacher - John T. Scopes for violating state law (the 1925 Butler Act) by teaching the Darwin's theory of evolution in a state-funded school. The film's title was taken from the Biblical book of Proverbs 11:29: "He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind."
In Leviticus 11:20-21, God tells the children of Israel that all fowl that creep, going about on all four shall be an abomination unto them. Fowls do not creep around on all fours.
oddly a day or after that was posted I found myself polishing Jesus halo :o
It felt very strange to be doing that especially after that comment..
Almost everyday I find myself in the midst of some very strange event that I never really planned on that makes me go WTF?? How on earth did I get here and why am I the one getting to do this?
I dont know what any of these things mean if anything, but it does keep me interested just wondering.
This is an interesting post that not only strikes at a core TWI doctrine but also a fundamental evangelical doctrine. I was one of those "blessed" souls to be "raised in the Word" and have, over the past few years deconstructed many of my old TWI beliefs including the doctrine that the bible is inerrant, interprets itself, is the Word of God, is our only rule for faith and practice, and other such jibberish. I currently lean towards liberation theology and other readings/interpretations of scripture that take into account the social and political aspects of the gospel and provide and basis for social justice, environmental, and other work that actively fights against forces that destroy life.
I have departed far from TWI's and Envagelicalism's hermeneutic. O well, as a friend of mine said once, "I like to be a heretic for a hobby".
I currently lean towards liberation theology and other readings/interpretations of scripture that take into account the social and political aspects of the gospel and provide and basis for social justice, environmental, and other work that actively fights against forces that destroy life.
You could say that...TWI's teachings on charity/(not)giving to the poor, homosexuality, and other politically conservative crap bugged me long before i found out about the sexual abuse and other evils that ran rampant in "The Ministry". A lot of what I believe now is the opposite of what I learned growing up. If that makes me liberal...than I guess that is ok. However, I find liberalism to have a lot more faith in the capitalist system and the status quo than I want to have in it and be to fond of privilege to effect deep change. I may very well fit the liberal description now, but I have much more respect for radical movements than the liberal/democratic agenda more toward the former than the latter.
The last time a religious person laid that trip on me, here's what I told him:
I have no idea what the bible origional was--its been added to, subtracted from, and had so much doctrine added to it over the years. Now, its an excuse for apathy (We don't have to do anything, its in Gods hands), manipulation (Have some faith, Its Gods will)and just plain slavery (God put me in this position, so obey).
My big problem with any religion is that they interpret the bible, yet they claim they're the only ones that have the truth and thereby the path to eternal life. Now to me, God's given me quite a conundrum. The body of Christ has been craeved into 1500 sects. That means there's 1,499 tigers and one lady and somehow in this limited lifetime I'm supposed to figure it out.
Seems the odds are stacked against me a bit. I mean it took me from the early 70s to the mid 80s to figure The WAy was a scam. And, as you can see from other post, a lot of residual beliefs still remain that need to be rooted out.
Oh and lest I forget, the bible is used as a rationalization for institutional panhandling. (Give and it will be given onto you preessed down shaken together and running over. Give and the windows of heaven will open and you won't be able to contain the blessing.)
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that [pertain] unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
That's 2 Peter 1:3
I believe that. It is not being "Way brained" to believe that. It is, I guess, being "Bible brained". But that's okay for me, because I am a Christian believer, and I derive my Christian knowledge about God and Jesus from the Bible which I believe to be God's Word. And that's okay, right?
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PFAL It wasn't just a class. It was an indoctrination to fundamentalism.
Im not one of those people that claims the bible is my only source for truth anymore. I happened across THIS ARTICLE that not only gives me something to think about but an abundance of pretty good qu
Original question of this thread:...”but something was bothering me and it just came clear to me today and it is the idea that the only truth is in the bible. really? that's a pretty stupid way of thi
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I think everyone knows someone that has a 'glow' about them or who 'lights up a room' when they enter. If I was going to get more new agey I could tie it into auras or the energy that people emit which is more or less a real thing
I think that is what artists were trying to represent in a symbolic way by inventing the halo and other forms.
It eventually got codified into an accepted formula--but I'm pretty sure that is what it represents although I may not be wording it well..
FWIW Here is a photograph of a stained glass window I am currently restoring where Christ not only has a halo but is surrounded by fire
Its not all that different from
kirlian photographs of human energy fields

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Doesn't seem out of line to me in the least. . . . now I am curious :) . . . . but, I am going to go with what Waysider and Mstar said. . . . that makes perfect sense to me.
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"That is my truth...and I have looked around...I am one of those sold out committed Jesus freaks...who are rare to emerge from the Way."
Your statement is another way of saying, "I am holier than thou", so if the halo fits then wear it.
I was thinking just this week that if one believes that believes the Bible to be literally true, one must necessarily mentally suspend logic and factual data. Consider some of these biblical "truths".
2 Kings 8:26 says that "Two and twenty years was Ahaziah when he began to reign..." Yet, 2 Chronicles 22:2 says "Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign..."
I Samuel 31: 4-6 says that Saul took his sword and fell upon it. Yet, 2 Samuel 21:12 says that Samuel was slain by the Philistines in Gilboa.
In Leviticus 11:20-21, God tells the children of Israel that all fowl that creep, going about on all four shall be an abomination unto them. Fowls do not creep around on all fours.
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From waysiders link
In between some interesting history this little nugget was nestled in:
Maybe thats it.......
