I agree with Waysider – this being a doctrinal forum it would be nice to see scriptural references along with sky4it’s comments which ideally should be a logical abstraction of the scriptural references. I’m no expert on this subject or for that matter any biblical subject – but I’ve read enough systematic theologies, bible studies [NOT by TWI authors, of course] and commentaries to say that post # 1 seems like a lot of speculation and especially rhetoric [empty words – being Christian-like in form [drawing upon some words and/or ideas of the Bible but having no substance – i.e. the lack of specific scriptural references]. Of course, that’s just my opinion I could be wrong.
I thought this was the doctrinal forum. Sky4it, you don't have any scriptures in what you have posted at all. As long as you are bringing up the name Lucifer and associating Lucifer with the devil you really do need a scriptural study because without it you may not have even heard of Lucifer.
There was a 1972 Movie called Lucifer Rising although I never saw it and don’t know what that is about. I thought I heard they were going to do a remake or completely different film, with same title.
Well that might be one possible explanation, it’s certainly not the best.
There was a 1972 Movie called Lucifer Rising although I never saw it and don't know what that is about. I thought I heard they were going to do a remake or completely different film, with same title.
Well that might be one possible explanation, it's certainly not the best.
Let's see now.. . in response to several posters asking for scripture references or citing some sources you mention a movie - a movie that you never saw and don't know what it's about. Now that's funny! Are you sure this "possible explanation" wasn't meant for the Silly forum?
I will tell you what in order to clarify all this Lucifer stuff, I posted on the bottom of my sig, pretty much a replica of the what a real life Lucifer would do to an alley cat such as myself. Bottoms up.
You can say THAT again!
Yeah ok. You know waysider how much I want to comply and be a good GS citizen, sounds like a reasonable request from you. So here you go, I will say it again for compliance and safety sake:
Well that might be one possible explanation, its certainly not the best.
BTW, Waysider, thanks for making me chuckle and laugh.
Put it too a joke then and see if that will ease the thread:
Q: Why do most people never think about Lucifer Rising?
A: They never thought they could fall.
As far as the guy here who said to provide some scriptural or other referencing, you know your very humorous also. Coming from a former TWI person, that is like a chef asking me to cook up a warm meal for them. Thanks for the laugh.
Umm ok I will try. I believe the only lengthy discription is in Isaiah, were it indicates something to the effect that Lucifer said in his heart he will exalt himself above others and be like the Most High. So that, the enclosed description is pretty much on target for what a really evil persons tactics would have to be, to accomplish such evil. Hey what else can I say, it was the best effort I could muster up.
If Lucifer Came to Your House
If Lucifer came to your house,
Would you leave crunchy Cheetos on the floor,
The Persian Cats unchanged litter boxes by the door,
And lose your Bibles with the remote?
What would you do
If the Howling One came to you?
If the fierce Prosecutor of the Highest Judge
Before Him stirred up all your lifes sludge,
heralded it on heavens edition of Drudge,
Would you cancel your cable access today?
Could you would you - run away?
Perhaps you imagine youd reel
Get behind me Satan! and he would indeed.
But would you turn your back on an angry snake?
He may bite you right on your heel. Or even the knee. Ouch.
So dont turn your back on angry snakes
Or taunt them with pointy sticks.
Always call your local Advocate services and Animal Control
And for God sakes, dont let Lucifer into your filthy home.
A public service message from a very bad poet.
(Don'cha know it?)
Hey Invisible Dan, great to see you, I thought you were in hibernation, exile or retirement for the GS Café. I remember as tho it was yesterday, how warm and welcome you made me feel the first day I showed up here at GS Café.
What would I do if Lucifer showed up at my house? You know your hysterical Dan, you really are. Its not as tho I had to personalize this any more than I already have. Thanks for the laugh.
Ummm, I guess this is pretty much what I would do, if Lucifer showed up at my house. I would get me a bottle of that Wild Turkey 100 proof Whiskey and call it an anethestic. I would get me some silverware the stainless steel type, and have either a baseball bat or broomstick for self defense. Then, I would have to tell ole Lucifer, look Lucifer, I got some anthesetic here and some silver ware, if you want me to remove that big fang, you know the one that your hurting other people with, ok I will volunteer to do it for you. My hourly charge Lucifer, is 1,000.00 dollars per hour. I think InvisbleDan, it would be something like that.
I have always had a fascination with the bible verse in II Timothy 3:8 which reads, Now as Janes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. I guess it has fascinated me because it is precisely how bottom dwellers when it comes to the gospel act in life. They resist the truth continually. Its actually really odd and peculiar how they do it. So that, I think it not a far stretch to suggest how someone, or what rationale someone like the Devil or Satan would employ against the gospel. One would expect that they would single out people like Jim Jones or David Koresh, as meaningful reasons why they discard the bible. But Satan, one would expect, would be far more diabolical. He would probably pick out something more personal on a continual basis, and simply say, Well, you know, I really thought well of the Bible, until that person over there arrived. Then he would be pointing to some cookie that, saying something like that would empower himself with all the people he wanted to empower himself with. When the real reality of it is, Satan never had a lick of interest in it in day one.
I actually know this one person. I will describe to you precisely how this one person operates. What this person has done, is, from the time the person was a teenager, picked out one (and only one) story about how this one fine Christian person said something about them which was awful and degrading. From there this person moved around that story as the sole reason never to have anything to do, or even try do to anything in the gospel ever. Period. Its also very very odd that this same person, uses the same tactic that happened to the person, on other people to diminish and degrade others. The person uses it as a form of employment in all of their social constructs. Meaning, the person has like a fog horn, of one story on everybody that the person knows, and the story that the person tells, is always the worst or most embarassing awful thing that the person is talking about, when speaking of someone else. Then, this same person, stands around as if they are some authority on matters large and small. The question is does this tactic work? I would say pretty much not at all, because most things about this person, lack qualitites one wants to embrace, so that the person pretty much undoes themselves just based upon there own performance and lack of virtues in life. But this person does possess one really peculiar attribute. That attribute is a capacity to get really weird off the wall people in their back pocket, and at the same time to see rather honest and descent people wanting nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with themselves. The reason is rather obvious. You have to toss someone like that headlong out of your house. You cannnot suffer it for a second. If you do, all you end up doing is inviting a litany of awful stories and confusion, about really good people into your life, on all occasions. Nobody needs that much confusion. The peculiar thing is, somepeople, just love, really love, that much strife contention and confusion and unforgiveness for others. They like it because it is the only appetite they have which remotely explains there own laziness and disgust towards truthful things which to them are painful. Its painful for them because they dont care a lick about the truth, honorableness and value of someone else. And they dont care a lick about truthful things because they simply are in love with their own evil and wayward ways. So, that they have to justify the reasons for their own wayward ways continually, and they do it by continually bashing and pasting someone else, most particularily those who stand for the truthful things they hate. (And if you listen to them closely they are always filled with Yeah but, yeah but, yeah buts. They have a Yeah but, out pitch for everything. On almost every occasion, what comes after the yeah but; is the reason for whatever it is that they did. They did it because of what that person did and said over there, and over here, and this thing yonder over there. They have a plyable excuse in there minds made up for absolutely everything they ever did, before you get one word out of your mouth. And the whole time you talk to someone like that, they act like they are learning something from you. So, that, you kind of feel cheap and wrong, if you try and put the brakes on there scheming awful cycle of carnivorous ways. And if you try, they act like there will always be a tomorrow when they will get things just right. The real truth is, they really dont even want to try. They just want to have another excuse to keep it going an going. I suppose there is nothing wrong for having an valid excuse for something one is doing, which is why I thing judgement is best left at the hands of God Almighty. There is a difference. Some people are sincere, some are not, about changing. And only God can make the call on that one. But after a while, it is almost impossible to communicate with someone who operates like that. And I do believe it is possible for somepeople to get themselves into an eternal windfall just like that. If it wasnt possible why then would the bible speak of eternal judgement and damnation? I think the reason has to be, some people want behavior that is just like that and to call it acceptable and righteous to act in such a manner. It is because of that Janes and Jambres quote. They know the truth and deliberately want to oppose and poison it. They want to have it that way because it is easier for them to justify whatever it is they want to do. Then, they turn around and call it freedom. For them it is freedom to commit any evil act or deed or words, that they are inspired to do and say. ) That is why they have to treat other people who are honorable as tho they are a cheap insult, and direct the worst stories about them they can find. It is also why I think, somepeople just love picking up gossip rag articles and magazines. They somehow feel empowered if, they can rant on and on about other peoples misfortunes. (The reason I tell you this story is that the person I am talking about, lives in my own community. And I have never seen one person, just one, who operates precisely like that pretty much 24/7; only taking a day off from it when there is some value that the person can suck out of you. Now, obviously, I know that this person is NOT Lucifer. But the person has Luciferian like qualities. Which is why I told the story and I thought it was relevant.) I think it is very unusual, that, if your paying attention really close, you can find things in one person, one single person, that you cannot find in anyone else on the planet.
And then there is the type of people that are indescribably evil. (Thank God these type are far and few on the in between.) These type want to buddy up to people that are good, so that they can repeat themselves. Then, you cant have any plyable reason as too why you would NOT want such a person around you. Because, they buddied up too you, your not suppose to have one reason, none at all, that you should not want such a person around you ever. Its because of all the good and nice things they said about you and did for you. These are the worst sort imaginable, you almost need lysol and turpentine to get them off and away. Because if you should say or try to get them out and away, well now you look awful for it because of all the nice things they said and did for you. And then, they can run around and portray you as 100 percent evil just for leaving them out of, or not wanting them around, everything you are doing. And they make like, a deliberate attempt to do something really nice for you out in public, where everyone can see it. So that, they take away that option for you, to ever get them away from you. You become sick, and look sick, just for dismantling someone such as this. The truth is they never even wanted to be your friend, all they ever wanted was a backhanded approach to everything you ever owned or had. And when they get angry at you for it, they make sure everyone around knows about it at the worst times, you know, when your down on your luck and straw with everyone else. Then, they come with a paintbrush, as if too show others how awful and sick, you were to them all along. But in fairness to people who operate like that, they are actually not that hard to spot. They always have an excess interest into, what you are all about. They have that interest, so that they can separate you into two pieces, and run you with your own rhubarb. They have to make you like them, and the only way to do it is run your message and what you are about into a wall that is them. I mean, its evil no doubt to do this, but they justify the action of it, for there own sense of personal well fare and well being. Its because they like to sit at the top of EVERYTHING, and they really dont want to run the risk of not having the chance to do that over and over again. They dont like to run the risk of it, because they know in their own inward core, that the things they like to do are just plain evil, and they dont want to run the risk of not being able to repeat themselves. And they know that, left to themselves, that is precisely the way everyone else will see them. And they simply cannot or will not allow others to see them just like that, or having themselves revealed as Just So. They dont like others seeing them as Just So, because when it happens they look to rotten for everyone else. Hence, and thus, all the masquerading and parading around about things that they are not about at all. The Oddball thing is, as Newscaster, Comedian and Sports Journalist Kieth Olberman would say, that the few people who do this can act 100 percent off the time look ignorant or unknowlegable that they are doing this at all. (No, I am not saying Kieth Olbermann is like this at all, Kieth is at times interesting, an eduaction and entertaining.) There are some things about Kieth that I really like, other things I dont like at all. But whatever the case, Kieth is a basketfull of effort, trying and entertainment, for which I really enjoy watching him from time to time. Kieth is kind of like one of the most amusingly annoying newcasters ever. And I think even people of different political stripe would have to admit, ( even if they cant stand the guy) that at least that is true about Kieth. I mean, where else in the world can you find, THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, repeating themselves and seemingly always only to be found in America. Only a person who has a twisted sense of humor, could possibly find some value in all of that. To understand Olbermann, you kind of have to drill a hole in your own head and laugh and certainly hope, at all the awful things some people could not possibly be. My own personal favorite was when Kieth and Ann Colther got into it over Kieths Old McDonalds Cornell degree. I mean, Keith just couldnt possibly fathom that day. Annie made his worst person of the world list, just for that. It was hysterical because, I think Keith kind of knows deep down inside, he was deserving for all the rubs he sends out to the right all the time. Annie can positively punish someone, by putting them in there own soup at the right time. The funny thing about Olblermann is , I think he kind of likes it that way, because he does have a capacity to see himself in his own vanity. Keith is always quit and quick enough to understand the shortcomings of his own rhetoric, which makes him Americans most loveable unlovely journalist. Ever Period. But wait a minute politics is serious serious serious business. Thats the other thing about Kieth, he never allows others on the right, to get so serious about things, that nobody cannot laugh at comical things in politics. And Kieth almost never does it to a level where he demolishes somebody, because the people he is usually picking on, are people who are thought of as well esteemed and established type of people. He just roughly balances things out so that left and right can have a better day. And how can you not like a guy, for simply doing that. But is it painful for those on the right? Well sure it is, but not anymore painful than sitting through a Bill Orielly sermon with Dennis Miller making amusing jokes on things like health care, as if health care were something less deserving of peoples attention than the War in Afganistan. Miller, actually stands around and makes jokes about health care, by abusing the priority of the message. Saying things like, dont you think its time for everybody to get back talking about the really meaningful subjects all Americans think night and day about, you know like the war in Afganistan. Its just so amusing, to see a man, who could possibly think someone who is dying of a sickness priorities are all mixed up, because instead of thinking about how he is going to pay for his health benefits, he should be thinking about self sacrifice and how much better off everyone would be if he simply could get that through his thick skull. Only a man, like Dennis Miller, who has never had to understand an once of someone elses pain and suffering, could possibly think just like that. I mean if you want to devalue somebody like Olbermann, all you have to do in order not to think that way, is have a flashback on what Bill ORielly and Dennis Miller are conjuring up. And the goofy thing is, hardly anyone really thinks that Orielly and Miller are not deserving of the Kieths rhetoric. The odd and ugly thing is, Bill ORielly has pretty much told everybody that heathcare is DOA, dead on arrival. How is it exactly that a person can preach the result before the message has any chance at all? Talk about Oddball behavior that one creeps up the list for a day that can never be undone. Only on the Bill ORielly show, can one find the probable results driven home, before anyone has time to sack the message. Then, the message is just Orielly going on and on, spoon feeding everyone on why the result is so worthy of his message. Listening to Orielly drivel on, I am always forced to wonder why arrogance beyond reason isnt just a suitable plum, it should be the name of his show. And here is my own Oddball situation: I dont actually despise or have any particular need to have a chip on my shoulder against people like Dennis Miller and Bill Oreilly. I really dont. I just can find any value or meaning in people, who have such little regard for people around them that they can possibly do things such as this. And I positively cannot understand why it is, that others cant see all of this for what it really is, just a soap box and a yarn of unyielding behavior of those who possess almost no prinicipals when it comes to somebody else. I mean if you cant find a reason why it is somebody who is sick and dying needs help, chances are you probably dont have a clue about what the word HELP is all about. Of course, it goes without saying that, I probably wouldnt have such disrepect for what we call a helping medical system, if I hadnt been around people who have been sick and in need pretty much all of my life. And you certainly dont need to start and finish with people like Miller and Orielly to have a clue on that. All you have to do is have a critical situation around yourself of someone who is sick and dying, to understand that the word HELP only comes in large doses for those who have a really large mosquito net of something called DOLLARS to get it all right. And I just cant find enough DOLLARS ever, enough to fit the word HELP. (And sick people who are really honest with themselves, and who were NOT among the priveledged few, could not possibly see it any way else.) (Then, people like Oreilly have a squak box full of people who were sick, to tell everyone how good and deserving we all are of the health and medical services industry. Its grand dont you get it? Conviently they leave off the podium in utter silence about everybody else, who ever got sacked and pillaged with a sickness. Then the message runs down Oriellys face and your pretty much left for stupid if you dont get it, because everybody pretty much must know, it could NEVER BE ANYTHING ELSE) Which pretty much descibes the heath care crisis for what it is. The health care crises is a crises because there never is enough DOLLARS to go around for people who say there helping others. So much for the Mother Teresa societies of the former forgotten hospitals who were dissolved by Ronnie Reaganomics. The term helping in health care pretty much went out the window at the same time all the hospitals were businessized and corporatized. Niether is there much chance for any significant change, the new corporate hospitals are pretty much in everybodies 401Ks and retirement plans. Pretty tough day when in order to improve, one has to dissolve there own financial net worth.
