The drugs must be much excellent to post something like that...."an alternative biblical truth" alternative biblical truth?
JAL is posting like a jilted lover not a minister who "represents" the most powerful mutha-....a in the universe. Whiny old f(ck...go out to pasture've outlived your usefulness. You sound like some drunk in a bar whining about his ex-wife....never stopping to think that you may be part, or most, or all, of the problem.
I don't know, but, I think I'm sensing a pattern here.
This was classic though. . . they accused me of telling people to stop sending money. . . . gee, all I said was "vote with your wallet". Yet, he doesn't make the correlation?
Strange people.
Oh wait a minute. . . it was a grand total of 90 people at the big meeting? ROFLMAO 90 people? 90 people turned out? This is about a handful of faithful . . . . isn't it? All this drama. . . . over a few followers? Man, that pool is really shrinking.
We are in the process of deciding upon a name for the new organization, and a believer lawyer is already working on setting up a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, which I believe is still the best way to go because it allows people to deduct their contributions.
So the cycle starts again.. He believes the best way to go is setup a non-profit corporation.
I always wondered what it would have been like in the first century had the apostles or even Jesus decided the best way to go was to first setup a corporation, a business, or some organization to help them with "da werk of da minersty".
Yes, instead of just serving people. Ministering to needs. Helping the poor and sick, tending to actual people. No, instead what we need to do is come up with policies and procedures. Make sure we have a tax shelter. Oh and God forbid we forget to elect members and set forth the different positions and responsibilities in da new group. Next we need the government oversight of our "business" that the 501c requires and jump through their reporting hoops on a regular basis. We can't discount the government regulation of the 501c which of course silences us from speaking or doing many things that could actually "help" people, so we need to work that into our official modus operandi.
Looks like he's committed to doing Gawd's work to me alright...
And just what the people need. Anutter division of the "Christian" pie..
I didn't like my previous circus. They had a bad rep and I didn't want to look silly. And how dare you want to stay with the circus that I personally setup, they were getting to silly! So who wants to join our NEW and IMPROVED circus we just setup?
If JAL (AKA "The Mouth") had really learned anything at all from the past he would have written a much different letter.
He would have stated plainly that he was as much to blame for the error and sin in both organizations as those he accused. After all, didn't he also partake in the adultery game in TWI? Didn't he also listen to the "prophecies" about Elizabeth? He divorced her because of those prophecies! Oh but he was so-o-o spiritual...(*roll eyes*) that now he can look back and blame others for the very same lies he followed and propounded.
If he were honest about his life and track record, he would ask for forgiveness and continue to live a quiet life - far from the need for glory and recognition that comes with the addiction to "starting a ministry."
Say John, just pay your taxes and make money with a job - it's not so bad.
John,you made a mistake back in the seventies and chose not to work for some big corp like your daddy did. Admit that and at least start living honestly.
As I recall, Paul kept up his ministry under house arrest - no fanfare, no meetings, no begging for allegiance - just living and loving.
I hope the whole house of cards falls apart - for JAL and STFI. Let it topple to the ground and get trampled beyond repair.
On 12/29/2009 at 3:06 PM, Ham said:
It's way too long.. why can't he just make his point with one short paragraph..
just what I need.. another epistle to "master" or something..
the raw length of it reeks of egotism..
JAL has always been guilty of talking just to hear his head rattle.
Can't wait for the phone calls to begin...
"_____________ how are you? Remember the great times we had in (name a city or state)?
"You never even talked to me or knew I existed , John."
Just because the pinheads JAL wrote about were completely in the wrong,
that does not mean JAL is in the right.
JAL was just FINE with twi until someone ELSE forced the issues-
then he was APPALLED by what happened for years while he was a top leader.
JAL was just FINE with ces/stfi until HIS ox was getting gored-
then he was APPALLED by what happened for years while he was a top leader.
You're an IDIOT!
You dropped the ball in a MAJOR way TWICE in TWO different organizations!
You're preparing to drop it AGAIN by making ANOTHER group and not learning
from the mistakes you made EITHER time!
In this, you're stupider than lcm- at least HE has kept his fool mouth shut
down the years and has stopped drawing attention to himself!
You've retained a style of demonstrating ego AND cluelessness and letting
God's people get hurt while you puffed up organizations!
Perhaps you're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over until death.
If you have any choice about it, WAKE UP!
