The first thing that comes to mind? My daughter, when she was in high school and she and her friends would fight.
Really, no disrespect meant.
Maybe. . . just maybe. . . it is time to cut all of them lose and let the people who spilled over from TWI. . . . work it out within themselves to integrate into a sound church.
Maybe JAL should just go sit and shhhh listen in a simple bible believing church under a proper and anointed pastor. Be a part of the world wide
ekklesia. Unless, he doesn't want to be part of it. . . . but run it. Jesus Christ founded His church. . . WE HAVE IT. . . . it is world wide. . . . united by
love and a common gospel. . . . and we don't need JAL to found another one.
Yet another upheaval at the top?? I think this is the third time, and publically too. I have heard that STF has lost it's pastoral roots and feels more like a corporation with a bottom line mentality.
In reading this it looks like---"you add value; you don't add value...!" And, if you don't [subjectively] add value, your out.
It is a bit arrogant for the Board of Directors to make decisions like this without any voting power of their Financial Partners. It seems they made this "executive" decision almost one year ago, and this is the first anyone has heard about it. Seems VPW lived this way too!
On November 10, Martin Luther's birthday, I will be 66, and in the remaining years of my life I must maximize the calling God has given me to teach the Word. Of course I WANT to do it in the ministry I founded and which I love, but THEY WANT no part of me, and I have no recourse to get back into the leadership of STF. Elizabeth and I love them and continue to pray much for them, but I will not allow them to further marginalize my ministry.
Wow.. I'm saddened.. Someone who says he desires to serve God acting like a child..
I want.. I want.. Is that really the heart of a servant? NO!
For those who didn't want to read through the whole thing.. Here's a recap with highlights!
..sniff..sniff.. I want to lead MY ministry... sniff. sniff.. they won't let me.. sniff.. sniff.. It's my ministry... sniff ...sniff.. I don't want to be a peon servant, I want to lead ..sniff sniff.. Well, fine, if they won't let me lead, I'm leaving.. sniff.. sniff.. And I'm gonna take some of their money/supporters too.. sniff. sniff.. Take that! sniff.. sniff.. Can someone help me regain control of my ministry.. sniff.. sniff.. Please help me! sniff.. sniff.. I want to lead it.. sniff. sniff.. I'll help you gain control for me.. sniff. sniff..
Enough to make one puke!
For the sake of the Gospel, I want the testimony of my life to include many more video and audio teachings for people around the world, and the Board won't permit me to produce these via STF. They can choose to squander my potential contribution to our ministry, but I will not allow them to quench my spirit. The sad part is that what I am sharing now is some of the most powerful teaching I've ever done, and I say that because of the feedback from people in the 14 cities where I've taught in the last year.
So the Board won't allow him to self promote HIS life and teachings via STF. Isn't that so sad! Just makes me want to cry. Is that what ministering means to people these days? Produce these junk videos and teachings and send them out to the masses? What happened to actually helping the homeless, the fatherless, the one's destitute for food and clothing? What, send them a tape of the month! Woo hoo! We have bread in our house to eat! NOT.. It was just plastic.
And he knows his sharings are the most powerful now cause people tell him that. Gee.. Ain't that the kicker. The ol' humans promoting him. Stop it you guys! Just cause he can be a slick talker don't make him a minister. And this letter really shows it.. Sad.. Just so sad..
I dunno.. maybe he could get a job working for the sowers, or cff.. or Geero's outfit..
The Lord has called me to teach, write, and minister, and I must do so. On November 10, Martin Luther's birthday, I will be 66, and in the remaining years of my life I must maximize the calling God has given me to teach the Word.
I wonder if he really believes this..
and what I'd like to know.. what does Martin Luther have to do with any of this?
Sounds like a personal problem,all Cults do is turn around and bite people in the a$$!
Didn't read the whole thing .....the tiny violins kept coming in my ears and all I could
think of was....witnessing to TREEs
If God wants him to go on teaching or whatever I am sure a little cracker jack organization
won't stand in HIS way,or maybe GOD is saying ..........
On Martin Luther King Day take notice of the Civil Rights that people actually sacrificed
blood,sweat and tears lives were hung on Trees(strange fruit song)not to mention KKK
running around...not to mention SLAVES..the underground railroad.