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Whew. . . you saved me! FYI. . . . . trying to tarnish my halo while offering to polish it? Just adding more to your workload.
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Quote from Pond on page 2
I thought I had seen the end of it, but I just now saw it again Pond--In the exact same thread no less
some things you cant make up
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Last night I came across the movie, Inherit the Wind, which I’ve seen before, showing on the Turner Classic Movies channel and found myself loving it even more than I did first time I watched it. Here are some summaries about the plot, which I think ties into the topic of this thread about where we got the idea that truth can be found only in the Bible.
Netflix summary from their web site:
Spencer Tracy (in one of his best roles) as lawyer Henry Drummond and Fredric March as Matthew Harrison Brady square off as opposing attorneys in this blistering courtroom drama about the famed 1930s "Scopes Monkey Trial," where a Tennessee teacher was taken to task for teaching Darwinism in the schoolroom. Song-and-dance man Gene Kelly co-stars as newspaper reporter H.L. Mencken
And from Inherit the Wind - film plot summary
Inherit the Wind (1960) portrays, in partly fictionalized form, the famous and dramatic courtroom "Monkey Trial" battle (in the sultry summer of 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee) between two famous lawyers (Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan) who volunteered to heatedly argue both sides of the case (over 12 days, including two weekends).
Its story centers around the issue of evolution vs. creationism, in the prosecution of 24 year-old Dayton High School mathematics teacher and sports coach - and substitute science teacher - John T. Scopes for violating state law (the 1925 Butler Act) by teaching the Darwin's theory of evolution in a state-funded school. The film's title was taken from the Biblical book of Proverbs 11:29: "He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind."
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George Aar
Clarence Darrow takes the place of the absent Christ.
I'm not sure who takes HIS place...
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bats and pteradactals? Maybe bugs
he he
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oddly a day or after that was posted I found myself polishing Jesus halo :o
It felt very strange to be doing that especially after that comment..
Almost everyday I find myself in the midst of some very strange event that I never really planned on that makes me go WTF?? How on earth did I get here and why am I the one getting to do this?
I dont know what any of these things mean if anything, but it does keep me interested just wondering.
I cleaned his face too...
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Is gravity in the bible? or is it untrue?....
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This is an interesting post that not only strikes at a core TWI doctrine but also a fundamental evangelical doctrine. I was one of those "blessed" souls to be "raised in the Word" and have, over the past few years deconstructed many of my old TWI beliefs including the doctrine that the bible is inerrant, interprets itself, is the Word of God, is our only rule for faith and practice, and other such jibberish. I currently lean towards liberation theology and other readings/interpretations of scripture that take into account the social and political aspects of the gospel and provide and basis for social justice, environmental, and other work that actively fights against forces that destroy life.
I have departed far from TWI's and Envagelicalism's hermeneutic. O well, as a friend of mine said once, "I like to be a heretic for a hobby".
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Ie., yer one of them liber-uhls.
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You could say that...TWI's teachings on charity/(not)giving to the poor, homosexuality, and other politically conservative crap bugged me long before i found out about the sexual abuse and other evils that ran rampant in "The Ministry". A lot of what I believe now is the opposite of what I learned growing up. If that makes me liberal...than I guess that is ok. However, I find liberalism to have a lot more faith in the capitalist system and the status quo than I want to have in it and be to fond of privilege to effect deep change. I may very well fit the liberal description now, but I have much more respect for radical movements than the liberal/democratic agenda more toward the former than the latter.
I hope that makes sense.
What are your views on the subject?
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Trefor Heywood
One thing that was never addressed was on what authority the books that currently make up the Bible are promulgated as it.
It wasn't exactly convenient for VPW to admit it was that of the Catholic church!

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Watered Garden
Trefor - you're back!
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Trefor Heywood
With a vengeance?
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The last time a religious person laid that trip on me, here's what I told him:
I have no idea what the bible origional was--its been added to, subtracted from, and had so much doctrine added to it over the years. Now, its an excuse for apathy (We don't have to do anything, its in Gods hands), manipulation (Have some faith, Its Gods will)and just plain slavery (God put me in this position, so obey).
My big problem with any religion is that they interpret the bible, yet they claim they're the only ones that have the truth and thereby the path to eternal life. Now to me, God's given me quite a conundrum. The body of Christ has been craeved into 1500 sects. That means there's 1,499 tigers and one lady and somehow in this limited lifetime I'm supposed to figure it out.
Seems the odds are stacked against me a bit. I mean it took me from the early 70s to the mid 80s to figure The WAy was a scam. And, as you can see from other post, a lot of residual beliefs still remain that need to be rooted out.
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God first
thanks SoCrates
the bible is not the Will of God its King James's Will
the word of God is not the bible
but knowledge is God's Will
Jack and Bean stack story is as must true knowledge as any thing other
and true knowledge is God's Will
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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Oh and lest I forget, the bible is used as a rationalization for institutional panhandling. (Give and it will be given onto you preessed down shaken together and running over. Give and the windows of heaven will open and you won't be able to contain the blessing.)
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it would be nice to have something I could not contain. Besides an environmental disaster or something..
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That's 2 Peter 1:3
I believe that. It is not being "Way brained" to believe that. It is, I guess, being "Bible brained". But that's okay for me, because I am a Christian believer, and I derive my Christian knowledge about God and Jesus from the Bible which I believe to be God's Word. And that's okay, right?
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Trefor Heywood
The Windows of Heaven seem to be pouring out a lot of snow around here at present.
Hardly a bankable asset!
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