On 12/29/2009 at 5:41 PM, doojable said:
If JAL (AKA "The Mouth") had really learned anything at all from the past he would have written a much different letter.
He would have stated plainly that he was as much to blame for the error and sin in both organizations as those he accused. After all, didn't he also partake in the adultery game in TWI? Didn't he also listen to the "prophecies" about Elizabeth? He divorced her because of those prophecies! Oh but he was so-o-o spiritual...(*roll eyes*) that now he can look back and blame others for the very same lies he followed and propounded.
If he were honest about his life and track record, he would ask for forgiveness and continue to live a quiet life - far from the need for glory and recognition that comes with the addiction to "starting a ministry."
Say John, just pay your taxes and make money with a job - it's not so bad.
John,you made a mistake back in the seventies and chose not to work for some big corp like your daddy did. Admit that and at least start living honestly.
As I recall, Paul kept up his ministry under house arrest - no fanfare, no meetings, no begging for allegiance - just living and loving.
It made me very sad to think that on that Saturday, the 38th anniversary of my ordination, while I was enthusiastically teaching the Word in Washington, D.C. to God’s precious people
what a *gem*..
He remembers and counts the years, days, times and hours of his *ordination* by a greasy, repugnant, abusive drunk con-man..
He is still proud of it..
Just a thought. How many offshoots do you think he went to to apply for a job before taking the more extreme measures he outlines here? No, he wouldn't grovel. But he'd pick up the phone and make a call, and make a few subtle hints..
Isn't it intriguing.. not one of them wants him..
with momentus, the personal prophecy flap.. the adultery.. the controversy that is ces.. he has made himself SO *unique* that nobody wants him.. in a professional manner, that is..
he would be *lucky* enough to get a job cleaning a chapel.. let alone preaching in it..
And the most *interesting* point is where he actually has the b*lls to quote this verse:
Romans 16:17 and 18 (NASB)
(17) Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.
(18) For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.
with the adultery and who knows what else he partook of in wayworld.. whatever *sin* he partook of afterward.. the false prophecies, the promotion of church dividing "training" (momentus).. doesn't the verse 17 apply to HIM?
Unbelievable.. but some people will still follow in the direction his finger is pointing..
after decades of this nonsense.. you still support him? Blood is on your own head..
It won’t actually be a new “ministry,” but another avenue via which I, and others, can exercise our God-given ministries in the Body of Christ.
honest to God.. if he has a "God given ministry".. I'm the Pope..
If jl is still above suspicion, (i.e. you are one of the *innocent* unsuspecting ones) and you are dedicated to pour out life, time and MONEY for his "avenue".. or for j.s. and gang's perpetual dog and pony show..
all I'll say is, I'm glad it isn't a *problem* that I have..
false prophecies.. doctrines and practices that turn brother against brother.. adultery.. and who knows what else they partook in..
how low do they have to sink before a person can say "false apostles and prophets.." ?
I find more integrity in a couple *dreaded* CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS that I've participated in than with these jokers..
Yeah.. vote with your wallet.. doesn't mean it's one choice or the other. Some people voted for NEITHER candidate in the last election..
. Once again, as you read this letter, I ask you to consider your personal relationship with me and the fruit of how I have interacted with you since we have known one another. If I have a positive “track record” with you, I ask that you not discard that in the face of vague allegations against me.
Are you saying you have a need to know people still love you?[/color] I simply want to provide an alternative source of biblical truth that is presented with love, grace, mercy, honesty, and transparency. A little humor wouldn’t hurt either—seriously.
Not all that simple when you have trashed stf over and over showing zero mercy or love or grace .
Nearly 23 years ago, quite a few people now on the STF mailing list were then TWI followers in category(b), but what happened over time (my actions and the actions of the TWI Board) proved to them that my assertions about that Board were true, and that my heart was in the right place. I believe the same thing will happen in this situation. I am moving on, but I am very concerned about those who may choose to be part of something I believe is being led by people like those cited in Romans 16:17 and 18, and in that vein, this letter is to try once more to help you see this situation as it really is. After this, all my effort will go toward the new organization that I and other brethren are starting.
I know how painful this must be for you, and I want you to know that I will continue to love you and make my life and teaching ministry available to you whether or not you support either STF or me. As far as I’m concerned, my relationship with you is not contingent upon whether you take my side. I am more concerned about your relationship with the Lord Jesus, and that you stand on “the side of truth,” for your own sake.
