I have just returned from watching Avatar. My first thoughts are, it is a very good movie, nay a GREAT sci-fi movie (not necessarily the same thing as a great movie). One that I think will be appreciated more by the young than the old. This movie really would require study, it's not something you can take in all in one viewing.
The movie, whether you think it is a good thing, or a bad thing is absolutely filled with messages, maybe more so than any movie I've ever seen. I will say outright they did not lessen my experience of the movie in any way, I just know they are there, if you are offended by them, or thrilled by them, (and there will both reactions) it is still a good movie.
Here are but a few of my observations:
Spirit and blind luck win out over any amount of planing. I simply will not comment about the message for the handicapped as I'm not entirely sure what it was, and since I'm not handicapped I don't think it would be appropriate to do so, but there is a message in there somewhere.
Spirit is more of the mind than of the body, since a strong mind in a broken body translates to an even stronger mind in a strong body.
Hit instant replay and you can start over in any game.
The good guy always gets the girl no matter how complicated it gets doing so.
The producer and the director are fans of a very famous man who also has made a movie about the environment.
The producer and the director hate themselves, and all other humans who have not only ruined this planet but any other they have come in contact with. They also hate all religions associated with human kind, but want some sort of religion so badly, they steal one from Star Wars, and we know all about how that works, same ol' sameo, different connectors.
The producer and the director hate the military, and technology of any kind. All military types are bad, especially those in command, and the military is not only hated, but they are stupid and selfish, and pick on the meek and weak.
The producer and the director know Willie Nelson on a first name basis and were invited to a peyote party just before they put this movie together.
This movie has bits and pieces of Dune, Matrix Revolution, Superman, Tombstone, Quigly Down Under, Star Wars Return of the Jedi, Christmas Story, and actual footage of the Oklahoma land grab mixed into one palatable piece of movie making excellence that is just a delight.
It is chock full of every cliche that is imaginable but somehow works and makes you suspend your belief system. They get the body and mind switching fouled up so many times it is almost impossible not to notice but in the long run they straighten it all out, and everyone or almost everyone is happy. BTW, if you are really tough, you can breath the atmosphere for quite a while, but if you are just an average educated scientific type or have physical impairments then you look like a fish out of water in only a few seconds.
Same love scene as in the Titanic, just in much larger proportions, and less the car. Whatever on earth the cigarette thing is about, would be better left to Monica Lewinsky, or Bill Clinton to explain."
I don't think I'll be watching this one anytime soon.
Do you have to remove the sheer "entertainment-factor" from everything?
I prefer to filter stuff like this through my own beliefs, seeing it for what it is, and go along for the ride. I wasn't tempted to try Eastern religion because I watched a Beatles documentary or drop acid because I watched The Doors, nor did I start singing with fish because I watched The LIttle Mermaid.
I saw it yesterday with my 18 yr old son. He thought it was great.
I hate 3d movies as they hurt my eyes and give me a head acke.
I thought it was great as far as a visual experience. The story line was OK but I did not like the new age religous overtones. I went home and watched Beverly Hills Chiwawa(or however you spell it). I had to clear my brain of the movie. Of corse I won't watch any Lord of the Ring BS either.
It amazes me on how many people try to view a movie thru their political lens. Seeing the 'Socialist Factor', as it were. "OMG! OMG! The natives are trying to keep their beautiful world from being stripped of it's golden rocks by greedy people! That flick must have had a Socialist who hates 'Murica write it!!
Reminds me of back in the days of TWI when flicks were supposed to be interpreted 'spiritually', and find out hidden devilish messages (put in reverse, mind you ;)) put in by seed boys so that they can fool America into becoming a National Socialist State! (insert woman's screams here) :o
It amazes me on how many people try to view a movie thru their political lens. Seeing the 'Socialist Factor', as it were. "OMG! OMG! The natives are trying to keep their beautiful world from being stripped of it's golden rocks by greedy people! That flick must have had a Socialist who hates 'Murica write it!!
