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John Lynn's recent email

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I received a copy of this email sent by John Lynn. I do agree that JAL was treated poorly by a group of people that dabbled in Black Arts and disguised it as "Godly" I can't help remembering back about 20 years ago when he was fired from TWI along with the power plays of Geer and Martindale. Right or wrong isn't important. The big question, to me anyway, is what about the followers? Hard working, salt of the earth people that believed these men were going to lead them and teach them. None of these men really lost, but the followers were dumped without a thought. Mr. Lynn posted at Greasespot a few years back about the CES/STFI problems. He aimed the spotlight on himself and himself alone. Not once did he speak to the followers' needs, wants or concerns. A dear friend has told me that he isn't as arrogant as before. Make your own decisions. Here is his email.

October 21, 2009

Dear Brother/Sister, (Please forgive my generic greeting, the best I could do given my time and resources)

God bless you and yours! I pray this finds you well. I am sending this letter to you because I believe you are a supporter of CES/STF. If you are invested in the success of our ministry, you deserve to know what is going on in regard to my involvement in STF, given that I basically founded the ministry. I fully realize that it may be shocking and painful for you to read what follows, but I do not believe you would want me to keep you in the dark about these matters.

I have a personal relationship with most STF supporters, and if that is you, I know you are concerned about my life and ministry. Please consider who I have been and who I am to you, how I have related to you, and the impact of my life upon yours in however many years we have known one another, as well as how my ministry has touched your life. I hope that I have credibility with you, and you certainly may ask me anything about what you are about to read.

I am assuming that, as an STF contributor, you received the September 25 letter from the Board telling you that I am starting my own ministry (strangely, with no context or details as to why), and inviting you to the November meeting at which they say they will let you know what is going on and allow you to ask questions. It is sad that I was not invited, despite the fact that they will be talking about me and giving you only their side of the story. As you will see in this package of information, what they wrote to you was simply not true. The truth is that they fired me this past January. They left me, not vice versa.

I read their 9/25 letter, and wondered how they thought you would receive it. Honestly, it seemed like an insult to your intelligence and spirituality. Even if you don't know they actually fired me, how could they possibly make such an offhand statement that the founder of the ministry has suddenly decided to leave and go his own way, without giving you any explanation? And then, based upon such vague generalities, they expect you to spend your time and money to come to Indianapolis. If this is how they communicated with you, can you really expect anything different at the November meeting?

For the record, if I got a letter like that about you, or heard someone speaking negatively about you, I would immediately call you and get your side of the story. Since 9/25, many people have done just that. Assuming that you also want to know my perspective, I am sending you this cover letter with a number of relevant and enlightening enclosures. A double asterisk(**) will mark the reference to these, and at the end of this letter I will list all of them for you.

Whether or not you plan to attend the November meeting, you need to know the facts in order to ask the kinds of questions that will show you the true posture of heart of those now leading this ministry. After all, the Board works for you, not vice versa. I debated long and hard about how much information to send you, and, putting myself in your shoes, I decided to give you that which is most pertinent. It is my responsibility to tell you the truth, and if you are a supporter of STF, I expect that you will want to investigate the matter. After all, this is your ministry if you financially support it.

More and more brethren are asking me why I have not made an STF Tape of the Month for six years, why I am not making any of the YouTube videos on our web site, why none of the teachings I've been doing around the country lately are on tape, and why I am no longer writing for The Sower. Perhaps you too have wondered why I now have no role in the ministry I started.

It is because of the events that began in January, 2003 and culminated this past January 16, 2009 when, for reasons still unclarified to me, the STF Board (John Schoenheit, Dan Gallagher, Gary & Karen Theisen) fired me in response to an impassioned 15-page letter** I wrote them on December 21, 2008 pleading once again, as I had for two years prior, for true reconciliation and unity. I asked them to account for certain of their actions since 2003 that I do not believe were fitting for those leading this ministry. This included the wrongful termination of Sue Carlson, John Schoenheit's sister and co-teacher in New Life in Christ, from her responsibilities as Teen Camp Coordinator, STF finance advisor, and teacher.

Most specifically, the Board refused to biblically repent (2 Cor. 7:11) for decimating my wife Elizabeth's life by the so-called “prophecies”** they gave her on 5/1/03, which shredded her heart, and their subsequent abusive treatment of her based upon those words. The context of all this very much involves Mark and Karen Anne Graeser, and if you are wondering why the Board has never informed our faithful STF supporters about their rather sudden disappearance at the end of 2006, it is because telling the truth about what really happened beginning in January, 2003 will make John, Dan, Gary, and Karen look very foolish and prideful, as they certainly were.

