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New front page article: Nostalgia for TWI Research Raises Questions


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  On 3/2/2010 at 1:15 AM, spectrum49 said:


Or - if one prefers to come off as more complex and highly intellectual, he might even want to quote PI out to 1000 places! Just sayin'... :biglaugh:

















PS: Sorry, Bolshevic. (I did fix it, but you read the original post too quickly.)

Oh great. We're whipping them out and measuring them. So here's to 2000 places.









































And before you even start, here's a link to my favorite t-shirt:


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Pi to 5000 anyone?







































































Hey Chockfull - I think I might have missed one or two digits. Care to count them for me? :biglaugh:



PS: I have it to 1.25 million, but I won't bore you all with that - besides, it's 378 pages!

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And here was me, thinking what an interesting thread this is. Instead, I end up getting pie-eyed.

Robererasmus, enjoying your posts and your take on Biblical research.

I thought your reading-back to original languages and then re-translating thing was a bit weird to start with. Then I remembered a friend of mine, from Nigeria, who referred to the sides of his chest - the ribs under the armpits - as his "wings". That's his native language word, where native English speakers would probably just say "side" or "chest". Can put a different nuance on things.

And I wondered about the "wings" of angels and other critters in the Bible and wondered if that meant "wings" as typically depicted for angels and cherubs, or whether it meant something different. Looking in Strongs, I see the word (kanaph) has the meaning of something projecting, or an extremity, usually but not always meaning a wing.

Always fun, translating from one language to another - especially if yet another intervenes. bit like Chinese whispers, really.

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  On 3/2/2010 at 12:27 AM, waysider said:

I frequently hear people say they are thankful they learned some good "stuff" in The Way. Like what, specifically? Reading things in context? Weren't we supposed to have learned that already in jr. high school English class? Even so, The Way may have told you to read things in context but then they set a lasting example of how to cherry pick scriptures to make their point.

So then what, specifically, are all these good things that people learned in The Way?

One good thing might be his reminder to us to, "Read what is written" - that is a good thing. However, he ignored that himself time and time again in his efforts to prove inerrancy.

Example: my post #340 on the previous page about the "fifth" gospel he created from trying to harmonize the existing four gospel accounts. In my view this is a serious error.

the fifth gospel

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  On 3/2/2010 at 8:52 AM, spectrum49 said:

PS: I have it to 1.25 million, but I won't bore you all with that - besides, it's 378 pages!

I think we're already way past that. Let's call it a draw. My t-shirt link had it to 5000 as well. Lest I find myself using Cray time.

  On 3/2/2010 at 4:49 AM, Steve Lortz said:

Wierwille did stumble on a few acorns, but his research was bogus. He preached exegesis, reading the meaning out fromwhat is written, but he practiced and taught eisegesis, reading foreign meanings into what is written, sometimes in the very same lesson, as with "to whom addressed".

Some of the greatest damage from his "research" was that leaders following him learned this as well. The scriptures say whatever they want them to say - loyalty is paramount, their whims = revelation. Control through being an autocrat.

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  On 3/2/2010 at 2:20 PM, penworks said:

One good thing might be his reminder to us to, "Read what is written" - that is a good thing. However, he ignored that himself time and time again in his efforts to prove inerrancy.

Example: my post #340 on the previous page about the "fifth" gospel he created from trying to harmonize the existing four gospel accounts. In my view this is a serious error.

the fifth gospel

Yeh, but Charlene, everybody did the harmony thing. But for the most part those who tried to put together a harmony of the Gospels did it for what they thought was a good idea. H.e.l.l, Tatian (circa 165 CE) did his Diatessaron and it became THE gospel for the Syriac speaking church for over 2 hundred years! I suppose if one thinks that is a bad thing and that the four (4) records should never be harmonized I can see their point of view (somewhat), but our work (that means you and me while with TWI, BTW) on the Harmony (and the chronolgy that evolved from that) was a really good thing. I have used it many times since it's publication back in 1984 (and our work through 1986 at that research weekend in Rome City). I made sure that my kids had a copy to take with them when they left the house years ago because I thought it was so good.

To answer Waysider's question about "specifically" what in TWI was "good"; this was one. Are the Dead Alive now? is another. I read this before I got into TWI and it's still a book (if one can put their proverbial hands on...) that I'd give as a primer to understanding the dead, the resurrections and such.

JCOP and JCOPS are good tomes to read about the Death and Birth of Messiah. I'd pass those two on to others. We were working on the middle part of that Trilogy when all the defication hit the rotating oscillator (It was called Jesus Christ our Apostle and High Priest, BTW...and it was never published...though some of us have copies...it's not so good...incomplete research don't ya know).