Reminds me of back in the days of TWI when flicks were supposed to be interpreted 'spiritually', and find out hidden devilish messages (put in reverse, mind you ;)) put in by seed boys so that they can fool America into becoming a National Socialist State! (insert woman's screams here) :o
Agree with the Red/bold and would add, "spiritual lens" as well.
Do you have to remove the sheer "entertainment-factor" from everything?
I prefer to filter stuff like this through my own beliefs, seeing it for what it is, and go along for the ride. I wasn't tempted to try Eastern religion because I watched a Beatles documentary or drop acid because I watched The Doors, nor did I start singing with fish because I watched The LIttle Mermaid.
Me neither or me too...lol...I liked the movie. The little Barbie/Ken characters were cute. Liked the newly famous short guy. Wouldn't have cast Weaver as the be atch simply b/c she's been over-used in Sci Fi, imo. Went for the special effects primarily. Hubs mentioned about 5 different movies that they borrowed things from...he's fast that way. I picked up some of the more obvious ones from Star Wars, but he listed other movies as well.
I liked it . I thought it was worth it. yeah I've heard it caled "dances with Wolves" only with smurfs instead. I thought it a lot like "Soldier Blue" also but then so is "Dances with wolves" from what I've heard
From the *reviews* here, I will HAVE to see the movie. Minus the 3d that is.. I have a good enough imagination as it is..
maybe if Willie Nelson invited me to one of the Peyote parties.. right before viewing the movie..
hey.. how many of you would actually go..
yo, count me in - uhm, to be honest my son & I are planning to see it next week anyway.. .but I'm open to reviewing it again after one of Willie Nelson's parties too.
I liked it . I thought it was worth it. yeah I've heard it caled "dances with Wolves" only with smurfs instead. I thought it a lot like "Soldier Blue" also but then so is "Dances with wolves" from what I've heard
I love it. My wife loved it. I was just fine with the new-age whatever that might have offended others. The 3D was finally done right and the content was excellent. Weaver should have lost the cigarette though...
I liked it . I thought it was worth it. yeah I've heard it caled "dances with Wolves" only with smurfs instead. I thought it a lot like "Soldier Blue" also but then so is "Dances with wolves" from what I've heard
It's the classic Joesph Conrad "Heart of Darkness" plot. Civilized company man goes in to subdue and exploit the natives, becomes converted by the natives, then battles the company that sent him in.
Haven't seen it, but an article in a newspaper today reads:
"The utopian 3D fantasy world of Avatar has left some cinema-goers unable to cope with reality - and even feeling suicidal. Fans ... claim they want to stay on Pandora ... The fan forum [has] a topic thread entitled "Ways to cope with the depression of the dream of Pandora being intangible" and has received more than 1,000 posts. ... Visual realism in the film is causing the depression, claim experts. "It makes real life seem more imperfect," says New York psychiatrist Dr Stephan Quentzel."
The article contains extracts from the forum where people claim to have contemplated suiside so that they can be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora. And suchlike posts.
Wow. Just what anyone would want to go and see. :wacko:
Haven't seen it, but an article in a newspaper today reads:
"The utopian 3D fantasy world of Avatar has left some cinema-goers unable to cope with reality - and even feeling suicidal. Fans ... claim they want to stay on Pandora ... The fan forum [has] a topic thread entitled "Ways to cope with the depression of the dream of Pandora being intangible" and has received more than 1,000 posts. ... Visual realism in the film is causing the depression, claim experts. "It makes real life seem more imperfect," says New York psychiatrist Dr Stephan Quentzel."
The article contains extracts from the forum where people claim to have contemplated suiside so that they can be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora. And suchlike posts.
Wow. Just what anyone would want to go and see. :wacko:
You know these are people with issues before they go to see that movie... they have so much stress in their life that it makes them want to escape... this is why HArry Potter was or I should say is so popular. People are overloaded with stress and want to escape it... I suspect if the the job and economical marketplace was in a more positive place people wouldn't be so entranced by it!
