I missed a lot of that, too. Berlin wall coming down? Scarce a mention of it! Learned of that with some surprise years later...am still not sure it has really happened. There was a brief mention in a Corps Night teaching - along the lines of, "It's devil spirits messing about. You know they only let go of that because there is something worse coming along." Maybe that was "meaningful" to field Corps, but to in-the-dark in-rez Corps it was bewildering.
But Mt St Helen's blowing - that was a biggie, because LCM went there and prophesied to the women at a branch meeting thereabouts that their unborn babies would all be okay. He had revelation to say that none of them would suffer as a result of the eruption.
We also watched a MJ video: "You can always learn from something done well. He can really dance!" (from one who certainly could not dance)
Big hair, shoulder pads, dark lips, purple eye shadow, leg warmers, Jordache jeans, Chinese flats, Michael Jackson, big hair metal, glam rock, rock ballads, Luke and Laura reunited, SNL Eddie Murphy, Alice, Cheers, Night Court, Growing Pains, Full House, Mash finale, Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr, Hands Across America, Stock Market Crash, Berlin Wall came down, Chernobyl, Baby Jessica, Exxon Valdez, Aids, Challenger, SF Earthquake, PTL scandal, Dirty Dancing, Brat Pack, Back to the Future, Karate Kid, Footloose, Vacation, Blues Brothers, Arthur, Bill & Ted, Ghostbusters, Rainman, Yuppies, Junk Bonds, Max Headroom, Garfield, Care Bears, Nintendo, Rainbow Brite, Madonna, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blossom, Dynasty. . . . and DollyWood opened.
Now you are caught up.
Oh don't even bring up Karate Kid!!! I think just about every time we'd have a movie night at Rome City - do you know what they'd show? Karate Kid. Yeah, you can talk all you want to about the stuff we missed being secluded in-residence.. . but doggonit - playing the same old movie over and over again can just about drive anyone stark raving mad.. mad I say! Just hearing someone say the title "Karate Kid" - - - something inside snaps! Slowly I turn, inch by inch - closer.. closer .. ripping the VHS tape out of the VCR with my bare hands - tearing it out of the case inch by magnetic tape inch "wax on, wax off.. movie on, movie off.. I can't take it any more.. I'll watch anything but that.. hell, I'll even watch Athletes of the Spirit as long as I can turn down the sound and make my own commentary."
We didn't have T.V.'s in Fellow Laborers. On Monday mornings, I would go to my secular job and all the people would be buzzing about a new show called Saturday Night Live. Do you know how embarrassing it was to try to explain why we didn't have T.V's.? The abundant life my arse!
Big hair, shoulder pads, dark lips, purple eye shadow, leg warmers, Jordache jeans, Chinese flats, Michael Jackson, big hair metal, glam rock, rock ballads, Luke and Laura reunited, SNL Eddie Murphy, Alice, Cheers, Night Court, Growing Pains, Full House, Mash finale, Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr, Hands Across America, Stock Market Crash, Berlin Wall came down, Chernobyl, Baby Jessica, Exxon Valdez, Aids, Challenger, SF Earthquake, PTL scandal, Dirty Dancing, Brat Pack, Back to the Future, Karate Kid, Footloose, Vacation, Blues Brothers, Arthur, Bill & Ted, Ghostbusters, Rainman, Yuppies, Junk Bonds, Max Headroom, Garfield, Care Bears, Nintendo, Rainbow Brite, Madonna, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blossom, Dynasty. . . . and DollyWood opened.
Now you are caught up. :)
Man! That's almost as good as the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" from Billy Joel!
deleted my duplicate post - musta been thinking the prophecy was doubled to show it was established :)
note to moderator I PMed about an issue on this thread - I was able to edit my latter two posts using Fire Fox instead of my normal browser [internet Explorer]
Our BS radar indicates the highly oppressive system is still hovering over New Knoxville, Ohio. A literal translation according to usage of the Farmer’s Almanac says to expect a severe crapstorm by Corps Night. Crapstorms of this magnitude have been known to render a significant percentage of the populace grease spots by midnight. These crapstorms should taper off into scattered patches of fog -some lasting for years - also known as fog years. Our chief meteorologist asked the pendant whether or not there will be any reign – noting several rounds of yes/no answers he’s forecasting a reign of terror on and off all week – depending on who has this present BS. This highly oppressive system is going to fabricate a rise in the temperature of believing starting out at 80 degrees Freakin’height on Tuesday.
