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John Lynn and STFI

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  On 10/8/2009 at 2:48 PM, Tzaia said:


Was JAL fired or did he leave? Either way, if he's gone and is starting his own thing, then there had to be some sort of philosophical parting of the ways.

One can only hope that he's had some sort of epiphany about what TWI taught, but I doubt it since he's targeting ex-way people.

I can not assume why John Lynn has decided to start his own thing. I also wonder if He will be as vocal about his feelings and "what happened" (remember that ordeal?) as he was when he left twi.

I am leaning towards money and just general personality and decision issues amoung the board members, geez if it doctrinal I really would like to know the details because they have worked so closely for so many years.

I think it is about the "direction" of the group in other words how they want to present their material not the information itself. MG wanted more of a church model and STF leaders are in discussion mode for direction.

I do not know how JAL is feeling about how he should " spread the word". cough .

JAL doesnt think he teaches what twi taught do not ask me if it is denial I do not know him well enough to say, I do enjoy his teachings tho. ex twi people is all he has tzaia or at least that will send/give the money with out question because of trained thinking in that area from twi.

now with a wife and all the demand is bigger to maintain a lifestyle worthy eh?


Yes we all are far to old for this nonsense. that is what I was trying to communicate in my previous post. With the ill feelings all this in fighting makes amoung people just how effective is "the ministry " ?

Tzaia your right about some not knowing all the issues theses people have but alot of their stuff is down right FREE on the web so it isnt acritical matter.

It is those who give the mighty buck that pick and chose sides and right and wrong for the most part right? Those willing to drive fly and bus it to another state for a meeting about what they want and need from PEOPLE they want to lead them.

I personaly consider those in my own community in which I have contact and a relationship and full disclosure with my "leaders", because it is real and good and honest and alive every single day. jesus is Lord not a man or women with a mission and a agenda .

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  On 10/8/2009 at 5:25 PM, Tzaia said:

Books - stuff that costs money to produce is one thing, but I told them ages ago that charging for stuff that is freely available elsewhere is a good reason to go elsewhere.

They have their own bible now!!!

here the way I see it tzaia they want to do this for a living JS and DG have large families to support and are quite used to the travel and lifestyle. not to shabby really considering your calling your own hours your own boss etc all the perks self ownership allows.

hard to give up!

In fact a real job was never considered as God will for them. they cling to money from those who like them enough to give them money.

Lucky I guess maybe but to far in it now and getting far to old to have other options in this day and age and economy.

it is sales baby and it is hard core theses days with the common man struggling to just get by.

no I do not think it is all about cash but their own selfish desire and greed at times to have "their own thing" run their own show etc.

crap some days I want to tell my boss I know better but I want my pay more those choices in life didnt happen to them.

they were in it and fat and happy , they work hard no doubt, and want alot of credit for it. who doesnt work hard and still doesnt get the perks of the type of life they lead? many. I am not jealous I just know human nature very well.

many relationship fail to thrive in harsh economic times . priorities change with less money, add more wifes and responsibilities freaking middle age. we are all just crazy. .

They can say it is Gods will all they want I do not believe it. God wouldnt have us fight and find issuewith one another but yet we do.

the motives are never really known but it comes down to survival of the fittest. lol always does. I can guess but truly God only knows the true intent in theses type of situations, I chose to stick with Him praying for us all.

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As for their translation called English Revised Version based on 1901 American Standard Version but with corrections for doctrine based on koinne Greek, Figures of Speech, and "Orientalisms". Surely they are familar with New American Standard Bible Updated or English Standard Version, but no those pesky Trinitarians have polluted the original "God-breathed" Word. So here I am to save the day, John Schoenheit is on his way(apologies to Mighty Mouse :biglaugh: ).

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I receive tapes and The Sower from STFI since I make a small donation to them monthly. I forgot the term for that. Anyway, I received a letter a few days ago that stated that John Lynn had left to "pursue his own ministry." And they are having a meeting to decide on the direction STFI should go, a meeting that is open to all members.

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I am leaning towards money and just general personality and decision issues amoung the board members, geez if it is doctrinal I really would like to know the details because they have worked so closely for so many years.

