14 Ask God to bless those who persecute you--yes, ask him to bless, not to curse. 15 Be happy with those who are happy, weep with those who weep. 16 Have the same concern for everyone. Do not be proud, but accept humble duties. Do not think of yourselves as wise.
17 If someone has done you wrong, do not repay him with a wrong. Try to do what everyone considers to be good. 18 Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody. 19 Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God's anger do it. For the scripture says, "I will take revenge, I will pay back, says the Lord." 20 Instead, as the scripture says: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for by doing this you will make him burn with shame." 21 Do not let evil defeat you; instead, conquer evil with good.
God bless you WayGB. I hope you get healed. May you realize what true service is. It is not self promotion. It is not vaunting yourselves above your brothers and sisters in Christ. My prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is that you will learn what real service to God's people is this coming year.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Romans 12:14-21
14 Ask God to bless those who persecute you--yes, ask him to bless, not to curse. 15 Be happy with those who are happy, weep with those who weep. 16 Have the same concern for everyone. Do not be proud, but accept humble duties. Do not think of yourselves as wise.
17 If someone has done you wrong, do not repay him with a wrong. Try to do what everyone considers to be good. 18 Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody. 19 Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God's anger do it. For the scripture says, "I will take revenge, I will pay back, says the Lord." 20 Instead, as the scripture says: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for by doing this you will make him burn with shame." 21 Do not let evil defeat you; instead, conquer evil with good.
God bless you WayGB. I hope you get healed. May you realize what true service is. It is not self promotion. It is not vaunting yourselves above your brothers and sisters in Christ. My prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is that you will learn what real service to God's people is this coming year.
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Merry Christmas (oops - - HAPPY HO-HO) Mr. Linder
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Kit Sober
(I really want to live again
Merry Christmas!
Kit Sober
I love to hear you laugh -- God
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Great choice. Two of my kids watched it with me last night on TV.
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