(Hey I didn't bring up MLK DAY!)but all I know that if he has the faith of a mustard seed
he will be just fine. :B)
He didn't say MLK, Jr. but German reformer Martin Luther who indeed was born November 10. Is JL saying he is Luther reincarnated/channelled? Let's sing A Mighty Fortress is John Lynn, a butthead unstopable. (rich little bast*rd).
I will give John Lynn this much...most of the people who joined the first 10 years were because of John Lynn being there. He knows that and it went to his head that he has some ownership and right to be leadership for life.
None of us do. His calling may be changing and he isn't getting the message.
That said,
No Board of Directors should have an even number of directors. Every vote could end in a tie. Also,who elects the Board? What was set in the Bi-laws?
John, it might be time to get a job. You don't have to be "in-charge" to win people for the Lord. Serve where you are called.
If you want a church....start a new one. Nothing is stopping you. This letter sounds like a hurt ego and nothing more. Do what you do best to win souls and God will show you what to do. I don't think the wording of this "poor me" letter was the Lords idea.
On 10/23/2009 at 10:35 PM, Thomas Loy Bumgarner said:
He didn't say MLK, Jr. but German reformer Martin Luther who indeed was born November 10. Is JL saying he is Luther reincarnated/channelled? Let's sing A Mighty Fortress is John Lynn, a butthead unstopable. (rich little bast*rd).
Oops! My Bad I guess "someone" needed to hear that?
John is saying his FRIEND of more than 30 years says he cant trust him so His friend must be blind. In twi He claims evil deeds done by folks he knew and loved for decades.
then he claims they are all so bad right after they fire him.
Seems like a pattern.
hello John ? do you pick evil possessed folks to work with and love and consider friends and hope they will change? or is after working for DECADES together and they fire you they turn evil and blind? Or did you just not notice untill the gravy train started to go dry?
seems kind of sudden and these are friends geez that is harxh.
what happened to the three more fingers pointing back at you from vpw?
What happened to the do not be a victim theory ?
man I
will tell ya
your sounding like a victim to me. you teach that is bad .
It is good to know if a person feels they cant support you they can still have Jesus. of course after you OMG.
I will give John Lynn this much...most of the people who joined the first 10 years were because of John Lynn being there. He knows that and it went to his head that he has some ownership and right to be leadership for life.
None of us do. His calling may be changing and he isn't getting the message.
That said,
No Board of Directors should have an even number of directors. Every vote could end in a tie. Also,who elects the Board? What was set in the Bi-laws?
John, it might be time to get a job. You don't have to be "in-charge" to win people for the Lord. Serve where you are called.
If you want a church....start a new one. Nothing is stopping you. This letter sounds like a hurt ego and nothing more. Do what you do best to win souls and God will show you what to do. I don't think the wording of this "poor me" letter was the Lords idea.
I stll love you. Alot!
I understand he HAS a job... teaching SAT prep classes. Someone had posted a sample video of it on the WC site some months ago.
You know, a number of things jump out at me in reading Mr. Lynn's email, besides its verbosity, the immensely self-serving tone and the "call to arms" to overthrow the STFI board of directors:
- The number of times he says he founded the group. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he was a co-founder (along with S^e Pi*rce and R^lph Dub0fsk>- and others). Maybe in his mind those others are "cop-outs" and not worthy of mention.
And, though they had offered Mark Graeser a hefty severance package when he was let go after six years as president, they have said nothing about any financial remuneration for me after my 13 years as president and my being the “point man” who in large part built the ministry that now pays their (John & Dan) salaries. Given the facts of the case, I feel certain I could take them to court and win a sizeable settlement, but I will not do that because of 1 Corinthians 6:1-9.
- If he believes he should be compensated for founding and leading the group as a chief spokesperson and past president, then bugger 1 Corinthians; ask for it, and if they don't give it to him, sue them for it. Otherwise why even bring it up?
- The obvious attempt to link himself in people's minds with Martin Luther, the "point man" of the Protestant Reformation. Perhaps he believes he'll be at the forefront of a new "Reformation" of STFI. Just remember - Martin Luther wasn't all that successful in reforming the Roman Catholic church, and the movement took sort of a different direction.
