Quite a few wonderful brethren have already volunteered their insight about how to set up the new work so as to best hold accountable those in positions of oversight and give them the least chance to go off track. Whatever we do will at least be transparent, with straightforward communication and an annual financial statement made available to each contributor.
after how many years? How old is jl now?
its been 38 years since the old grifter laid unholy hands on him..
It made me very sad to think that on that Saturday, the 38th anniversary of my ordination
CES was founded in September, 1988.
that was.. what.. 21 years ago. So he is saying, he was *ordained* in 1971. Is this correct? If so.. he spent 14 years as a *bigwig* in way world.. and from 1988 to 2007 give or take.. he spent about twenty years with ces or stiffy..
NOW.. after all these years of *service* to gawd's people.. he needs HELP figuring out how to set up an organization, which is honest, transparent, and accountable???
and to this day have not cited one biblical sin I have committed since 2000 that disqualifies me from ministering to God’s people
care to detail what happened in 2000 and before?
How many admissions of adultery.. and I question whether it was "just an affair(s).." were they peers, or underlings?
sorry.. if you violated trust and took advantage of someone(s) under your authority in the old days.. you are stained for life.. it will follow you to the grave..
*I didn't write the book*..
The scariest part of all this.. there are still some who regard jl's letter as some kind of *epistle* with a godly message..
he launches into a BIBLE TEACHING half way through..
My spin on that is not that he was calling you a pedophile as you imply but rather asking if sexual sins are allowed in the STF group leadership. probably also why they kept silent hahaha (oh geez this is just rich lol.) JS is out of order by bible standards his own self because he has had more than one wife so just be silent and they wont notice. haha anyways Jesus Christ did forgive sexual sins.
JS is not the only one on the board who has had more than one wife; JAL was not the only one on the board who had many women either.
JS is not the only one on the board who has had more than one wife; JAL was not the only one on the board who had many women either.
which really stains and disqualifies them ALL..
in my opinion..
adultery, whatever you want to call it when it involves someone under your watch, false prophecies.. arrogance, defamation, strife.. brother going to law with brother.. no accountability.. but the apparently know the bible.. that's supposed to fix everything I guess..
and they claim to have some gawd-given MINISTRY? Good stinking grief..
He says in his letter he thinks the stf board should be eliminated because of the manner in which they acted towards him that it "taints" the "word" they have.
I do believe they have spent a large amount of time reading bible verses and can spew it out like any expert who has spent decades reading and studing something.
i do not think it is any more important than the gal or guy who has invented a new medicine or gene to cure a major illness or the guy or gal who found out what any new better invention or idea is.
Jesus is a personal LORD.
Every born again person has a spirit in which we can learn what God needs us to know.
Can we use what they have done for work?
I can and do just like I can take a antibiotic when I have an infection but have no need to worship the company that manufactured it.
or think it is the only manner in which God may heal me.
or the best.
they are a good resource eating their self up with in fighting .
not good.
JAL says the "word" (as if it is the only bible resource available to mankind) stf offers is "tainted" because of the manner they have dealt with him and his wife, so what about all this teaching he has "bubbling" (are you kidding me?) inside him, would that not be tainted as well?
It reads like God only forgives jal not the others.
not a healthy approach, when the very reason he is complaining is because they refuse to forgive him for his past sins and give him a job at stf .
now would I be upset if I founded a company and worked very hard to bring in these employee's on a payroll and they fire me ?
yeah I would. but ya know life is like that in many areas for many people.
I think he went wrong when he began attacking them.
another thought is they got in the pay roll by jal who got in the payroll by attacking another ministry!
and now they regret that.
JS was fired he needed a job.. so jal attacking twi was good for him then.
but now that he is angry at stf JS regrets USING JAL attacking mouth when it helped him .
that would be ok I understand regret, but hello I think it is only because jal is effective and spot light of jal deeds are on stf now.
I bet he is sorry. Iaint so heavy in the book leanin ya know but aint reap what you sow kind of a basic idea of LIFE and a bible teaching?
Once again they did not come close to telling the truth, and, in keeping with their pattern of refusing to put in writing the critical issues, their report said, yet once again, to “call them” if you had any questions. That way they are not so accountable as if they put it in writing. You may have some of the same questions that people asked at the meeting, but their report said nothing about what those were.
Doesn't this sound familiar?
As to what is flying around cyberspace about me and my personal life, my email is jalces@aol.com and my home phone is 317-849-5707. If you know me and care about me, I’ll be glad to communicate with you. I will not, however, dialogue with anonymous people who lack the love and courage to identify themselves in interacting with me.
