Acute bronchitis, yay not pneumonia. I still will get the flu shot since I seem to get the flu always followed by complications like bronchitis or pneumonia. I've never had areaction to a flu shot, but sure have been kicked around by the flu.
So have a short burst of steroids and all kinds of other meds to try to tame the asthma. Not fond of steroids but this is just for 6 days and my breathing isn't clearing up with the other treatments. Hard to do anything when you can't catch your breath.
Rescued a cute little tom cat, maybe 5 months old. He's at the vet for shots and a fix, then will go to a no-kill-no-cage shelter about 5 hours away in a few weeks(housed at a volunteer's home until then). Sure would like to see a no-kill open up here, but they do take funding.
My wife and I got the H1N1 vaccine a couple of weeks ago now, but not my daughter. Once she has the vaccine we should be better covered, although my son is too young to get it.
Unfortunately, though, we're all sick with colds right now.
I have the cold or upper respiratory virus from hell right now...
Hmm.... why is it that there's never a LOWER respiratory virus? Where is your lower respiratory system anyhow? Isn't it all upper???
Yeah, man. Cold meds make me dippy. Hate the crap but with two little ones and a home business it's not like I can call in sick. This is my busy time of year and I make about 50% of my total income in Nov/Dec.
Anyhow... this is one of those colds that doesn't let you sleep. At all. I feel like the walking dead today and can't say a sentence without coughing... I guess the kids have it good because I can't yell today... And nothing tastes right or even like it's anything at all... bleck!
Chas, an upper respiratory infection involves the larynx (voice box) and above...the lower is the trachea and lungs.
Sorry to hear you and so many Spotters are under the and my house have been fine so far. No H1N1 vaccine available (hate that word) yet for any of us 'cause we're not deemed high-risk. Under our roof, two out of the three of us have had our regular flu shots...number three is due to get his this week, I think.
Still ok here, each of gets a little hint of 'uhoh' every once in awhile, but we up the C's and water and Apple Cider Vinegar, I've been disenfecting doorknobs, remote, phone, etc every day.
My 14 y/o gets her H1N1 shot friday, qualifies cuz of allergy induced asthma, so I'm happy about that; she's the one exposed to the crud at school.
Went to walmart today and realized it would be easy for me to be a germ a phobic, no problem. Grabbing the cart handle, taking change from the cashier, picking up the items we purchased, the whole thing. I carry lysol wipes for things like cart handles, etc., but it's all out there.
My daughter had a classmate sneeze in her face today. It's gonna happen...........sigh, nothing I can do but the best we can here at home.
I had complications from the swine flu( which I got in October), and am finally going back to work. Very nasty if you have other lung conditions, so I urge you to get a shot if you are at risk, or at least start the antivirals if you do get it. I did not, thinking my lung condition so much improved. Huh. Stupid on my part and I payed for it. I'll probably not be breathing right for months.:(
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Acute bronchitis, yay not pneumonia. I still will get the flu shot since I seem to get the flu always followed by complications like bronchitis or pneumonia. I've never had areaction to a flu shot, but sure have been kicked around by the flu.
So have a short burst of steroids and all kinds of other meds to try to tame the asthma. Not fond of steroids but this is just for 6 days and my breathing isn't clearing up with the other treatments. Hard to do anything when you can't catch your breath.
Rescued a cute little tom cat, maybe 5 months old. He's at the vet for shots and a fix, then will go to a no-kill-no-cage shelter about 5 hours away in a few weeks(housed at a volunteer's home until then). Sure would like to see a no-kill open up here, but they do take funding.
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Mister P-Mosh
My wife and I got the H1N1 vaccine a couple of weeks ago now, but not my daughter. Once she has the vaccine we should be better covered, although my son is too young to get it.
Unfortunately, though, we're all sick with colds right now.
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I have the cold or upper respiratory virus from hell right now...
Hmm.... why is it that there's never a LOWER respiratory virus? Where is your lower respiratory system anyhow? Isn't it all upper???
Yeah, man. Cold meds make me dippy. Hate the crap but with two little ones and a home business it's not like I can call in sick. This is my busy time of year and I make about 50% of my total income in Nov/Dec.
Anyhow... this is one of those colds that doesn't let you sleep. At all. I feel like the walking dead today and can't say a sentence without coughing... I guess the kids have it good because I can't yell today...
And nothing tastes right or even like it's anything at all... bleck! 
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Chas, an upper respiratory infection involves the larynx (voice box) and above...the lower is the trachea and lungs.
Sorry to hear you and so many Spotters are under the and my house have been fine so far. No H1N1 vaccine available (hate that word) yet for any of us 'cause we're not deemed high-risk. Under our roof, two out of the three of us have had our regular flu shots...number three is due to get his this week, I think.
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Still ok here, each of gets a little hint of 'uhoh' every once in awhile, but we up the C's and water and Apple Cider Vinegar, I've been disenfecting doorknobs, remote, phone, etc every day.
My 14 y/o gets her H1N1 shot friday, qualifies cuz of allergy induced asthma, so I'm happy about that; she's the one exposed to the crud at school.
Went to walmart today and realized it would be easy for me to be a germ a phobic, no problem. Grabbing the cart handle, taking change from the cashier, picking up the items we purchased, the whole thing. I carry lysol wipes for things like cart handles, etc., but it's all out there.
My daughter had a classmate sneeze in her face today.
It's gonna happen...........sigh, nothing I can do but the best we can here at home.
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I had complications from the swine flu( which I got in October), and am finally going back to work. Very nasty if you have other lung conditions, so I urge you to get a shot if you are at risk, or at least start the antivirals if you do get it. I did not, thinking my lung condition so much improved. Huh. Stupid on my part and I payed for it. I'll probably not be breathing right for months.:(
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