Keith Olbermann possess a real unusual attribute. While Keith almost never apologizes, you kind of sense in Keith a willingness to apologize if he ever hurt or did anything wrong. But Keith never does apologize because he realizes it is a one way ticket to oblivion. Keith Olbermann is a man, who my own political views are so very very different then him. Yet I have really never watched a journalist who I disagree with more, yet like as much as him. Its about the fact that Keith is pretty much a genuine human being, before he is a political pundit. I really dont think Keith sees political vice as a cure all for what is crunching down in our country. I think Keith knows its about values and being caring that make a difference. Then, too, there are those Olbermann like moments, where Kieth stands in rare air above all the competition. Its because the man has a passion for what he believes in. No person, cannot say enough good about someone behaving along lines like that. For all that the guy genuinely has my admiration. All though I am not sure, I kinda think people like Keith know that everything is pretty much lopsided, and not going to get cured anytime soon. Its the sort of sack of things that drive well intended people like Keith and others, right up the wall, over the edge, because they simply do no know how to survive in an environment like that. And if I am right about all that? Well, then those are the hard times when wether one is a Republican or Democrat is 100 percent, useless in finding solutions. More importantly is that people that are good Democrats and good Republicans find ways and means to join hands along common goals and values all people share. I really think that Keith understands all that, about as much as his biggest arch rival Rush Limblaugh. Its sort of Kieths undoing that, he really doesnt have anyone around him, I think, to stand behind and hold him up, so that he can do and say all the things he always wanted to do and say. Olbermann is a very very powerful person these days. He is powerful because he is so very very well liked. The problem Keith has, I think, is that he is liked for all the wrong reasons. Keith is liked because of his die hard support of every liberal cause. (Its also the one (liberal causes) that Keith can never screw up on or he will be gone gone gone down the road.) (Kind of like how Mike Huckabee is liked in the south for all his conservative views) Keith should be liked because he is warm, caring and a considerate and hysterically talented journalist. IMO, Keith really understands all of this, and the limitations of his own popularity. One cannot just run someone like Olbermann and Huckabee off the planet, they will come back to resurface somewhere else. Which, at least I think, make people like Olbermann and Huckabee so very very dangerous to those who dont want anything different. Other than spewing news and facts, the hysterical thing about Keith is, he is actually a pretty useless soul, unless he is trying to aggravate someone. And in politics, I absolutely dont see anything wrong with that. There is nothing wrong about it because in politics its the only way somebody can move something along. Without something to contest, there can be no victors, not much of anything moving at all.
It certainly provides or gives me no sense of personal satisfaction to bring all this stuff up. I mean, why on earth I would want to bring up things that only cause more hostility towards myself is just plain and simply self demeaning. I do it because I have nothing left in life to prove for my own sense of personal satisfaction and self worth. That is about all you have left when you have been an alley cat living in an alley most of your life. They took away my own stock funds for crying out loud, took about 38 percent of them for personal spite. They took em away all because I have a bite to match my bark. But what the hey, its not like anyother big shot hustler was ever out to do one kind thing for an alley cat like myself. People like that, they pretty much got an angle on people like me before I even have so much as one bark. But bigshot hustlers do have a barn ful of doggie bones they can throw at anyone else. And at least others got the doggie bone, which is more than I can say they ever intended for an alley cat like myself. But people like me, I am pretty much just considered drivel, you know, ranting, angry and lacking integrity and so forth. They pretty much paint people like me up like that, so that, my bark can never match my bite. It sort makes people like me look toothless, just for trying. A toothless, uncaring ranter, that will get someone like myself off the list of anything I could possibly say or do, which could conceivably be construed to have any meaning or benefit whatsoever to anyone else.
This pretty much sums up my JUST SO business, if everything with somebody isnt JUST SO, well then I am pretty much in business all day long.
I think I have discussed enough, how sick and twisted minds operate for a LIFETIME. You know, the type that II Timothy 3:8 talks about, those that resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
For me this is pretty much THE END of the subject matter. When you have to think through the hodgepodge of how really twisted minds operate, if you do it for too long you get sick yourself. My wife has taken me too divorce court at least 3 times. We are still married although live apart. I told my divorce lawyer one time, that I thought he should practice some other type of law from time to time. The reason I gave him was that I told him I thought he would get sick after a while, listening to all the twisted stories that people told him. He hardly batted an eye lash. But he did say he practiced other type of law from time to time. No doubt, I can see why. A person cant think through all of peoples nightmarish stories, without developing after awhile an abnormal way in which you view others. Perhaps this is why so many things God allows to remain in peoples closets. Looking at the back end of a toilet stool all day long isnt healthy for anyone.
I am really not all that much concerned about Lucifer anymore. He was pretty much beaten upand down at Calvary. That is what the bible says. That is because Lucifer is pretty much about cause and effect. You do something and to someone like Lucifer that is the cause, and the effect is someone like Lucifer undoing what you did. So that, Lucifer is pretty much nuetralized by himself in all his own wayward dealings. So that, I really dont worry much anymore about what Lucifer is up to planning and doing. In that, I pretty much just hope Lucifer will just settle down and in, and try to have a better day at being considerate and reasonable himself. That is pretty much all one has to do with Lucifer, make him honest with others and himself. Problem is, he never likes doing that at all, it doesnt fit with his own self absorbed sense of who he has to unseat and overcome. But since I cant change Lucifer, I just have to let Lucifer be Lucifer. There is no reason to try and change Lucifer, Lucifer is pretty much his own worst enemy. That is the sad reality of it, that Lucifer cannot even see the error of his own ways. Nor does he want to change, because he likes being and doing what it is, he does. This is all pretty much sums up the sad and sick and twisted reality of mostly any involvement with Lucifer. Not the type of stuff, people like me like to stand around and gloat about. Basically, and in a nutshell, Lucifer is just very very very angry at me about one thing. That one thing is to have me be about something that I am not about. All of this idiotic stink, over just that one thing. I cannot be someone, who I am not. Its sort of like, trying to knock out yourself if you try to do something to get someone elses approval. I just cant be like that, dont want too, hope I never will be. The goofy strange thing is that is how hostility always happens over something one person considers important and the other person considers vain. Its a shame really, because others should just leave others alone if they have disagreements on prinicipal on any single matter, and seek to resolve things in peaceful ways. Its simply not any of there business, you know, to do it any other way. Its like the law too, you know, both Gods law (the Bible) and the law in the United States. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of privacy. There is no reason to go on in length beyond that.
All of this is pretty much the only thing I have left to say. I dont have, neither does there exist a Luciferian Library from which to prove things on an ongoing basis. It simply doesnt exist, at least not yet and thank the Lord Almighty for that. So that, maybe you guys can just cut me a little slack on having to make me prove myself on a point by point basis. Furthermore, nobody can really do that in some things they are doing. . Its just too much to make someone prove everything they say on a point by point counterstroke argument. Furthermore, evil diabolical people are notorious for doing things underhandedly so that it makes doing stuff like that all but impossible. There is just too much lies and smoke and mirrors in the air, to make stuff like that remotely achievable with some people. I certainly am not proud of, nor happy about some of the places in life where I have been, to sit and see what it is others are doing, or what some evil men around me have said and done. If that makes understanding this paragraph easier, then, well, I guess that is a very good thing. I guess life would simply be so much easier if, nobody had to sit and sift and sort through other peoples stuff, in order to see what others have said and done. It certainly isnt a job that I would want to have as an occupation going on for ever and ever. Unfortunately, however, for most of us, that just isnt reality. There is times we have to do it, and better times when we dont. So for me personally I look for those better times, you know, when it never has to be done again because everything is fixed by God Almighty in his kingdom for ever and a day. A person cannot be hospitable about other peoples evil. You cant because if you are, you never can get rid of, or get the evil out of your own house and living quarters. I mean you cant entertain it or it wont leave. Evil doesnt develop a pair of legs and walk away. It doesnt because evil preys on good and descent things. Without good and descent things, there would be no such thing as evil. Evil simply wouldnt have a reason for the effort if it didnt have something to prey upon. That is in fact why it is called evil, things are evil because they oppose things that are good. You know the kind of things that healthy normal people consider to be correct and right as a matter of viewpoint or understanding. The thing is that sometimes things that are considered good are upsurped because people who are evil think they have a better and brighter picture, of how things should be done. The fact is they dont and for some of them they never will. They wont because of there own unsatisfactory sense, of what is good, descent and right. The fact that some people would have it that way, some in the 60's tried to portray as really out of sight.. Its out of sight because they can never get there, no matter how hard they try to invent and re twist there own petty wheel. The fact that they will never get there, it isnt groovy baby, its pathetic and boring and disinteresting and full of holes and lost lives. Pretty simple stuff really. (But mwaaa? About all somebody such as myself serves in the mind of somebody Luciferian like, is too think about me in terms of better safe than sorry. You know, the type of people who sort of feel that the mere fact they have to displeasure themselves with the thought of you, is about all the aggravation they are willing to put with in life Sadly, people like that, feel that they should be honored for the inconvience. I mean, how would you like to feel that you have that much lack of value, to someone else? Its not a husky bunch of stuff, I like doing cartwheels over, in measuring my own inconveince and lack of plyable worth.) AND THIS IS THE ONE THAT I WANT YOU TO HEAR. The odd and ugly reality of it, is that some people can find them selves agreeing with a Luciferian person just like that. Why? Well, thats an easy one. For there own gain, personal pleasure and satisfaction, and that fact they are not amused at the inconveince that is someone like me either. For somepeople others serve no good purpose, other than to what they can strain, weasel and conive out of them. Its actually pretty standard stuff, in the reality of what life is and shouldnt be. Pretty standard biblical stuff too really. Otherwise, the bible simply wouldnt have a concept called coveteousness and another one called fornication and adultry. Coveteousness, always has been, pretty much the basis on which all evil acts come together and occur. And that holds true wether somebody is coveting your money, life, wife, land anything that belongs too you. Some people just are not content, dont you see, with things that belong to them and that they can call there own. They have to be in everybody elses breakfast lunch and dinner. Actually they have to be everybody elses breakfast lunch and dinner too. Your nothing more than a by line to people who operate just like that.
Ahh, anyway, Invisible Dan so much for my lessons and messaging. As I know you probably are aware, I think I am about as interested in what I have to say as pretty much everybody else, which isnt very much, so time to move on. If only I could quantify the value of my own self, maybe I could actually have some rest about it all. Small houses for boring disinteresting tasteless people like myself, sounds about right on target, at least for most. At least laughter is good for my own sometimes self indulging sense of worth, and feels better than being in my own soup all the time. Bon Appetite!
But offending peoples sensibilities is something I am uncomfortable with, because I simply havent done it a lot before. It is much more comforting to drive down the middle of the road, pick what you like from left and right and move forward. Also, I feel that I am sounding way too Dennis Miller like, you know, causing whiplash for anyone who wont drool over things i utter. Niether, do I have a hip hip horrah society standing behind me like Miller, so that when I drone on and on I could be viewed as anything other than spewing trash. Tragic kind of, HEY where did all the hippies go, they were never hard to please! Too bad really they dont even exist anymore. Becoming a grownup will do that for you, you know, make a regular person out of someone.
You know Dan, I almost never get involved in or mettle with other peoples business. If I do things just like that, well then I can keep myself safe, and out of other peoples wrath and venting so to speak. Rather, I mostly just pirate somebody elses car, and drive it into someone elses. And I do that sometimes because its the only way other people can see what a mess of a life everybody is in. Besides that, if I didnt, well then I wouldnt feel that I have any value worth pointing out any time at all or period. So when I run out of things to do, I pretty much like to do that all day long. It wears you down tho after a while, because a lot of people dont appreciate having to have to deal with themselves in any way shape or form that is necessary. I mean, there is no appreciation, as in hardly none for doing stuff just like that. Its not mischeivous to do that stuff, its just deplorable for some that they have to think about what it is they are actually doing.
