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the end

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God first

Here am I?


Here we go looking into sky so deep that I see no end to things made of flesh and dust the very thing I came from. As I think about things that have life, as we know it and what be here after I and this is gone.

Will all things somewhere other than this world holds life or do they already begin to see life far where will I never know. When will be happen were we destroy ourselves will we a black hole where earth is and was this earth for others kinds to see.

Will it happen in the year 2027 AD a time I see as my death because I see Christ for me but is not just the day I see the end but end for life in this world. Where there be black hole where earth, our sun, and everything other where life was and life will go on.

Where another Adman is being be born or was he long ago and Jesus Christ is being born where other than here I can I know. I see God not to wasted all of that he created that is why I see more than one earth and heaven.

Do you see the possible outcomes there could be that one reason some say this third earth but I can see many reasons for it. Is Obama the person who begins the last war on this earth or should I wait for another?

And will there be nukes that break this earth apart causing everything to happen at once or will it be something from above that causing everything to happen. Where the waters come so high that fish from ocean are in Kentucky like a dream I had.

Is the end need or is it just another day in this world where do same things they did yesterday one only hope it not the end. Thank you with love and a holy kiss going you from Roy.

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Just a question, if I may. ... What are you going to do if/when the calendar hits 2028, ...

... and you're still living?

Just a question.


I thought all the big stuff was happening in 2012? Mayan calendar and all that. . . . Will someone PLEASE call George Norry and Art Bell and tell them it has been changed to 2028.


I hope your health only improves more and more.

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God first

hi Bolshevik and geisha779

Bolshevi -- "Kentcuky is along the Ohio River. I believe fish from the ocean came to Kentucky via the Mississippi not many generations ago. (You know, before the Europeans invaded.)" yes but my dream the water was deeper than Ohio river but it was a dream

geisha779 -- I did say it was a sure thing and I hope too

love Roy

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also Roy, 75 million years ago there was an ocean in the ohio valley.

I like to go fossil hunting, ain't hard around here.

although a deep ocean might give Kentucky even more coal deposits.

Just talkin', I don't really mean anything Roy.

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God first

hi Bolshevik

yes I been also thinking early in day

how far am from the Ohio river

60 or more miles away

because over my dad house i think how high water would have be flood so deep for ocean be seen

I enjoy thinking about these kind of things but

"Just talkin', I don't really mean anything" my friend

love Roy

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