Perhaps you (the email recipient and, presumably, financial contributor) will decide that the Board needs to step down...I would much prefer to see the vehicle we already have be rescued rather than start a new one, but I have no say as far as the Board is concerned. You, however, do have a vote-you can vote with your wallet. I can foresee (Is this prophecy? j/k ) a scenario where a large majority of contributors engage in what would amount to a “mass intervention” by withholding their financial support, with the intent of encouraging the current Board members to submit their resignations and assist in the godly transition to a new Board (presumably with John Lynn as one of the board members). (All emphasis mine - K2K)
Position and power. And how money provides the means and method to those ends. That's what it's all about.
You know, this is (at least) the second group with whom Mr. Lynn has been associated in a position of prominence and authority. Both have gone down the blighted path to the land of "epic fail". If I were him, I would think about what role I had in the failure of those groups. I would consider not joining, forming or "re-forming" any groups in the future. Maybe take some time just to travel, enjoy renewing his relationship with his wife, and visiting with friends and family.
I don't know mstar. . . . it is like watching a soap opera. . . . or train wreck... . . you just can't look away. :) I probably shouldn't be, but I am curious about the packet sent with the letters.
The drama is just so intense. The more you read. . . the more it sounds like junior high. "She said. . . I said. . . me, me, me. . . it isn't fair." I can just hear his foot stomping.
What did he expect? It is a mini-cult spawned from a big cult. . . .most of the faithful right out of TWI. . . .it was a silly idea from the get-go.
Somewhere for all the ex-twiers who were messed up from an abusive group and its teaching. . . . to continue on with each other in the same vein. Yeah. . . . that will work.
He is still trying to manipulate people and situations and slap God in there somewhere to make it all legit.
I do feel real pity for him. The man is going to be 66 years old and is still caught up in all the drama.
If he wants to be a Christian. . . he should just be a Christian. . . . but, if he wants to be a heretical teacher and leader. . . . he will waste the rest of his life just like this. . . in melodrama.
Christian Aid would take him. They wouldn't care what he believes. . . . He could work to help eradicate poverty in the third world. . . . campaign for debt relief. . . help save starving children.
Not such a bad way to go out. But, there is no glory or fanfare in that work.
Even so. . . he would still be a part of something, it would be worthy. . . . and it is part of the worldwide church community. . .
As I come to a close, I am compelled to address the small percentage of people who, after reading this letter and its enclosures, are tempted to just throw up their hands and say, "To heck with all those guys, I'm going to be a hermit for Jesus." If that is you, hold on-God is still God, Jesus is still the Lord, and the Word is still the Word. Please don't allow the failures of people to stop you from doing what God has called you to do. As a member in particular in the Body of Christ, you have a unique role to play in that Body, and you can.
And what if the response is "The heck with all those guys, I'm going to check out a local church"? I don't particularly care for his one and only option. This sure reminds me of vp's manipulative bull$hi+, tugging on the old heart-strings of guilt "if you leave this ministry you're walking out on God."
I remember an old letter I received from John Lynn promoting his "ministry" – and something he said always sticks out in my mind when I think of anything he's been involved with. Likening his off-shoot group to the children of Israel fleeing Egypt, he said something to the effect of "we've left the bondage of Egypt and took all their gold with us." Implying TWI doctrines were at the core of his off-shoot. Seems like the TWI mindset is right there along with their doctrines – maybe it's impossible to separate the two.
Mstar, I love the Picard picture - my feelings exactly!
Christian Aid would take him. They wouldn't care what he believes. . . . He could work to help eradicate poverty in the third world. . . . campaign for debt relief. . . help save starving children.
Not such a bad way to go out. But, there is no glory or fanfare in that work.
Key phrase highlighted.
It is a good idea, a great idea but the change would be pretty darn drastic. No severance package, no presidency, no selling and promoting his stuff, no skuffling for your attention---no "chief seats in the synagogue" or "being recognized by men".
I dont see it happening, he would actually have to care about other people, but that is up to him
You're kinder, gentler, wiser than I am Geisha--I just want him to go away, Im tired of his pseudochristianity, the endless drama and whining and his attempts to sell me his stuff and how great he is. ---Enough already--
Do Christian Aid, or go back to the hole you crawled out of, or do anything, but whatever it is -- just do it.. At this point I really dont care what the self-propelled Great One does but please quit blathering for once
This is what happens when you refuse to associate with the "common folks": even the ones who John " made" special like him do not want him .