When Elizabeth and I met with the Board on January 12 of this year to discuss the December letter, they addressed virtually none of the points we raised. Instead, things were turned around and my past sins were brought up. Believe me, I know I have plenty, as we all do. After being repeatedly taken to task through the years for the same sins, I am ashamed to admit that I again cowered before the Board and was knocked off point to the degree that three days later I told them I went overboard in my letter, and that same night (before we met the next morning and they fired me) I wrote an ill-advised email to four couples I'd sent the December letter to. That wimpy email is attached**, along with an honest explanation of why I wrote it. The next day the Board terminated all my involvement with STF, and never said anything more to me about any possible future with STF.

In retrospect, I think my December letter was right on, and necessary. You can read it for yourself and see what you think. Keep in mind that I wrote it after trying and trying for nearly two years (since Elizabeth and I got back together in early 2007) to get them to truly account for their egregious sin against her so that we could reconcile with them and work together. As you read the letter, look for my heart of love for my brethren and my great desire to spread the Word together with them.

Not until this past July did I send the December letter to more people to get their feedback, and one, a seasoned pastoral counselor and professional mediator, said: “If their hearts were in alignment with God when they received that letter, they would have thought: 'I know John; he loves God, me, and STF. I must take stock of myself and specifically address his concerns for the sake of the Body.' But if their hearts were guilty, defensive, and prideful, it would really make them mad, for they would know they were caught in a snare of their own making.”

Although the Board immediately and rather formally wrote to acknowledge receipt of my December letter, they have still put nothing in writing as to exactly why they fired me. They told me it was because of “character flaws” and a “pattern of instability” in my life, but neither of those generalities has ever been clarified. I submit that is because they have no valid reasons why I should not be allowed to minister in STF. I was told that I cannot even edit our publications, and that they will not endorse my teaching ministry in any way. They are now telling people they have a “trust issue” with me, but can produce no valid facts to substantiate that vague allegation.

And, though they had offered Mark Graeser a hefty severance package when he was let go after six years as president, they have said nothing about any financial remuneration for me after my 13 years as president and my being the “point man” who in large part built the ministry that now pays their (John & Dan) salaries. Given the facts of the case, I feel certain I could take them to court and win a sizeable settlement, but I will not do that because of 1 Corinthians 6:1-9.

In late February, Elizabeth and I talked with the Gallaghers and then the Schoenheits (and later the Pattens) and told them we didn't think what they had done was fair, right, or godly. We told them that we saw no wisdom in their firing me, or any benefit to us or to the ministry, but it was to no avail.

For six months after I was fired, Elizabeth and I traveled (usually at our own expense) to different cities teaching the Word and putting out a can for donations at the end of each meeting. We made no public statement about the Board firing me, and referred people to the STF websites for study materials, since I could not bring a bookstore with me even though I am co-author of several books and teach in our seminars and many Tapes of the Month. Elizabeth and I also went on the STF Bible Lands Tour this past June. I tell you this because the Board is depicting us as being divisive. I submit to you that it is they who have separated themselves from me, and not the other way around.

In July, we finally decided that we needed feedback from some longtime STF supporters, so we sent them the December letter. Their overall feedback was most positive, and the majority of folks were shocked that my longtime friends would fire me for confronting them as I did in my letter.

On Monday, August 10, I went to see John Schoenheit and spent an hour and a half trying once more to reach his heart based upon our 38 years of friendship. He basically deflected or refuted everything I brought up, so I told him that because they want no part of me, I have to move on and start my own work, and that I would compete for funding by contacting those who my life and ministry has touched through the years. I then saw Dan, and he said we would have to agree to disagree on these matters.

That very week, the Board began sending some STF supporters a letter with a “timeline” of events** about their dealings with me since 2000. I am attaching it for you, along with my comments, because I think its glaring omissions and out-of-context statements clearly show how very disingenuous they have become, and their grasping for straws to prop up their obvious agenda to discredit me.

It is ironic, and relevant (though they left it out of their timeline) that at an STF Board meeting on April 30, 2008, the Board put together the “Emergency Elders Committee,” a group of people who, if the entire Board were killed in a catastrophe, would govern in the interim and then select a new Board. The Board then sent at least some of those people a letter listing the names of the whole group and stating that the Board deemed each one as a member in good standing in the STF community who meets or exceeds the requirements for an elder in Timothy and Titus. I was on that list, but was not sent that letter. The relevant points here are (a) they never told me about that letter, and (b) at the January, 2009 meeting, and since then, they have been citing, as justification for firing me, my pattern of sins for the last nine years.

I realize that at this point you may well be asking, “Why would these people, who seem to be sincere, do this to John, given all that he has done for CES/STF, and their longtime friendship with him?” That is an excellent question, and one that the Word clearly answers when it speaks of spiritual deception and blindness that comes about when a person refuses to honestly humble himself before God and account for sin. It then becomes easier to rationalize a wrongdoing the next time, and the next, and so on. “Deception” would not be deception if it were obvious, either to those deceived or those they deceive.

In mid-August, fourteen longtime and very committed STF supporters, including four members of the STF Finance and Compensation Committees, got together on their own and formed an “Elder Council” (EC) to intervene in this situation. Since then they have diligently spent many hours reading pertinent documents and talking by phone together, and have tried to engage the STF Board about the numerous concerns they have not only about my situation, but also about many other aspects of our ministry.

