Had wierwille been more honest.....St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed Church in Van Wert, Ohio might have been his lifelong pulpit.
Had wierwille been more honest.....he wouldn't have stolen Rev. B.G. Leonard's class, The Gifts of the Spirit in 1953 and pawned it off as his own.
Had wierwille been more honest.....etc. etc. etc.
BUT......if VPW had received revelation about the internet, then why couldn't he have received REVELATION to write his own works, demonstrate God's power, and serve the Lord with uprightness?
He was much too short sighted to really care. As long as it was profitable long enough to assure him a chosen lifestyle, I don't think it concerned him to project beyond his own tenure.
(I don't think the guy would have known "revelation" if it had smacked him upside the head.)
Just a little clarity on TWI's Position on the internet when VP was around. At least to Corps I believe they preached that computers would be gone in a few years. I know when My husband told me this, I told him he was wrong. Just for business purposes alone they were an amazing machine This was around the time that the First Tandys were coming out.
I think VP saw them only as a work application... For me and Yes I am a gadget girl I know but I saw them as this amazing fun toy and I hadn't even gotten my hands on one yet.
Once Windows operating system came around to counter the apple/Mac revolution, making conputers usable for everyone no matter their understanding level it was just a matter of time until every one was online! By the way this was long after VP was gone.. so Yes Mr Revelation should have seen it coming.
Just a little clarity on TWI's Position on the internet when VP was around. At least to Corps I believe they preached that computers would be gone in a few years. I know when My husband told me this, I told him he was wrong. Just for business purposes alone they were an amazing machine This was around the time that the First Tandys were coming out.
I think VP saw them only as a work application... For me and Yes I am a gadget girl I know but I saw them as this amazing fun toy and I hadn't even gotten my hands on one yet.
Once Windows operating system came around to counter the apple/Mac revolution, making conputers usable for everyone no matter their understanding level it was just a matter of time until every one was online! By the way this was long after VP was gone.. so Yes Mr Revelation should have seen it coming.
there are some theories that the internet began in the 1960s, perhaps had he received revelation he would have claimed that it was his idea, like when he invented McDonalds.
Not only was Vic clueless of the coming of the internet, but his boy loy, when confronted with it, declared it evil...
...The so-called "revelation" that twi teaches and experiences is akin to WWF wrestling on tv...in other words, it's as phoney as it gets. Wierwille was the Ron Pompeil of religious hucksters and in the end, Wierwille's "revelation" was nothing more than another bullsh *t story that he could market. How much money did twi roll in from advanced classes? What? Are you kidding me? "God talks to me"...if you buy that one, you become putty in his hands...and the dollars roll in.
there are some theories that the internet began in the 1960s, perhaps had he received revelation he would have claimed that it was his idea, like when he invented McDonalds.
I had forgotten all about that claim! When was it he came up with that little gem? Was it AC '79?
the way I remember the story, da debil stole vic's idea, gave it to Kroc, and just for meanness, turned the w (for wienerville) upside down. Hence, the origon of the golden arches.
McWierwille's? The letter M is just an upside-down W? So that's where the golden arches came from? I don't think I can drive by the old McD's in town and look at it in the same way ever again. I love it, Waysider. It made my evening!
Also,speaking of innovation by revelation, does anyone remember a line of teaching that suggested that when a creative idea was spoken or put out there by a believer, the devil would get hold of it and use it for his own purposes if you didn't act on it in a timely manner? My memory's a little hazy on this one, being ex-way for 21 yrs now.
Yup, that stuff about the boogie man stealing your revelation comes straight out of the old Advanced Class.
Remember the hula hoop? That was my revelation. The Debuhl snatched it right away from me. Well, heck, I was only in the fourth grade. How was I supposed to know??
Anyhow, welcome aboard and have a latte on the house.
Out for 21 years? Wow, congrats! Celebrating my Sweet 16 this summer!
On 8/29/2009 at 2:51 AM, drums4fun said:
McWierwille's? The letter M is just an upside-down W? So that's where the golden arches came from? I don't think I can drive by the old McD's in town and look at it in the same way ever again. I love it, Waysider. It made my evening!
Also,speaking of innovation by revelation, does anyone remember a line of teaching that suggested that when a creative idea was spoken or put out there by a believer, the devil would get hold of it and use it for his own purposes if you didn't act on it in a timely manner? My memory's a little hazy on this one, being ex-way for 21 yrs now.
Thanks, taxicab. And congrats to you too. Honestly, the only misgiving I had after leaving was losing touch with quite a few friends over time. Without the "luxury" of reconnecting at the ROA, along with our nomadic lifestyles at the time and no digital technology, it was easy to lose touch with others. This certainly wasn't enough to keep me in, once I began to get some clarification on what was going on, with no reassurance that the issues were going to be addressed at all. But other than that, no regrets whatsoever! Hard to believe it's been that long. Every anniversary of becoming post-Way is sweet, imo.
On 8/29/2009 at 7:57 PM, taxicab said:
Out for 21 years? Wow, congrats! Celebrating my Sweet 16 this summer!
Recommended Posts
Had wierwille been more honest.....St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed Church in Van Wert, Ohio might have been his lifelong pulpit.
