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Likely the most disgusting crime...


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...that I have heard about, for at least many, many years.

<blink>Caution: the following crime is not suitable for reading by young children nor by those with weak stomachs. </blink>

If you fit either description, I suggest you hit the "back" button before continuing (and, yes, I have left the more graphic portions to the news articles and didn't put them here)

A 35 year old woman and her 16 year old son were attacked by a gang of 10 teenagers. She was repeatedly raped and sodomized by the gang. She was then forced to perform sexual acts on her own son. She was then doused in nail polish remover and the criminals were asking if any of them had a lighter. Accounts of the crimes are here and here. A 16 year old defendant pleaded guilty and testified against others. A 20 year old was just convicted of the crime and a jury is deliberating in the case of an 18 year old defendant, while the trial of a 17 year old has yet to occur. See here for reports of the conviction.

I don't know about any of the other defendants.

Apparently, the 20 year old received two life sentences.

Does the punishment fit the crime? What do you think would be going through these kids' heads to get a group of 10 of them to do something like that?

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That one took the wind out of my sails....Its hard to know whats going through anyones head when something like that happens---Drugs? Crack? Cocaine? a combination of incredibly dysfunctional lives, mob mentality and totally fried brains? I dont know--I just dont know---its way beyond me--and probably the subject of someones masters thesis in criminal thought.

Its sick, Im much too stunned to give a cogent answer on the punishment phase. My initial reaction was to skin them alive or toss them over Niagara Falls but that was as I said an initial reaction...I'd have to settle down and think about it for awhile before I could give a serious answer

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. . .

All the defendants are trying to deflect blame and pointing fingers at the others. Lawson claims he raped the woman once, then left soon after. Poindexter's attorney says her client also raped the woman, but didn't participate in any of the other crimes. Walker's attorney has taken a similar approach.

. . .

This is their defense? "I only raped her once" - Capital B-A-R-F.

They'll probably do some defense about how being in a group causes people to do things they normally wouldn't. You know, cause gang raping someone isn't as bad as if you did it independently. <_<

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I wonder if it is some kind of gang initiation?

Punishment?? I don't think there is a way to get rid of gangs unless you can round them all up and put them all in one of the older sports stadiums, lock the doors from the outside and let them fight it out together until the last one is dead.....and let him die of starvation.

Alternately, I would take each participant and strip them totally naked and then stake them spread-eagle on the ground. Cover with about 1 inch of honey and drop about 1000 red ants on them.

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krys, we can't be so wasteful,

at least charge admission to view the feeding.

Or sell the bones to a medical school, the fat to make expensive soap, something.

There's a mom and son needing a helluva expensive recovery plan . . .

. . . how's this young boy going to behave when he gets older?

Edited by Bolshevik
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  On 8/31/2009 at 8:11 PM, Bolshevik said:

krys, we can't be so wasteful,

at least charge admission to view the feeding.

Or sell the bones to a medical school, the fat to make expensive soap, something.

There's a mom and son needing a helluva expensive recovery plan . . .

. . . how's this young boy going to behave when he gets older?

my my, bolchevik.....don't know where my head was. Nobody's allowed in the stadium for their own protection, but selling the fat for soap is a good idea, and also the bones and teeth for souvenirs. We could use remote controlled cameras and charge for seats in a sports bar with HDTV and also we could charge $2 for earbuds for those who'd enjoy hearing the screaming of the victims and the chewing of the ants "up close and personal" Thanks for your ideas, they'll help in the greening of the stadium afterwards.

May we have some volunteers to wash the victim's clothing in preparation for the Salvation Army and/or other charititable organizations?

We could also cut back the honey from 1 in to 1/2 inch, and 500 ants per victim would do the same job.....just take a lot longer.....but there is the benefit of making the punishing pain last that much longer.

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  On 8/31/2009 at 5:37 PM, mstar1 said:


That one took the wind out of my sails....Its hard to know whats going through anyones head when something like that happens---Drugs? Crack? Cocaine? a combination of incredibly dysfunctional lives, mob mentality and totally fried brains? I dont know--I just dont know---its way beyond me--and probably the subject of someones masters thesis in criminal thought.

Its sick, Im much too stunned to give a cogent answer on the punishment phase. My initial reaction was to skin them alive or toss them over Niagara Falls but that was as I said an initial reaction...I'd have to settle down and think about it for awhile before I could give a serious answer

Didn't want to make you lose your lunch.

But one thing to consider is that this crime, although fairly unique in its scale, is not at all unique in its type. That's why I ask about the societal issue with this.