Anyway certainly the bathwater was tainted, but the baby was only taught wrongly in certain areas.


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  On 3/2/2010 at 6:31 PM, roberterasmus said:

Yeh, but Charlene, everybody did the harmony thing. But for the most part those who tried to put together a harmony of the Gospels did it for what they thought was a good idea. H.e.l.l, Tatian (circa 165 CE) did his Diatessaron and it became THE gospel for the Syriac speaking church for over 2 hundred years! I suppose if one thinks that is a bad thing and that the four (4) records should never be harmonized I can see their point of view (somewhat),


I stand by my view that an harmonizing effort, no matter how well intentioned or how long ago it was attempted (which does not give it any more authority than one done yesterday IMO) ignores the different viewpoints of each gospel and crams them together to say, "Voila! it's one continuous story told in bits and pieces by different people and all the bits actually happened and fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and in the order this harmony says they did." I'd rather accept each one on its own terms and for fun, look into who wrote them, where, and possibly why (although motives are usually hard to determine.) But take what I say with a grain of salt...my interest in the topic is not due to matters of faith, only curiosity.

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  On 3/2/2010 at 6:57 PM, penworks said:

I stand by my view that an harmonizing effort, no matter how well intentioned or how long ago it was attempted (which does not give it any more authority than one done yesterday IMO) ignores the different viewpoints of each gospel and crams them together to say, "Voila! it's one continuous story told in bits and pieces by different people and all the bits actually happened and fit together like a jigsaw puzzle and in the order this harmony says they did." I'd rather accept each one on its own terms and for fun, look into who wrote them, where, and possibly why (although motives are usually hard to determine.) But take what I say with a grain of salt...my interest in the topic is not due to matters of faith, only curiosity.

Yah, I was gonna say it was almost as if you cared about them a little bit...then the last line.


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  On 3/2/2010 at 9:49 PM, roberterasmus said:

Yah, I was gonna say it was almost as if you cared about them a little bit...then the last line.


Yes, my interest is a literary curiosity. As a writer, I'd rather let each gospel writer's work stand on its own, rather than smush it into the other ones to make a fifth gospel, but I already said that, right? :-) My "faith" such as it is in an invisible creator, doesn't depend on these things...


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  On 3/2/2010 at 3:33 PM, chockfull said:

I think we're already way past that. Let's call it a draw. My t-shirt link had it to 5000 as well. Lest I find myself using Cray time.

OK - TRUCE! (I used 5k after having seen your "favorite T-shirt" link.)

Besides, in my heart I was seeing it as becoming rather childish. But it was fun! (And I thank the rest of you for your patience while I was getting "carried away".)

I see some interesting takes on the "harmonization of the gospels" here. And I agree with Penworks - my curosity of that area is purely "academic".



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  On 3/2/2010 at 10:33 PM, penworks said:

Yes, my interest is a literary curiosity. As a writer, I'd rather let each gospel writer's work stand on its own, rather than smush it into the other ones to make a fifth gospel, but I already said that, right? :-) My "faith" such as it is in an invisible creator, doesn't depend on these things...


Interestingly enough, Bullinger's works had some of the same viewpoint, although he as a scholar also did a fair amount of timeline work. Remember the "Why 4 Gospels" article? And the perspective focus on king, servant, man, son? Of course those works were "borrowed"

I guess it's just a human thing to pick the gospels over and try to fit them into a timeline. From one perspective, where doing so seems clear due to exact date/time references in the gospels, I suppose it adds a little depth of perspective. There are some fundamental "ifs" to answer though, and some of it boils down to your questioning of basic premises. Such as "can you depend completely on an author's recollection of events that happend decades earlier to be 100% precise concerning date/times?" The "every word in the Word is perfect" premise.

I do recall a fair amount of VPW's attempts to draw people away from mainstream Christianity being related to these harmony of the gospel issues. His teachings / writings on "The Day JC Died", "4 Crucified", "Simon of Cyrene", "Peter's Denials" all seemed to have the underlying message of "if you can't trust mainstream Christianity about the details of JC's life, how can you trust them about your salvation?"

There were some cool points about delving into the details though. Like Joseph of Arimatheia, and the difference in Greek terms of the burial clothing. But there were so many other things that seemed like such a squeezing of concepts.

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  On 3/2/2010 at 12:27 AM, waysider said:

I frequently hear people say they are thankful they learned some good "stuff" in The Way. Like what, specifically? Reading things in context? Weren't we supposed to have learned that already in jr. high school English class? Even so, The Way may have told you to read things in context but then they set a lasting example of how to cherry pick scriptures to make their point.