OH I thought it wasnt about money either but you must metion that too?
You go on and on about demanding they put it is writing... why? You have all this third hand infomation to tell us about, Is it possible you want it in writing so you can sue them for a false firing or slander? hmmm? Your mighty eager to hear what they have to say about you. * When they finally did say something because of how much support they were losing, their 9/25/09 letter did not say they had fired me in January, but rather that I had left STF in August, clearly implying that I did so voluntarily.
YOU DID JAL!! they wouldnt give you a job so you left. You could have stayed on in the ministry UNPAID that was YOUR choice to leave.
they didnt let it be known they fired you that is true, BUT they didnt kick you out of the group. you could have stayed as anyone is involved. YOU DID CHOSE TO LEAVE STF in August.
you wanted to be more involved per you own letter to them, (on this website) and they said no you wanted to be PAID again and it made you very angry when they decided um nope sorry love ya bro no can do. your "wimpy e-mail" spoke of your love and how much you admire them.
which changed when they refused to hire you back. * John Schoenheit’s 10/25 letter said that I had asked people to stop giving to STF, which I did not. I suggested that people consider “voting with their wallets” to show the Board their disapproval with how they have led STF.
[color="#FF0000"]stop playing mind games we all know what you meant JAL< grow up.
- Furthermore, they put the focus on me and failed to address some very key things that would have exposed their rampant hypocrisy.
JAL all of your letters have put the focus on you and that is ok for you but not them? Is that not how we define the very word hypocrisy? .
If you attended the meeting, and did not afterward call me to ask if what you heard about me was true, is that how you would want me to treat you? [color="#FF0000"]REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY???? SEE FURTHER DOWN IN THIS LETTER!!![/color]
I’m very sorry that those who went had to endure such a painful experience of seeing people they love pitted against one another. It made me very sad to think that on that Saturday, the 38th anniversary of my ordination, while I was enthusiastically teaching the Word in Washington, D.C. to God’s precious people, my longtime friend and fellow laborer John Schoenheit was dishonestly degrading me.
"]and you him.[/i] First of all, that is not how CES was founded,(really ? how about what I quoted in green in this letter above?) as our letter about The Way went out in February, 1987 and CES was founded in September, 1988. Be that as it may, aren’t you glad I told the truth about TWI so you could make an informed decision about staying or leaving? Could it be that their “regret” at the November meeting was all about making me look bad in regard to my October mailing to you that exposed them?
ARE you kidding me? seriouly hahhahah that is just unbelievable JAL CES was founded from twi people., Once again being a super hero, mini Jesus, the saviour of mankind are you? god still speaks to His children JAL and your not an only child or the most beloved.
. They don’t ask because they don’t care, and must advance their own position at my expense.
stop with they do not love me anymore and Im a victim crap you write this letter to "advace YOUR OWN position at their expense".
And now, despite the overwhelming percentage of people who have told them that the composition of the Board is seriously flawed, they are going right ahead with their plan to add only Mike Patten, a salaried employee who is in lockstep with them. That will make the Board three salaried people and a married couple, which is even worse than its current composition. Nothing is changing, and it is obvious that they do not care what anyone says if it contradicts them. Not only have they given no credence at all to the Elder Council members themselves, or to their input, and blown them off at every turn, but they also reproved them and said they are not doing the will of God.
You speak about this elder council , that is interesting so where is their report? can you share it so we can see for ourself what they have to say?
I firmly believe that your heart is honest before the Lord, but the Board members’ actions have long ago proven to me, and to many others, that their hearts have become hardened. If, like some, you are asking, “How could that happen?” please remember that the amount of spiritual knowledge one has is not the measure of his spirituality. Rather, God looks on one’s motives and how he relates to the knowledge he has, i.e., how much of it he is practicing with an honest heart in the sight of God and the Lord Jesus. And given the biblical picture of the life of David, God makes it clear that He especially values one’s willingness to admit and repent of his sin.
JAl that is exactly what stf is saying to YOU, about you .
It is painful to hear, but it is clear to me that the following Scripture verses aptly describe the current STF Board and their actions. And if that is true, wouldn’t it be more painful in the long run not to hear it?
Romans 16:17 and 18 (NASB)
(17) Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.
(18) For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.