This is so sad.
At one time theses had to be ordinarly boys and men who had dreams and happiness and peace in life.
try to remember what that was like guys, just try, they speak of the "war" the battle constantly and the most important question I ask is: Who the he11 would want to be a christian if it is all so bad even friends and brothers for decades end up destroying and hurting one another? If it is all about battle and fighting and one up on the other?
For Gods sake get a freaking grip will ya?
Your not helping anyone your just killing one another.
this is your example of Gods love in life?
I have left jobs and you know what I do not write a long lengthy letter speaking of the many years I was abused and hurt I just moved on and realized the LORD goes with me were ever I go. I didnt ask them for money I had to pray for it and trust I could make good choices.
bad things can happen to the OTHER people it seems but when they hit home and you guys get angry at one another or disagree then by God you seek vengence... or is it money ? God knows.
remember when the bigger cows ate the smaller cows or something ( since you like to bring on bible verses for effect)
I say so much red meat cant be good for ya at 66.
your old John your gonna die someday if the Lord tarries, sorry bud even you cant surpass what VPW taught about living forever if you believe enough.
Man your not strong enough.
Jesus Christ is
When John brought down twi and wrote the letters he felt he was saving the world, fed his maximum ego then.
reap what you sow is a life priciple not a CHRISTIAN principle. funny thing how when it is YOU who is being judged you turn into a victim.
YOU forgot JOHN God Almighty LOVES PEOPLE ALL PEOPLE not just the ones in your little world .
and do not mess with His people Im telling you the day will come you will not be abole to have idols of any sort, even if they are your own self.
the theory of IM a bigger christian and a better christian and more important to God Is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong do I have to say it 66 times?
so what if YOU OBEYED God so the he11 what! Jesus SAVES sinners we are so very lucky for that !
the bottom line in life is people will kick your ever loving azz if you mess with them long enough.
learn that? you better old man or the fact is your life will never have any peace .
Jesus is a peaceful dude. Do not give me you wont sue them because the bible says not too oh ok John my azz if the meal ticket dries up fast enough YOU would in a freaking heart beat ( who am I to judge?) maybe you think it will cost you to hire a lawyer so this way is cheaper.
I like being older now John you know why? because I aint suppose I have had my own butt kicked enough to know God loves his people and they are not all stuck in your small tiny group of friends who want to kill one another.
YOU can stand here and say IM not a victim Im not a victim my wife is again come on! John go talk to a man with some grease on his hands and dirt on his shirt and just try for once realize your not better than him .
I don't know mstar. . . . it is like watching a soap opera. . . . or train wreck... . . you just can't look away. :) I probably shouldn't be, but I am curious about the packet sent with the letters.
The packet contains a letter from a volunteer that somehow mistakenly believed his contribution was meaningful. I could have written the letter as it was a blow-by-blow clone of what happened to me. Different events - same treatment. It also contained a comparative timeline of STF's take on events and JAL's. It contained the so-called prophecies, and it contained a letter from JAL that apparently preceded the firing along with a letter from a supporter that questioned the BOD's behavior.
[other comments]
There should never be an even amount of board members and while it is not illegal to have spouses serve on the same board, it can be construed as a conflict-of-interest.
JAL has been informed that his departure has been in the works for quite a while. There is at least one person who was not happy about the reinstatement.
To JAL I say, with no animosity: Why not lose the business model that you learned from twi? Instead of thinking of people as your followers, and as your "contributors," why not think of them simply as fellow followers of Jesus Christ? Then, why not simply walk away from the drama and start fresh (but not with the same old business plan that you carried from twi into CES/STFI)? It's clearly not working, and people are being hurt as a result.
There is great freedom in walking through life with your spiritual "eyes" watchful for ways to help others right where you are at any given moment. That would be a lot more satisfying and take a lot less energy than fighting over an organization that's been embroiled in power struggles for years.
My suggestion to you would be to let it go. Just be you, go where you feel inspired to go, touch those people who cross your path, and let them see God's love and grace in you. You might be amazed at how much good you can do without an audience or an organization. Why not quit campaigning for followers? Isn't that how CES started?