So then what, specifically, are all these good things that people learned in The Way?

The spelling and order of the books of the Bible was something useful that I was taught. I also managed to memorize several Bible verses while in TWI and that has proven useful to me even today...that's about it. The rest of the "research" quite frankly is rather unimpressive to me now that I'm older and my skull has fully hardened.

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  On 3/1/2010 at 3:56 PM, penworks said:

Hi Greasespotters:

Just a few more words about VPW and inerrancy. The examples he used to "prove inerrancy" are many and can be found in his publications. One way is in his approach to the gospels. For example, in an attempt to "show" that gospel contradictions are not really contradictions, he harmonized different accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection. Refer to the PFAL class and many threads here at GSC like:

VP and Bullinger harmonizing gospels

To "prove" inerrancy, he tried to splice the gospels together, ignoring their different views, as if he were editing scenes for a film.

In my view, the "film" he produced is actually a fifth gospel which not only does not reflect any of the original gospels writers' accounts as they were written, but makes VPW's account appear as if it is the "real" gospel. In my view, by doing that, VPW placed a false halo around the belief in "inerrancy."

By creating a "fifth" gospel, VPW reinterpreted each writer's "take" on events. In the process, he avoided having to deal with uncomfortable questions about why there are four different gospels to begin with and how we got them. I do not think that VPW's method respects the gospel texts (written about 35 to 65 years after Jesus died) as we have them today; it only makes VPW a 20st century Bible thumper who tries to sound as if he knows what the "real" gospel should be.

BTW – Workman: I checked your GSC profile and saw you mentioned your web site http://www.biblicalr...rchjournal.org/ . Since it is clear you are a proponent of VPW's research and methods, I imagine my line of thinking won't matter much to you since it comes from a different tradition of valuing Biblical documents. So, I offer this post to those interested who happen to still be reading this thread.


Hi Penworks, and thank you for your courtesy.

I am not here to shill for my website, necessarily. I mention it on my profile because it is one part of my life -- a project that I have been pursuing since I got tossed out of TWI by Craig Martindale, and later departed the particular splinter group that sprouted up here. So it is a part that also bears particularly upon what Greasespot is all about.

I decided to post on this thread, firstly, because your essay deals with biblical research. Which as my site indicates, is a subject that I am interested in. I am also posting here to afford myself the opportunity to inform you that I intend to review your essay in a weblog post on my site. But journalistic integrity -- not to mention the love of God -- requires that before I post anything, that I do my best to rehearse my take on your essay with you, in a format where you are able to respond in whatever fashion that you would care to.

Don't jump to conclusions, for instance, that your line of thinking about V.P.'s and E.W.'s methods and conclusions on the subject of Gospel harmony are of no interest to me. I have looked at Oakspear's post that you linked, and I plan on studying ya'll's line of thinking further, whether or not I ever post about it here.

If you want to discuss it here, that's fine with me, but the subject of harmonizing the so-called Gospels is definitely tangential to what I'm going to handle in my weblog post about your essay.

I have no objection to the methods you and Oakspear use in your lines of reasoning on the subject of Gospel harmonizing. You object to their premise, you find their research lacking -- and in V.P.W.'s case -- the errors that you posit represent further evidence, to you, of your and this site's overall theme -- which as I see it is the bad faith behind pretty much everything that V.P. pursued during his life and ministry. Right or wrong, and whether I agree or disagree with you, you are using perfectly valid lines of reasoning.

What I'm going to handle on my site regarding your essay, I have pretty much covered in my previous posts. Which boiled down, is the "category error" that I believe you are making.

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Thanks for the heads up.


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Workman, if Charlene posts an essay here, isn't it more courteous to discuss it here, rather than in some other location? Better yet, privately with her?

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  On 3/3/2010 at 6:48 PM, Twinky said:

Workman, if Charlene posts an essay here, isn't it more courteous to discuss it here, rather than in some other location? Better yet, privately with her?

  On 3/3/2010 at 2:18 PM, Workman said:

But journalistic integrity -- not to mention the love of God -- requires that before I post anything, that I do my best to rehearse my take on your essay with you, in a format where you are able to respond in whatever fashion that you would care to.

Twinky: (And Workman, please correct me if I am mistaken.)

I believe what Workman is indicating is that he will be posting on his website the results of "his take" of what has been concluded here concerning this topic, after he has had the opportunity to discuss it in detail here first.



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  On 3/3/2010 at 7:19 PM, spectrum49 said:

I believe what Workman is indicating is that he will be posting on his website the results of "his take" of what has been concluded here concerning this topic, after he has had the opportunity to discuss it in detail here first.