We saw Avatar last night, and both absolutely loved it. Perhaps not since the very first Star Wars movie has a film been such a departure from anything else I've ever seen on a movie screen.
So last weekend Hubby and I went to see Avatar in 3d and we both really enjoyed it.. What a fun movie... I do not think I want to go live there but I had a great time watching the movie.
Worth every penny. And I loved the cliches and the ending too.
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George Aar
Almost, but we saw "Sherlocke Holmes" instead. Not for the purist, but it was entertaining enough...
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A review I saw of the movie, on a different site:
"Avatar the movie:
I have just returned from watching Avatar. My first thoughts are, it is a very good movie, nay a GREAT sci-fi movie (not necessarily the same thing as a great movie). One that I think will be appreciated more by the young than the old. This movie really would require study, it's not something you can take in all in one viewing.
The movie, whether you think it is a good thing, or a bad thing is absolutely filled with messages, maybe more so than any movie I've ever seen. I will say outright they did not lessen my experience of the movie in any way, I just know they are there, if you are offended by them, or thrilled by them, (and there will both reactions) it is still a good movie.
Here are but a few of my observations:
Spirit and blind luck win out over any amount of planing. I simply will not comment about the message for the handicapped as I'm not entirely sure what it was, and since I'm not handicapped I don't think it would be appropriate to do so, but there is a message in there somewhere.
Spirit is more of the mind than of the body, since a strong mind in a broken body translates to an even stronger mind in a strong body.
Hit instant replay and you can start over in any game.
The good guy always gets the girl no matter how complicated it gets doing so.
The producer and the director are fans of a very famous man who also has made a movie about the environment.
The producer and the director hate themselves, and all other humans who have not only ruined this planet but any other they have come in contact with. They also hate all religions associated with human kind, but want some sort of religion so badly, they steal one from Star Wars, and we know all about how that works, same ol' sameo, different connectors.
The producer and the director hate the military, and technology of any kind. All military types are bad, especially those in command, and the military is not only hated, but they are stupid and selfish, and pick on the meek and weak.
The producer and the director know Willie Nelson on a first name basis and were invited to a peyote party just before they put this movie together.
This movie has bits and pieces of Dune, Matrix Revolution, Superman, Tombstone, Quigly Down Under, Star Wars Return of the Jedi, Christmas Story, and actual footage of the Oklahoma land grab mixed into one palatable piece of movie making excellence that is just a delight.
It is chock full of every cliche that is imaginable but somehow works and makes you suspend your belief system. They get the body and mind switching fouled up so many times it is almost impossible not to notice but in the long run they straighten it all out, and everyone or almost everyone is happy. BTW, if you are really tough, you can breath the atmosphere for quite a while, but if you are just an average educated scientific type or have physical impairments then you look like a fish out of water in only a few seconds.
Same love scene as in the Titanic, just in much larger proportions, and less the car. Whatever on earth the cigarette thing is about, would be better left to Monica Lewinsky, or Bill Clinton to explain."
I don't think I'll be watching this one anytime soon.
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Do you have to remove the sheer "entertainment-factor" from everything?
I prefer to filter stuff like this through my own beliefs, seeing it for what it is, and go along for the ride. I wasn't tempted to try Eastern religion because I watched a Beatles documentary or drop acid because I watched The Doors, nor did I start singing with fish because I watched The LIttle Mermaid.
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I saw it yesterday with my 18 yr old son. He thought it was great.
I hate 3d movies as they hurt my eyes and give me a head acke.
I thought it was great as far as a visual experience. The story line was OK but I did not like the new age religous overtones. I went home and watched Beverly Hills Chiwawa(or however you spell it). I had to clear my brain of the movie. Of corse I won't watch any Lord of the Ring BS either.
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Watered Garden
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Hmmm since I am not a young thing does this mean I will not like it?