Most of the council was surprised to discover that this past January the Board had changed the direction of STF from a fellowship community to a more businesslike, website-based outreach. It now looks to me like more of a book and tape vending operation. In fact, the Board initially deflected the EC's attempt to engage them by saying that the council has no authority because (a) STF is a corporation, not a church, and (b) they were not appointed by the Board.

When I founded STF as “Christian Educational Services,” I had in mind a network of people around the world connected at a heart level by a common belief of the truth and a love for God and one another, and that is what I still want to be part of, a worldwide ekklesia, if you will. It is clear that the Board does not intend for STF to go in that direction. Christianity is to be a family of believers loving one another despite our flaws and frailties, and I am still determined to be a part of something like that.

Though the Board would not meet with the EC in person, they finally did speak with them on an October 5 conference call. I was told that on that call the EC brought up the issue of possible financial compensation to me for my years of service to CES/STF (I had not thought about that), and also what rights I should have to the books, tapes, and articles I have done. Based upon the EC's mediation, the Board this week offered me “the privilege to reproduce, publish, distribute, or sell, at your own expense, any of the materials you have produced.” I am glad I can do so, because I still hear from people deeply impacted by those teachings, but I am not sure whether their promise is legally binding from now on. Whether or not they do anything financially for me, I know God will care for me as He always has.

As far as I know, John, Dan, Gary, and Karen have yet to truly receive anything the Council has said to the end that they have admitted any wrong in how they have dealt with Elizabeth or me or changed anything regarding the other issues the Council has brought up to them. Because the Board is disseminating untrue information about me, and because they are doing the upcoming November meeting without me, and presenting their case against me for those who attend, I am sending you this package of information now so that you are aware of the facts in this whole situation (1 Tim. 5:20).

The idea that the STF Board is no more accountable to those it is supposed to be serving (you) than is any other corporate board is fallacious, for even a secular corporation is responsible to its shareholders to do what is best for them. In a Christian context, each member of the Body of Christ is responsible to every other member, accountable to treat him in a godly way, and supposed to honestly consider grievances brought forth. The Board may say they are glad to receive any input or advice you have for them, but their actions show that they will do just as they please no matter what you say.

Should you choose to attend the November meeting, I ask that you consider the following: I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, but I have always repented and been open and honest about these things, and I have paid a huge price for my sins. For nine years the Board has repeatedly taken me to task for my sins of 1996-2000, and even brought up my sins back in TWI (20+ years ago) as being relevant to this issue. Now they are giving people the impression that I have repeated the same behavior over and over again since 2000, which simply is not true. Time and time again through the years I have submitted to their merciless, unloving, unforgiving demands, and still they refused to see the true heart behind my December letter to them. They are behaving like a cold, calculating, impersonal, business-like, exclusionary corporate board of directors, and are now telling people that I have disqualified myself for leadership in STF.

John, Dan, Gary, and Karen make, and are the final authority for, all important decisions regarding STF. These four people made a unilateral decision to oust the founding minister without consulting the faith community whom they are to serve, and they were unable or unwilling to articulate a plan for me to come back to serve the ministry I love. Furthermore, they failed to inform the STF community of their decision for nearly nine months, and then only when pressed by an onslaught of questions. Now they refuse to humble themselves before an Elder Council because they didn't appoint them.

Is this an example of the love by which Jesus said those who follow him are to be known? I have proven that I love the people of this ministry by voluntarily stepping down from the Board in 2003 when I (erroneously) thought I was hurting them. Now it is they who are hurting the ministry that you and I love, and though I believe the Theisens committed to stepping off the Board after three years, they are now in their eighth year as members. What corporate board would have an even number of members, with two of them being a married couple and the other two salaried employees? The Board may tell you they couldn't make any changes while there was a possibility of Mark Graeser suing them, but even it that was true, plenty of time has since elapsed for them to make a change had they really wanted to.

Given that the Board has told me that I have disqualified myself for leadership in STF and made it clear they want no part of me, I must move on. I cannot wait any longer for them to deem me worthy. The Lord has called me to teach, write, and minister, and I must do so. On November 10, Martin Luther's birthday, I will be 66, and in the remaining years of my life I must maximize the calling God has given me to teach the Word. Of course I want to do it in the ministry I founded and which I love, but they want no part of me, and I have no recourse to get back into the leadership of STF. Elizabeth and I love them and continue to pray much for them, but I will not allow them to further marginalize my ministry.

For the sake of the Gospel, I want the testimony of my life to include many more video and audio teachings for people around the world, and the Board won't permit me to produce these via STF. They can choose to squander my potential contribution to our ministry, but I will not allow them to quench my spirit. The sad part is that what I am sharing now is some of the most powerful teaching I've ever done, and I say that because of the feedback from people in the 14 cities where I've taught in the last year.