To the "contributors" of CES/STFI: Why not step back, take a breath, and ask yourself why you're involved in that group. Really, why? While you've been merrily "contributing," the people who run that outfit have been doing their level best to bite and devour each other. Over what? Political BS, looks like to me. Trust me, there is life for Christians without limiting yourself to one little group. If it were me, I wouldn't jump off the STFI bandwagon and onto the new JAL bandwagon. Step back. Take a breath. God is with you. You don't need any "leader" to show you what to do.
This is my take on the whole mess in a nutshell: It's more important to be loving than to be right, or "accurate." Love, real love for God and your fellow humans, will always lead you to do the right thing and get you to the right place at the right time. A pseudo-academic obsession with being "right" or "accurate" will only lead to inflated egos and neverending verbal battles. Which path sounds more enjoyable?
My suggestion for everyone involved in STFI, from its "leaders" to its "contributors," is this: Try getting off Accurate Avenue and take a ride on Freedom Freeway. Just try it. If you don't like it, if you feel you can't function without a "group" to lead or follow, then by all means start one or find one. But before you do that, why not give it a try?
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OMG - just years of drama. Does it ever stop? I just can't imagine living my life like that, letters, who was right, who was wrong, betrayal, intrigue. You know what JAL and others? No one cares a
I've been thinking about this for awhile.....I know John so maybe that makes it move intriguing for me, I'm not sure. He and I have discussed this stuff in his life and we don't agree, but that's ok a
The first thing that comes to mind? My daughter, when she was in high school and she and her friends would fight.
Really, no disrespect meant.
Maybe. . . just maybe. . . it is time to cut all of them lose and let the people who spilled over from TWI. . . . work it out within themselves to integrate into a sound church.
Maybe JAL should just go sit and shhhh listen in a simple bible believing church under a proper and anointed pastor. Be a part of the world wide
ekklesia. Unless, he doesn't want to be part of it. . . . but run it. Jesus Christ founded His church. . . WE HAVE IT. . . . it is world wide. . . . united by
love and a common gospel. . . . and we don't need JAL to found another one.
I am astounded.
Maybe it really is time to set the captives free?
Just a thought and really. . . . a hope.
Edited by geisha779Link to comment
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Yet another upheaval at the top?? I think this is the third time, and publically too. I have heard that STF has lost it's pastoral roots and feels more like a corporation with a bottom line mentality.
In reading this it looks like---"you add value; you don't add value...!" And, if you don't [subjectively] add value, your out.
It is a bit arrogant for the Board of Directors to make decisions like this without any voting power of their Financial Partners. It seems they made this "executive" decision almost one year ago, and this is the first anyone has heard about it. Seems VPW lived this way too!
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Wow.. I'm saddened.. Someone who says he desires to serve God acting like a child..
I want.. I want.. Is that really the heart of a servant? NO!
For those who didn't want to read through the whole thing.. Here's a recap with highlights!
..sniff..sniff.. I want to lead MY ministry... sniff. sniff.. they won't let me.. sniff.. sniff.. It's my ministry... sniff ...sniff.. I don't want to be a peon servant, I want to lead ..sniff sniff.. Well, fine, if they won't let me lead, I'm leaving.. sniff.. sniff.. And I'm gonna take some of their money/supporters too.. sniff. sniff.. Take that! sniff.. sniff.. Can someone help me regain control of my ministry.. sniff.. sniff.. Please help me! sniff.. sniff.. I want to lead it.. sniff. sniff.. I'll help you gain control for me.. sniff. sniff..
Enough to make one puke!
So the Board won't allow him to self promote HIS life and teachings via STF. Isn't that so sad! Just makes me want to cry. Is that what ministering means to people these days? Produce these junk videos and teachings and send them out to the masses? What happened to actually helping the homeless, the fatherless, the one's destitute for food and clothing? What, send them a tape of the month! Woo hoo! We have bread in our house to eat! NOT.. It was just plastic.
And he knows his sharings are the most powerful now cause people tell him that. Gee.. Ain't that the kicker. The ol' humans promoting him. Stop it you guys! Just cause he can be a slick talker don't make him a minister. And this letter really shows it.. Sad.. Just so sad..
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I dunno.. maybe he could get a job working for the sowers, or cff.. or Geero's outfit..
I wonder if he really believes this..
and what I'd like to know.. what does Martin Luther have to do with any of this?