I also am sorry to you for being long winded, but I kinda gotta started and didnt know where to drop of the pen. If you made it this far, you will probably get a good nights sleep tonight.
Somethings are just better off said in rhyme and song. Why? I think that is because when its done that way it doesnt sound as boringly cheap as it otherwise sounds. You know, what you have to say, doesnt sound as disheartening when you can shift and dance about it some. Furthermore, somethings just cannot be reasonably well explained, in fact and with figures. Thats because things are laced with emotion, feeling, and hurt, things hard to describe otherwise. Thus a song for just that occasion:
Ummm, I guess this is pretty much what I would do, if Lucifer showed up at my house. I would get me a bottle of that Wild Turkey 100 proof Whiskey and call it an anethestic.
Yeah Waysider, its actually an American Bourbon Whiskey. Like Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, it's made from a corn mesh stored in Oak barrels (to give it a charcoal barbecue type taste), one of the chief differences being Wild Turkey comes in bottles up to 100 proof. The point being, like they said years ago before they had drugs for clinical usage, "For medicinal purposes." I believe for history sake, even Dentists back then would use whiskey and other alchohol for anethestics when performing their tasks on patients.
As a person who has been labeled with many different devilish and biblically evil nicknames and the such like I definitely have huge reservations about anyone who picks apart people's traits that range from evil to only annoying and seemingly learns about the devil from human behavior.
Whether deliberate slanderous put downs as I have faced or just not thinking right it just is not good to see the devil every time someone has issues.
Just because people have real issues does not make them in any way "like the Devil." Unless you think the devil is not too bright, stupid, and possible mentally imbalanced as people with some of these problems are sometimes.
As a person who has been labeled with many different devilish and biblically evil nicknames and the such like I definitely have huge reservations about anyone who picks apart people's traits that range from evil to only annoying and seemingly learns about the devil from human behavior.
Whether deliberate slanderous put downs as I have faced or just not thinking right it just is not good to see the devil every time someone has issues.
Just because people have real issues does not make them in any way "like the Devil." Unless you think the devil is not too bright, stupid, and possible mentally imbalanced as people with some of these problems are sometimes.
Our daughter overheard us talking about an episode of "South Park" last night. It must have given her food for thought because she announced this morning "Lucifer is Dick Cheney".. . By the way, loved your poem Invisible Dan!
But on a more serious note – you make some excellent points, Jeff. I'm reminded of the typical TWI mindset of seeing devil spirits behind every tree. Being out of that insanity for quite some time now – I've come to think such focus does more harm than good. Which also brings to mind something I've noticed since then too – how little the Bible talks about the devil and devil spirits.
Never tallied up the ratio of how much Scripture is devoted to certain subjects – but having read the Bible through many times as well as studying several systematic theologies I'd venture to say offhand the subjects covered the most – by which I mean Scripture's main focus are God, Jesus Christ, man's fallen nature & redemption. And in regards to fallen man & redemption I see more of commands, moral demands & standards for dealing with sin than any directives to keeping one eye peeled for Lucifer or devil spirits.
A great author on Christian counseling, Jay Adams, talked about the spiritual battlefront being more inside than without – in reference to our sinful tendencies no doubt. I think it was John MacArthur who said the best way to prepare for spiritual battle is by living an upright, morally sound life. I believe that's some healthy advice.
I think you said that very well. Even though I have never even heard of that author it seems that what he said makes sense.
For me after seeing up close all the damage that someone in authority can cause by getting folks to believe they are fighting the devil I have a very hard time hearing someone go on about the devil.
But then a lot of decent people have been murdered with the same tactics by church leadership too in times past. So it is certainly nothing new in one sense. But when this kind of pseudo-theology causes pain up close and personal it isn't cute or amusing any more. And people really, really have committed terrible atrocities in God's name while supposedly fighting the devil.
but as I believe that the Lord meant it when he said,"As you judge, so shall you be judged" or "Judge not lest you be judged" it seems very likely to me that the people responsible for these atrocities will pay a very steep price when the Lord has his say.
And briefly speaking, I think the Lord is the only one that can ever sort these things out, I do not know squat in comparison. The safety in me saying that is that it makes me much less likely to destroy a brother in God's name. Sometimes I think the dark side of the reformation even is that Catholics killed Protestants and Protestants killed Catholics. But they both killed Anabaptists and Unitarians.
Doubtlessly to me it seems likely that there were both good people and bad ones in all these camps.
Yeah Waysider, its actually an American Bourbon Whiskey. Like Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, it's made from a corn mesh stored in Oak barrels (to give it a charcoal barbecue type taste), one of the chief differences being Wild Turkey comes in bottles up to 100 proof. The point being, like they said years ago before they had drugs for clinical usage, "For medicinal purposes." I believe for history sake, even Dentists back then would use whiskey and other alchohol for anethestics when performing their tasks on patients.
Yes, I'm familiar with it.
Your reference of it evoked a memory of consuming a goodly amount of it before riding "shotgun" in one of VP's classic cars. (a red one)
When life seemingly becomes one mind-boggling conspiracy theory or another, it can become a drag after awhile. One can become overcome with an incredible sense of powerlessness. In this present, ugly economic climate this sense is magnified all the more.
So for all the doom and gloom, -we could all use a good laugh.
I really didnt intend this at your expense. I hope you dont imagine me sitting in a convertible amid the flames of fiery hell, cackling maniacally while pulling the fleshly mask off my face to reveal an ugly, sharped-tooth demon grinning ear to pointy ear, as revealed in the closing A-ha! panel of an old Jack Chic comic strip.
Indeed once upon a time as Jeff and T-Bone already raised -, in the perspective of our common religious background, the devil was everywhere, more places than Elvis and Bigfoot combined. The demonic winds listed through the minds and motions of even our closest family members, friends and acquaintences, effectively causing us to play out cheesy 3-D remakes of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Invaders from Mars in real life. Our parents were no longer our parents, our friends no longer really our friends. Somewhere along that crooked-fenced pathway, they all took a fateful stroll leading to the singing Martian sandpit atop the hill, and returned...the unwitting drones of Satan himself! Or was that all just a horrible dream?
As you see, Ive no objection to utilizing personal or cultural experiences in a Doctrinal forum. Post freely away to your hearts content.
Yeah ok guys I get the point. I don’t claim to have some panoramic view into the minds of evil caricitures which give me some edge in capability. And I think you guys are partially correct, its not good to sit around and think about such things. I partially alluded, saying that a constant diet of how devious and wayward people think is NOT healthy. But there is the other end of the extreme too, and I think it says in Corinthians one place, “ that we are not ignorant of his devices.” So that, if you end up with your foot in a bear trap, its kind of nice when walking around to know that someone put a bear trap back there which a person can avoid.
Speaking of EXACTLY what you guys mentioned, I remember years ago there was this book written by two Christian women, who were into excorcizing demons and such. The story in the book was horrific. They described in some detail, things flying around the room, it sounded like something right out of the excorcist. Some people were heavily into doing that kind of stuff way back when. But remember too, that it really got weird. There was this one guy who was running around people who smoked cigarettes, and if you brand of smoke was Merit, he was casting out the demon of Merit.(I mean running around casting out the spirit of Merit out of somebody is just plain strange and weird.) (We actually have a hospital over here called Meritcare. I mean I really somebody should cast the Merit out of there name Meritcare, then they could change it too MoneyCare, which fits them much better. , but I realize that that is not a demon, or is it? Tee he, yes I am joking.) So that I think all that stuff kind of got overboard and indescent. And after that it all (that movement) just kind of died out.
I personally happen to believe in the supernatural world, an angelic and demon ridden world, and I am aware that a lot of people don’t. But the bible is pretty clear, in NT theology, that there are real demons, real angels etc etc. But I also recognize like you guys stated, that focusing on that all the time is bothersome and weird. I think its weird because people have free wills, to come and go as they please, at least pretty much. It’s also weird because a person cannot change someone else’s will, by focusing exclusively on external forces affecting their lives.
But I do find it rather telling that, from time to time, there is always something coming up, about the Devil, and Satan and their influence, so that, at least to me, it’s strange not to at least account for it. But I do understand what you guys are saying and I mostly agree with it. Because its not healthy to stand around and think about all the devious things and schemes some people can do. If one does, well they would sick themselves after a while. And the bible pretty much says that too, saying in Phillipians, whatsover things are true, honest, pure, lovely ..etc...... THINK ON THESE THINGS. Phillipians 4:8, Why? Because its healthy to think about good things, not devious things. But I thought I made that notation in my last notes, and thank for making me claify. That is all and thank for your comments.
Perhaps more germain to the thought is fighting against “badies” can be a real experience. The bible is choke full of at least laying it out what is there: Eph 6: 11-12: “the wiles of the devil”, “against the rulers of darkness of this world”, “against spiritual wickedness in high places” But in Colossians too it talks about not getting involved in worshiping of angels, “intruding into those things he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind.” So that, I understand the concept, where to draw the line on things that I have not seen. The larger point being, I was just trying to specify nefarious type of thinking that I have seen in some people, to make a short list of some of the bear traps that some people set for others.
I don’t know guys, for me, getting in a rhubarb with wayward people is kind of like playing Donkey Kong. You got ole Donkey Kong throwing everything at you including the kitchen sink. I am not sure there is a whole load of value in it, other than you get a lot of exercise.
When life seemingly becomes one mind-boggling conspiracy theory or another, it can become a drag after awhile. One can become overcome with an incredible sense of powerlessness. In this present, ugly economic climate this sense is magnified all the more.
So for all the doom and gloom, -we could all use a good laugh.
I really didn’t intend this at your expense. I hope you don’t imagine me sitting in a convertible amid the flames of fiery hell, cackling maniacally while pulling the fleshly mask off my face to reveal an ugly, sharped-tooth demon grinning ear to pointy ear, as revealed in the closing “A-ha!” panel of an old Jack Chic comic strip.
Indeed once upon a time – as Jeff and T-Bone already raised -, in the perspective of our common religious background, the devil was everywhere, more places than Elvis and Bigfoot combined. The demonic winds listed through the minds and motions of even our closest family members, friends and acquaintences, effectively causing us to play out cheesy 3-D remakes of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” or “Invaders from Mars” in real life. Our parents were no longer our parents, our friends no longer really our friends. Somewhere along that crooked-fenced pathway, they all took a fateful stroll leading to the singing Martian sandpit atop the hill, and returned...the unwitting drones of Satan himself! Or was that all just a horrible dream?
As you see, I’ve no objection to utilizing personal or cultural experiences in a “Doctrinal” forum. Post freely away to your heart’s content.
Special thanks to Invisible Dan and Cman, I wrote this with you guys in mind:
Ha ha. Uh no Dan, I think I have already pretty much done that. I wouldn’t wanna spill out to much more, because I run the risk of vaporizing the thin ice I am pretty much on all day, and I have to keep what little goodwill I still have around these parts in tact. But that is truly descent thing about the GS Café. You can come in here, and overbake things, and nobody gets all upset and out of wack about it. I think they don’t get upset about it, because most the people in here, have pretty much seen things overbaked far too many times. Imagine that, this little hole in the wall called GS Café, where people stand around and try to help each other, even if someone thinks what your saying is flat out weird. (Its hysterical really.) And nobody else on the planet really understands any of that, because a lot of people never had things so bad in some doctrinal experience or whatever, that they really had to try to CARE despite all of that. But people shouldn’t think, just like that about former TWI people or anyone else. It’s like some folks try to think of others, based upon what they did that failed. Then, because something you did failed, they kind of think of that person as a loser. But that is not the reality of life, the reality is, everybody fails from time to time. You remember when I mentioned to you about my involvement early in my life with an Independent Assemblies of God place which fell apart. The question is that took me some time to resolve was ,”Was it really a failure?” To which I would have to mutter, Nope not at all. One of the most successful things I ever experienced in all my life. Successful because I learned from failings what doesn’t work, what can’t work, what kind of prayers don’t work. But it was really really ODD that, just like in TWI, a lot of the folks that left there, seemed to take with them a big GRUDGE against God and other people. As if they themselves had done enough, went far enough, had a difficult time enough, so as that they would never have a desire to plant a foot on a bible verse again. I kind of learned after a while that that type of thinking and bitterness leads to a life of misplaced fortunes. At the time that all this stuff was going on for me there was this one bible verse that hit me like a lead pipe cinch. It’s Hebrews 6:10 which reads, “God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shewed towards his name...... etc” The Almighty is not unrighteous because he has better things in store for people if they can just move on and through all the crap and junk. But bitterness of the soul can rob a person of all of that.
You might find it interesting that I know these three people who are Jehovahs Witnesses. They are very very nice people, caring people who would give you the shirt of there backs. And one of them, he always tries to recruit me into becoming a JW. And while he is doing it, its like he feels sorry for me. He really does, he thinks I am on the outside looking in about everything he has, and I don’t got. But the JW’s, I pretty much stay away from what there brew is, because they spin Greek works and hinge a TON of things on just a few bible verses. But I cannot say that they are 100 percent wrong about all that either. So anyways, one day I was talking to this female JW, whom I positively adore. So I had to kind of let her know at least one thing about JW’s that really really bugged me big time. So I let it rip, You know how the JW is always talking about the 144,000 in the bible, and they told me that those people are already made up and there was no chance for an alley cat like me to be a part of the 144,000 in the book of Revelation. And this was really really bugging me big time about those guys. They already had the glue and the house built and I was on the outs, never having so much as a single chance to be apart of the 144,000 that they are always talking about. So I am talking to this female JW that I have always adored, and I told her, “What incentive is there to be a JW, if I don’t even stand as much as a single chance to be a part of the 144,000?” And she just roared and went off laughing so hard, she was laughing so hard that she just about fell over and cried. Then she says too me, Thats not true, those things are not made up yet. Now well all of this did not make me BECOME A JW, I learned on thing, that is , one JW is not always the same as the next JW. And I honestly cannot say that I have not learned something good from the JW’s. I mean, I am not a JW, but I certainly don’t hold JW’s in contempt for everything they are, like some people in churches do. What I am trying to say is that I think the JW is actually kind of a neat person, tidy and really nice people to be around. I sometimes really like those guys, because they are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS are nice to me. They are really honest people too, there is no nonsense with those guys. That’s about all it takes for an alley cat like myself. A warm saucer of milk will pretty much get someone there with me. Now I am Not a JW, but you know what, I like being around those guys sometimes because they treated me so kind and wonderful.( But I pretty much have to qualify all of this too, because the JW’s I know, never were poisoned about some like myself with gossip and other stuff. So that maybe they were just being nice to me, because they never yet heard, of all the awful things that I supposedly am. It’s like you can get a magic carpet ride with some folks, based upon the principal they don’t know much about you at all. But what if everything somebody was saying about someone else wasn’t remotely truthful? Well, I think that is why the bible tells us not to Judge someone else, cause the truth is sometimes others don’t have a clue or a vowel about what makes someone else tick. And maybe maybe maybe, JW’s and some other religious people really understand all of that. ) But if you have to stand around and think about all this stuff too much, a person can become artifitually insane, just based upon others preconceived ideas of what everybody else has to be like.