The Greek word translated “unsuspecting” is rendered “simple” in the KJV and “naïve” in the NIV. It is akakos, and is used only one other place--Hebrews 7:26, regarding Jesus (“harmless”). I don’t think either the KJV or NIV has it quite right, and I prefer “harmless” or “innocent” (ASV).
It means that a person like you,( but not you?) who is doing your best to be honest and do what is right before the Lord, does not expect people like those on the Board to do otherwise, and it is hard for you to believe that they are. It was hard for us too, but we have lived with itfor 7 years, and I am telling you the truth.
"]Look at that JAL is protecting the "simple" naive innocent flock enough already with the super hero crap Jesus Christ is the head NOT YOU. YOU JAL are causing dissensions and hindrances because they wont pay you money to play a super hero anymore.[/i]
As per Philippians 1:17-18, I rejoice that STF has great biblical truth to present (much of it material that I and others who are no longer around helped to produce), but if the hearts of those leading the ministry are tainted, it cannot be the blessing it could be if it were coming from people whose hearts were honest and right in the sight of God. And it cannot help but become more tainted, because each of us is either “being transformed” or “conforming”—we can’t just stay in a holding pattern.
Are you saying bibical truth can become tainted? All because you got fired from an organization? hahhahah your losing it man.
1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) says, “…Bad company corrupts good character.” If my perspective of the STF Board is correct, the more association people have with them, the more likely they are to be deceived. To vividly illustrate that point, let me cite something I was told happened at the November meeting. It involved someone I’ve known for 25 years, and been close to the last 15+, someone whom I have never done anything but try to love and bless, and he the same to me, but who has in the past year been much closer to John and Dan and had little contact with me. In the context of the Board bringing up my past sins to substantiate their allegation of my unworthiness to lead, my friend stood up and said, “You wouldn’t allow a reformed pedophile to lead children’s fellowship, would you?”
I was told that the room exploded with indignation about his malicious remark, but that no one on the Board said a word about it until after a subsequent break during which at least one person I know of had castigated them for their silence. My question, however, is how did my friend’s heart become so venomous against me? Who spoke what into his life such that he would believe such lies about me and even think of saying something so hurtful?
[[font="Impact"]color="#FF0000"] [i]OK OK OK THAT IS IT ive HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR CRAP! above in this very letter you say you want people to call you and see if the information is true about you SEE ABOVE in purple!!! Did you call this "somone" you love and are close to for the last 15 years" ? NO you didnt because this letter says "you were told" . talk about a double standard why can you NOT Do what you say others should|?
My spin on that is not that he was calling you a pedophile as you imply but rather asking if sexual sins are allowed in the STF group leadership. probably also why they kept silent hahaha (oh geez this is just rich lol.) JS is out of order by bible standards his own self because he has had more than one wife so just be silent and they wont notice. haha anyways Jesus Christ did forgive sexual sins.
YOU JAL are purposly twisting that to imply a person you love is calling you a pedophile to appear to be the huge victim once again with emotional charging accusation that are probably not true and YOU do not care to find out or not. it is a lie or in the very least why do you NOT call the friend? hmm? because this crap will get more attention . more people will read this letter esp on grease spot if the word pedophile is being thrown about somhow!
your desperate. you want to destroy stf. that is clear.
no i am not a supporter of stf, but anytime I see this type of twisted crap I stay away I hear no love just hate and a war between people.
it is awful really[/color]
He needs something very evil to sue them with and being called a pedephile could just do it! wowowowowo this is a trip
I cant do this I just do not have time to waste on this I just want everyone to know beyond any doubt Im certain a very fat cat named pond should never ever ever be allowed to play with different color fonts on a puter sorry. I tried[/i][/font]
As we go forward, unless you tell me that you do not want to hear from me, I will keep you informed of what we are doing, so that you may partake of what we have available if you like
He assumes quite a bit here.. "oh goody. They didn't email me back.. they must still love and support me.."
good grief..
I would suggest a *real* test. Throw away the mailing list he apparently *lifted* from ces.. and see who emails, offering unsolicited support..
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The drugs must be much excellent to post something like that...."an alternative biblical truth" alternative biblical truth?
JAL is posting like a jilted lover not a minister who "represents" the most powerful mutha-....a in the universe. Whiny old f(ck...go out to pasture've outlived your usefulness. You sound like some drunk in a bar whining about his ex-wife....never stopping to think that you may be part, or most, or all, of the problem.