I am going anyway because well ... I am only gonna live once and if I have to come back I plan on coming back as a worm
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It amazes me on how many people try to view a movie thru their political lens. Seeing the 'Socialist Factor', as it were. "OMG! OMG! The natives are trying to keep their beautiful world from being stripped of it's golden rocks by greedy people! That flick must have had a Socialist who hates 'Murica write it!!
Reminds me of back in the days of TWI when flicks were supposed to be interpreted 'spiritually', and find out hidden devilish messages (put in reverse, mind you ;)) put in by seed boys so that they can fool America into becoming a National Socialist State! (insert woman's screams here) :o
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To avoid fainting, keep repeating-----It's only a movie, only a movie, only a movie----
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I just hope.. if *we* or *they* or *me* or *us* have our (their, my, our) way with the planet.. that I can come back as *something*..
I'm at least partly serious about this..
where else do we go.. well, I'm sure *we* will find a place..
it would be pathetic.. if within a hundred years, one could not come back as some stinking virus or something..
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From the *reviews* here, I will HAVE to see the movie. Minus the 3d that is.. I have a good enough imagination as it is..
maybe if Willie Nelson invited me to one of the Peyote parties.. right before viewing the movie..
hey.. how many of you would actually go..
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Agree with the Red/bold and would add, "spiritual lens" as well.
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Me neither or me too...lol...I liked the movie. The little Barbie/Ken characters were cute. Liked the newly famous short guy. Wouldn't have cast Weaver as the be atch simply b/c she's been over-used in Sci Fi, imo. Went for the special effects primarily. Hubs mentioned about 5 different movies that they borrowed things from...he's fast that way. I picked up some of the more obvious ones from Star Wars, but he listed other movies as well.
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Today I heard one reviewer refer to it as "Dances With Wolves" done in CGI - in the future...
Haven't seen it, but my kids liked it.
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I liked it . I thought it was worth it. yeah I've heard it caled "dances with Wolves" only with smurfs instead. I thought it a lot like "Soldier Blue" also but then so is "Dances with wolves" from what I've heard
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yo, count me in - uhm, to be honest my son & I are planning to see it next week anyway.. .but I'm open to reviewing it again after one of Willie Nelson's parties too.
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I love it. My wife loved it. I was just fine with the new-age whatever that might have offended others. The 3D was finally done right and the content was excellent. Weaver should have lost the cigarette though...
It's the classic Joesph Conrad "Heart of Darkness" plot. Civilized company man goes in to subdue and exploit the natives, becomes converted by the natives, then battles the company that sent him in.
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Haven't seen it, but an article in a newspaper today reads:
"The utopian 3D fantasy world of Avatar has left some cinema-goers unable to cope with reality - and even feeling suicidal. Fans ... claim they want to stay on Pandora ... The fan forum [has] a topic thread entitled "Ways to cope with the depression of the dream of Pandora being intangible" and has received more than 1,000 posts. ... Visual realism in the film is causing the depression, claim experts. "It makes real life seem more imperfect," says New York psychiatrist Dr Stephan Quentzel."
The article contains extracts from the forum where people claim to have contemplated suiside so that they can be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora. And suchlike posts.
Wow. Just what anyone would want to go and see. :wacko:
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I don't have depth perception so I can't see anything (movie or otherwise) in 3-D.
Give me a good, old, Woody Allen flick any day.
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You know these are people with issues before they go to see that movie... they have so much stress in their life that it makes them want to escape... this is why HArry Potter was or I should say is so popular. People are overloaded with stress and want to escape it... I suspect if the the job and economical marketplace was in a more positive place people wouldn't be so entranced by it!
Just my opinion
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We saw Avatar last night, and both absolutely loved it. Perhaps not since the very first Star Wars movie has a film been such a departure from anything else I've ever seen on a movie screen.
I highly recommend it.
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So last weekend Hubby and I went to see Avatar in 3d and we both really enjoyed it.. What a fun movie... I do not think I want to go live there but I had a great time watching the movie.
Worth every penny. And I loved the cliches and the ending too.
because I love a happy ending!
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