I actually think that a person can tell as much about someone else just based upon how or wether they say Hello and Goodbye. If a person says hello in a warm manner, they make you feel welcome. If person looks at you and says nothing, they make you feel like why in the world are you standing there in the first place. If a person says Goodbye when your leaving in a warm tone, they make you feel like they might want you to come back. If a person gives you a cold stare when your leaving, you pretty much feel like you shouldn’t be coming back anytime soon. I met this young nice woman, who is married with one kid. She never says NO to anybody. I call her Lifes Hello and Goodbye Girl. That’s because when she says Hello, you almost have to say Goodbye real fast, because she is so nice, and friendly and considerate, that she overwhelms people with her caring. And its really really hard not to want to be around someone who is just like that. Because when your older like myself, your pretty much greedy for trying with someone like that. In this way our society is so mixed up and inconsiderate. If a person who is man, talks to a young women and is friendly, a lot of people think, it is because they want to have sex with that person. And about some people who are terrible that is the truth. You know, people like Donald Trump, that all he cares about is bating and boating and backseating some young beautiful woman. But its just not fair that the rest of us, should have to pay the price for Donald Trumps wayward underwear. Not everybody, (at least I hope) who talks to a young woman wants to sack her. But people have to pay a price, everybody, for nefarious minds like Donald Trump, because the way Donald Trump behaves he makes look good and right, to behave just like that. Then, I wonder, where is the VALUES of people, that they want to magnify a man like Donald Trump? Why on earth would anybody want to extoll a man whose behavior is right up there with Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt? Personally, I think its because people like those that can fly high and make it work.(They like it because they like success stories, but not all success stories are equal.) They like it, not because they want to be like that, but BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO BE LIKE THAT. And they understand that the Johnny Rambos of this world, like Trump, are just smoke and mirrors, plastic people, who place no value on anything other than themselves. And they like to look at stuff like that, because it reminds them of HOW AWFUL THEY THEMSELVES ARE NOT. Or do they? Cause if they really thought it was awful, well then people wouldn’t pay some one like Trump an ounce of courtesy and respect. It’s sort of the rubicks cube of life, that people are interested in other people that they simply have no earthly way of explaining, or complaining, about how a person can act just like that. But if a person is indifferent about stuff like that, it makes one look like they agree the behavior. Donald Trump is like the real live definition, of what a leprechaun is really like. This mans behavior defines, what a leprechaun is really like. Uffda, I am glad I got that one out. I don’t think I could live another day, without pointing that one out. But people that behave like Trump, its actually a Biblical crime. Its not a worldly crime. In fact, in some peoples minds, like Hugh Hefner, too live just like Trump does, is a virtue.It’s a virtue to them, because they can do it and get by with it, there cannot be any other possible reason. But people that think like that, that is what you call control and abusive behavior too. And I will be honest with you, it makes the God of the Old Testament, look just way to kind that they can get by with it at all. Then, people stand around and complain about the Old Testament as being way too overboard and difficult and having ruthless judgements. I don’t see that about the Old Testament at all. Just the fact, that someone like Trump can do the things he does right now with impunity, proves to me that God is way too lenient and tolerant of some people. But I think the good news is that someday, all the things in Old and New Testament alike, will be established for the true good that they really are. And I just can’t understand, why its so hard to discern the difference in why something that is evil like that(like Donald Trumps acts and deeds.) , is so hard for people to get. It’s easy, its as easy as American apple pie.
Don’t ever have a tooth to pick with a man like Donald Trump. Because if you do, he will own everything that you ever wanted or had. Its about his cavalier way in which he walks right through other people, as if everyone is just another nickel in his pocket waiting to be spent. Now I know that talking about devils and such isn’t polite and well rounded. But if somebody was to tell me that Donald Trump, is not a devil in hiding, well I would beg to differ. Trump is like deceit, incarnate, born for that very purpose. People don’t need to stand around with a rubicks cube, trying to figure out just what it is that makes a man like him move. Trump pretty much just sacks and pillages people by isolating them one on one. And the entire time he does it, he does it while he is appealing to himself. Because you see, your just not good enough, if your not Donald like. Learn therefore now, what it is too be Donald like, because when you do, Donald will make sure you can float for another day. He will make you famous for it too, Donald style. Hot dog, doesn’t that just make young women want to take a back seat in Donalds car. Sure looks like it for some. It’s sort of the worst rub in life, when you have to point out the personal failings of a man like Trump. It’s a bad rub because Trump never met anyone, not a single soul, that had something that he couldn’t own or buy. And if he can’t own it or buy it, well then his life is too dismantled to even think about. Because everything to a man like Trump, is just another cigar or plaque in his office for him to smoke, because nothing in this life is more worthy or can have more virtue that it shouldn’t be on his top shelf. And I cant even begin to reason, or fathom, how a man can think or act just like that.
But don’t think that I know too much about stuff nobody else can see. I don’t know if you guys have ever seen those tatoos that a few women put on the small of there backs above there rear ends. I was asking myself one day, why on earth would somebody want to put a tatoo right there. It seems like a very odd place for a tatoo, because they cant even see there own tatoo. Then, one day it dawned on me, that it was probably some leprechaun like Trump that came up with that idea.(or some other leprechuan that is like Trump) Why? Well to identify all the women on the planet that a leprechaun wants to sodomize of course. And the sick thing is, the women that do that, don’t even have clue that that is what those tatoos are all about. I actually feel sorry for those girls, because they have a tattoo back there that they don’t even know what it is all about. Perhaps that is why the bible in the OT talks about not having marks and cuttings and tatoos on your body, because there are leprechauns out there, who when they don’t have anything better to do think up this kind of weird stuff. It’s like the goofiest looking tatoo ever from a distance too. From a distance those tatoos look like pubic hair or something, which kind of tell people what the leprechauns are all about. Of course, I am not 100 percent sure that is how those tattoos on the small of a few womens backs came about. That is what you call an educated guess. Perhaps I have been thinking to much lately, trying to hard to figure things out. It does appear, however, that there is a hidden meaning behind those tattoes on the small of a womens back. And like I said, I actually feel sorry for women who go get those tatoos because they don’t know better, cause nobody has ever told them, what the leprechuans are up to and really like. And like I said, I could be wrong about all of this, but the thought occurred to me, that must be the reason for those tattoes.
Then there is screwball stuff like, who on earth came up with the term - a hopeless romantic? No doubt, it had to be some screwball leprechaun, who every time he tried to be romantic couldn’t possibly score. But women mostly say they are in love with romance. And they are because it makes them feel rather secure about what scoring with them is all about. And most women can’t even sit still, if scoring isn’t mostly about romance, because to them it has no value otherwise, and I really can’t say that I disagree with a woman about that. So that, I don’t like to try to be romantic, I just mostly hope that I am romantic, because otherwise there really isnt much of anything else left to decide. I don’t think somebody can actually be romantic by trying either, women are just far to different in what from woman to woman they decide is romantic. To one woman it’s a candle lit dinner, to another a dozen roses from a far. And nobody can try to make themselves into a one size fits all shoe for stuff like that. It does seem really true, however ,that if a person is romantic by nature, there is absolutely nothing hopeless about that, at least with a woman. Because it’s the one that always steals there hearts for love and everything else. And a woman kind of wants you to know that, that is exactly what scoring with her is all about. Because if scoring isnt about everything she is about, to her it is a useless, wasteful parting of all your time.
And there is absolutely nothing there that anyone can reasonably disagree with. So that, the term to be more accurate at least with someone who is honest and sincere in there intentions, ought to read a “hopeful romantic.”(And only with woman, a hopeless romantic, because they are hopeless because it doesn’t yield the results they want.) Men want to try to have hope, because you really never wanted to be diminished or anything less about what your doing. (The reason men can never have hope in romance, is that romance is something most men never wanted to begin with, all they ever wanted was that thing between there legs adorned.) With a great woman, its sort of like that movie ‘The Longest Yard.” Its that yard that a great women will never give a man if she knows his intentions and sincerity is out of kilter. And a really fine woman absolutely demands all of that, otherwise she simply feels diminished about everything else.
I think that is probably about enough for me tho Dan, handing out educations on JW’s and some other things, is something I never thought I would remotely ever try to do. Because I remember hearing when I was really young that they were a cult. And I always was pretty much been really scared of somebody who is in a cult. I saw this one group, down in Dinkytown Minneapolis when I was 19. They were like the wierdest people I had ever seen. I mean they were into statues and eating victuals and doing like chants and stuff. It was so weird that after watching them a few times, everytime I heard the word CULT, I just really freaked out big time.
I will just show you one other thing, about why it is the PERSON, DOING THE ACTION THAT IS THE EVIL THING, NOT what people say that makes the difference. I have heard of or know of this one person, whose name is Terry Glenn, he is a football player. Terry Glenn rarely ever asks one single question that he doesn’t have the answer for before he asks the question. You say to yourself well that is not so unusual, if other people do the same thing. Its only unusual if your name is Terry Glenn, because Terry Glenn does stuff like that to dictate on his own terms the conversation and to CONTROL PEOPLE AROUND HIM IN A WICKED WAY. But it doesn’t have to be like that at all. I know of this other guy, whose name is Terry too, and he asks questions all the time, BUT ONLY AT TIMES, provides the answers to his own question. The difference is, that this Terry does it because he honestly doesn’t know at times and sometimes he is just looking for affirmation about his own conclusions. Same technique with far different outcomes. You say to yourself well, Terry Glenn is loco or nuts for asking questions if he already knows the answer. Your correct it is nuts or loco, but it only REMAINS NOT CRAZY, because people are unaware or ignorant as to why Terry Glenn is posturing the question. So that, you have to see, that ALL CONVERSATION is filled with intent, and intent is invisible, you don’t know right off the bat what that intent is with some people. This explains why the concept of PARANOIA is 100 percent completely logical, but only with respect to people who are filled with evil and trying to be deceptive. It also explains 100 percent the WHY, PEOPLE have to have a conscience. If you don’t have a conscience one cannot discern, between what people are saying something that is GOOD AND what people are saying something that is evil. You say to yourself well your quite sure this Terry Glenn guy must SOMETIMES ask a question which he doesn’t provide the answer for. Well of course he has had those times too, the problems is that it REMAINS WHEN, the timing of the question when he does stuff like that, is when you are not anticipating the thing at all. The conclusion is that, you don’t know when someone like him postures a question wether he is sincere or not. Which explains in large measure why a persons sincerity controls every thing a persons says, and you have to know that with your conscience, or your finished before you even know how to reply. It also explains why the concept of the truth and honesty, are things people cannot get along without. It also explains precisely, why law enforcement officials are so in love with lie detector tests. It’s the only way they have around tricksters hucksters and charalatons, which can get them through all the non sense and lies. It also explains precisely why you have to look out for people like Terry Glenn, because what he is doing is pure evil. It also explains why that other Terry I mentioned to you, is such a valuable person in terms of worth. When a guy like that other Terry is around, you can almost forget everything you ever knew because he doesn’t or wont (at least every hour of the time I have seen) make up tricks and lies about you. The other Terry, really doesn’t have a capacity for being that evil and nasty. Now I am sure that other Terry could do things like that other Terry Glenn guy, but only when he was backed into a corner so awful and bad that he had no other choice. Which is why the bible talks about redeeming the time, for the days are evil. And there is absolutely positively no way around a person like Terry Glenn. WHY? Because all he has to do, to win the day, is ask a question about something at a time when he refuses to get the truthful answer, then hes brilliant for granting people whatever his lie is. He brilliant for it because since everybody knows he knows the solution or answer, he will ask it precisely at the time when nobody is around to provide him with the only truthful answer. This describes precisely the difference between evil and good. Evil can only prosper in the hands of someone who already has in there own head all the possible evil one can find. The painful and difficult thing is, that is the way people like Terry Glenn have always wanted it. They want it that way, the evil way, because it’s the only possible means someone like that has for survival. You know that old saying, A man is pretty much well known by the company he keeps?, never has that saying had more truth to it than when it comes to Terry Glenn.
You know Dan, I really think the prospect of you pulling off a mask and surprising everyone with some horns, would NOT work at all for you. That’s right, everybody around these parts pretty much knows that is not what your like. But if you wanna shock us all one time, well, Holloween is just around the corner. But don’t do the Jamie Lee Curtis thing and scare us all too much, I don’t wanna even think of the prospect that your name is Michael Myers or something like that. A few holloweens ago I dressed up like count Dracula. Last Holloween I went and bought a mask from Kmart and walked up to the local bar and had a few drinks. I kind of like Holloween, because it’s the one day of the year, nobody can even know who I am. That way it gives people less to laugh about and ridicule. Cause some people always knows JUST EXACTLY WHAT SOMEONE ELSE IS LIKE, even if they never spent so much as a dime of time trying to get to know them. It’s about being sterotyped. A lot of people sterotyping other people. I think its just an easy and convenient way, to disregard everybody but themselves. The crazy thing is, I think somebody can actually get a hangover, just from thinking about the crazy things somebody else is thinking and saying about somebody else. Then one can become like bent, hell bent, on trying to disprove it all wrong.