I am asking you to prayerfully consider how you might help rescue this ministry from the root of blindness that is manifesting itself more and more in the leadership core. If enough STF contributors stand up for love and justice and demand a godly transition for a new Board to be put in place, maybe they will hear you. If they do not soften their hearts and see the error of their ways and how they need to repent (change), I will have no choice but to start another ministry.

Perhaps you will decide that the Board needs to step down, based upon the facts brought to light in this letter and its enclosures: their failure to make wise judgments in dealing with people; their failure to seek and listen to a multitude of counselors; their failure to recognize the folly and conflict-of-interest in having only four Board members consisting of one married couple and two full-time employees; their failure to safeguard the people entrusted to their care; their failure to adhere to biblical principles; their failure to administer grace, mercy, and love to certain pillars of our community; their failure to follow advice given to them repeatedly through the years by members of their own Compensation and Finance Committees; and their failure to provide transparency in their decisions.

I would much prefer to see the vehicle we already have be rescued rather than start a new one, but I have no say as far as the Board is concerned. You, however, do have a vote-you can vote with your wallet. I can foresee a scenario where a large majority of contributors engage in what would amount to a “mass intervention” by withholding their financial support, with the intent of encouraging the current Board members to submit their resignations and assist in the godly transition to a new Board. I would hope that my longtime friends would not stubbornly refuse such an overwhelming vote of no-confidence from the body of concerned STF believers and step down for the good of the ministry and the outreach of the truth. Were they to genuinely repent, I'd be the first one to embrace them and do whatever I could to help them fulfill their ministries.

I love you very much, and I realize that hearing these things is probably very upsetting to you. As I said earlier, I am enclosing a number of very pertinent documents that I think you should take the time to carefully review. Thus far the Board has been unwilling to put much in writing, preferring to talk one-to-one with people who are questioning them. I submit that they cannot substantiate their vague accusations against me with FACTS that will convince those who know me that I am unfit for ministry leadership.

If after pursuing the matter and requiring from them specific facts, you come to the conclusion that the current Board members have disqualified themselves for leadership in this ministry, and you want to be part of a concerted effort to call for their resignation, just let me know, as there are people willing to coordinate this effort. If that doesn't happen, I will start something new. If you want to support me in that, just let me know.

As I come to a close, I am compelled to address the small percentage of people who, after reading this letter and its enclosures, are tempted to just throw up their hands and say, “To heck with all those guys, I'm going to be a hermit for Jesus.” If that is you, hold on-God is still God, Jesus is still the Lord, and the Word is still the Word. Please don't allow the failures of people to stop you from doing what God has called you to do. As a member in particular in the Body of Christ, you have a unique role to play in that Body, and you can.

We know that life is a spiritual battle (Eph. 6:12), and the enemy's main goal is to stop those who preach the truth of God's Word, so we aim to walk circumspectly, keep our hearts humble before our Lord Jesus Christ and our brethren in the Body, and keep doing the next right thing, knowing God will honor it (Ps. 62:7). I am doing my best to do just that. I solicit your fervent prayers for all of us, and I believe that God is fighting for this unique ministry in which He is heavily invested. Thank you, and thank you for reading this letter and caring enough to do something about it.

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” (Thomas Jefferson)

Your brother in Christ,

John Lynn

** Enclosures:

1. My 12/21/08 letter to the Board.

2. “Prophetic words” from the Board to Elizabeth 5/1/03.

3. The wimpy email I wrote 1/16/09, and my explanation of it.

4. STF Board 8/09 Letter/Timeline with my comments.

5. Letter from a supporter questioning JAL's firing, and Dan G.'s response.

6. Letter from longtime staffer Bob Maffit re: his experience with the Board.

7. John Schoenheit's reply to biblical criticism of his July/August Sower letter, with my critique of how I believe he mishandled the Word therein.

8. My letter to the Board in 2007 about Dave and Sue Carlson.

9. Suggested questions to ask the Board.

p.s. FYI, here is my “Weekend in the Word” teaching schedule for the next few months. Those who live in these areas will be notified of details. If you live elsewhere but have friends in these cities you want to notify, just email me and I'll send you the information. I would LOVE to see you.

October December

23-25 Wichita KS 11-13 Orlando FL

30-11/1 Portland OR January

November 22-24 Dallas TX

6-8 Atlanta GA

13-15 Washington D.C.

20-22 Minneapolis MN

Edited by pawtucket
To add the end of the email which got truncated and add links to attachments
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The first thing that comes to mind? My daughter, when she was in high school and she and her friends would fight.

Really, no disrespect meant.

Maybe. . . just maybe. . . it is time to cut all of them lose and let the people who spilled over from TWI. . . . work it out within themselves to integrate into a sound church.

