Just stop. Breathe deeply and slowly, and close your eyes.
I don't know where you are, but from where I sit the world is a noisy place. Maybe I'm in Oregon. Maybe I'm in New Orleans. Maybe I'm somewhere else. I might be listening to the radio, or concentrating in the law library. I might be eating or cooking or cleaning or making a mess. I might be sick or healthy, awake or asleep. I might be among friends, associates, animals, plants or just be by myself. But, like you, I am alive--this we have in common.
We might not have much else in common. We might be from different countries. We might be of different genders or have different sexual orientations. We might have different racial, ethnic or religious heritages. We probably look and sound and smell very different. We may vote differently, or, assuming you enjoy the franchise, you may choose not to vote at all (I vote in every election).
So what. So we're both here, together on earth. We share many of the mundane aspects of humanity. We both know what food feels like between tongue and tooth. We've both skirted that limen between awake and asleep, a confusing and transcendent fog. We were both born, and we will both die.
But these things are rote. The world we were born into becomes ours over only one lifetime. In this span we are the subjects and objects of a great many arrangements, and such a cacophony can be hapless and severe if we do not take notice.
This is my little democratic experiment. I believe that with consideration and grace our life together can be tonic. So this is my way of looking out, in and around, considering what, who and how is here in this shared moral universe. I know how silly and faux-philosophical this all sounds, but how seriously you take your navel is up to you. So, I invite you to contemplate, read and contribute--to open our eyes and breathe together.
just want to say
Omphaloskepsis, n
Contemplation of one's navel [as an aid to meditation].
Recommended Posts
Heeeeee!!! Do they still make Jolt Cola??
I remember their slogan from back in the mid -1980's :
Are ya drinking something besides that, Raf??
If you are -- pass it on over, I want some too!
And also -- if Steve! were God, his *sent Son* would be Flat Stanley, Ambassador to the world!!.
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Ps. -- and as I write this, Flat is here in the chair next to me LHFAO (Laughing His Flat A** Off).
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You guys must be drinking some of that Michael Jackson Jesus juice.
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Whattaya mean *IF*????
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Now I know where to send my Christmas wish list to..
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Steve! You've got a little work ahead for you "big guy", heh heh.
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What do you mean, "Virgin"?
The strange things that go through peoples' minds as they go through nicotine withdrawal . . .
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Heh heh heh.
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Not THAT'S a church I could be faithful to!
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Raf, I get the wine, but why pound cake?
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I don't know. It just seemed better than saying "an entire loaf of bread" or "a box of Ritz crackers."
I should have said Par juice instead of the wine, though. THAT would make me feel at one with the Almighty.
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Perhaps brie with Pepperidge Farm goldfish crackers?
Or Cindy!'s famous home-baked sourdough bread?
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so if his Godship was Catholic Godship we could have communion EVERY day,,,yeah, now we're talkin!!!
and we could say :
in the name of the Steveship, Virginwife and the kidletts,
can't wait to join.
you can baptize me in the summer and on w/communion.
what would Steveship do for baptisim???
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two words...
Hot Tub!!!!!
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I know he isn't God
(I've seen him fly, and damn that cape
looks good on him too!
:P--> )
(ps bbq's a great chicken too
:D--> )
can't wait for summer parties!
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Oh ye demon spawn from hades....repent ye of your evil thoughts and turn once again to the TRUE light of Steve!
(cuz chicken ain't the only thang he can bbq WELL ! )
What say you, followers of Steve! shall the wench be allowed this heresy???
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If Steve! were God, (er, sorry, that's God! to YOU!!!!) I'd ask him for Cindy's twin sister, world peace and a bigger *censored*
EDIT: Hey! I said "DUCK"! Stupid auto-censor...
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If Steve were God!, then Cindy! woud be Mrs. God! ?
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I have it on good authority that Mrs. God is a Latina. Her name is Gloria Dios. Spanish people invoke her name all the time.
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Who is this Gloria b*tch??? Movin in on my man....I'll scratch her d*mn eyes out and make her WISH she were related to a diety!!!
er...I mean...hush up, Raf!
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Oye, don' mess with Gloria Dios! Latinos are more protective of Gloria Dios than they are of Madre Maria and Espiritu Santo...
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Someone told the words "hot tub" and "barbeque" were used in the same thread.
Party at my house.
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just want to say
HIYA Zixar
Just stop. Breathe deeply and slowly, and close your eyes.
I don't know where you are, but from where I sit the world is a noisy place. Maybe I'm in Oregon. Maybe I'm in New Orleans. Maybe I'm somewhere else. I might be listening to the radio, or concentrating in the law library. I might be eating or cooking or cleaning or making a mess. I might be sick or healthy, awake or asleep. I might be among friends, associates, animals, plants or just be by myself. But, like you, I am alive--this we have in common.
We might not have much else in common. We might be from different countries. We might be of different genders or have different sexual orientations. We might have different racial, ethnic or religious heritages. We probably look and sound and smell very different. We may vote differently, or, assuming you enjoy the franchise, you may choose not to vote at all (I vote in every election).
So what. So we're both here, together on earth. We share many of the mundane aspects of humanity. We both know what food feels like between tongue and tooth. We've both skirted that limen between awake and asleep, a confusing and transcendent fog. We were both born, and we will both die.
But these things are rote. The world we were born into becomes ours over only one lifetime. In this span we are the subjects and objects of a great many arrangements, and such a cacophony can be hapless and severe if we do not take notice.
This is my little democratic experiment. I believe that with consideration and grace our life together can be tonic. So this is my way of looking out, in and around, considering what, who and how is here in this shared moral universe. I know how silly and faux-philosophical this all sounds, but how seriously you take your navel is up to you. So, I invite you to contemplate, read and contribute--to open our eyes and breathe together.
just want to say
Omphaloskepsis, n
Contemplation of one's navel [as an aid to meditation].
omphalos: navel
skepsis: contemplation
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