Oh and Cman, thanks for helping me out. I really didn’t think I overbaked the cookies all that much. What that means is I think the cookies of this thread are at least edible. You know Cman, I have always had an interest in that bible verse in James 3:1 which reads, “My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.” Why on earth would anyone want to be the master, if all it gets someone is condemnation? But I think sometimes this stuff will resolve itself on its own too. Because the bible says pretty much up and down, that God is trying to write his law on peoples hearts, so that the master thing someday will pretty much get tossed away, because people would be behaving on there own the right way. Anyway, Cman, I do so much appreciate your commentary and things you write. Your very poetic and complete about things you believe, I think that is healthy and it certainly looks to me like you have a good grasp on things in this life with a positive outlook and approach. But don’t go around teaching people to much, I wouldn’t want to see people condemning you for it. Which is kind of like why, I pretty much try to stay out of the whole, “ I know more than somebody else racket.” (NO, I am not saying you are like that, you are pretty much just the opposite of that, which is why you don’t have a podium with a football yard of people listening to you.)
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Would you mind citing some sources?
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I agree with Waysider – this being a doctrinal forum it would be nice to see scriptural references along with sky4it’s comments which ideally should be a logical abstraction of the scriptural references. I’m no expert on this subject or for that matter any biblical subject – but I’ve read enough systematic theologies, bible studies [NOT by TWI authors, of course] and commentaries to say that post # 1 seems like a lot of speculation and especially rhetoric [empty words – being Christian-like in form [drawing upon some words and/or ideas of the Bible but having no substance – i.e. the lack of specific scriptural references]. Of course, that’s just my opinion I could be wrong.
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Mark Sanguinetti
I thought this was the doctrinal forum. Sky4it, you don't have any scriptures in what you have posted at all. As long as you are bringing up the name Lucifer and associating Lucifer with the devil you really do need a scriptural study because without it you may not have even heard of Lucifer.
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To the respondents:
There was a 1972 Movie called Lucifer Rising although I never saw it and don’t know what that is about. I thought I heard they were going to do a remake or completely different film, with same title.
Well that might be one possible explanation, it’s certainly not the best.
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You can say THAT again!
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the day of 'taking a stand' is long past, now
when the spirit moved upon the waters i am there
when god said let there be light i am there
when the tree on either side yields it's fruit
i am there
the scriptures give a picture of the autobiography of the soul
every soul, none left out, and drawn from the soul
enmity between thy seed and her seed
i am there
And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
I Am there.
so is all, but all do not see, yet...
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Let's see now.. . in response to several posters asking for scripture references or citing some sources you mention a movie - a movie that you never saw and don't know what it's about. Now that's funny!
Are you sure this "possible explanation" wasn't meant for the Silly forum?
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If Lucifer Came to Your House
If Lucifer came to your house,
Would you leave crunchy Cheetos on the floor,
The Persian Cat’s unchanged litter boxes by the door,
And lose your Bibles with the remote?
What would you do
If the Howling One came to you?
If the fierce Prosecutor of the Highest Judge
Before Him stirred up all your life’s sludge,
heralded it on heaven’s edition of Drudge,
Would you cancel your cable access today?
Could you – would you - run away?
Perhaps you imagine you’d reel
“Get behind me Satan!” and he would indeed.
But would you turn your back on an angry snake?
He may bite you right on your heel. Or even the knee. Ouch.
So don’t turn your back on angry snakes
Or taunt them with pointy sticks.
Always call your local “Advocate” services and Animal Control
And for God sakes, don’t let Lucifer into your filthy home.
A public service message from a very bad poet.
(Don'cha know it?)
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I will tell you what in order to clarify all this Lucifer stuff, I posted on the bottom of my sig, pretty much a replica of the what a real life Lucifer would do to an alley cat such as myself. Bottoms up.
Yeah ok. You know waysider how much I want to comply and be a good GS citizen, sounds like a reasonable request from you. So here you go, I will say it again for compliance and safety sake:
Well that might be one possible explanation, its certainly not the best.
BTW, Waysider, thanks for making me chuckle and laugh.
Put it too a joke then and see if that will ease the thread:
Q: Why do most people never think about Lucifer Rising?
A: They never thought they could fall.
As far as the guy here who said to provide some scriptural or other referencing, you know your very humorous also. Coming from a former TWI person, that is like a chef asking me to cook up a warm meal for them. Thanks for the laugh.
Umm ok I will try. I believe the only lengthy discription is in Isaiah, were it indicates something to the effect that Lucifer said in his heart he will exalt himself above others and be like the Most High. So that, the enclosed description is pretty much on target for what a really evil persons tactics would have to be, to accomplish such evil. Hey what else can I say, it was the best effort I could muster up.
Hey Invisible Dan, great to see you, I thought you were in hibernation, exile or retirement for the GS Café. I remember as tho it was yesterday, how warm and welcome you made me feel the first day I showed up here at GS Café.
What would I do if Lucifer showed up at my house? You know your hysterical Dan, you really are. Its not as tho I had to personalize this any more than I already have. Thanks for the laugh.
Ummm, I guess this is pretty much what I would do, if Lucifer showed up at my house. I would get me a bottle of that Wild Turkey 100 proof Whiskey and call it an anethestic. I would get me some silverware the stainless steel type, and have either a baseball bat or broomstick for self defense. Then, I would have to tell ole Lucifer, look Lucifer, I got some anthesetic here and some silver ware, if you want me to remove that big fang, you know the one that your hurting other people with, ok I will volunteer to do it for you. My hourly charge Lucifer, is 1,000.00 dollars per hour. I think InvisbleDan, it would be something like that.
I have always had a fascination with the bible verse in II Timothy 3:8 which reads, Now as Janes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. I guess it has fascinated me because it is precisely how bottom dwellers when it comes to the gospel act in life. They resist the truth continually. Its actually really odd and peculiar how they do it. So that, I think it not a far stretch to suggest how someone, or what rationale someone like the Devil or Satan would employ against the gospel. One would expect that they would single out people like Jim Jones or David Koresh, as meaningful reasons why they discard the bible. But Satan, one would expect, would be far more diabolical. He would probably pick out something more personal on a continual basis, and simply say, Well, you know, I really thought well of the Bible, until that person over there arrived. Then he would be pointing to some cookie that, saying something like that would empower himself with all the people he wanted to empower himself with. When the real reality of it is, Satan never had a lick of interest in it in day one.
I actually know this one person. I will describe to you precisely how this one person operates. What this person has done, is, from the time the person was a teenager, picked out one (and only one) story about how this one fine Christian person said something about them which was awful and degrading. From there this person moved around that story as the sole reason never to have anything to do, or even try do to anything in the gospel ever. Period. Its also very very odd that this same person, uses the same tactic that happened to the person, on other people to diminish and degrade others. The person uses it as a form of employment in all of their social constructs. Meaning, the person has like a fog horn, of one story on everybody that the person knows, and the story that the person tells, is always the worst or most embarassing awful thing that the person is talking about, when speaking of someone else. Then, this same person, stands around as if they are some authority on matters large and small. The question is does this tactic work? I would say pretty much not at all, because most things about this person, lack qualitites one wants to embrace, so that the person pretty much undoes themselves just based upon there own performance and lack of virtues in life. But this person does possess one really peculiar attribute. That attribute is a capacity to get really weird off the wall people in their back pocket, and at the same time to see rather honest and descent people wanting nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with themselves. The reason is rather obvious. You have to toss someone like that headlong out of your house. You cannnot suffer it for a second. If you do, all you end up doing is inviting a litany of awful stories and confusion, about really good people into your life, on all occasions. Nobody needs that much confusion. The peculiar thing is, somepeople, just love, really love, that much strife contention and confusion and unforgiveness for others. They like it because it is the only appetite they have which remotely explains there own laziness and disgust towards truthful things which to them are painful. Its painful for them because they dont care a lick about the truth, honorableness and value of someone else. And they dont care a lick about truthful things because they simply are in love with their own evil and wayward ways. So, that they have to justify the reasons for their own wayward ways continually, and they do it by continually bashing and pasting someone else, most particularily those who stand for the truthful things they hate. (And if you listen to them closely they are always filled with Yeah but, yeah but, yeah buts. They have a Yeah but, out pitch for everything. On almost every occasion, what comes after the yeah but; is the reason for whatever it is that they did. They did it because of what that person did and said over there, and over here, and this thing yonder over there. They have a plyable excuse in there minds made up for absolutely everything they ever did, before you get one word out of your mouth. And the whole time you talk to someone like that, they act like they are learning something from you. So, that, you kind of feel cheap and wrong, if you try and put the brakes on there scheming awful cycle of carnivorous ways. And if you try, they act like there will always be a tomorrow when they will get things just right. The real truth is, they really dont even want to try. They just want to have another excuse to keep it going an going. I suppose there is nothing wrong for having an valid excuse for something one is doing, which is why I thing judgement is best left at the hands of God Almighty. There is a difference. Some people are sincere, some are not, about changing. And only God can make the call on that one. But after a while, it is almost impossible to communicate with someone who operates like that. And I do believe it is possible for somepeople to get themselves into an eternal windfall just like that. If it wasnt possible why then would the bible speak of eternal judgement and damnation? I think the reason has to be, some people want behavior that is just like that and to call it acceptable and righteous to act in such a manner. It is because of that Janes and Jambres quote. They know the truth and deliberately want to oppose and poison it. They want to have it that way because it is easier for them to justify whatever it is they want to do. Then, they turn around and call it freedom. For them it is freedom to commit any evil act or deed or words, that they are inspired to do and say. ) That is why they have to treat other people who are honorable as tho they are a cheap insult, and direct the worst stories about them they can find. It is also why I think, somepeople just love picking up gossip rag articles and magazines. They somehow feel empowered if, they can rant on and on about other peoples misfortunes. (The reason I tell you this story is that the person I am talking about, lives in my own community. And I have never seen one person, just one, who operates precisely like that pretty much 24/7; only taking a day off from it when there is some value that the person can suck out of you. Now, obviously, I know that this person is NOT Lucifer. But the person has Luciferian like qualities. Which is why I told the story and I thought it was relevant.) I think it is very unusual, that, if your paying attention really close, you can find things in one person, one single person, that you cannot find in anyone else on the planet.
And then there is the type of people that are indescribably evil. (Thank God these type are far and few on the in between.) These type want to buddy up to people that are good, so that they can repeat themselves. Then, you cant have any plyable reason as too why you would NOT want such a person around you. Because, they buddied up too you, your not suppose to have one reason, none at all, that you should not want such a person around you ever. Its because of all the good and nice things they said about you and did for you. These are the worst sort imaginable, you almost need lysol and turpentine to get them off and away. Because if you should say or try to get them out and away, well now you look awful for it because of all the nice things they said and did for you. And then, they can run around and portray you as 100 percent evil just for leaving them out of, or not wanting them around, everything you are doing. And they make like, a deliberate attempt to do something really nice for you out in public, where everyone can see it. So that, they take away that option for you, to ever get them away from you. You become sick, and look sick, just for dismantling someone such as this. The truth is they never even wanted to be your friend, all they ever wanted was a backhanded approach to everything you ever owned or had. And when they get angry at you for it, they make sure everyone around knows about it at the worst times, you know, when your down on your luck and straw with everyone else. Then, they come with a paintbrush, as if too show others how awful and sick, you were to them all along. But in fairness to people who operate like that, they are actually not that hard to spot. They always have an excess interest into, what you are all about. They have that interest, so that they can separate you into two pieces, and run you with your own rhubarb. They have to make you like them, and the only way to do it is run your message and what you are about into a wall that is them. I mean, its evil no doubt to do this, but they justify the action of it, for there own sense of personal well fare and well being. Its because they like to sit at the top of EVERYTHING, and they really dont want to run the risk of not having the chance to do that over and over again. They dont like to run the risk of it, because they know in their own inward core, that the things they like to do are just plain evil, and they dont want to run the risk of not being able to repeat themselves. And they know that, left to themselves, that is precisely the way everyone else will see them. And they simply cannot or will not allow others to see them just like that, or having themselves revealed as Just So. They dont like others seeing them as Just So, because when it happens they look to rotten for everyone else. Hence, and thus, all the masquerading and parading around about things that they are not about at all. The Oddball thing is, as Newscaster, Comedian and Sports Journalist Kieth Olberman would say, that the few people who do this can act 100 percent off the time look ignorant or unknowlegable that they are doing this at all. (No, I am not saying Kieth Olbermann is like this at all, Kieth is at times interesting, an eduaction and entertaining.) There are some things about Kieth that I really like, other things I dont like at all. But whatever the case, Kieth is a basketfull of effort, trying and entertainment, for which I really enjoy watching him from time to time. Kieth is kind of like one of the most amusingly annoying newcasters ever. And I think even people of different political stripe would have to admit, ( even if they cant stand the guy) that at least that is true about Kieth. I mean, where else in the world can you find, THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, repeating themselves and seemingly always only to be found in America. Only a person who has a twisted sense of humor, could possibly find some value in all of that. To understand Olbermann, you kind of have to drill a hole in your own head and laugh and certainly hope, at all the awful things some people could not possibly be. My own personal favorite was when Kieth and Ann Colther got into it over Kieths Old McDonalds Cornell degree. I mean, Keith just couldnt possibly fathom that day. Annie made his worst person of the world list, just for that. It was hysterical because, I think Keith kind of knows deep down inside, he was deserving for all the rubs he sends out to the right all the time. Annie can positively punish someone, by putting them in there own soup at the right time. The funny thing about Olblermann is , I think he kind of likes it that way, because he does have a capacity to see himself in his own vanity. Keith is always quit and quick enough to understand the shortcomings of his own rhetoric, which makes him Americans most loveable unlovely journalist. Ever Period. But wait a minute politics is serious serious serious business. Thats the other thing about Kieth, he never allows others on the right, to get so serious about things, that nobody cannot laugh at comical things in politics. And Kieth almost never does it to a level where he demolishes somebody, because the people he is usually picking on, are people who are thought of as well esteemed and established type of people. He just roughly balances things out so that left and right can have a better day. And how can you not like a guy, for simply doing that. But is it painful for those on the right? Well sure it is, but not anymore painful than sitting through a Bill Orielly sermon with Dennis Miller making amusing jokes on things like health care, as if health care were something less deserving of peoples attention than the War in Afganistan. Miller, actually stands around and makes jokes about health care, by abusing the priority of the message. Saying things like, dont you think its time for everybody to get back talking about the really meaningful subjects all Americans think night and day about, you know like the war in Afganistan. Its just so amusing, to see a man, who could possibly think someone who is dying of a sickness priorities are all mixed up, because instead of thinking about how he is going to pay for his health benefits, he should be thinking about self sacrifice and how much better off everyone would be if he simply could get that through his thick skull. Only a man, like Dennis Miller, who has never had to understand an once of someone elses pain and suffering, could possibly think just like that. I mean if you want to devalue somebody like Olbermann, all you have to do in order not to think that way, is have a flashback on what Bill ORielly and Dennis Miller are conjuring up. And the goofy thing is, hardly anyone really thinks that Orielly and Miller are not deserving of the Kieths rhetoric. The odd and ugly thing is, Bill ORielly has pretty much told everybody that heathcare is DOA, dead on arrival. How is it exactly that a person can preach the result before the message has any chance at all? Talk about Oddball behavior that one creeps up the list for a day that can never be undone. Only on the Bill ORielly show, can one find the probable results driven home, before anyone has time to sack the message. Then, the message is just Orielly going on and on, spoon feeding everyone on why the result is so worthy of his message. Listening to Orielly drivel on, I am always forced to wonder why arrogance beyond reason isnt just a suitable plum, it should be the name of his show. And here is my own Oddball situation: I dont actually despise or have any particular need to have a chip on my shoulder against people like Dennis Miller and Bill Oreilly. I really dont. I just can find any value or meaning in people, who have such little regard for people around them that they can possibly do things such as this. And I positively cannot understand why it is, that others cant see all of this for what it really is, just a soap box and a yarn of unyielding behavior of those who possess almost no prinicipals when it comes to somebody else. I mean if you cant find a reason why it is somebody who is sick and dying needs help, chances are you probably dont have a clue about what the word HELP is all about. Of course, it goes without saying that, I probably wouldnt have such disrepect for what we call a helping medical system, if I hadnt been around people who have been sick and in need pretty much all of my life. And you certainly dont need to start and finish with people like Miller and Orielly to have a clue on that. All you have to do is have a critical situation around yourself of someone who is sick and dying, to understand that the word HELP only comes in large doses for those who have a really large mosquito net of something called DOLLARS to get it all right. And I just cant find enough DOLLARS ever, enough to fit the word HELP. (And sick people who are really honest with themselves, and who were NOT among the priveledged few, could not possibly see it any way else.) (Then, people like Oreilly have a squak box full of people who were sick, to tell everyone how good and deserving we all are of the health and medical services industry. Its grand dont you get it? Conviently they leave off the podium in utter silence about everybody else, who ever got sacked and pillaged with a sickness. Then the message runs down Oriellys face and your pretty much left for stupid if you dont get it, because everybody pretty much must know, it could NEVER BE ANYTHING ELSE) Which pretty much descibes the heath care crisis for what it is. The health care crises is a crises because there never is enough DOLLARS to go around for people who say there helping others. So much for the Mother Teresa societies of the former forgotten hospitals who were dissolved by Ronnie Reaganomics. The term helping in health care pretty much went out the window at the same time all the hospitals were businessized and corporatized. Niether is there much chance for any significant change, the new corporate hospitals are pretty much in everybodies 401Ks and retirement plans. Pretty tough day when in order to improve, one has to dissolve there own financial net worth.