From other threads, I am reminded that we listened to SNS tapes during our Mondays. That was because we had spent our Sundays doing things like preparing burgers and wrapping them in foil for giving out after the SNS, and preparing vats of coffee.
Seems to me that this is perfect training for a job in McD's. So you see, there were real practical benefits to the training.
We did have classes on OT History, NT History, Early Church History, One God, Orientalisms, Counseling, etc. And even though the instructors were Way Corps many of them were not necessarily twi-flunkies. They came in off the field with a lot of energy and many of them were genuinely good teachers. We read a LOT of materials, wrote a LOT of papers, took a LOT of tests, and did a LOT of discussion activities.
I wasn't in the College Div., but in Family Corps V (we graduated with the 9th Corps), we had those same classes plus Keys to Research, Figures of Speech, the Book of Acts, Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew (and some others I can't think of right now). I missed most of the Hebrew class because I was at LEAD, though. Most of the class instructors were excellent; a few were yawners. I did like the "block" curriculum model. I thought it was helpful to focus on one subject at a time rather than taking a bunch of classes at once in shorter sessions.
Twinky, you got 4 hours of private study time every day?? I would have loved that! We worked 4 hours in the morning and had class in the afternoon (or vice versa), plus evening classes, Corps nights, SNS, Sunday a.m. fellowship., whatever. Add to that scullery duty, chair stringing, and the other chores around the campus, and free time was minimal. We did get some decent blocks of time our last in-rez year when we were working on our research papers, but not every day. I enjoyed that time immensely.
LCM assigned your topic??? Good grief. When I was in, at least we got to pick our own topics. Mine was on "Overcoming Hardness of Heart in Leadership." My advisor said, "Why in the world did you choose that?" I said "Because I've seen too many hard-a$$es in the Corps." He sorta looked at me funny, but he didn't ask me to change it. It was one of my best times in residence except for the typing, which gave me carpal tunnel syndrome...lol. It was before the computer age had really hit...boy, what I would have given for one at that time!!!
We (FLO) didn't have any formalized curriculum even though we were supposed to be doing an intense two year study of The Book of Acts.Wednesday nights the limb leader would teach on whatever hit his fancy. Usually that meant we would get our arses chewed out for not believing big enough. Whatever. Morning fellowship was all 50 of us. It consisted of prayers, mannies and announcements. Then the run to the tree and back. Then, at night twigs, the teachings were all based on the collaterals, for the most part. If you hadn't taken a particular class, such as Witnessing or Renewed Mind, you could take it in a local class being held and thus avoid work detail. Sometimes we ran such classes in-house, as well. If you had been an instructor before coming into the program, you got to run classes in-house or in local areas. Oh,joy! Academically speaking, it was a thoroughly (or is that throughly?) disappointing experience. I can, however, quite readily distinguish the difference between a rutabaga and a radish as a result of having devoted two years of my life to the program. (My third year was, how shall I say it?----less devoted.)
Linda, our 4 hours of private study was what we were told we were getting... and then on some Mondays we had to listen to a repeat of the SNS (because not everyone had heard it, too busy wrapping burgers/tending kids/whatever); we got a replay of the Corps Night teaching on some Thursdays; we got to do "public speaking" (how to introduce an incident about What God Has Done For Me into a conversation); sometimes we had a twig meeting, though these weren't common; and the study was interrupted every other day by us having to run across to the Way Woods, chop wood for 3/4 hour or so, then run back and carry on studying. (This was our physical exercise for the days when we didn't get up at 5.30 and go running round the grounds.) If study was in the afternoon and the noon meal overran (ie, LCM had some big rant about something) - then we had to wash all the dishes and the floors - well, too bad, that was a big chunk of our study time. Also it varied according to what events were on and if there were classes for field people (cos you know who got the joy and privilege of serving them, don't you?) then that was our study time again.
It varied from month to month (and nothing at all in the run-up to RoA from about late May). Some weeks there was little private study time; other weeks there was more. It wasn't directed; we could do what we wanted though it was assumed after listening to SNS or CN that we would go away and "work" that material.
We didn't get any of the classes you mentioned. But then, there was nobody around, as it were. Those who might have been able to teach had been run off or left in the fog years. There was no "research team" at all.