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Maybe I'm totally missing it, but this JL email seems to scream me me me I I I.
Another reason I'm glad I leaped off that crazy train.
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Sounds like a personal problem,all Cults do is turn around and bite people in the a$$!
Didn't read the whole thing .....the tiny violins kept coming in my ears and all I could
think of was....witnessing to TREEs
If God wants him to go on teaching or whatever I am sure a little cracker jack organization
won't stand in HIS way,or maybe GOD is saying ..........
On Martin Luther King Day take notice of the Civil Rights that people actually sacrificed
blood,sweat and tears lives were hung on Trees(strange fruit song)not to mention KKK
running around...not to mention SLAVES..the underground railroad.
(Hey I didn't bring up MLK DAY!)but all I know that if he has the faith of a mustard seed
he will be just fine. :B)
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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
He didn't say MLK, Jr. but German reformer Martin Luther who indeed was born November 10. Is JL saying he is Luther reincarnated/channelled? Let's sing A Mighty Fortress is John Lynn, a butthead unstopable. (rich little bast*rd).
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I said this before, and I'll say it again:
John! Dude! ... Let this ministry thing all go! Just let it go, and retire.
Edited by pawtucketMentioned Family members
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OMG - just years of drama. Does it ever stop?
I just can't imagine living my life like that, letters, who was right, who was wrong, betrayal, intrigue.
You know what JAL and others? No one cares about these tiny little self-destructive, drama school sects.
Enough, grow up already.
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or if not, give it (the stockpile) to me. I'm sure I could find a few good uses for it..

Edited by pawtucketMentioned Family members
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I will give John Lynn this much...most of the people who joined the first 10 years were because of John Lynn being there. He knows that and it went to his head that he has some ownership and right to be leadership for life.
None of us do. His calling may be changing and he isn't getting the message.
That said,
No Board of Directors should have an even number of directors. Every vote could end in a tie. Also,who elects the Board? What was set in the Bi-laws?
John, it might be time to get a job. You don't have to be "in-charge" to win people for the Lord. Serve where you are called.
If you want a church....start a new one. Nothing is stopping you. This letter sounds like a hurt ego and nothing more. Do what you do best to win souls and God will show you what to do. I don't think the wording of this "poor me" letter was the Lords idea.
I stll love you. Alot!
Edited by Rainbow8Link to comment
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Oops! My Bad
I guess "someone" needed to hear that? 
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Sounds like the poor guy is warming up for an opera performance.
"Me, Me, Me"
What is it with these cats and their letters that drag on from here to next Thursday?
Say whatcha gotta say and give it a rest, already!
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John is saying his FRIEND of more than 30 years says he cant trust him so His friend must be blind. In twi He claims evil deeds done by folks he knew and loved for decades.
then he claims they are all so bad right after they fire him.
Seems like a pattern.
hello John ? do you pick evil possessed folks to work with and love and consider friends and hope they will change? or is after working for DECADES together and they fire you they turn evil and blind? Or did you just not notice untill the gravy train started to go dry?
seems kind of sudden and these are friends geez that is harxh.
what happened to the three more fingers pointing back at you from vpw?
What happened to the do not be a victim theory ?
man I
will tell ya
your sounding like a victim to me. you teach that is bad .
It is good to know if a person feels they cant support you they can still have Jesus. of course after you OMG.
better than tv.
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I understand he HAS a job... teaching SAT prep classes. Someone had posted a sample video of it on the WC site some months ago.
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You know, a number of things jump out at me in reading Mr. Lynn's email, besides its verbosity, the immensely self-serving tone and the "call to arms" to overthrow the STFI board of directors:
- The number of times he says he founded the group. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he was a co-founder (along with S^e Pi*rce and R^lph Dub0fsk>- and others). Maybe in his mind those others are "cop-outs" and not worthy of mention.
- If he believes he should be compensated for founding and leading the group as a chief spokesperson and past president, then bugger 1 Corinthians; ask for it, and if they don't give it to him, sue them for it. Otherwise why even bring it up?
- The obvious attempt to link himself in people's minds with Martin Luther, the "point man" of the Protestant Reformation. Perhaps he believes he'll be at the forefront of a new "Reformation" of STFI. Just remember - Martin Luther wasn't all that successful in reforming the Roman Catholic church, and the movement took sort of a different direction.