Keith Olbermann possess a real unusual attribute. While Keith almost never apologizes, you kind of sense in Keith a willingness to apologize if he ever hurt or did anything wrong. But Keith never does apologize because he realizes it is a one way ticket to oblivion. Keith Olbermann is a man, who my own political views are so very very different then him. Yet I have really never watched a journalist who I disagree with more, yet like as much as him. Its about the fact that Keith is pretty much a genuine human being, before he is a political pundit. I really dont think Keith sees political vice as a cure all for what is crunching down in our country. I think Keith knows its about values and being caring that make a difference. Then, too, there are those Olbermann like moments, where Kieth stands in rare air above all the competition. Its because the man has a passion for what he believes in. No person, cannot say enough good about someone behaving along lines like that. For all that the guy genuinely has my admiration. All though I am not sure, I kinda think people like Keith know that everything is pretty much lopsided, and not going to get cured anytime soon. Its the sort of sack of things that drive well intended people like Keith and others, right up the wall, over the edge, because they simply do no know how to survive in an environment like that. And if I am right about all that? Well, then those are the hard times when wether one is a Republican or Democrat is 100 percent, useless in finding solutions. More importantly is that people that are good Democrats and good Republicans find ways and means to join hands along common goals and values all people share. I really think that Keith understands all that, about as much as his biggest arch rival Rush Limblaugh. Its sort of Kieths undoing that, he really doesnt have anyone around him, I think, to stand behind and hold him up, so that he can do and say all the things he always wanted to do and say. Olbermann is a very very powerful person these days. He is powerful because he is so very very well liked. The problem Keith has, I think, is that he is liked for all the wrong reasons. Keith is liked because of his die hard support of every liberal cause. (Its also the one (liberal causes) that Keith can never screw up on or he will be gone gone gone down the road.) (Kind of like how Mike Huckabee is liked in the south for all his conservative views) Keith should be liked because he is warm, caring and a considerate and hysterically talented journalist. IMO, Keith really understands all of this, and the limitations of his own popularity. One cannot just run someone like Olbermann and Huckabee off the planet, they will come back to resurface somewhere else. Which, at least I think, make people like Olbermann and Huckabee so very very dangerous to those who dont want anything different. Other than spewing news and facts, the hysterical thing about Keith is, he is actually a pretty useless soul, unless he is trying to aggravate someone. And in politics, I absolutely dont see anything wrong with that. There is nothing wrong about it because in politics its the only way somebody can move something along. Without something to contest, there can be no victors, not much of anything moving at all.
It certainly provides or gives me no sense of personal satisfaction to bring all this stuff up. I mean, why on earth I would want to bring up things that only cause more hostility towards myself is just plain and simply self demeaning. I do it because I have nothing left in life to prove for my own sense of personal satisfaction and self worth. That is about all you have left when you have been an alley cat living in an alley most of your life. They took away my own stock funds for crying out loud, took about 38 percent of them for personal spite. They took em away all because I have a bite to match my bark. But what the hey, its not like anyother big shot hustler was ever out to do one kind thing for an alley cat like myself. People like that, they pretty much got an angle on people like me before I even have so much as one bark. But bigshot hustlers do have a barn ful of doggie bones they can throw at anyone else. And at least others got the doggie bone, which is more than I can say they ever intended for an alley cat like myself. But people like me, I am pretty much just considered drivel, you know, ranting, angry and lacking integrity and so forth. They pretty much paint people like me up like that, so that, my bark can never match my bite. It sort makes people like me look toothless, just for trying. A toothless, uncaring ranter, that will get someone like myself off the list of anything I could possibly say or do, which could conceivably be construed to have any meaning or benefit whatsoever to anyone else.
This pretty much sums up my JUST SO business, if everything with somebody isnt JUST SO, well then I am pretty much in business all day long.
I think I have discussed enough, how sick and twisted minds operate for a LIFETIME. You know, the type that II Timothy 3:8 talks about, those that resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
For me this is pretty much THE END of the subject matter. When you have to think through the hodgepodge of how really twisted minds operate, if you do it for too long you get sick yourself. My wife has taken me too divorce court at least 3 times. We are still married although live apart. I told my divorce lawyer one time, that I thought he should practice some other type of law from time to time. The reason I gave him was that I told him I thought he would get sick after a while, listening to all the twisted stories that people told him. He hardly batted an eye lash. But he did say he practiced other type of law from time to time. No doubt, I can see why. A person cant think through all of peoples nightmarish stories, without developing after awhile an abnormal way in which you view others. Perhaps this is why so many things God allows to remain in peoples closets. Looking at the back end of a toilet stool all day long isnt healthy for anyone.
I am really not all that much concerned about Lucifer anymore. He was pretty much beaten upand down at Calvary. That is what the bible says. That is because Lucifer is pretty much about cause and effect. You do something and to someone like Lucifer that is the cause, and the effect is someone like Lucifer undoing what you did. So that, Lucifer is pretty much nuetralized by himself in all his own wayward dealings. So that, I really dont worry much anymore about what Lucifer is up to planning and doing. In that, I pretty much just hope Lucifer will just settle down and in, and try to have a better day at being considerate and reasonable himself. That is pretty much all one has to do with Lucifer, make him honest with others and himself. Problem is, he never likes doing that at all, it doesnt fit with his own self absorbed sense of who he has to unseat and overcome. But since I cant change Lucifer, I just have to let Lucifer be Lucifer. There is no reason to try and change Lucifer, Lucifer is pretty much his own worst enemy. That is the sad reality of it, that Lucifer cannot even see the error of his own ways. Nor does he want to change, because he likes being and doing what it is, he does. This is all pretty much sums up the sad and sick and twisted reality of mostly any involvement with Lucifer. Not the type of stuff, people like me like to stand around and gloat about. Basically, and in a nutshell, Lucifer is just very very very angry at me about one thing. That one thing is to have me be about something that I am not about. All of this idiotic stink, over just that one thing. I cannot be someone, who I am not. Its sort of like, trying to knock out yourself if you try to do something to get someone elses approval. I just cant be like that, dont want too, hope I never will be. The goofy strange thing is that is how hostility always happens over something one person considers important and the other person considers vain. Its a shame really, because others should just leave others alone if they have disagreements on prinicipal on any single matter, and seek to resolve things in peaceful ways. Its simply not any of there business, you know, to do it any other way. Its like the law too, you know, both Gods law (the Bible) and the law in the United States. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of privacy. There is no reason to go on in length beyond that.
All of this is pretty much the only thing I have left to say. I dont have, neither does there exist a Luciferian Library from which to prove things on an ongoing basis. It simply doesnt exist, at least not yet and thank the Lord Almighty for that. So that, maybe you guys can just cut me a little slack on having to make me prove myself on a point by point basis. Furthermore, nobody can really do that in some things they are doing. . Its just too much to make someone prove everything they say on a point by point counterstroke argument. Furthermore, evil diabolical people are notorious for doing things underhandedly so that it makes doing stuff like that all but impossible. There is just too much lies and smoke and mirrors in the air, to make stuff like that remotely achievable with some people. I certainly am not proud of, nor happy about some of the places in life where I have been, to sit and see what it is others are doing, or what some evil men around me have said and done. If that makes understanding this paragraph easier, then, well, I guess that is a very good thing. I guess life would simply be so much easier if, nobody had to sit and sift and sort through other peoples stuff, in order to see what others have said and done. It certainly isnt a job that I would want to have as an occupation going on for ever and ever. Unfortunately, however, for most of us, that just isnt reality. There is times we have to do it, and better times when we dont. So for me personally I look for those better times, you know, when it never has to be done again because everything is fixed by God Almighty in his kingdom for ever and a day. A person cannot be hospitable about other peoples evil. You cant because if you are, you never can get rid of, or get the evil out of your own house and living quarters. I mean you cant entertain it or it wont leave. Evil doesnt develop a pair of legs and walk away. It doesnt because evil preys on good and descent things. Without good and descent things, there would be no such thing as evil. Evil simply wouldnt have a reason for the effort if it didnt have something to prey upon. That is in fact why it is called evil, things are evil because they oppose things that are good. You know the kind of things that healthy normal people consider to be correct and right as a matter of viewpoint or understanding. The thing is that sometimes things that are considered good are upsurped because people who are evil think they have a better and brighter picture, of how things should be done. The fact is they dont and for some of them they never will. They wont because of there own unsatisfactory sense, of what is good, descent and right. The fact that some people would have it that way, some in the 60's tried to portray as really out of sight.. Its out of sight because they can never get there, no matter how hard they try to invent and re twist there own petty wheel. The fact that they will never get there, it isnt groovy baby, its pathetic and boring and disinteresting and full of holes and lost lives. Pretty simple stuff really. (But mwaaa? About all somebody such as myself serves in the mind of somebody Luciferian like, is too think about me in terms of better safe than sorry. You know, the type of people who sort of feel that the mere fact they have to displeasure themselves with the thought of you, is about all the aggravation they are willing to put with in life Sadly, people like that, feel that they should be honored for the inconvience. I mean, how would you like to feel that you have that much lack of value, to someone else? Its not a husky bunch of stuff, I like doing cartwheels over, in measuring my own inconveince and lack of plyable worth.) AND THIS IS THE ONE THAT I WANT YOU TO HEAR. The odd and ugly reality of it, is that some people can find them selves agreeing with a Luciferian person just like that. Why? Well, thats an easy one. For there own gain, personal pleasure and satisfaction, and that fact they are not amused at the inconveince that is someone like me either. For somepeople others serve no good purpose, other than to what they can strain, weasel and conive out of them. Its actually pretty standard stuff, in the reality of what life is and shouldnt be. Pretty standard biblical stuff too really. Otherwise, the bible simply wouldnt have a concept called coveteousness and another one called fornication and adultry. Coveteousness, always has been, pretty much the basis on which all evil acts come together and occur. And that holds true wether somebody is coveting your money, life, wife, land anything that belongs too you. Some people just are not content, dont you see, with things that belong to them and that they can call there own. They have to be in everybody elses breakfast lunch and dinner. Actually they have to be everybody elses breakfast lunch and dinner too. Your nothing more than a by line to people who operate just like that.
Ahh, anyway, Invisible Dan so much for my lessons and messaging. As I know you probably are aware, I think I am about as interested in what I have to say as pretty much everybody else, which isnt very much, so time to move on. If only I could quantify the value of my own self, maybe I could actually have some rest about it all. Small houses for boring disinteresting tasteless people like myself, sounds about right on target, at least for most. At least laughter is good for my own sometimes self indulging sense of worth, and feels better than being in my own soup all the time. Bon Appetite!