It was "optional" to attend the SNS rehearsal (straight after breakfast on Sunday morning) (yeah, right, try exercising your option not to attend), then we had to run to the BRC to be at the 10.30am fellowship, then we got lunch, then perhaps an hour's downtime (snooze?) then we'd be getting ready for the SNS - people working in the Aud (AV, meet and greet, backstage) had to be there very early. Others would be doing other prep work. Sunday evenings were usually free, as long as visitors were gone and the dishwashing (the interminable dishwashing) was done.
Yep, LCM assigned my research paper. By the time to choose, I was so beaten down and suffering from low self-esteem that I think I'd selectd soemthing about overcoming condemnation (ie, that very condemnation that they had taught me!!!). Instead, he wanted me to research "An Answer of Truth in the Face of Accusation." It started as a word study of the Gk word apokrinomai, which is used a lot in the Gospel of John (where it's often translated in KJV as answered and said). I found a Hebrew word meaning similar but not quite the same, and the project took me all over the Bible with lots of interesting side forays. I have no recollection of any "adviser" or mentor, or discussing it in any formal way, or any sort of review meeting from time to time, not even with the Corps Coordinator, though I may have forgotten after all this time.
What I think LCM really wanted, was for me to do his research for him into him giving an "answer of truth" to his many critics; it wasn't too long after the fog years.
Instead, what I came up with was along the lines that the answer was in the way you conducted your life - walking the talk, basically. Any accusation could be backed down if you were doing what you were supposed to be doing, according to Biblical principle. The answer is to line up your heart with God's compassion, and live that way, extending that as genuine care and love to the people around you.
...You can see why that would go down like a lead balloon.
I shudder to think of Waysider trying to slice a rutabaga for a tossed salad, so perhaps FLO was worthwhile, after all. I got the best gift of all (except for Jesus Christ of course) from FLO - Mr. Garden!
Other than that, a lot of it is a blur. I don't remember being very happy; the situation was so abnormal, and in spite of having lived my WOW year with a WC on her interim year, I was still pretty independent. A third year FLO once told me that when she met me the first time, she decided it was her personal mission to "break me." "Break me of WHAT?" I wondered. I had been toilet trained since age 1 1/2 and really didn't feel a need to mark my territory, since I didn't have any to mark.
Break my spirit, break my heart, break my individuality. I learned to keep my mouth shut and my opinions, which were many, to myself. I liked spending time in the garden, however, and that was the second best part, and I still to this day love growing, freezing and canning, as does Mr. Garden, who set the damn thing up in the first place, with help from I*a He**n from NK. I'm not sorry I did the program because that's where I met the love of my life, but I do wish it could have been what it was cracked up to be.
probably took renewed mind efficiency to use the prescribed three squares of paper, or whatever it was..
I figured if I got caught using more than my "fair share", then hats off to whoever the person was who caught me. Furthermore, it was shared that toilet paper was not for runny noses. If you had a cold and you used toilet paper to take care of a runny nose, then it was stealing. Yup! Biblical Research at its finest!
If we're really living the "abundant life" (as portrayed in session one of PFAL) why would we need to worry about trivial matters such as how much booty wipe we use?
Oh, wait! Now I remember.
Stewardship. (He who is faithful in least is faithful in much.)
Sooooooo, then, why couldn't an unbeliever simply learn to be a good steward of his possessions and skip the whole Bible thing altogether?
"I figured if I got caught using more than my "fair share", then hats off to whoever the person was who caught me. Furthermore, it was shared that toilet paper was not for runny noses. If you had a cold and you used toilet paper to take care of a runny nose, then it was stealing. Yup! Biblical Research at its finest!"
Well, I guess you could have wiped your runny nose on the leader's tee shirt.
Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel! That misses the whole point of just about everything.
I don't remember anyone chiding me about toilet paper in FLO or our three months in hell at Rome City. That is about the silliest thing I ever heard.
The floss chart really bugged me though. Bless Patrol had to check the floss charts at midnight, then track down and awaken the sleepy unflossed (or at least un-chart checked) and tell them to go do whatever it was they hadn't done. Got to the point where you just went and checked off your whole family without asking them have they flossed or not. I always wanted to check off a week at a time in advance, but I supposed that wouldn't have flown with the powers that were.
If we're really living the "abundant life" (as portrayed in session one of PFAL) why would we need to worry about trivial matters such as how much booty wipe we use?
Oh, wait! Now I remember.
Stewardship. (He who is faithful in least is faithful in much.)
Sooooooo, then, why couldn't an unbeliever simply learn to be a good steward of his possessions and skip the whole Bible thing altogether?