Maybe JAL should just go sit and shhhh listen in a simple bible believing church under a proper and anointed pastor. Be a part of the world wide

ekklesia. Unless, he doesn't want to be part of it. . . . but run it. Jesus Christ founded His church. . . WE HAVE IT. . . . it is world wide. . . . united by

love and a common gospel. . . . and we don't need JAL to found another one.

I am astounded.

Maybe it really is time to set the captives free?

Just a thought and really. . . . a hope.

Edited by geisha779
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Yet another upheaval at the top?? I think this is the third time, and publically too. I have heard that STF has lost it's pastoral roots and feels more like a corporation with a bottom line mentality.

In reading this it looks like---"you add value; you don't add value...!" And, if you don't [subjectively] add value, your out.

It is a bit arrogant for the Board of Directors to make decisions like this without any voting power of their Financial Partners. It seems they made this "executive" decision almost one year ago, and this is the first anyone has heard about it. Seems VPW lived this way too!

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On November 10, Martin Luther's birthday, I will be 66, and in the remaining years of my life I must maximize the calling God has given me to teach the Word. Of course I WANT to do it in the ministry I founded and which I love, but THEY WANT no part of me, and I have no recourse to get back into the leadership of STF. Elizabeth and I love them and continue to pray much for them, but I will not allow them to further marginalize my ministry.

Wow.. I'm saddened.. Someone who says he desires to serve God acting like a child..

I want.. I want.. Is that really the heart of a servant? NO!

For those who didn't want to read through the whole thing.. Here's a recap with highlights!

..sniff..sniff.. I want to lead MY ministry... sniff. sniff.. they won't let me.. sniff.. sniff.. It's my ministry... sniff ...sniff.. I don't want to be a peon servant, I want to lead ..sniff sniff.. Well, fine, if they won't let me lead, I'm leaving.. sniff.. sniff.. And I'm gonna take some of their money/supporters too.. sniff. sniff.. Take that! sniff.. sniff.. Can someone help me regain control of my ministry.. sniff.. sniff.. Please help me! sniff.. sniff.. I want to lead it.. sniff. sniff.. I'll help you gain control for me.. sniff. sniff..

Enough to make one puke!


For the sake of the Gospel, I want the testimony of my life to include many more video and audio teachings for people around the world, and the Board won't permit me to produce these via STF. They can choose to squander my potential contribution to our ministry, but I will not allow them to quench my spirit. The sad part is that what I am sharing now is some of the most powerful teaching I've ever done, and I say that because of the feedback from people in the 14 cities where I've taught in the last year.

So the Board won't allow him to self promote HIS life and teachings via STF. Isn't that so sad! Just makes me want to cry. Is that what ministering means to people these days? Produce these junk videos and teachings and send them out to the masses? What happened to actually helping the homeless, the fatherless, the one's destitute for food and clothing? What, send them a tape of the month! Woo hoo! We have bread in our house to eat! NOT.. It was just plastic.

And he knows his sharings are the most powerful now cause people tell him that. Gee.. Ain't that the kicker. The ol' humans promoting him. Stop it you guys! Just cause he can be a slick talker don't make him a minister. And this letter really shows it.. Sad.. Just so sad..

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I dunno.. maybe he could get a job working for the sowers, or cff.. or Geero's outfit..

The Lord has called me to teach, write, and minister, and I must do so. On November 10, Martin Luther's birthday, I will be 66, and in the remaining years of my life I must maximize the calling God has given me to teach the Word.

I wonder if he really believes this..

and what I'd like to know.. what does Martin Luther have to do with any of this?



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Sounds like a personal problem,all Cults do is turn around and bite people in the a$$!

Didn't read the whole thing .....the tiny violins kept coming in my ears and all I could

think of was....witnessing to TREEs :doh:

If God wants him to go on teaching or whatever I am sure a little cracker jack organization

won't stand in HIS way,or maybe GOD is saying ..........

On Martin Luther King Day take notice of the Civil Rights that people actually sacrificed

blood,sweat and tears lives were hung on Trees(strange fruit song)not to mention KKK

running around...not to mention SLAVES..the underground railroad.

(Hey I didn't bring up MLK DAY!)but all I know that if he has the faith of a mustard seed

he will be just fine. :B)

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  On 10/23/2009 at 9:12 PM, Bramble said:

Maybe I'm totally missing it, but this JL email seems to scream me me me I I I.

Another reason I'm glad I leaped off that crazy train.

ME TOO! :knuddel:

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  On 10/23/2009 at 9:28 PM, cheranne said:

Sounds like a personal problem,all Cults do is turn around and bite people in the a$$!

Didn't read the whole thing .....the tiny violins kept coming in my ears and all I could

think of was....witnessing to TREEs :doh:

If God wants him to go on teaching or whatever I am sure a little cracker jack organization

won't stand in HIS way,or maybe GOD is saying ..........

On Martin Luther King Day take notice of the Civil Rights that people actually sacrificed

blood,sweat and tears lives were hung on Trees(strange fruit song)not to mention KKK

running around...not to mention SLAVES..the underground railroad.