But offending peoples sensibilities is something I am uncomfortable with, because I simply havent done it a lot before. It is much more comforting to drive down the middle of the road, pick what you like from left and right and move forward. Also, I feel that I am sounding way too Dennis Miller like, you know, causing whiplash for anyone who wont drool over things i utter. Niether, do I have a hip hip horrah society standing behind me like Miller, so that when I drone on and on I could be viewed as anything other than spewing trash. Tragic kind of, HEY where did all the hippies go, they were never hard to please! Too bad really they dont even exist anymore. Becoming a grownup will do that for you, you know, make a regular person out of someone.
You know Dan, I almost never get involved in or mettle with other peoples business. If I do things just like that, well then I can keep myself safe, and out of other peoples wrath and venting so to speak. Rather, I mostly just pirate somebody elses car, and drive it into someone elses. And I do that sometimes because its the only way other people can see what a mess of a life everybody is in. Besides that, if I didnt, well then I wouldnt feel that I have any value worth pointing out any time at all or period. So when I run out of things to do, I pretty much like to do that all day long. It wears you down tho after a while, because a lot of people dont appreciate having to have to deal with themselves in any way shape or form that is necessary. I mean, there is no appreciation, as in hardly none for doing stuff just like that. Its not mischeivous to do that stuff, its just deplorable for some that they have to think about what it is they are actually doing.
I also am sorry to you for being long winded, but I kinda gotta started and didnt know where to drop of the pen. If you made it this far, you will probably get a good nights sleep tonight.
Somethings are just better off said in rhyme and song. Why? I think that is because when its done that way it doesnt sound as boringly cheap as it otherwise sounds. You know, what you have to say, doesnt sound as disheartening when you can shift and dance about it some. Furthermore, somethings just cannot be reasonably well explained, in fact and with figures. Thats because things are laced with emotion, feeling, and hurt, things hard to describe otherwise. Thus a song for just that occasion:
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Wild Turkey?
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Yeah Waysider, its actually an American Bourbon Whiskey. Like Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, it's made from a corn mesh stored in Oak barrels (to give it a charcoal barbecue type taste), one of the chief differences being Wild Turkey comes in bottles up to 100 proof. The point being, like they said years ago before they had drugs for clinical usage, "For medicinal purposes." I believe for history sake, even Dentists back then would use whiskey and other alchohol for anethestics when performing their tasks on patients.
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As a person who has been labeled with many different devilish and biblically evil nicknames and the such like I definitely have huge reservations about anyone who picks apart people's traits that range from evil to only annoying and seemingly learns about the devil from human behavior.
Whether deliberate slanderous put downs as I have faced or just not thinking right it just is not good to see the devil every time someone has issues.
Just because people have real issues does not make them in any way "like the Devil." Unless you think the devil is not too bright, stupid, and possible mentally imbalanced as people with some of these problems are sometimes.
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Our daughter overheard us talking about an episode of "South Park" last night. It must have given her food for thought because she announced this morning "Lucifer is Dick Cheney".. . By the way, loved your poem Invisible Dan!
But on a more serious note – you make some excellent points, Jeff. I'm reminded of the typical TWI mindset of seeing devil spirits behind every tree. Being out of that insanity for quite some time now – I've come to think such focus does more harm than good. Which also brings to mind something I've noticed since then too – how little the Bible talks about the devil and devil spirits.
Never tallied up the ratio of how much Scripture is devoted to certain subjects – but having read the Bible through many times as well as studying several systematic theologies I'd venture to say offhand the subjects covered the most – by which I mean Scripture's main focus are God, Jesus Christ, man's fallen nature & redemption. And in regards to fallen man & redemption I see more of commands, moral demands & standards for dealing with sin than any directives to keeping one eye peeled for Lucifer or devil spirits.
A great author on Christian counseling, Jay Adams, talked about the spiritual battlefront being more inside than without – in reference to our sinful tendencies no doubt. I think it was John MacArthur who said the best way to prepare for spiritual battle is by living an upright, morally sound life. I believe that's some healthy advice.
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Hi T-Bone,
I think you said that very well. Even though I have never even heard of that author it seems that what he said makes sense.
For me after seeing up close all the damage that someone in authority can cause by getting folks to believe they are fighting the devil I have a very hard time hearing someone go on about the devil.
But then a lot of decent people have been murdered with the same tactics by church leadership too in times past. So it is certainly nothing new in one sense. But when this kind of pseudo-theology causes pain up close and personal it isn't cute or amusing any more. And people really, really have committed terrible atrocities in God's name while supposedly fighting the devil.
but as I believe that the Lord meant it when he said,"As you judge, so shall you be judged" or "Judge not lest you be judged" it seems very likely to me that the people responsible for these atrocities will pay a very steep price when the Lord has his say.
And briefly speaking, I think the Lord is the only one that can ever sort these things out, I do not know squat in comparison. The safety in me saying that is that it makes me much less likely to destroy a brother in God's name. Sometimes I think the dark side of the reformation even is that Catholics killed Protestants and Protestants killed Catholics. But they both killed Anabaptists and Unitarians.
Doubtlessly to me it seems likely that there were both good people and bad ones in all these camps.
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Yes, I'm familiar with it.
Your reference of it evoked a memory of consuming a goodly amount of it before riding "shotgun" in one of VP's classic cars. (a red one)
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i don't see any harm in looking into these things
objectively and subjectively
if it can be done without fear
lacking understanding of knowledge some will see differently
going overboard seems to occur with little knowledge and even less understanding
then certainly wisdom has been misplaced
the tide can change though
getting these things back can be done
we still have the capacity for the ablity
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When life seemingly becomes one mind-boggling conspiracy theory or another, it can become a drag after awhile. One can become overcome with an incredible sense of powerlessness. In this present, ugly economic climate this sense is magnified all the more.
So for all the doom and gloom, -we could all use a good laugh.
I really didnt intend this at your expense. I hope you dont imagine me sitting in a convertible amid the flames of fiery hell, cackling maniacally while pulling the fleshly mask off my face to reveal an ugly, sharped-tooth demon grinning ear to pointy ear, as revealed in the closing A-ha! panel of an old Jack Chic comic strip.
Indeed once upon a time as Jeff and T-Bone already raised -, in the perspective of our common religious background, the devil was everywhere, more places than Elvis and Bigfoot combined. The demonic winds listed through the minds and motions of even our closest family members, friends and acquaintences, effectively causing us to play out cheesy 3-D remakes of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Invaders from Mars in real life. Our parents were no longer our parents, our friends no longer really our friends. Somewhere along that crooked-fenced pathway, they all took a fateful stroll leading to the singing Martian sandpit atop the hill, and returned...the unwitting drones of Satan himself! Or was that all just a horrible dream?
As you see, Ive no objection to utilizing personal or cultural experiences in a Doctrinal forum. Post freely away to your hearts content.
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Yeah ok guys I get the point. I don’t claim to have some panoramic view into the minds of evil caricitures which give me some edge in capability. And I think you guys are partially correct, its not good to sit around and think about such things. I partially alluded, saying that a constant diet of how devious and wayward people think is NOT healthy. But there is the other end of the extreme too, and I think it says in Corinthians one place, “ that we are not ignorant of his devices.” So that, if you end up with your foot in a bear trap, its kind of nice when walking around to know that someone put a bear trap back there which a person can avoid.
Speaking of EXACTLY what you guys mentioned, I remember years ago there was this book written by two Christian women, who were into excorcizing demons and such. The story in the book was horrific. They described in some detail, things flying around the room, it sounded like something right out of the excorcist. Some people were heavily into doing that kind of stuff way back when. But remember too, that it really got weird. There was this one guy who was running around people who smoked cigarettes, and if you brand of smoke was Merit, he was casting out the demon of Merit.(I mean running around casting out the spirit of Merit out of somebody is just plain strange and weird.) (We actually have a hospital over here called Meritcare. I mean I really somebody should cast the Merit out of there name Meritcare, then they could change it too MoneyCare, which fits them much better. , but I realize that that is not a demon, or is it? Tee he, yes I am joking.) So that I think all that stuff kind of got overboard and indescent. And after that it all (that movement) just kind of died out.
I personally happen to believe in the supernatural world, an angelic and demon ridden world, and I am aware that a lot of people don’t. But the bible is pretty clear, in NT theology, that there are real demons, real angels etc etc. But I also recognize like you guys stated, that focusing on that all the time is bothersome and weird. I think its weird because people have free wills, to come and go as they please, at least pretty much. It’s also weird because a person cannot change someone else’s will, by focusing exclusively on external forces affecting their lives.
But I do find it rather telling that, from time to time, there is always something coming up, about the Devil, and Satan and their influence, so that, at least to me, it’s strange not to at least account for it. But I do understand what you guys are saying and I mostly agree with it. Because its not healthy to stand around and think about all the devious things and schemes some people can do. If one does, well they would sick themselves after a while. And the bible pretty much says that too, saying in Phillipians, whatsover things are true, honest, pure, lovely ..etc...... THINK ON THESE THINGS. Phillipians 4:8, Why? Because its healthy to think about good things, not devious things. But I thought I made that notation in my last notes, and thank for making me claify. That is all and thank for your comments.
Perhaps more germain to the thought is fighting against “badies” can be a real experience. The bible is choke full of at least laying it out what is there: Eph 6: 11-12: “the wiles of the devil”, “against the rulers of darkness of this world”, “against spiritual wickedness in high places” But in Colossians too it talks about not getting involved in worshiping of angels, “intruding into those things he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind.” So that, I understand the concept, where to draw the line on things that I have not seen. The larger point being, I was just trying to specify nefarious type of thinking that I have seen in some people, to make a short list of some of the bear traps that some people set for others.
I don’t know guys, for me, getting in a rhubarb with wayward people is kind of like playing Donkey Kong. You got ole Donkey Kong throwing everything at you including the kitchen sink. I am not sure there is a whole load of value in it, other than you get a lot of exercise.
Special thanks to Invisible Dan and Cman, I wrote this with you guys in mind:
Ha ha. Uh no Dan, I think I have already pretty much done that. I wouldn’t wanna spill out to much more, because I run the risk of vaporizing the thin ice I am pretty much on all day, and I have to keep what little goodwill I still have around these parts in tact. But that is truly descent thing about the GS Café. You can come in here, and overbake things, and nobody gets all upset and out of wack about it. I think they don’t get upset about it, because most the people in here, have pretty much seen things overbaked far too many times. Imagine that, this little hole in the wall called GS Café, where people stand around and try to help each other, even if someone thinks what your saying is flat out weird. (Its hysterical really.) And nobody else on the planet really understands any of that, because a lot of people never had things so bad in some doctrinal experience or whatever, that they really had to try to CARE despite all of that. But people shouldn’t think, just like that about former TWI people or anyone else. It’s like some folks try to think of others, based upon what they did that failed. Then, because something you did failed, they kind of think of that person as a loser. But that is not the reality of life, the reality is, everybody fails from time to time. You remember when I mentioned to you about my involvement early in my life with an Independent Assemblies of God place which fell apart. The question is that took me some time to resolve was ,”Was it really a failure?” To which I would have to mutter, Nope not at all. One of the most successful things I ever experienced in all my life. Successful because I learned from failings what doesn’t work, what can’t work, what kind of prayers don’t work. But it was really really ODD that, just like in TWI, a lot of the folks that left there, seemed to take with them a big GRUDGE against God and other people. As if they themselves had done enough, went far enough, had a difficult time enough, so as that they would never have a desire to plant a foot on a bible verse again. I kind of learned after a while that that type of thinking and bitterness leads to a life of misplaced fortunes. At the time that all this stuff was going on for me there was this one bible verse that hit me like a lead pipe cinch. It’s Hebrews 6:10 which reads, “God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shewed towards his name...... etc” The Almighty is not unrighteous because he has better things in store for people if they can just move on and through all the crap and junk. But bitterness of the soul can rob a person of all of that.
You might find it interesting that I know these three people who are Jehovahs Witnesses. They are very very nice people, caring people who would give you the shirt of there backs. And one of them, he always tries to recruit me into becoming a JW. And while he is doing it, its like he feels sorry for me. He really does, he thinks I am on the outside looking in about everything he has, and I don’t got. But the JW’s, I pretty much stay away from what there brew is, because they spin Greek works and hinge a TON of things on just a few bible verses. But I cannot say that they are 100 percent wrong about all that either. So anyways, one day I was talking to this female JW, whom I positively adore. So I had to kind of let her know at least one thing about JW’s that really really bugged me big time. So I let it rip, You know how the JW is always talking about the 144,000 in the bible, and they told me that those people are already made up and there was no chance for an alley cat like me to be a part of the 144,000 in the book of Revelation. And this was really really bugging me big time about those guys. They already had the glue and the house built and I was on the outs, never having so much as a single chance to be apart of the 144,000 that they are always talking about. So I am talking to this female JW that I have always adored, and I told her, “What incentive is there to be a JW, if I don’t even stand as much as a single chance to be a part of the 144,000?” And she just roared and went off laughing so hard, she was laughing so hard that she just about fell over and cried. Then she says too me, Thats not true, those things are not made up yet. Now well all of this did not make me BECOME A JW, I learned on thing, that is , one JW is not always the same as the next JW. And I honestly cannot say that I have not learned something good from the JW’s. I mean, I am not a JW, but I certainly don’t hold JW’s in contempt for everything they are, like some people in churches do. What I am trying to say is that I think the JW is actually kind of a neat person, tidy and really nice people to be around. I sometimes really like those guys, because they are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS are nice to me. They are really honest people too, there is no nonsense with those guys. That’s about all it takes for an alley cat like myself. A warm saucer of milk will pretty much get someone there with me. Now I am Not a JW, but you know what, I like being around those guys sometimes because they treated me so kind and wonderful.( But I pretty much have to qualify all of this too, because the JW’s I know, never were poisoned about some like myself with gossip and other stuff. So that maybe they were just being nice to me, because they never yet heard, of all the awful things that I supposedly am. It’s like you can get a magic carpet ride with some folks, based upon the principal they don’t know much about you at all. But what if everything somebody was saying about someone else wasn’t remotely truthful? Well, I think that is why the bible tells us not to Judge someone else, cause the truth is sometimes others don’t have a clue or a vowel about what makes someone else tick. And maybe maybe maybe, JW’s and some other religious people really understand all of that. ) But if you have to stand around and think about all this stuff too much, a person can become artifitually insane, just based upon others preconceived ideas of what everybody else has to be like.