It's spiritual. :o
Stewardship isn't just about money - it's about time. You know that things are screwed up when TP is more valuable than time.
Stewardship isn't just about money - it's about time. You know that things are screwed up when TP is more valuable than time.
Or when they kick you out for being a lesbian when you know damn well you're not (not that I agree that it would be reasonable to kick me out if I were... I'm just sayin')
I think its like the miracle of the loaves and fish. But a lowly trainee has to start somewhere. Why not *believe* to stretch three or four squares of toilet paper to perform the *duty* of half a roll?
I'd say more.. but I can stand even my own imagination so far..
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Great points Twinky, chockfull, & Groucho.. Yeah, as far as learning anything of real substance my mind draws a blank from Family 11 residency. Somewhat odd isn’t it – they touted themselves as a
It would be interesting to consider what was “taught “ when and by whom. I’ve talked with WC who were there a decade or more before me and it seems they might have actually done something worthwhile.
Linda Z
The Highway said: I wasn't in the College Div., but in Family Corps V (we graduated with the 9th Corps), we had those same classes plus Keys to Research, Figures of Speech, the Book of Acts, Greek,
Posted Images
Geisha, are you speaking some other language???
I missed a lot of that, too. Berlin wall coming down? Scarce a mention of it! Learned of that with some surprise years later...am still not sure it has really happened. There was a brief mention in a Corps Night teaching - along the lines of, "It's devil spirits messing about. You know they only let go of that because there is something worse coming along." Maybe that was "meaningful" to field Corps, but to in-the-dark in-rez Corps it was bewildering.
But Mt St Helen's blowing - that was a biggie, because LCM went there and prophesied to the women at a branch meeting thereabouts that their unborn babies would all be okay. He had revelation to say that none of them would suffer as a result of the eruption.
We also watched a MJ video: "You can always learn from something done well. He can really dance!" (from one who certainly could not dance)
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Oh don't even bring up Karate Kid!!! I think just about every time we'd have a movie night at Rome City - do you know what they'd show? Karate Kid. Yeah, you can talk all you want to about the stuff we missed being secluded in-residence.. . but doggonit - playing the same old movie over and over again can just about drive anyone stark raving mad.. mad I say! Just hearing someone say the title "Karate Kid" - - - something inside snaps! Slowly I turn, inch by inch - closer.. closer .. ripping the VHS tape out of the VCR with my bare hands - tearing it out of the case inch by magnetic tape inch "wax on, wax off.. movie on, movie off.. I can't take it any more.. I'll watch anything but that.. hell, I'll even watch Athletes of the Spirit as long as I can turn down the sound and make my own commentary."
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We didn't have T.V.'s in Fellow Laborers. On Monday mornings, I would go to my secular job and all the people would be buzzing about a new show called Saturday Night Live. Do you know how embarrassing it was to try to explain why we didn't have T.V's.? The abundant life my arse!
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A little Mystery Science Theater 3000 T-Bone style? The day the circus came to NK Ohio. . . .
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGqpVzRgQfo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGqpVzRgQfo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGqpVzRgQfo&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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Broken Arrow
Man! That's almost as good as the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" from Billy Joel!
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Great clip, Geisha - reminds me of Corps week - thanks, that is so funny!
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deleted my duplicate post - musta been thinking the prophecy was doubled to show it was established :)
note to moderator I PMed about an issue on this thread - I was able to edit my latter two posts using Fire Fox instead of my normal browser [internet Explorer]
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And now the way interNational BS forecast
Our BS radar indicates the highly oppressive system is still hovering over New Knoxville, Ohio. A literal translation according to usage of the Farmer’s Almanac says to expect a severe crapstorm by Corps Night. Crapstorms of this magnitude have been known to render a significant percentage of the populace grease spots by midnight. These crapstorms should taper off into scattered patches of fog -some lasting for years - also known as fog years. Our chief meteorologist asked the pendant whether or not there will be any reign – noting several rounds of yes/no answers he’s forecasting a reign of terror on and off all week – depending on who has this present BS. This highly oppressive system is going to fabricate a rise in the temperature of believing starting out at 80 degrees Freakin’height on Tuesday.
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From other threads, I am reminded that we listened to SNS tapes during our Mondays. That was because we had spent our Sundays doing things like preparing burgers and wrapping them in foil for giving out after the SNS, and preparing vats of coffee.
Seems to me that this is perfect training for a job in McD's. So you see, there were real practical benefits to the training.