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Just because the pinheads JAL wrote about were completely in the wrong,
that does not mean JAL is in the right.
JAL was just FINE with twi until someone ELSE forced the issues-
then he was APPALLED by what happened for years while he was a top leader.
JAL was just FINE with ces/stfi until HIS ox was getting gored-
then he was APPALLED by what happened for years while he was a top leader.
You're an IDIOT!
You dropped the ball in a MAJOR way TWICE in TWO different organizations!
You're preparing to drop it AGAIN by making ANOTHER group and not learning
from the mistakes you made EITHER time!
In this, you're stupider than lcm- at least HE has kept his fool mouth shut
down the years and has stopped drawing attention to himself!
You've retained a style of demonstrating ego AND cluelessness and letting
God's people get hurt while you puffed up organizations!
Perhaps you're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over until death.
If you have any choice about it, WAKE UP!
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I don't know, but, I think I'm sensing a pattern here.
This was classic though. . . they accused me of telling people to stop sending money. . . . gee, all I said was "vote with your wallet". Yet, he doesn't make the correlation?
Strange people.
Oh wait a minute. . . it was a grand total of 90 people at the big meeting? ROFLMAO 90 people? 90 people turned out? This is about a handful of faithful . . . . isn't it? All this drama. . . . over a few followers? Man, that pool is really shrinking.
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*smirk* ayep
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It's way too long.. why can't he just make his point with one short paragraph..
just what I need.. another epistle to "master" or something..
the raw length of it reeks of egotism..
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So the cycle starts again.. He believes the best way to go is setup a non-profit corporation.
I always wondered what it would have been like in the first century had the apostles or even Jesus decided the best way to go was to first setup a corporation, a business, or some organization to help them with "da werk of da minersty".
Yes, instead of just serving people. Ministering to needs. Helping the poor and sick, tending to actual people. No, instead what we need to do is come up with policies and procedures. Make sure we have a tax shelter. Oh and God forbid we forget to elect members and set forth the different positions and responsibilities in da new group. Next we need the government oversight of our "business" that the 501c requires and jump through their reporting hoops on a regular basis. We can't discount the government regulation of the 501c which of course silences us from speaking or doing many things that could actually "help" people, so we need to work that into our official modus operandi.
Looks like he's committed to doing Gawd's work to me alright...
And just what the people need. Anutter division of the "Christian" pie..
I didn't like my previous circus. They had a bad rep and I didn't want to look silly. And how dare you want to stay with the circus that I personally setup, they were getting to silly! So who wants to join our NEW and IMPROVED circus we just setup?
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I wonder how much legal baggage he's carrying into the new *organization* from the greaser's..
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If JAL (AKA "The Mouth") had really learned anything at all from the past he would have written a much different letter.
He would have stated plainly that he was as much to blame for the error and sin in both organizations as those he accused. After all, didn't he also partake in the adultery game in TWI? Didn't he also listen to the "prophecies" about Elizabeth? He divorced her because of those prophecies! Oh but he was so-o-o spiritual...(*roll eyes*) that now he can look back and blame others for the very same lies he followed and propounded.
If he were honest about his life and track record, he would ask for forgiveness and continue to live a quiet life - far from the need for glory and recognition that comes with the addiction to "starting a ministry."
Say John, just pay your taxes and make money with a job - it's not so bad.
John,you made a mistake back in the seventies and chose not to work for some big corp like your daddy did. Admit that and at least start living honestly.
As I recall, Paul kept up his ministry under house arrest - no fanfare, no meetings, no begging for allegiance - just living and loving.
I hope the whole house of cards falls apart - for JAL and STFI. Let it topple to the ground and get trampled beyond repair.
JAL has always been guilty of talking just to hear his head rattle.
Can't wait for the phone calls to begin...
"_____________ how are you? Remember the great times we had in (name a city or state)?
"You never even talked to me or knew I existed , John."
"Oh but I always loved you!"
This guy has more masks than a Mardi Gras Parade.
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Yeah---It would have been shorter --------a whole bunch shorter.
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This is sad and is the real never ending story. But is a free world.
Happy new year for all.
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I see he is targeting high school graduates by the Flesh Kincaid and ARI assessments..
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I don't really think he knows who he is targeting. He's just tossing it out there and hoping somebody picks it up.
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what a *gem*..
He remembers and counts the years, days, times and hours of his *ordination* by a greasy, repugnant, abusive drunk con-man..