Position and power. And how money provides the means and method to those ends. That's what it's all about.
You know, this is (at least) the second group with whom Mr. Lynn has been associated in a position of prominence and authority. Both have gone down the blighted path to the land of "epic fail". If I were him, I would think about what role I had in the failure of those groups. I would consider not joining, forming or "re-forming" any groups in the future. Maybe take some time just to travel, enjoy renewing his relationship with his wife, and visiting with friends and family.
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Enough of the endless drama--go away already
go to church,
get a job,
do something,
do anything.
do nothing
But stop the egomaniacal rantings and just stfu
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I don't know mstar. . . . it is like watching a soap opera. . . . or train wreck... . . you just can't look away. :) I probably shouldn't be, but I am curious about the packet sent with the letters.
The drama is just so intense. The more you read. . . the more it sounds like junior high. "She said. . . I said. . . me, me, me. . . it isn't fair." I can just hear his foot stomping.
What did he expect? It is a mini-cult spawned from a big cult. . . .most of the faithful right out of TWI. . . .it was a silly idea from the get-go.
Somewhere for all the ex-twiers who were messed up from an abusive group and its teaching. . . . to continue on with each other in the same vein. Yeah. . . . that will work.
He is still trying to manipulate people and situations and slap God in there somewhere to make it all legit.
I do feel real pity for him. The man is going to be 66 years old and is still caught up in all the drama.
If he wants to be a Christian. . . he should just be a Christian. . . . but, if he wants to be a heretical teacher and leader. . . . he will waste the rest of his life just like this. . . in melodrama.
Christian Aid would take him. They wouldn't care what he believes. . . . He could work to help eradicate poverty in the third world. . . . campaign for debt relief. . . help save starving children.
Not such a bad way to go out. But, there is no glory or fanfare in that work.
Even so. . . he would still be a part of something, it would be worthy. . . . and it is part of the worldwide church community. . .
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And what if the response is "The heck with all those guys, I'm going to check out a local church"? I don't particularly care for his one and only option. This sure reminds me of vp's manipulative bull$hi+, tugging on the old heart-strings of guilt "if you leave this ministry you're walking out on God."
I remember an old letter I received from John Lynn promoting his "ministry" – and something he said always sticks out in my mind when I think of anything he's been involved with. Likening his off-shoot group to the children of Israel fleeing Egypt, he said something to the effect of "we've left the bondage of Egypt and took all their gold with us." Implying TWI doctrines were at the core of his off-shoot. Seems like the TWI mindset is right there along with their doctrines – maybe it's impossible to separate the two.
Mstar, I love the Picard picture - my feelings exactly!
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Key phrase highlighted.
It is a good idea, a great idea but the change would be pretty darn drastic. No severance package, no presidency, no selling and promoting his stuff, no skuffling for your attention---no "chief seats in the synagogue" or "being recognized by men".
I dont see it happening, he would actually have to care about other people, but that is up to him
You're kinder, gentler, wiser than I am Geisha--I just want him to go away, Im tired of his pseudochristianity, the endless drama and whining and his attempts to sell me his stuff and how great he is. ---Enough already--
Do Christian Aid, or go back to the hole you crawled out of, or do anything, but whatever it is -- just do it.. At this point I really dont care what the self-propelled Great One does but please quit blathering for once
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This is what happens when you refuse to associate with the "common folks": even the ones who John " made" special like him do not want him .
This is so sad.
At one time theses had to be ordinarly boys and men who had dreams and happiness and peace in life.
try to remember what that was like guys, just try, they speak of the "war" the battle constantly and the most important question I ask is: Who the he11 would want to be a christian if it is all so bad even friends and brothers for decades end up destroying and hurting one another? If it is all about battle and fighting and one up on the other?
For Gods sake get a freaking grip will ya?
Your not helping anyone your just killing one another.
this is your example of Gods love in life?
I have left jobs and you know what I do not write a long lengthy letter speaking of the many years I was abused and hurt I just moved on and realized the LORD goes with me were ever I go. I didnt ask them for money I had to pray for it and trust I could make good choices.
bad things can happen to the OTHER people it seems but when they hit home and you guys get angry at one another or disagree then by God you seek vengence... or is it money ? God knows.
remember when the bigger cows ate the smaller cows or something ( since you like to bring on bible verses for effect)
I say so much red meat cant be good for ya at 66.
your old John your gonna die someday if the Lord tarries, sorry bud even you cant surpass what VPW taught about living forever if you believe enough.