(gag :wacko: )
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Linda Z
The Highway said:
I wasn't in the College Div., but in Family Corps V (we graduated with the 9th Corps), we had those same classes plus Keys to Research, Figures of Speech, the Book of Acts, Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew (and some others I can't think of right now). I missed most of the Hebrew class because I was at LEAD, though. Most of the class instructors were excellent; a few were yawners. I did like the "block" curriculum model. I thought it was helpful to focus on one subject at a time rather than taking a bunch of classes at once in shorter sessions.
Twinky, you got 4 hours of private study time every day?? I would have loved that! We worked 4 hours in the morning and had class in the afternoon (or vice versa), plus evening classes, Corps nights, SNS, Sunday a.m. fellowship., whatever. Add to that scullery duty, chair stringing, and the other chores around the campus, and free time was minimal. We did get some decent blocks of time our last in-rez year when we were working on our research papers, but not every day. I enjoyed that time immensely.
LCM assigned your topic??? Good grief. When I was in, at least we got to pick our own topics. Mine was on "Overcoming Hardness of Heart in Leadership." My advisor said, "Why in the world did you choose that?" I said "Because I've seen too many hard-a$$es in the Corps." He sorta looked at me funny, but he didn't ask me to change it. It was one of my best times in residence except for the typing, which gave me carpal tunnel syndrome...lol. It was before the computer age had really hit...boy, what I would have given for one at that time!!!
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We (FLO) didn't have any formalized curriculum even though we were supposed to be doing an intense two year study of The Book of Acts.Wednesday nights the limb leader would teach on whatever hit his fancy. Usually that meant we would get our arses chewed out for not believing big enough. Whatever. Morning fellowship was all 50 of us. It consisted of prayers, mannies and announcements. Then the run to the tree and back. Then, at night twigs, the teachings were all based on the collaterals, for the most part. If you hadn't taken a particular class, such as Witnessing or Renewed Mind, you could take it in a local class being held and thus avoid work detail. Sometimes we ran such classes in-house, as well. If you had been an instructor before coming into the program, you got to run classes in-house or in local areas. Oh,joy! Academically speaking, it was a thoroughly (or is that throughly?) disappointing experience. I can, however, quite readily distinguish the difference between a rutabaga and a radish as a result of having devoted two years of my life to the program. (My third year was, how shall I say it?----less devoted.)
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Linda, our 4 hours of private study was what we were told we were getting... and then on some Mondays we had to listen to a repeat of the SNS (because not everyone had heard it, too busy wrapping burgers/tending kids/whatever); we got a replay of the Corps Night teaching on some Thursdays; we got to do "public speaking" (how to introduce an incident about What God Has Done For Me into a conversation); sometimes we had a twig meeting, though these weren't common; and the study was interrupted every other day by us having to run across to the Way Woods, chop wood for 3/4 hour or so, then run back and carry on studying. (This was our physical exercise for the days when we didn't get up at 5.30 and go running round the grounds.) If study was in the afternoon and the noon meal overran (ie, LCM had some big rant about something) - then we had to wash all the dishes and the floors - well, too bad, that was a big chunk of our study time. Also it varied according to what events were on and if there were classes for field people (cos you know who got the joy and privilege of serving them, don't you?) then that was our study time again.
It varied from month to month (and nothing at all in the run-up to RoA from about late May). Some weeks there was little private study time; other weeks there was more. It wasn't directed; we could do what we wanted though it was assumed after listening to SNS or CN that we would go away and "work" that material.
We didn't get any of the classes you mentioned. But then, there was nobody around, as it were. Those who might have been able to teach had been run off or left in the fog years. There was no "research team" at all.
It was "optional" to attend the SNS rehearsal (straight after breakfast on Sunday morning) (yeah, right, try exercising your option not to attend), then we had to run to the BRC to be at the 10.30am fellowship, then we got lunch, then perhaps an hour's downtime (snooze?) then we'd be getting ready for the SNS - people working in the Aud (AV, meet and greet, backstage) had to be there very early. Others would be doing other prep work. Sunday evenings were usually free, as long as visitors were gone and the dishwashing (the interminable dishwashing) was done.