(Hey I didn't bring up MLK DAY!)but all I know that if he has the faith of a mustard seed

he will be just fine. :B)

He didn't say MLK, Jr. but German reformer Martin Luther who indeed was born November 10. Is JL saying he is Luther reincarnated/channelled? Let's sing A Mighty Fortress is John Lynn, a butthead unstopable. (rich little bast*rd).

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OMG - just years of drama. Does it ever stop?

I just can't imagine living my life like that, letters, who was right, who was wrong, betrayal, intrigue.

You know what JAL and others? No one cares about these tiny little self-destructive, drama school sects.

Enough, grow up already.

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  On 10/23/2009 at 10:40 PM, GarthP2000 said:

I said this before, and I'll say it again:

John! Dude! ... Let this ministry thing all go! Just let it go, and retire. :dance:

or if not, give it (the stockpile) to me. I'm sure I could find a few good uses for it..


Edited by pawtucket
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I will give John Lynn this much...most of the people who joined the first 10 years were because of John Lynn being there. He knows that and it went to his head that he has some ownership and right to be leadership for life.

None of us do. His calling may be changing and he isn't getting the message.

That said,

No Board of Directors should have an even number of directors. Every vote could end in a tie. Also,who elects the Board? What was set in the Bi-laws?

John, it might be time to get a job. You don't have to be "in-charge" to win people for the Lord. Serve where you are called.

If you want a church....start a new one. Nothing is stopping you. This letter sounds like a hurt ego and nothing more. Do what you do best to win souls and God will show you what to do. I don't think the wording of this "poor me" letter was the Lords idea.

I stll love you. Alot!

Edited by Rainbow8
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  On 10/23/2009 at 10:35 PM, Thomas Loy Bumgarner said:

He didn't say MLK, Jr. but German reformer Martin Luther who indeed was born November 10. Is JL saying he is Luther reincarnated/channelled? Let's sing A Mighty Fortress is John Lynn, a butthead unstopable. (rich little bast*rd).

Oops! My Bad :evilshades: I guess "someone" needed to hear that? :rolleyes:

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John is saying his FRIEND of more than 30 years says he cant trust him so His friend must be blind. In twi He claims evil deeds done by folks he knew and loved for decades.

then he claims they are all so bad right after they fire him.

Seems like a pattern.

hello John ? do you pick evil possessed folks to work with and love and consider friends and hope they will change? or is after working for DECADES together and they fire you they turn evil and blind? Or did you just not notice untill the gravy train started to go dry?

seems kind of sudden and these are friends geez that is harxh.

what happened to the three more fingers pointing back at you from vpw?

What happened to the do not be a victim theory ?

man I

will tell ya

your sounding like a victim to me. you teach that is bad .

It is good to know if a person feels they cant support you they can still have Jesus. of course after you OMG.

better than tv.

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  On 10/23/2009 at 11:55 PM, Rainbow8 said:

I will give John Lynn this much...most of the people who joined the first 10 years were because of John Lynn being there. He knows that and it went to his head that he has some ownership and right to be leadership for life.

None of us do. His calling may be changing and he isn't getting the message.

That said,

No Board of Directors should have an even number of directors. Every vote could end in a tie. Also,who elects the Board? What was set in the Bi-laws?

John, it might be time to get a job. You don't have to be "in-charge" to win people for the Lord. Serve where you are called.

If you want a church....start a new one. Nothing is stopping you. This letter sounds like a hurt ego and nothing more. Do what you do best to win souls and God will show you what to do. I don't think the wording of this "poor me" letter was the Lords idea.

I stll love you. Alot!

I understand he HAS a job... teaching SAT prep classes. Someone had posted a sample video of it on the WC site some months ago.

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You know, a number of things jump out at me in reading Mr. Lynn's email, besides its verbosity, the immensely self-serving tone and the "call to arms" to overthrow the STFI board of directors:

- The number of times he says he founded the group. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he was a co-founder (along with S^e Pi*rce and R^lph Dub0fsk>- and others). Maybe in his mind those others are "cop-outs" and not worthy of mention.

And, though they had offered Mark Graeser a hefty severance package when he was let go after six years as president, they have said nothing about any financial remuneration for me after my 13 years as president and my being the “point man” who in large part built the ministry that now pays their (John & Dan) salaries. Given the facts of the case, I feel certain I could take them to court and win a sizeable settlement, but I will not do that because of 1 Corinthians 6:1-9.

- If he believes he should be compensated for founding and leading the group as a chief spokesperson and past president, then bugger 1 Corinthians; ask for it, and if they don't give it to him, sue them for it. Otherwise why even bring it up?

- The obvious attempt to link himself in people's minds with Martin Luther, the "point man" of the Protestant Reformation. Perhaps he believes he'll be at the forefront of a new "Reformation" of STFI. Just remember - Martin Luther wasn't all that successful in reforming the Roman Catholic church, and the movement took sort of a different direction.

