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OK this just irks me.

The news:

A short and terse paragraph about how 18 people died in a suicide bomber's explosion in Bagdhad. No names mentioned.

The news:

A long and flowery article on the new TV series about the Jackson family (as in Michael Jackson). TV network blasting it every fourth commercial calling it about "The First Family of Music."

The news:

A series of long and ugly stories about Tiger Woods' sexual liaisons with various high end escorts.

A) I don't care about the Jackson Family - seems like the old man just making another dollar off of his kids like he's done for 40 years. Who cares about the first family of music?!?!?

B) I don't care about Tiger Woods' little escapades. While many may find it distasteful that he had those little liaisons - fact is it happens every day in every country - without making the news.

C) I DO care about innocent people dying because of some religious zealot obeying his Way Corps directive as to how to attain his 70 (or so) virgins).

If this is news then we have become less than bottom feeders. At least bottom feeders (shrimp, oysters, crawfish, catfish) make for darned fine cooking. This is news?!?!? This is somehow entertaining (applies to all three of the above)?!?!? This is somehow informative and educational?!?!? Something we need to know as "informed American citizens?" (Don't chomp of me for using the word American without specifying USA citizens or I'll remind you that CBS coined the phrase "informed American citizens" - go crap on their plate of spaghetti.)

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  On 12/13/2009 at 1:52 AM, RumRunner said:

OK this just irks me.

The news:

A short and terse paragraph about how 18 people died in a suicide bomber's explosion in Bagdhad. No names mentioned.

The news:

A long and flowery article on the new TV series about the Jackson family (as in Michael Jackson). TV network blasting it every fourth commercial calling it about "The First Family of Music."

The news:

A series of long and ugly stories about Tiger Woods' sexual liaisons with various high end escorts.

A) I don't care about the Jackson Family - seems like the old man just making another dollar off of his kids like he's done for 40 years. Who cares about the first family of music?!?!?

B) I don't care about Tiger Woods' little escapades. While many may find it distasteful that he had those little liaisons - fact is it happens every day in every country - without making the news.

C) I DO care about innocent people dying because of some religious zealot obeying his Way Corps directive as to how to attain his 70 (or so) virgins).

If this is news then we have become less than bottom feeders. At least bottom feeders (shrimp, oysters, crawfish, catfish) make for darned fine cooking. This is news?!?!? This is somehow entertaining (applies to all three of the above)?!?!? This is somehow informative and educational?!?!? Something we need to know as "informed American citizens?" (Don't chomp of me for using the word American without specifying USA citizens or I'll remind you that CBS coined the phrase "informed American citizens" - go crap on their plate of spaghetti.)

I second everything you said.

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  On 12/13/2009 at 2:04 AM, waysider said:

So Tiger's wife tried to smash his brains in with a golf club. What guy hasn't had that happen?

Yea I was wondering if tigers wife was watching the soparnos on DVD when the time carmela threw tony out because one of tony's ladies friends called the house instead of throwing them out the window he wanted to play golf on tigers SUV.

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You all forgot that it is the media's job to go ferret out every speck of dirt and whip it into a frenzy and bombard us with it. It is the media that decides what is news and what's news is what will sell newspapers or gather the masses in front of the tube at 5,6, and 11.

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I blame the 24 hour news stations---there just is not enough to talk about 24 hours a day without having to dip lower and lower into the barrel--

Well there is but it would be way too much work for them to actually get informed on issues of meaning and so they take the easy way

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I second what Rocky said, avoid it or wallow in it? Rupert is long on sleeze, short on anything approaching journalism, take a look at the Wall Street Journal since his takeover for example.

I occasionally catch one of the promos for the "entertainment" news shows, and I can't get over what they're pitching. Gawd, five nights a week of that crap, who's humping who (or is it "whom"), who found out their S/O is bedding down with Zsa Zsa's German Shephard, who's in rehab, who's punched out a paparazzi, who's driving around without underwear, and other incredibly important stuff. It troubles me no end that there's evidently a large segment of society who actually cares about any of that crap. Jeezus...

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Rupert is long on sleeze, short on anything approaching journalism,

You got that right! Look what else rupert murdock has done he hired Ashely Dupree for the newspaper the New york post that he owes. She was the bad girl on the front cover, and now she giving sex advice!? Brother talk about standards being lowered!

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