Yep, LCM assigned my research paper. By the time to choose, I was so beaten down and suffering from low self-esteem that I think I'd selectd soemthing about overcoming condemnation (ie, that very condemnation that they had taught me!!!). Instead, he wanted me to research "An Answer of Truth in the Face of Accusation." It started as a word study of the Gk word apokrinomai, which is used a lot in the Gospel of John (where it's often translated in KJV as answered and said). I found a Hebrew word meaning similar but not quite the same, and the project took me all over the Bible with lots of interesting side forays. I have no recollection of any "adviser" or mentor, or discussing it in any formal way, or any sort of review meeting from time to time, not even with the Corps Coordinator, though I may have forgotten after all this time.
What I think LCM really wanted, was for me to do his research for him into him giving an "answer of truth" to his many critics; it wasn't too long after the fog years.
Instead, what I came up with was along the lines that the answer was in the way you conducted your life - walking the talk, basically. Any accusation could be backed down if you were doing what you were supposed to be doing, according to Biblical principle. The answer is to line up your heart with God's compassion, and live that way, extending that as genuine care and love to the people around you.
...You can see why that would go down like a lead balloon.
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Watered Garden
I shudder to think of Waysider trying to slice a rutabaga for a tossed salad, so perhaps FLO was worthwhile, after all. I got the best gift of all (except for Jesus Christ of course) from FLO - Mr. Garden!
Other than that, a lot of it is a blur. I don't remember being very happy; the situation was so abnormal, and in spite of having lived my WOW year with a WC on her interim year, I was still pretty independent. A third year FLO once told me that when she met me the first time, she decided it was her personal mission to "break me." "Break me of WHAT?" I wondered. I had been toilet trained since age 1 1/2 and really didn't feel a need to mark my territory, since I didn't have any to mark.
Break my spirit, break my heart, break my individuality. I learned to keep my mouth shut and my opinions, which were many, to myself. I liked spending time in the garden, however, and that was the second best part, and I still to this day love growing, freezing and canning, as does Mr. Garden, who set the damn thing up in the first place, with help from I*a He**n from NK. I'm not sorry I did the program because that's where I met the love of my life, but I do wish it could have been what it was cracked up to be.
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Learned to floss our teeth and wipe our bottoms (yes, really
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thank da mogs for such present truth..
probably took renewed mind efficiency to use the prescribed three squares of paper, or whatever it was..
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Broken Arrow
I figured if I got caught using more than my "fair share", then hats off to whoever the person was who caught me. Furthermore, it was shared that toilet paper was not for runny noses. If you had a cold and you used toilet paper to take care of a runny nose, then it was stealing. Yup! Biblical Research at its finest!
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If we're really living the "abundant life" (as portrayed in session one of PFAL) why would we need to worry about trivial matters such as how much booty wipe we use?
Oh, wait! Now I remember.
Stewardship. (He who is faithful in least is faithful in much.)
Sooooooo, then, why couldn't an unbeliever simply learn to be a good steward of his possessions and skip the whole Bible thing altogether?
It's spiritual. :o
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Watered Garden
"I figured if I got caught using more than my "fair share", then hats off to whoever the person was who caught me. Furthermore, it was shared that toilet paper was not for runny noses. If you had a cold and you used toilet paper to take care of a runny nose, then it was stealing. Yup! Biblical Research at its finest!"
Well, I guess you could have wiped your runny nose on the leader's tee shirt.
Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel! That misses the whole point of just about everything.
I don't remember anyone chiding me about toilet paper in FLO or our three months in hell at Rome City. That is about the silliest thing I ever heard.
The floss chart really bugged me though. Bless Patrol had to check the floss charts at midnight, then track down and awaken the sleepy unflossed (or at least un-chart checked) and tell them to go do whatever it was they hadn't done. Got to the point where you just went and checked off your whole family without asking them have they flossed or not. I always wanted to check off a week at a time in advance, but I supposed that wouldn't have flown with the powers that were.
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In twi wayspeak......"present truth" is a truth that changes with every present situation
"Present Truth" is much like the marxist's equal to "permanent revolution" (change).......like it's permanent but always changing.
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Stewardship isn't just about money - it's about time. You know that things are screwed up when TP is more valuable than time.
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Or when they kick you out for being a lesbian when you know damn well you're not (not that I agree that it would be reasonable to kick me out if I were... I'm just sayin')
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Yeah, but it was "spiritual" toilet paper!
16 or 17 more times through the class ought to help you to see the light.
(Provided you speak in tongues "more than us all".)
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I think its like the miracle of the loaves and fish. But a lowly trainee has to start somewhere. Why not *believe* to stretch three or four squares of toilet paper to perform the *duty* of half a roll?
I'd say more.. but I can stand even my own imagination so far..
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