Perhaps you (the email recipient and, presumably, financial contributor) will decide that the Board needs to step down...I would much prefer to see the vehicle we already have be rescued rather than start a new one, but I have no say as far as the Board is concerned. You, however, do have a vote-you can vote with your wallet. I can foresee (Is this prophecy? j/k :wink2: ) a scenario where a large majority of contributors engage in what would amount to a “mass intervention” by withholding their financial support, with the intent of encouraging the current Board members to submit their resignations and assist in the godly transition to a new Board (presumably with John Lynn as one of the board members). (All emphasis mine - K2K)

Position and power. And how money provides the means and method to those ends. That's what it's all about.

You know, this is (at least) the second group with whom Mr. Lynn has been associated in a position of prominence and authority. Both have gone down the blighted path to the land of "epic fail". If I were him, I would think about what role I had in the failure of those groups. I would consider not joining, forming or "re-forming" any groups in the future. Maybe take some time just to travel, enjoy renewing his relationship with his wife, and visiting with friends and family.

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I don't know mstar. . . . it is like watching a soap opera. . . . or train wreck... . . you just can't look away. :) I probably shouldn't be, but I am curious about the packet sent with the letters.

The drama is just so intense. The more you read. . . the more it sounds like junior high. "She said. . . I said. . . me, me, me. . . it isn't fair." I can just hear his foot stomping.

What did he expect? It is a mini-cult spawned from a big cult. . . .most of the faithful right out of TWI. . . .it was a silly idea from the get-go.

Somewhere for all the ex-twiers who were messed up from an abusive group and its teaching. . . . to continue on with each other in the same vein. Yeah. . . . that will work.

He is still trying to manipulate people and situations and slap God in there somewhere to make it all legit.

I do feel real pity for him. The man is going to be 66 years old and is still caught up in all the drama.

If he wants to be a Christian. . . he should just be a Christian. . . . but, if he wants to be a heretical teacher and leader. . . . he will waste the rest of his life just like this. . . in melodrama.

Christian Aid would take him. They wouldn't care what he believes. . . . He could work to help eradicate poverty in the third world. . . . campaign for debt relief. . . help save starving children.

Not such a bad way to go out. But, there is no glory or fanfare in that work.

Even so. . . he would still be a part of something, it would be worthy. . . . and it is part of the worldwide church community. . . http://www.christianaid.org.uk/

Edited by geisha779
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As I come to a close, I am compelled to address the small percentage of people who, after reading this letter and its enclosures, are tempted to just throw up their hands and say, "To heck with all those guys, I'm going to be a hermit for Jesus." If that is you, hold on-God is still God, Jesus is still the Lord, and the Word is still the Word. Please don't allow the failures of people to stop you from doing what God has called you to do. As a member in particular in the Body of Christ, you have a unique role to play in that Body, and you can.

And what if the response is "The heck with all those guys, I'm going to check out a local church"? I don't particularly care for his one and only option. This sure reminds me of vp's manipulative bull$hi+, tugging on the old heart-strings of guilt "if you leave this ministry you're walking out on God."

I remember an old letter I received from John Lynn promoting his "ministry" – and something he said always sticks out in my mind when I think of anything he's been involved with. Likening his off-shoot group to the children of Israel fleeing Egypt, he said something to the effect of "we've left the bondage of Egypt and took all their gold with us." Implying TWI doctrines were at the core of his off-shoot. Seems like the TWI mindset is right there along with their doctrines – maybe it's impossible to separate the two.

Mstar, I love the Picard picture - my feelings exactly!

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Christian Aid would take him. They wouldn't care what he believes. . . . He could work to help eradicate poverty in the third world. . . . campaign for debt relief. . . help save starving children.

Not such a bad way to go out. But, there is no glory or fanfare in that work.

Key phrase highlighted.

It is a good idea, a great idea but the change would be pretty darn drastic. No severance package, no presidency, no selling and promoting his stuff, no skuffling for your attention---no "chief seats in the synagogue" or "being recognized by men".

I dont see it happening, he would actually have to care about other people, but that is up to him

You're kinder, gentler, wiser than I am Geisha--I just want him to go away, Im tired of his pseudochristianity, the endless drama and whining and his attempts to sell me his stuff and how great he is. ---Enough already--

Do Christian Aid, or go back to the hole you crawled out of, or do anything, but whatever it is -- just do it.. At this point I really dont care what the self-propelled Great One does but please quit blathering for once

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This is what happens when you refuse to associate with the "common folks": even the ones who John " made" special like him do not want him .

This is so sad.

At one time theses had to be ordinarly boys and men who had dreams and happiness and peace in life.

try to remember what that was like guys, just try, they speak of the "war" the battle constantly and the most important question I ask is: Who the he11 would want to be a christian if it is all so bad even friends and brothers for decades end up destroying and hurting one another? If it is all about battle and fighting and one up on the other?

For Gods sake get a freaking grip will ya?