Had wierwille been more honest.....he wouldn't have stolen Rev. B.G. Leonard's class, The Gifts of the Spirit in 1953 and pawned it off as his own.
Had wierwille been more honest.....etc. etc. etc.
BUT......if VPW had received revelation about the internet, then why couldn't he have received REVELATION to write his own works, demonstrate God's power, and serve the Lord with uprightness?
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If he'd known the future he'd a put his money on a racing horse.
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Nah, I don't think he cared.
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He vic would have done like all the offshoots,fluffed,omitted,or flat out changed information.
Lookwhat the current "way,twi"has done with the history they have.
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He was much too short sighted to really care. As long as it was profitable long enough to assure him a chosen lifestyle, I don't think it concerned him to project beyond his own tenure.
(I don't think the guy would have known "revelation" if it had smacked him upside the head.)
Edited by waysiderLink to comment
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If Vic the molester ever had revelation about the internet, he could have gathered some computer sharp shooters and beat Goggle to the punch...
instead, the internet is the source today that exposes this scoundral.
The only "revelation" that Vic ever got came out of a bottle of drambuie.
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Maybe he was too busy getting revelation on the hook shot to be bothered with such a minor detail as the internet..
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Georgio Jessio
Hilarious replies. I was only 1/2 serious. It just crossed my mind that the internet did to TWI what it did to Pro Wrestling. The cats out of the bag.
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You all are pretty funny.
Just a little clarity on TWI's Position on the internet when VP was around. At least to Corps I believe they preached that computers would be gone in a few years. I know when My husband told me this, I told him he was wrong. Just for business purposes alone they were an amazing machine This was around the time that the First Tandys were coming out.
I think VP saw them only as a work application... For me and Yes I am a gadget girl I know but I saw them as this amazing fun toy and I hadn't even gotten my hands on one yet.
Once Windows operating system came around to counter the apple/Mac revolution, making conputers usable for everyone no matter their understanding level it was just a matter of time until every one was online! By the way this was long after VP was gone.. so Yes Mr Revelation should have seen it coming.
Anyway my two cents.
For anyone who cares
Windows Time line
Announced in 83 launched Nov 20 1985...
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Had he seen the advent of the internet, he might have become a spokesperson for THIS product.
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He he, flow chart, including Xbox
there are some theories that the internet began in the 1960s, perhaps had he received revelation he would have claimed that it was his idea, like when he invented McDonalds.
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Not only was Vic clueless of the coming of the internet, but his boy loy, when confronted with it, declared it evil...
...The so-called "revelation" that twi teaches and experiences is akin to WWF wrestling on tv...in other words, it's as phoney as it gets. Wierwille was the Ron Pompeil of religious hucksters and in the end, Wierwille's "revelation" was nothing more than another bullsh *t story that he could market. How much money did twi roll in from advanced classes? What? Are you kidding me? "God talks to me"...if you buy that one, you become putty in his hands...and the dollars roll in.
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Kevin Fallon
I had forgotten all about that claim! When was it he came up with that little gem? Was it AC '79?
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I think it was around that time..
the way I remember the story, da debil stole vic's idea, gave it to Kroc, and just for meanness, turned the w (for wienerville) upside down. Hence, the origon of the golden arches.
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Do not forget V.P. also claimed God told him how to make oil....
He never did because he was not in this world for the money....
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Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
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maybe the recipe for snake oil was more appropriate, with the ingredients he had at the moment..
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C'mon everybody! Sing with me!
McWierwilles is my kinda place
They serve fried rattlesnakes
And rat-fried sirloin steaks
That give you tummy aches---------------------------
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McWierwille's? The letter M is just an upside-down W? So that's where the golden arches came from? I don't think I can drive by the old McD's in town and look at it in the same way ever again. I love it, Waysider. It made my evening!
Also,speaking of innovation by revelation, does anyone remember a line of teaching that suggested that when a creative idea was spoken or put out there by a believer, the devil would get hold of it and use it for his own purposes if you didn't act on it in a timely manner? My memory's a little hazy on this one, being ex-way for 21 yrs now.
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Well McDs isn't that good for you anyway . . .
Usually if someone had an idea either a debil spurt gave it too them or they got by revelation or they done stole it from vpw . . .
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Hey there, Drums
Glad you liked it.
Yup, that stuff about the boogie man stealing your revelation comes straight out of the old Advanced Class.
Remember the hula hoop? That was my revelation. The Debuhl snatched it right away from me. Well, heck, I was only in the fourth grade. How was I supposed to know??
Anyhow, welcome aboard and have a latte on the house.
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Out for 21 years? Wow, congrats! Celebrating my Sweet 16 this summer!
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Thanks, taxicab. And congrats to you too. Honestly, the only misgiving I had after leaving was losing touch with quite a few friends over time. Without the "luxury" of reconnecting at the ROA, along with our nomadic lifestyles at the time and no digital technology, it was easy to lose touch with others. This certainly wasn't enough to keep me in, once I began to get some clarification on what was going on, with no reassurance that the issues were going to be addressed at all. But other than that, no regrets whatsoever! Hard to believe it's been that long. Every anniversary of becoming post-Way is sweet, imo.
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Thanks for the latte! Sorry about that whole deal with the hula hoop. I guess you can just go ahead and "invent" something else.
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