I highly doubt it was doctrinal also.. I heard JAL personally a year ago and know what STFI puts out, and I think they are both nuts! But I don't think those nuts are fit for a squirrel (Ham)!

They both believe and teach that God makes mistakes. (He's only 98% correct, doncha know! That's why he's not in control!)

They both believe Christ made mistakes and said/did incorrect things because He didn't know the everything.

They both still teach personal prophecy, only it's not at the forefront anymore.

And since God/Christ make mistakes, personal prophecy could be wrong, it's all about practice! (Order our DVD for only $$$$)

They still promote the "We are better and have better doctrine than anyone else" philosophy..

There are "nuttier" things that JAL does say at times, but what else do you expect! He's human! lol..

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  On 10/8/2009 at 10:07 PM, Rejoice said:

"...they want to do this for a living JS and DG have large families to support..."

What families to support??? I thought their kids are all grown; DG says he has a number of grandchildren.

The grands live with them.

My kids are grown as well and grands and life is more expensive than ever . Im sure they have plans and would like money they often ask for it. not just for the families but for the camp and other propeties eyc.. maybe if you go to the meeting you can know for sure.

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tzaia I guess you will have to listen to their teachings to find out all their personal business they talk about.

then you can have more fodder to say their character is not worthy! My opinion is the folks in STF are very open and approachable but then again I do not cme from a place of deep involvement and political gain myself.

I do not really have a need to "trust " them I trust God enough to believe anyone that comes into my life is a blessing from Him . Jesus LOVES His people more than we ever will.

That is why I am thankful every day of my life to know HIM.

Because I feel this love divine I hope and pray I can love others in some small way in the same manner. our character is what the LORD is working on and I do believe the bible verses help mankind.

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You didn't answer the question. Who has grandkids living with them?

This isn't a trust issue, although I had a level of trust for a number of years. This is about true transparency, which I can guarantee you that you aren't getting from STF.

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  On 10/9/2009 at 5:29 PM, pond said:

I do not really have a need to "trust " them I trust God enough to believe anyone that comes into my life is a blessing from Him . Jesus LOVES His people more than we ever will.

Really? TWI came into your life. . . . blessing? I would imagine Jesus expects you to think and consider who you LET into your life. . . . . just a stab in the dark.

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  On 10/9/2009 at 5:29 PM, pond said:

I do not really have a need to "trust " them I trust God enough to believe anyone that comes into my life is a blessing from Him .

Strange as it might seem, I remember that very same thing being taught in The Way. It was in a live class called "Reflections" that the Fellow Laborers sat through. It all hinged on the "law of believing". In other words, if you went to the barber, you were supposed to "believe" God had sent you to the best choice. (Same deal for car repair, dentist, etc.) It was at the same time that the "ministry" was promoting the idea of doing all business with believers, if possible. Personally, I think it's a pretty naive approach. Being based on a bogus "law" doesn't do much to bolster my confidence either.

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  On 10/9/2009 at 11:37 PM, geisha779 said:

Yeah. . . . but, some learning experiences are a complete waste of time and can be avoided. . . . . that is the great thing about thinking "critically".

I dunno..

if one can avoid them.. I'll ask the question, why didn't you avoid them..


  On 10/9/2009 at 10:23 PM, Tzaia said:

I believe that each person who enters your life can provide a learning experience.

to which I would say.. I absolutely agree.

maybe it just wasn't the experience one wanted, or expected..


well.. I won't say unexpected. Or unwanted..

at least personally..

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That is the whole point to consider who is in my life. I am rarely afraid or cautious around people and never intimidated . Im glad I do not have to fix people or teach them to know something better about God Im just me .

WWJD? well he spent alot of time with folks who wanted him dead including in his own chosen group, so maybe I can consider the evil people can do to one another but I really do try more and more everyday to love and find the goodness in life and living and those I share my world with . works for me.

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  On 10/9/2009 at 7:01 PM, Tzaia said:

You didn't answer the question. Who has grandkids living with them?

This isn't a trust issue, although I had a level of trust for a number of years. This is about true transparency, which I can guarantee you that you aren't getting from STF.