He is still proud of it..
Just a thought. How many offshoots do you think he went to to apply for a job before taking the more extreme measures he outlines here? No, he wouldn't grovel. But he'd pick up the phone and make a call, and make a few subtle hints..
Isn't it intriguing.. not one of them wants him..
with momentus, the personal prophecy flap.. the adultery.. the controversy that is ces.. he has made himself SO *unique* that nobody wants him.. in a professional manner, that is..
he would be *lucky* enough to get a job cleaning a chapel.. let alone preaching in it..
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And the most *interesting* point is where he actually has the b*lls to quote this verse:
with the adultery and who knows what else he partook of in wayworld.. whatever *sin* he partook of afterward.. the false prophecies, the promotion of church dividing "training" (momentus).. doesn't the verse 17 apply to HIM?
Unbelievable.. but some people will still follow in the direction his finger is pointing..
after decades of this nonsense.. you still support him? Blood is on your own head..
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With this "heart-wrenching" appeal.. doesn't he also align closely with the next verse as well?
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honest to God.. if he has a "God given ministry".. I'm the Pope..
If jl is still above suspicion, (i.e. you are one of the *innocent* unsuspecting ones) and you are dedicated to pour out life, time and MONEY for his "avenue".. or for j.s. and gang's perpetual dog and pony show..
all I'll say is, I'm glad it isn't a *problem* that I have..
false prophecies.. doctrines and practices that turn brother against brother.. adultery.. and who knows what else they partook in..
how low do they have to sink before a person can say "false apostles and prophets.." ?
I find more integrity in a couple *dreaded* CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS that I've participated in than with these jokers..
Yeah.. vote with your wallet.. doesn't mean it's one choice or the other. Some people voted for NEITHER candidate in the last election..
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. Once again, as you read this letter, I ask you to consider your personal relationship with me and the fruit of how I have interacted with you since we have known one another. If I have a positive “track record” with you, I ask that you not discard that in the face of vague allegations against me.
Are you saying you have a need to know people still love you?[/color] I simply want to provide an alternative source of biblical truth that is presented with love, grace, mercy, honesty, and transparency. A little humor wouldn’t hurt either—seriously.
Not all that simple when you have trashed stf over and over showing zero mercy or love or grace .
Nearly 23 years ago, back in The Way International, I stepped forward and adhered to the biblical admonition to “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather to expose them” (Eph. 5:11). What has happened since I sent my 10/21/09 letter is (much like what happened in 1987): (a) some people believed that what I said was true, especially after hearing the STF Board’s vapid and evasive responses to it; (b) some believed the Board’s rhetoric about me without asking me if what they said was true, and © some have yet made no decision one way or the other. Those three responses are pretty much what Acts 17:32 and 33 shows will happen when truth is set forth.
Nearly 23 years ago, quite a few people now on the STF mailing list were then TWI followers in category (b), but what happened over time (my actions and the actions of the TWI Board) proved to them that my assertions about that Board were true, and that my heart was in the right place. I believe the same thing will happen in this situation. I am moving on, but I am very concerned about those who may choose to be part of something I believe is being led by people like those cited in Romans 16:17 and 18, and in that vein, this letter is to try once more to help you see this situation as it really is. After this, all my effort will go toward the new organization that I and other brethren are starting.
I know how painful this must be for you, and I want you to know that I will continue to love you and make my life and teaching ministry available to you whether or not you support either STF or me. As far as I’m concerned, my relationship with you is not contingent upon whether you take my side. I am more concerned about your relationship with the Lord Jesus, and that you stand on “the side of truth,” for your own sake.
You do not know my pain, you want us to know YOUR PAIN . Not about taking your "side"? sure JAL because your convinced the LORD JESUS is splitting the organization because your good and they are bad. give me a break much? Jesus didnt tell you you cant work for them, in fact YOU want to work for them, they just wont let you. stop twisting this. If you are now in category (b) or ©, I ask you simply to consider the undeniable dishonesty on the part of John, Dan, Gary, and Karen in how they have dealt not only with Elizabeth and me, but with you and everyone else who pays their salaries. For the sake of brevity, the following list is not all that could be cited:
OH I thought it wasnt about money either but you must metion that too?