First time I've heard such drama around a blog. To put it in perspective, someone's writing an editorial on an article that 10 people are going to read. No offense, Workman - that's just the nature of the blogosphere.

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For those who may be interested, I came across a couple of good books in the last year or two. The first one was Scribal Culture and the Making of the Hebrew Bible by Karel van der Toorn (2007), and the second was The Oral and the Written Gospel by Werner H. Kelber (1983). Both books go into the realities of the transmission of ideas in cultures where the vast majority of people cannot read or write, and they respectively consider how the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament" may have come into written form.

The principles and ideals of writing were vastly different in antiquity than they were in the 19th century, when the fundamentalist response to radical rationalism came into being. I no longer believe in verbatim inspiration of the Scriptures, though I believe God can use them as an objective base for teaching individuals the things He wants them to know.

I think Jesus' ministry was only a year or so long, mainly because I don't think he could have held the crowds at such a fever pitch for much longer than that without raising a rebellion against the Romans or crapping out (which, from an earthly point of view, he did).

I think there are many interesting things to learn by considering the similar incidents in the different gospels, especially thinking about why the incidents might have been recorded differently in the gospels' differing contexts, but I don't think a literal harmony is possible.



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thanks for the books, Steve

and i cant help but nod in all the same directions

to add...

it seems to me that most ancient scripture is not only NOT invalidated by such, but able to become more valuable and practical as we discover more and gain better insight into more and more likely contexts of their creation.

i even suspect that this may have even been a large part of the insight behind the original Christian experience that was so world-shakingingly significant...as if partially a story of an attempt to recover some real sense of the original jewish wisdom and practice from the many natural distortions that simply come with having ancient history.

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And furthermore...

I think 100% of the New Testament was addressed to Christians, with the possible exception of the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. A strong case can be made that Luke wrote these two volumes as a legal background brief for the Roman magistrate who would hear Paul's case in lieu of Nero.

I got the business about Luke and Acts from a book called Paul On Trial, The Book Of Acts As A Defense Of Christianity by John W. Mauck (2001).



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Yet another interesting book is The First Messiah by Michael O. Wise (1999). Wise is a noted scholar of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In The First Messiah, he builds a case that a wave of messianic enthusiasm swept over Judaea about a hundred years before the time of the gospels. That wave was partially a result of events found recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and partially an impetus to the formation and continued existance of the Qumran community.

If Wise is right, then the things he talks about in The First Messiah goes a long way to explain the popular messianic expectations at the time of Christ, and why those expectations took the forms they did.



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  On 3/5/2010 at 2:57 AM, Steve Lortz said:

Yet another interesting book is The First Messiah by Michael O. Wise (1999). Wise is a noted scholar of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In The First Messiah, he builds a case that a wave of messianic enthusiasm swept over Judaea about a hundred years before the time of the gospels. That wave was partially a result of events found recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and partially an impetus to the formation and continued existance of the Qumran community.

If Wise is right, then the things he talks about in The First Messiah goes a long way to explain the popular messianic expectations at the time of Christ, and why those expectations took the forms they did.



Thanks for chiming in with these book titles. I think works like this one (there are others) show that Jesus certainly was a part of that messianic movement during that time, along with his cousin John the Baptist, which means he believed the kingdom of God (as he is shown to describe it by the gospel writers) was going to come before very long - even before he died or shortly afterwards. It didn't, so that poses a problem. VP handled that problem by saying gosh, Jesus just didn't know the mystery etc etc., which is a theological explanation based on what Paul wrote ...but that's another topic...

Anyway, Jesus's morality teachings, in my view, were his attempt to warn everyone to shape up or else they woulnd't get into the kingdom. Of course, he wasn't the first one to teach those values...the "golden rule" had been around in other religions for eons...

How does this relate to the topic under discussion? In my view, it is another example of his borrowed ways (from Bullinger, etc.) of "proving inerrancy."

If you have a Jesus who predicts the end of the world and it doesn't come, then "the whole Bible falls to pieces..." you have to do some bible gymnastics to explain or reinterpret what Jesus is recorded as saying or else claim that he just didn't have all the information going on behind the scenes, etc. (VPW's mystery teachings). I think it's worth questioning VP's methods...