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  On 9/1/2009 at 1:43 AM, kimberly said:

Google Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome. Ask why this horrible, unthinkable crime never made headlines.......

Or this one: Slain pastor was discovered nude in a 'crucifix position' at Anadarko (Oklahoma) church

But (IMHO) neither the Christian/Newsome case nor this one beat the first one in the thread. Again, IMHO / YMMV

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And to think that there are people who argue _against_ the death penalty. :realmad:

But seriously Mark, I know that (well I think anyway) that you come out against the death penalty, and I respect your reasons for it, really I do.

But as far as I'm concerned, ... crank up Sparky for all of the punks. All of them!

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  On 9/1/2009 at 2:06 AM, GarthP2000 said:

And to think that there are people who argue _against_ the death penalty. :realmad:

But seriously Mark, I know that (well I think anyway) that you come out against the death penalty, and I respect your reasons for it, really I do.

But as far as I'm concerned, ... crank up Sparky for all of the punks. All of them!

It is not that I'm necessarily against the death penalty, rather I think it needs to be applied more as a risk mitigation than as retribution. Face it, no matter what happens to the perps, the murder victims aren't coming back. So can we make sure that these punks can't commit more crime in the future?

And if we are to use the death penalty as retribution, it needs to be done a whole lot faster than what happens these days. And if we are to use the death penalty as a deterrent, it needs to be applied far more widely than it is.

And what happens if the judgment is wrong? (As has happened in not a few cases where DNA evidence has cleared people who were behind bars for decades)

That's why I think it should be done on a risk management basis. Can the State assure that this person never be in the position to harm others in the future? Not just from the possibility of release or escape...but could the perp direct others from behind bars or, for that matter, continue to do what he is doing to other prisoners or staff (regardless of the means used to protect others from the perp)?

Of course, cases like these make it very difficult for me to advocate for Christian mercy, in all honesty.

More importantly, though, I think we, as a society, need to take a good, honest, hard look at ourselves. When you have more than 1% of the population of the country behind bars and horrific crimes such as these happening more often than any of us would like to admit, I have got to wonder what is going on now that wasn't going on 40 years ago. I really have to wonder if Charles Manson did what he did now, rather than 40 years ago, would that have even made the national news?


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  On 9/1/2009 at 2:40 AM, markomalley said:

. . .

I have got to wonder what is going on now that wasn't going on 40 years ago.

. . .

Maybe is was going on, the only difference now being that you simply hear about it. Weren't things more "hush-hush" in general back then?

What if Manson were just one of many, only he was chosen to be prosecuted? vpw never paid for the crimes he is accused of.

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The general population of a prison won't be as kind to them as any judge and jury would be, regardless of the sentence. The fact they committee these horrible crimes against a mother and son will mark them in a prison. My brother-in-law worked at a prison in Iowa. He told me that because inmates are missing their families, especially their wives and kids, that they are less than kind to anyone who had committed a crime against a woman or kid. I'm sure he's right - he's worked there long enough to see it.

Let them suffer the same and then let them dangle. They don't deserve mercy and are less than animals themselves.

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  On 8/31/2009 at 4:53 PM, markomalley said:

Apparently, the 20 year old received two life sentences.

Does the punishment fit the crime? What do you think would be going through these kids' heads to get a group of 10 of them to do something like that?

Well, I am with George, I see enough garbage and really didn't need that rolling around my head. I am still semi-traumatized by an after-school special I saw as a kid.

Truthfully, I am surprised he received two life sentences. . . rapist don't usually serve that kind of time. This crime was particularly heinous and the counts against them were multiple which is why the punishment could actually fit the crime. . . . . .

They don't execute people for rape. . . . so other than chemical castration. . . . what punishment would have been an option?

Now, if this doesn't illustrate that evil exists. . . I don't know what does. . . . but, it is hardly the worst crime I have ever heard about. . . .

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  On 9/8/2009 at 8:53 PM, Bolshevik said:

Well I didn't get revelation on what devil spurts they were operating. Perhaps I should SIT more.

No, it explains nothing.

I don't really think devil spirits enter into this equation. . . . but, by all means, SIT more if you are so inclined. . . my advice would be to reconsider that option and think about the actions of these youth as opposed to something that is good and does not harm others. Good. . . . bad(evil). . . . the example Mark posted illustrates evil or bad intent as opposed to someone doing or intending good.

Actions, intent, consequences. . . . you are a very bright guy. . . I don't need to explain the obvious to you.

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