You go on and on about demanding they put it is writing... why? You have all this third hand infomation to tell us about, Is it possible you want it in writing so you can sue them for a false firing or slander? hmmm? Your mighty eager to hear what they have to say about you. * When they finally did say something because of how much support they were losing, their 9/25/09 letter did not say they had fired me in January, but rather that I had left STF in August, clearly implying that I did so voluntarily.
YOU DID JAL!! they wouldnt give you a job so you left. You could have stayed on in the ministry UNPAID that was YOUR choice to leave.
they didnt let it be known they fired you that is true, BUT they didnt kick you out of the group. you could have stayed as anyone is involved. YOU DID CHOSE TO LEAVE STF in August.
you wanted to be more involved per you own letter to them, (on this website) and they said no you wanted to be PAID again and it made you very angry when they decided um nope sorry love ya bro no can do. your "wimpy e-mail" spoke of your love and how much you admire them.
which changed when they refused to hire you back. * John Schoenheit’s 10/25 letter said that I had asked people to stop giving to STF, which I did not. I suggested that people consider “voting with their wallets” to show the Board their disapproval with how they have led STF.
[color="#FF0000"]stop playing mind games we all know what you meant JAL< grow up.
- Furthermore, they put the focus on me and failed to address some very key things that would have exposed their rampant hypocrisy.
JAL all of your letters have put the focus on you and that is ok for you but not them? Is that not how we define the very word hypocrisy? .
If you attended the meeting, and did not afterward call me to ask if what you heard about me was true, is that how you would want me to treat you? [color="#FF0000"]REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY???? SEE FURTHER DOWN IN THIS LETTER!!![/color]
I’m very sorry that those who went had to endure such a painful experience of seeing people they love pitted against one another. It made me very sad to think that on that Saturday, the 38th anniversary of my ordination, while I was enthusiastically teaching the Word in Washington, D.C. to God’s precious people, my longtime friend and fellow laborer John Schoenheit was dishonestly degrading me.
"]and you him. [/i] First of all, that is not how CES was founded,(really ? how about what I quoted in green in this letter above?) as our letter about The Way went out in February, 1987 and CES was founded in September, 1988. Be that as it may, aren’t you glad I told the truth about TWI so you could make an informed decision about staying or leaving? Could it be that their “regret” at the November meeting was all about making me look bad in regard to my October mailing to you that exposed them?
ARE you kidding me? seriouly hahhahah that is just unbelievable JAL CES was founded from twi people., Once again being a super hero, mini Jesus, the saviour of mankind are you? god still speaks to His children JAL and your not an only child or the most beloved.
. They don’t ask because they don’t care, and must advance their own position at my expense.
stop with they do not love me anymore and Im a victim crap you write this letter to "advace YOUR OWN position at their expense".
And now, despite the overwhelming percentage of people who have told them that the composition of the Board is seriously flawed, they are going right ahead with their plan to add only Mike Patten, a salaried employee who is in lockstep with them. That will make the Board three salaried people and a married couple, which is even worse than its current composition. Nothing is changing, and it is obvious that they do not care what anyone says if it contradicts them. Not only have they given no credence at all to the Elder Council members themselves, or to their input, and blown them off at every turn, but they also reproved them and said they are not doing the will of God.
You speak about this elder council , that is interesting so where is their report? can you share it so we can see for ourself what they have to say?
I firmly believe that your heart is honest before the Lord, but the Board members’ actions have long ago proven to me, and to many others, that their hearts have become hardened. If, like some, you are asking, “How could that happen?” please remember that the amount of spiritual knowledge one has is not the measure of his spirituality. Rather, God looks on one’s motives and how he relates to the knowledge he has, i.e., how much of it he is practicing with an honest heart in the sight of God and the Lord Jesus. And given the biblical picture of the life of David, God makes it clear that He especially values one’s willingness to admit and repent of his sin.
JAl that is exactly what stf is saying to YOU, about you .
It is painful to hear, but it is clear to me that the following Scripture verses aptly describe the current STF Board and their actions. And if that is true, wouldn’t it be more painful in the long run not to hear it?
Romans 16:17 and 18 (NASB)
(17) Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.
(18) For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.
The Greek word translated “unsuspecting” is rendered “simple” in the KJV and “naïve” in the NIV. It is akakos, and is used only one other place--Hebrews 7:26, regarding Jesus (“harmless”). I don’t think either the KJV or NIV has it quite right, and I prefer “harmless” or “innocent” (ASV).