P.S. Here are good definitions for research from Merriam Webster:

1 : careful or diligent search

2 : studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws

3 : the collecting of information about a particular subject

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  On 3/5/2010 at 1:25 PM, penworks said:

Thanks for chiming in with these book titles. I think works like this one (there are others) show that Jesus certainly was a part of that messianic movement during that time, along with his cousin John the Baptist, which means he believed the kingdom of God (as he is shown to describe it by the gospel writers) was going to come before very long - even before he died or shortly afterwards. It didn't, so that poses a problem. VP handled that problem by saying gosh, Jesus just didn't know the mystery etc etc., which is a theological explanation based on what Paul wrote ...but that's another topic...

Anyway, Jesus's morality teachings, in my view, were his attempt to warn everyone to shape up or else they woulnd't get into the kingdom. Of course, he wasn't the first one to teach those values...the "golden rule" had been around in other religions for eons...

How does this relate to the topic under discussion? In my view, it is another example of his borrowed ways (from Bullinger, etc.) of "proving inerrancy."

If you have a Jesus who predicts the end of the world and it doesn't come, then "the whole Bible falls to pieces..." you have to do some bible gymnastics to explain or reinterpret what Jesus is recorded as saying or else claim that he just didn't have all the information going on behind the scenes, etc. (VPW's mystery teachings). I think it's worth questioning VP's methods...

P.S. Here are good definitions for research from Merriam Webster:

1 : careful or diligent search

2 : studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws

3 : the collecting of information about a particular subject

(Brief aside) If we’re talking about the Biblical “kingdom of God”, it had been coming (back) ever since the woman and the man gave up their dominion as God’s vassals in His feif, the earth (Genesis 1:26 “let them have dominion over…” – not just the man, but both!). The rejection of fealty by our forebears was nothing short of that “high treason” we all heard so much about. The “kingdom” was fleshed out (as were many, many theological concepts) during the time of the prophets and while it was never called “the kingdom of God” in the Hebrew Scriptures, it was understood (ultimately) to be the “throne (kingdom by implication) of David" (see Luke 1:32 “the throne of his (Messiah’s) father David”).

So, being a man, Jesus foresaw it just like all the other prophets and when it didn’t quite come to pass as he expected, various reasons were run up the flagpole. As Charlene says, “that’s another topic”, but let’s not say that dispensationalism is a surprise teaching by VP (one of the “various reasons” theologically for Jesus being mistaken…he didn’t know God’s Secret…). It’s roots go back centuries. And it wasn’t just "johnny come lately" point of view.

Now, I can’t tell you (actually I can…but not here) how theologically shortsighted I see the following: “If you have a Jesus who predicts the end of the world and it doesn't come, then "the whole Bible falls to pieces..." (I do like the VPism at the end though...). Neither is it Bible gymnastics to read Paul (if we're talking about the Bible folks) and see that there was a Secret that Jesus knew nothing about (“hid from ages and generations”, “not made known unto the sons of men” (Jesus was one of dem), “hid in God” (Jesus wasn't Him), etc). H.ell, if we want to question (and that’s OK, BTW) those methods (a dispensational view of Scripture) we’d better be prepared to go through all the Biblical arguments and all (OK, maybe not all…) the theological literature with a fine toothed comb. Maybe I’ll start another thread on that (then we can all question “VP’s methods”).

All I’m saying here is let’s just not be too restrictive here in regards to a theological legacy tainted by licentiousness. Inerrancy is something many, many evangelicals proclaim and have proclaimed for centuries (I can say millennia.. almost), including me. Dispensationalism is a very sound and tested system of Biblical hermeneutics, IMHO, and thousands of theologians, including me, ascribe to it’s tenets. Just because there’s one (oh, there are more than one people…) rotten apple…


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Just a note about Bullinger. . . .who heavily influenced VP. . . . he was an ultra-dispensationalist. (did I spell that correctly?) :) "Sometimes known as "Extreme Ultradispensationalism" or "Bullingerism" (wikipedia).

Not making a judgment of right or wrong. . . . . it is just a distinction sometimes made in theological circles. . . .

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  On 3/5/2010 at 4:48 PM, geisha779 said:

Just a note about Bullinger. . . .who heavily influenced VP. . . . he was an ultra-dispensationalist. (did I spell that correctly?) :) "Sometimes known as "Extreme Ultradispensationalism" or "Bullingerism" (wikipedia).

Not making a judgment of right or wrong. . . . . it is just a distinction sometimes made in theological circles. . . .

Yeh, we love how theology infuses the discussion with hyperbole (ultra, Extreme Ultra, etc.) when indeed it just a disagreement with that author's opinion about interpretation. It's like liberals in the political realm with name calling. If they can't make their point, they resort to the same type of hyperbole.

Actually it's like anyone who disagrees (if they are not honest and fair or careful). Look what the Sanhedrin did with Stephen! And they didn't allow him to finish, BTW.


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