I actually think that a person can tell as much about someone else just based upon how or wether they say Hello and Goodbye. If a person says hello in a warm manner, they make you feel welcome. If person looks at you and says nothing, they make you feel like why in the world are you standing there in the first place. If a person says Goodbye when your leaving in a warm tone, they make you feel like they might want you to come back. If a person gives you a cold stare when your leaving, you pretty much feel like you shouldn’t be coming back anytime soon. I met this young nice woman, who is married with one kid. She never says NO to anybody. I call her Lifes Hello and Goodbye Girl. That’s because when she says Hello, you almost have to say Goodbye real fast, because she is so nice, and friendly and considerate, that she overwhelms people with her caring. And its really really hard not to want to be around someone who is just like that. Because when your older like myself, your pretty much greedy for trying with someone like that. In this way our society is so mixed up and inconsiderate. If a person who is man, talks to a young women and is friendly, a lot of people think, it is because they want to have sex with that person. And about some people who are terrible that is the truth. You know, people like Donald Trump, that all he cares about is bating and boating and backseating some young beautiful woman. But its just not fair that the rest of us, should have to pay the price for Donald Trumps wayward underwear. Not everybody, (at least I hope) who talks to a young woman wants to sack her. But people have to pay a price, everybody, for nefarious minds like Donald Trump, because the way Donald Trump behaves he makes look good and right, to behave just like that. Then, I wonder, where is the VALUES of people, that they want to magnify a man like Donald Trump? Why on earth would anybody want to extoll a man whose behavior is right up there with Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt? Personally, I think its because people like those that can fly high and make it work.(They like it because they like success stories, but not all success stories are equal.) They like it, not because they want to be like that, but BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO BE LIKE THAT. And they understand that the Johnny Rambos of this world, like Trump, are just smoke and mirrors, plastic people, who place no value on anything other than themselves. And they like to look at stuff like that, because it reminds them of HOW AWFUL THEY THEMSELVES ARE NOT. Or do they? Cause if they really thought it was awful, well then people wouldn’t pay some one like Trump an ounce of courtesy and respect. It’s sort of the rubicks cube of life, that people are interested in other people that they simply have no earthly way of explaining, or complaining, about how a person can act just like that. But if a person is indifferent about stuff like that, it makes one look like they agree the behavior. Donald Trump is like the real live definition, of what a leprechaun is really like. This mans behavior defines, what a leprechaun is really like. Uffda, I am glad I got that one out. I don’t think I could live another day, without pointing that one out. But people that behave like Trump, its actually a Biblical crime. Its not a worldly crime. In fact, in some peoples minds, like Hugh Hefner, too live just like Trump does, is a virtue.It’s a virtue to them, because they can do it and get by with it, there cannot be any other possible reason. But people that think like that, that is what you call control and abusive behavior too. And I will be honest with you, it makes the God of the Old Testament, look just way to kind that they can get by with it at all. Then, people stand around and complain about the Old Testament as being way too overboard and difficult and having ruthless judgements. I don’t see that about the Old Testament at all. Just the fact, that someone like Trump can do the things he does right now with impunity, proves to me that God is way too lenient and tolerant of some people. But I think the good news is that someday, all the things in Old and New Testament alike, will be established for the true good that they really are. And I just can’t understand, why its so hard to discern the difference in why something that is evil like that(like Donald Trumps acts and deeds.) , is so hard for people to get. It’s easy, its as easy as American apple pie.
Don’t ever have a tooth to pick with a man like Donald Trump. Because if you do, he will own everything that you ever wanted or had. Its about his cavalier way in which he walks right through other people, as if everyone is just another nickel in his pocket waiting to be spent. Now I know that talking about devils and such isn’t polite and well rounded. But if somebody was to tell me that Donald Trump, is not a devil in hiding, well I would beg to differ. Trump is like deceit, incarnate, born for that very purpose. People don’t need to stand around with a rubicks cube, trying to figure out just what it is that makes a man like him move. Trump pretty much just sacks and pillages people by isolating them one on one. And the entire time he does it, he does it while he is appealing to himself. Because you see, your just not good enough, if your not Donald like. Learn therefore now, what it is too be Donald like, because when you do, Donald will make sure you can float for another day. He will make you famous for it too, Donald style. Hot dog, doesn’t that just make young women want to take a back seat in Donalds car. Sure looks like it for some. It’s sort of the worst rub in life, when you have to point out the personal failings of a man like Trump. It’s a bad rub because Trump never met anyone, not a single soul, that had something that he couldn’t own or buy. And if he can’t own it or buy it, well then his life is too dismantled to even think about. Because everything to a man like Trump, is just another cigar or plaque in his office for him to smoke, because nothing in this life is more worthy or can have more virtue that it shouldn’t be on his top shelf. And I cant even begin to reason, or fathom, how a man can think or act just like that.
But don’t think that I know too much about stuff nobody else can see. I don’t know if you guys have ever seen those tatoos that a few women put on the small of there backs above there rear ends. I was asking myself one day, why on earth would somebody want to put a tatoo right there. It seems like a very odd place for a tatoo, because they cant even see there own tatoo. Then, one day it dawned on me, that it was probably some leprechaun like Trump that came up with that idea.(or some other leprechuan that is like Trump) Why? Well to identify all the women on the planet that a leprechaun wants to sodomize of course. And the sick thing is, the women that do that, don’t even have clue that that is what those tatoos are all about. I actually feel sorry for those girls, because they have a tattoo back there that they don’t even know what it is all about. Perhaps that is why the bible in the OT talks about not having marks and cuttings and tatoos on your body, because there are leprechauns out there, who when they don’t have anything better to do think up this kind of weird stuff. It’s like the goofiest looking tatoo ever from a distance too. From a distance those tatoos look like pubic hair or something, which kind of tell people what the leprechauns are all about. Of course, I am not 100 percent sure that is how those tattoos on the small of a few womens backs came about. That is what you call an educated guess. Perhaps I have been thinking to much lately, trying to hard to figure things out. It does appear, however, that there is a hidden meaning behind those tattoes on the small of a womens back. And like I said, I actually feel sorry for women who go get those tatoos because they don’t know better, cause nobody has ever told them, what the leprechuans are up to and really like. And like I said, I could be wrong about all of this, but the thought occurred to me, that must be the reason for those tattoes.
Then there is screwball stuff like, who on earth came up with the term - a hopeless romantic? No doubt, it had to be some screwball leprechaun, who every time he tried to be romantic couldn’t possibly score. But women mostly say they are in love with romance. And they are because it makes them feel rather secure about what scoring with them is all about. And most women can’t even sit still, if scoring isn’t mostly about romance, because to them it has no value otherwise, and I really can’t say that I disagree with a woman about that. So that, I don’t like to try to be romantic, I just mostly hope that I am romantic, because otherwise there really isnt much of anything else left to decide. I don’t think somebody can actually be romantic by trying either, women are just far to different in what from woman to woman they decide is romantic. To one woman it’s a candle lit dinner, to another a dozen roses from a far. And nobody can try to make themselves into a one size fits all shoe for stuff like that. It does seem really true, however ,that if a person is romantic by nature, there is absolutely nothing hopeless about that, at least with a woman. Because it’s the one that always steals there hearts for love and everything else. And a woman kind of wants you to know that, that is exactly what scoring with her is all about. Because if scoring isnt about everything she is about, to her it is a useless, wasteful parting of all your time.
And there is absolutely nothing there that anyone can reasonably disagree with. So that, the term to be more accurate at least with someone who is honest and sincere in there intentions, ought to read a “hopeful romantic.”(And only with woman, a hopeless romantic, because they are hopeless because it doesn’t yield the results they want.) Men want to try to have hope, because you really never wanted to be diminished or anything less about what your doing. (The reason men can never have hope in romance, is that romance is something most men never wanted to begin with, all they ever wanted was that thing between there legs adorned.) With a great woman, its sort of like that movie ‘The Longest Yard.” Its that yard that a great women will never give a man if she knows his intentions and sincerity is out of kilter. And a really fine woman absolutely demands all of that, otherwise she simply feels diminished about everything else.
I think that is probably about enough for me tho Dan, handing out educations on JW’s and some other things, is something I never thought I would remotely ever try to do. Because I remember hearing when I was really young that they were a cult. And I always was pretty much been really scared of somebody who is in a cult. I saw this one group, down in Dinkytown Minneapolis when I was 19. They were like the wierdest people I had ever seen. I mean they were into statues and eating victuals and doing like chants and stuff. It was so weird that after watching them a few times, everytime I heard the word CULT, I just really freaked out big time.
I will just show you one other thing, about why it is the PERSON, DOING THE ACTION THAT IS THE EVIL THING, NOT what people say that makes the difference. I have heard of or know of this one person, whose name is Terry Glenn, he is a football player. Terry Glenn rarely ever asks one single question that he doesn’t have the answer for before he asks the question. You say to yourself well that is not so unusual, if other people do the same thing. Its only unusual if your name is Terry Glenn, because Terry Glenn does stuff like that to dictate on his own terms the conversation and to CONTROL PEOPLE AROUND HIM IN A WICKED WAY. But it doesn’t have to be like that at all. I know of this other guy, whose name is Terry too, and he asks questions all the time, BUT ONLY AT TIMES, provides the answers to his own question. The difference is, that this Terry does it because he honestly doesn’t know at times and sometimes he is just looking for affirmation about his own conclusions. Same technique with far different outcomes. You say to yourself well, Terry Glenn is loco or nuts for asking questions if he already knows the answer. Your correct it is nuts or loco, but it only REMAINS NOT CRAZY, because people are unaware or ignorant as to why Terry Glenn is posturing the question. So that, you have to see, that ALL CONVERSATION is filled with intent, and intent is invisible, you don’t know right off the bat what that intent is with some people. This explains why the concept of PARANOIA is 100 percent completely logical, but only with respect to people who are filled with evil and trying to be deceptive. It also explains 100 percent the WHY, PEOPLE have to have a conscience. If you don’t have a conscience one cannot discern, between what people are saying something that is GOOD AND what people are saying something that is evil. You say to yourself well your quite sure this Terry Glenn guy must SOMETIMES ask a question which he doesn’t provide the answer for. Well of course he has had those times too, the problems is that it REMAINS WHEN, the timing of the question when he does stuff like that, is when you are not anticipating the thing at all. The conclusion is that, you don’t know when someone like him postures a question wether he is sincere or not. Which explains in large measure why a persons sincerity controls every thing a persons says, and you have to know that with your conscience, or your finished before you even know how to reply. It also explains why the concept of the truth and honesty, are things people cannot get along without. It also explains precisely, why law enforcement officials are so in love with lie detector tests. It’s the only way they have around tricksters hucksters and charalatons, which can get them through all the non sense and lies. It also explains precisely why you have to look out for people like Terry Glenn, because what he is doing is pure evil. It also explains why that other Terry I mentioned to you, is such a valuable person in terms of worth. When a guy like that other Terry is around, you can almost forget everything you ever knew because he doesn’t or wont (at least every hour of the time I have seen) make up tricks and lies about you. The other Terry, really doesn’t have a capacity for being that evil and nasty. Now I am sure that other Terry could do things like that other Terry Glenn guy, but only when he was backed into a corner so awful and bad that he had no other choice. Which is why the bible talks about redeeming the time, for the days are evil. And there is absolutely positively no way around a person like Terry Glenn. WHY? Because all he has to do, to win the day, is ask a question about something at a time when he refuses to get the truthful answer, then hes brilliant for granting people whatever his lie is. He brilliant for it because since everybody knows he knows the solution or answer, he will ask it precisely at the time when nobody is around to provide him with the only truthful answer. This describes precisely the difference between evil and good. Evil can only prosper in the hands of someone who already has in there own head all the possible evil one can find. The painful and difficult thing is, that is the way people like Terry Glenn have always wanted it. They want it that way, the evil way, because it’s the only possible means someone like that has for survival. You know that old saying, A man is pretty much well known by the company he keeps?, never has that saying had more truth to it than when it comes to Terry Glenn.
You know Dan, I really think the prospect of you pulling off a mask and surprising everyone with some horns, would NOT work at all for you. That’s right, everybody around these parts pretty much knows that is not what your like. But if you wanna shock us all one time, well, Holloween is just around the corner. But don’t do the Jamie Lee Curtis thing and scare us all too much, I don’t wanna even think of the prospect that your name is Michael Myers or something like that. A few holloweens ago I dressed up like count Dracula. Last Holloween I went and bought a mask from Kmart and walked up to the local bar and had a few drinks. I kind of like Holloween, because it’s the one day of the year, nobody can even know who I am. That way it gives people less to laugh about and ridicule. Cause some people always knows JUST EXACTLY WHAT SOMEONE ELSE IS LIKE, even if they never spent so much as a dime of time trying to get to know them. It’s about being sterotyped. A lot of people sterotyping other people. I think its just an easy and convenient way, to disregard everybody but themselves. The crazy thing is, I think somebody can actually get a hangover, just from thinking about the crazy things somebody else is thinking and saying about somebody else. Then one can become like bent, hell bent, on trying to disprove it all wrong.
Oh and Cman, thanks for helping me out. I really didn’t think I overbaked the cookies all that much. What that means is I think the cookies of this thread are at least edible. You know Cman, I have always had an interest in that bible verse in James 3:1 which reads, “My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.” Why on earth would anyone want to be the master, if all it gets someone is condemnation? But I think sometimes this stuff will resolve itself on its own too. Because the bible says pretty much up and down, that God is trying to write his law on peoples hearts, so that the master thing someday will pretty much get tossed away, because people would be behaving on there own the right way. Anyway, Cman, I do so much appreciate your commentary and things you write. Your very poetic and complete about things you believe, I think that is healthy and it certainly looks to me like you have a good grasp on things in this life with a positive outlook and approach. But don’t go around teaching people to much, I wouldn’t want to see people condemning you for it. Which is kind of like why, I pretty much try to stay out of the whole, “ I know more than somebody else racket.” (NO, I am not saying you are like that, you are pretty much just the opposite of that, which is why you don’t have a podium with a football yard of people listening to you.)
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