Idk if anyone has true transparency from anyone all the time, they write bible teachings I mean ya know if it is all about whether the bible teachers have problems in life and issues are not allowed well I would be hard pressed to find any teaching in life about anything. I would have very few relationships or true sharing of life with people if I wanted to find perfection in anyone other than the Lord.

I want to say Im sorry your so hurt. bad things happen to good people and life isnt fair sometimes I hope and pray for you tonite your heart will heal.

I do not need to know so much dirt to enjoy what people have to offer me God blesses my life and because of the love of a Risen and much loving Saviour I can now look beyond our frail attempts and truly be thankful for the people God loves.

I can be wise but gentle knowing we all need him to be what we should be to one another in life.

to me it isnt kind or loving to pick apart people. If danger is involved it is a different story but I do not think they are dangerous to me and I know my father will tell me if I am in trouble and help me. God does love us you know.

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  On 10/10/2009 at 1:43 PM, Tzaia said:


Why won't you answer the question about the grandkids?

And another thing - I can do without the condescending attitude. I know these people. I have watched them deliberately hurt people while having a smile on their face. They tried to do the same thing to me. I just never bought it. I knew what they were up to even when they wouldn't admit it. In the case of JAL, I just hope he figured out that they were ALL in on the destruction of his marriage, not just the ones who were blamed.

Just so you know - I used to think it was ok to overlook ongoing character defects in people if what was taught was sound. Now I don't. What is taught is being taught from the perspective that these are issues that have been conquered (and let me show you how you can do it, too), when, IMO, they have not. That is not to say that one has to have overcome the obstacle in order to teach it, but they do have to be willing to acknowledge that they still have issues in that particular area.

JAL - if you are reading this I would strongly encourage you and E to get an invite to the Great Banquet where each of you can spend a weekend learning what real grace is.

you could read a recent issue of the sower magazine where in they claim character issues do not over ride the gifts of the spirit, sounds like you happen to be on the same page with that sermon as them.

I do not control people tzaia nor do I have bitter angry feelings towards anyone. I am not in the business of fixing people . grudges are not a good thing for my life I enjoy peace more. I asked you to define what love is and you have ot replied .

I do not think people have to do anything if they chose not too , and it isnt my job to nag them into my way of thinking about anything Jesus commands I love them and much forgivness is involved in worshiping God and serving His people.

I find it ironic you fly the grace banner for JAL and E yet refuse to recognize the same grace applies to all.

I admit I may never know the inner personality of the people you have made a platform of anger agaisnt, I do not need to, I did not allow them to control my life or thinking or hurt me. Im very sorry you did and ended up this hurt... but today is a new day and you can be in control of your own thoughts and feelings and live a life of peace and feel loving again if you chose too.

I never consider a teaching tape or a sermon or anything man generates as the standard for my life . The Lord Jesus christ is KING of KING he is my teacher and the standard I look for to live in and with today and forever. people are sinners, yes tzaia I know and sometimes we get hurt and feel angry about it, the unity of believers is written in phillipians. if your interested.

It sounds like you found your tribe in this "great banquet" group Im happy for you and I hope they are not in any way flawed or ever get into majoy disagreements with one another and you can be happy now.

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MG was fired in January of 2007. He did not leave the board until January of 2008.

May 2007 - JAL remarries E.

June 2008, JAL posted a letter that called ex-wayfers who hadn't gotten with some sort of ex-way program "disgruntled". This letter stirred up a bunch of crap. It is assumed that this letter was somehow sanctioned by STF, as it was posted on the old CES site. However, that might not be the case as STF does not directly manage the content on that site. The front page of the site is a redirect to the current site, but old pages are still accessible.

Planning for the bimonthly mag starts about 6 months out. Six months after the letter was published is how much longer JAL was an active presence at STF.

One person here said that JAL was fired. Another person said they received a letter from STF HQ saying that JAL had decided (and told them 2 months ago) to move on.

Another person has said that JAL was visiting affiliated fellowships and receiving donations recently, which would not be necessary if he was still a paid staff member.

Perhaps the letter was damage control on both their parts. STF is a different ministry from what it was back in 2000. I have my opinion as to why, but please feel free to draw your own conclusions.

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