It means that a person like you,( but not you?) who is doing your best to be honest and do what is right before the Lord, does not expect people like those on the Board to do otherwise, and it is hard for you to believe that they are. It was hard for us too, but we have lived with it for 7 years, and I am telling you the truth.
"]Look at that JAL is protecting the "simple" naive innocent flock enough already with the super hero crap Jesus Christ is the head NOT YOU. YOU JAL are causing dissensions and hindrances because they wont pay you money to play a super hero anymore.[/i]
As per Philippians 1:17-18, I rejoice that STF has great biblical truth to present (much of it material that I and others who are no longer around helped to produce), but if the hearts of those leading the ministry are tainted, it cannot be the blessing it could be if it were coming from people whose hearts were honest and right in the sight of God. And it cannot help but become more tainted, because each of us is either “being transformed” or “conforming”—we can’t just stay in a holding pattern.
Are you saying bibical truth can become tainted? All because you got fired from an organization? hahhahah your losing it man.
1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) says, “…Bad company corrupts good character.” If my perspective of the STF Board is correct, the more association people have with them, the more likely they are to be deceived. To vividly illustrate that point, let me cite something I was told happened at the November meeting. It involved someone I’ve known for 25 years, and been close to the last 15+, someone whom I have never done anything but try to love and bless, and he the same to me, but who has in the past year been much closer to John and Dan and had little contact with me. In the context of the Board bringing up my past sins to substantiate their allegation of my unworthiness to lead, my friend stood up and said, “You wouldn’t allow a reformed pedophile to lead children’s fellowship, would you?”
I was told that the room exploded with indignation about his malicious remark, but that no one on the Board said a word about it until after a subsequent break during which at least one person I know of had castigated them for their silence. My question, however, is how did my friend’s heart become so venomous against me? Who spoke what into his life such that he would believe such lies about me and even think of saying something so hurtful?
[[font="Impact"]color="#FF0000"] [i]OK OK OK THAT IS IT ive HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR CRAP! above in this very letter you say you want people to call you and see if the information is true about you SEE ABOVE in purple!!! Did you call this "somone" you love and are close to for the last 15 years" ? NO you didnt because this letter says "you were told" . talk about a double standard why can you NOT Do what you say others should|?
My spin on that is not that he was calling you a pedophile as you imply but rather asking if sexual sins are allowed in the STF group leadership. probably also why they kept silent hahaha (oh geez this is just rich lol.) JS is out of order by bible standards his own self because he has had more than one wife so just be silent and they wont notice. haha anyways Jesus Christ did forgive sexual sins.
YOU JAL are purposly twisting that to imply a person you love is calling you a pedophile to appear to be the huge victim once again with emotional charging accusation that are probably not true and YOU do not care to find out or not. it is a lie or in the very least why do you NOT call the friend? hmm? because this crap will get more attention . more people will read this letter esp on grease spot if the word pedophile is being thrown about somhow!
your desperate. you want to destroy stf. that is clear.
no i am not a supporter of stf, but anytime I see this type of twisted crap I stay away I hear no love just hate and a war between people.
it is awful really[/color]
He needs something very evil to sue them with and being called a pedephile could just do it! wowowowowo this is a trip
I cant do this I just do not have time to waste on this I just want everyone to know beyond any doubt Im certain a very fat cat named pond should never ever ever be allowed to play with different color fonts on a puter sorry. I tried[/i][/font]
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and how long will this nonsense continue.. as long as people send them money, buy their *package*..
just because they ejected the most OBVIOUS buffoon from stiffi.. I wouldn't count on any less nuttiness..
The board, they are ALL corps and momentus "grads" aren't they? What better can one expect from them?
what about the new guy? I would bet he was formed in the same mold..
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The song-and-dance bull.... factor: priceless! ;)
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And another class, goodie! We just don't have enough, ya know!
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What they need is a class on how to write shorter letters.
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Who would send an four THOUSAND word email to a FRIEND? 155 sentences, at an average of 26 words per sentence..
It really looks like one percent fact.. the rest is supposed to be how *we* are supposed to think about it..
isn't his audience grown up enough to think for themselves? If one is a dyed in the wool stiffi adherent, apparently not..
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He assumes quite a bit here.. "oh goody. They didn't email me back.. they must still love and support me.."
good grief..
I would suggest a *real* test. Throw away the mailing list he apparently *lifted* from ces.. and see who emails, offering unsolicited support..
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