And we still don't get anything from him "in writing".. no dialogue..
at least as to the "critical issues".. momentus, personal prophecy, etc. etc.
have questions?
ourth, take an honest look at what we teach from the Word about whatever subjects are pertinent to this matter, like prophecy. Prophecy is prophecy, and to criticize “personal prophecy” as unbiblical, in and of itself, is contrary to Scripture. We have a book on Prophecy that deals with this subject in depth from the Word, which you can get from www.stfonline.org.
just buy my book..
now we have a new "epistle".. and another advertisement..
I will keep you informed of what we are doing, so that you may partake of [buy] what we have available if you like.
seems there is a pattern here..
really.. I think the nuttiness will continue, for as long as people are willing to pay him to do it..
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after how many years? How old is jl now?
its been 38 years since the old grifter laid unholy hands on him..
that was.. what.. 21 years ago. So he is saying, he was *ordained* in 1971. Is this correct? If so.. he spent 14 years as a *bigwig* in way world.. and from 1988 to 2007 give or take.. he spent about twenty years with ces or stiffy..
NOW.. after all these years of *service* to gawd's people.. he needs HELP figuring out how to set up an organization, which is honest, transparent, and accountable???
You have to be kidding..
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care to detail what happened in 2000 and before?
How many admissions of adultery.. and I question whether it was "just an affair(s).." were they peers, or underlings?
sorry.. if you violated trust and took advantage of someone(s) under your authority in the old days.. you are stained for life.. it will follow you to the grave..
*I didn't write the book*..
The scariest part of all this.. there are still some who regard jl's letter as some kind of *epistle* with a godly message..
he launches into a BIBLE TEACHING half way through..
good frigging grief..
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"and to this day have not cited one biblical sin I have committed since 2000 that disqualifies me from ministering to God’s people"
Honest, Santa
I've been a good boy all year.
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JS is not the only one on the board who has had more than one wife; JAL was not the only one on the board who had many women either.
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soooo.. he's had the welcome mat pulled out from under him, from not just one, but TWO corrupt organizations..
I wonder how that looks on a resume..
the second "betrayal", resembles the story of when the Frankenstein monster strangled its *creator*..
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which really stains and disqualifies them ALL..
in my opinion..
adultery, whatever you want to call it when it involves someone under your watch, false prophecies.. arrogance, defamation, strife.. brother going to law with brother.. no accountability.. but the apparently know the bible.. that's supposed to fix everything I guess..
and they claim to have some gawd-given MINISTRY? Good stinking grief..
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I'm waiting for emails from the local group.. pleas for financial assistance for our *brother* jl..
but they've probably FINALLY figured out who I am here..
not that I was ever really anonymous to begin with..
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He says in his letter he thinks the stf board should be eliminated because of the manner in which they acted towards him that it "taints" the "word" they have.
I do believe they have spent a large amount of time reading bible verses and can spew it out like any expert who has spent decades reading and studing something.
i do not think it is any more important than the gal or guy who has invented a new medicine or gene to cure a major illness or the guy or gal who found out what any new better invention or idea is.
Jesus is a personal LORD.
Every born again person has a spirit in which we can learn what God needs us to know.
Can we use what they have done for work?
I can and do just like I can take a antibiotic when I have an infection but have no need to worship the company that manufactured it.
or think it is the only manner in which God may heal me.
or the best.
they are a good resource eating their self up with in fighting .
not good.
JAL says the "word" (as if it is the only bible resource available to mankind) stf offers is "tainted" because of the manner they have dealt with him and his wife, so what about all this teaching he has "bubbling" (are you kidding me?) inside him, would that not be tainted as well?
It reads like God only forgives jal not the others.
not a healthy approach, when the very reason he is complaining is because they refuse to forgive him for his past sins and give him a job at stf .
now would I be upset if I founded a company and worked very hard to bring in these employee's on a payroll and they fire me ?
yeah I would. but ya know life is like that in many areas for many people.
I think he went wrong when he began attacking them.
another thought is they got in the pay roll by jal who got in the payroll by attacking another ministry!
and now they regret that.
JS was fired he needed a job.. so jal attacking twi was good for him then.
but now that he is angry at stf JS regrets USING JAL attacking mouth when it helped him .
that would be ok I understand regret, but hello I think it is only because jal is effective and spot light of jal deeds are on stf now.
I bet he is sorry. Iaint so heavy in the book leanin ya know but aint reap what you sow kind of a basic idea of LIFE and a bible teaching?
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You said a mouthful there, Sister.
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Doesn't this sound familiar?
And we still don't get anything from him "in writing".. no dialogue..
at least as to the "critical issues".. momentus, personal prophecy, etc. etc.
have questions?
just buy my book..
now we have a new "epistle".. and another advertisement..
seems there is a pattern here..
really.. I think the nuttiness will continue, for as long as people are willing to pay him to do it..
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