Man your not strong enough.
Jesus Christ is
When John brought down twi and wrote the letters he felt he was saving the world, fed his maximum ego then.
reap what you sow is a life priciple not a CHRISTIAN principle. funny thing how when it is YOU who is being judged you turn into a victim.
YOU forgot JOHN God Almighty LOVES PEOPLE ALL PEOPLE not just the ones in your little world .
and do not mess with His people Im telling you the day will come you will not be abole to have idols of any sort, even if they are your own self.
the theory of IM a bigger christian and a better christian and more important to God Is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong do I have to say it 66 times?
so what if YOU OBEYED God so the he11 what! Jesus SAVES sinners we are so very lucky for that !
the bottom line in life is people will kick your ever loving azz if you mess with them long enough.
learn that? you better old man or the fact is your life will never have any peace .
Jesus is a peaceful dude. Do not give me you wont sue them because the bible says not too oh ok John my azz if the meal ticket dries up fast enough YOU would in a freaking heart beat ( who am I to judge?) maybe you think it will cost you to hire a lawyer so this way is cheaper.
I like being older now John you know why? because I aint suppose I have had my own butt kicked enough to know God loves his people and they are not all stuck in your small tiny group of friends who want to kill one another.
YOU can stand here and say IM not a victim Im not a victim my wife is again come on! John go talk to a man with some grease on his hands and dirt on his shirt and just try for once realize your not better than him .
you cant do it can you brother?
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The packet contains a letter from a volunteer that somehow mistakenly believed his contribution was meaningful. I could have written the letter as it was a blow-by-blow clone of what happened to me. Different events - same treatment. It also contained a comparative timeline of STF's take on events and JAL's. It contained the so-called prophecies, and it contained a letter from JAL that apparently preceded the firing along with a letter from a supporter that questioned the BOD's behavior.
[other comments]
There should never be an even amount of board members and while it is not illegal to have spouses serve on the same board, it can be construed as a conflict-of-interest.
JAL has been informed that his departure has been in the works for quite a while. There is at least one person who was not happy about the reinstatement.
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Linda Z
To JAL I say, with no animosity: Why not lose the business model that you learned from twi? Instead of thinking of people as your followers, and as your "contributors," why not think of them simply as fellow followers of Jesus Christ? Then, why not simply walk away from the drama and start fresh (but not with the same old business plan that you carried from twi into CES/STFI)? It's clearly not working, and people are being hurt as a result.
There is great freedom in walking through life with your spiritual "eyes" watchful for ways to help others right where you are at any given moment. That would be a lot more satisfying and take a lot less energy than fighting over an organization that's been embroiled in power struggles for years.
My suggestion to you would be to let it go. Just be you, go where you feel inspired to go, touch those people who cross your path, and let them see God's love and grace in you. You might be amazed at how much good you can do without an audience or an organization. Why not quit campaigning for followers? Isn't that how CES started?
To the "contributors" of CES/STFI: Why not step back, take a breath, and ask yourself why you're involved in that group. Really, why? While you've been merrily "contributing," the people who run that outfit have been doing their level best to bite and devour each other. Over what? Political BS, looks like to me. Trust me, there is life for Christians without limiting yourself to one little group. If it were me, I wouldn't jump off the STFI bandwagon and onto the new JAL bandwagon. Step back. Take a breath. God is with you. You don't need any "leader" to show you what to do.
This is my take on the whole mess in a nutshell: It's more important to be loving than to be right, or "accurate." Love, real love for God and your fellow humans, will always lead you to do the right thing and get you to the right place at the right time. A pseudo-academic obsession with being "right" or "accurate" will only lead to inflated egos and neverending verbal battles. Which path sounds more enjoyable?
My suggestion for everyone involved in STFI, from its "leaders" to its "contributors," is this: Try getting off Accurate Avenue and take a ride on Freedom Freeway. Just try it. If you don't like it, if you feel you can't function without a "group" to lead or follow, then by all means start one or find one. But before you do that, why not give it a try?
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