Your not helping anyone your just killing one another.

this is your example of Gods love in life?

I have left jobs and you know what I do not write a long lengthy letter speaking of the many years I was abused and hurt I just moved on and realized the LORD goes with me were ever I go. I didnt ask them for money I had to pray for it and trust I could make good choices.

bad things can happen to the OTHER people it seems but when they hit home and you guys get angry at one another or disagree then by God you seek vengence... or is it money ? God knows.

remember when the bigger cows ate the smaller cows or something ( since you like to bring on bible verses for effect)

I say so much red meat cant be good for ya at 66.

your old John your gonna die someday if the Lord tarries, sorry bud even you cant surpass what VPW taught about living forever if you believe enough.

Man your not strong enough.

Jesus Christ is

When John brought down twi and wrote the letters he felt he was saving the world, fed his maximum ego then.

reap what you sow is a life priciple not a CHRISTIAN principle. funny thing how when it is YOU who is being judged you turn into a victim.

YOU forgot JOHN God Almighty LOVES PEOPLE ALL PEOPLE not just the ones in your little world .

and do not mess with His people Im telling you the day will come you will not be abole to have idols of any sort, even if they are your own self.

the theory of IM a bigger christian and a better christian and more important to God Is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong do I have to say it 66 times?

so what if YOU OBEYED God so the he11 what! Jesus SAVES sinners we are so very lucky for that !

the bottom line in life is people will kick your ever loving azz if you mess with them long enough.

learn that? you better old man or the fact is your life will never have any peace .

Jesus is a peaceful dude. Do not give me you wont sue them because the bible says not too oh ok John my azz if the meal ticket dries up fast enough YOU would in a freaking heart beat ( who am I to judge?) maybe you think it will cost you to hire a lawyer so this way is cheaper.

I like being older now John you know why? because I aint suppose I have had my own butt kicked enough to know God loves his people and they are not all stuck in your small tiny group of friends who want to kill one another.

YOU can stand here and say IM not a victim Im not a victim my wife is again come on! John go talk to a man with some grease on his hands and dirt on his shirt and just try for once realize your not better than him .

you cant do it can you brother?

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  On 10/24/2009 at 1:03 PM, geisha779 said:

I don't know mstar. . . . it is like watching a soap opera. . . . or train wreck... . . you just can't look away. :) I probably shouldn't be, but I am curious about the packet sent with the letters.

The packet contains a letter from a volunteer that somehow mistakenly believed his contribution was meaningful. I could have written the letter as it was a blow-by-blow clone of what happened to me. Different events - same treatment. It also contained a comparative timeline of STF's take on events and JAL's. It contained the so-called prophecies, and it contained a letter from JAL that apparently preceded the firing along with a letter from a supporter that questioned the BOD's behavior.

[other comments]

There should never be an even amount of board members and while it is not illegal to have spouses serve on the same board, it can be construed as a conflict-of-interest.

JAL has been informed that his departure has been in the works for quite a while. There is at least one person who was not happy about the reinstatement.

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To JAL I say, with no animosity: Why not lose the business model that you learned from twi? Instead of thinking of people as your followers, and as your "contributors," why not think of them simply as fellow followers of Jesus Christ? Then, why not simply walk away from the drama and start fresh (but not with the same old business plan that you carried from twi into CES/STFI)? It's clearly not working, and people are being hurt as a result.

There is great freedom in walking through life with your spiritual "eyes" watchful for ways to help others right where you are at any given moment. That would be a lot more satisfying and take a lot less energy than fighting over an organization that's been embroiled in power struggles for years.

My suggestion to you would be to let it go. Just be you, go where you feel inspired to go, touch those people who cross your path, and let them see God's love and grace in you. You might be amazed at how much good you can do without an audience or an organization. Why not quit campaigning for followers? Isn't that how CES started?

To the "contributors" of CES/STFI: Why not step back, take a breath, and ask yourself why you're involved in that group. Really, why? While you've been merrily "contributing," the people who run that outfit have been doing their level best to bite and devour each other. Over what? Political BS, looks like to me. Trust me, there is life for Christians without limiting yourself to one little group. If it were me, I wouldn't jump off the STFI bandwagon and onto the new JAL bandwagon. Step back. Take a breath. God is with you. You don't need any "leader" to show you what to do.

This is my take on the whole mess in a nutshell: It's more important to be loving than to be right, or "accurate." Love, real love for God and your fellow humans, will always lead you to do the right thing and get you to the right place at the right time. A pseudo-academic obsession with being "right" or "accurate" will only lead to inflated egos and neverending verbal battles. Which path sounds more enjoyable?

My suggestion for everyone involved in STFI, from its "leaders" to its "contributors," is this: Try getting off Accurate Avenue and take a ride on Freedom Freeway. Just try it. If you don't like it, if you feel you can't function without a "group" to lead or follow, then by all means start one or find one. But before you do that, why not give it a try?

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