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Does this shi+ really work, dang ! I want my $50 grand back please and thank you.


The young lady hasn't been able to secure employment since she received her degree and it doesn't specify enough for me but it sounds like perhaps the institution from which she graduated offers employment assistance.

A few thoughts come to my punkin.

The school from which I got my degree in Human Service also offers employment assistance, for life, in fact. However the former student has to do a few things him/herself. Stuff like turn nothing down that the Career Assistance Office suggests; minimally don't say anything resembling "ewww, I don't like that one" or flat not show up for the interview. Can I really call my school's office and say, as a potential new employee, something silly like "can you find me the 150,000 a year job with a company car, stupidly wonderful expense account, full benefits and oh, I want the bosses office, otherwise, don't even tell me about the damn thing". Oh wait, if they don't comply, I'll sue em, yeah, that's what I'll do.

Like any business, there is going to be a feel for which clients, customers, contacts and/or college grad(s) are really going to utilize the services offered and I'm sure if the nice lady at Baker College understood that I want a job but might not really show up, she'll be less willing to assist me, less willing to risk her reputation with the local employers she's established a relationship with and for cryin' out loud, I can't sue her or the college when I'm not a good fit for the employment or they hire someone who is more experienced, better qualified or nails the interview in ways that assures the HR department of that good fit.

We have become much too litigious in our society, if ya ask me and I realize you did not.

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This made the news because it is ridiculas.

I live and work for the state she is looking for work in, IT is BOOMING are you kidding me ? seriously.

hello ? this is New York . enough said. New York is the finance capital the leading state in medical technology all we do is IT.

ANY other major and I could see her struggling to find work but IT always has openings everywhere the district I live in has several openings all the time. This is a small to medium city in size.

Sitting in a mouse maze for 8 hours a day is premium in New York. IT and the medical field are in dire need of workers.

She must have body odor or something.

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LOLOL I think it must be, HA!

That pitiful woman is, certainly, in for some rough roads with her attitude, that's what I do know.

I was able to find work in Human Service in the school system, but my problem is I don't like human's very much.


She's in for some bruises, me thinks. And as Pond suggested, I think there are, in fact, IT jobs out there. She's looking the fool and someone will probably contact her just to be the one to save her a$$.

PR is PR.

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It is rough tho here in the apple town.

I have a position that does not require a college degree , out of 11 staff we have two master degree's and 6 of us have various other degree's that leaves three without any 'higher" education and they have all been here over thirty years each. We need them the most actualy!

Although it is not a job requiremment, the post states no degree needed, the director interviews graduates first .

We are just idiots for the state. Some feel well I went to school for this and must do that only.

good luck. real world will tell you different. I actualy have been offered a position in what I went to school for, much less money, unsecure psoition and other factors told me to turn it down.

I talk with those actualy "doing" the work I went to school for and they are most miserable and afraid, Im happy with my choice and I do not think I would have gotten this job without the degree opening the door.

In my psoition one must work for two years before they will hire you.. weeds out anyone in it for a alternitive reason. probably why we get paid much more. In human service they fly in and out like the wind, I do not want to live like that . This is why so many move back in with mom and dad post graduation , a very unstable economy.

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Teaching assistantship.

I will be teaching intermediate algebra.

anywhere from seventy to eighty freshmen, give or take a few..

The training program makes the prospect seem a little less.. what's the word.. terrifying..


Now I only experience brief moments of panic at the thought of what's to come..


Naw.. I know I'll do fine..

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It's a recession and a new administration in the White House. Pink slips are flying everywhere. You can't blame the schools for not finding work.

My school has been helping me, amoung other services that are out there. A lot of businesses are on hiring freezes. I sit around with my peers sometimes and say "Hey, did you apply to that one job?" . . "Yep, did you?" .. ."Yep" .. . "Maybe we'll both get it" :biglaugh:

Some have even told me "Dude, there's no jobs,. . . so I signed up to go to nursing school!" :unsure: :biglaugh:

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Yup, the schools that offer employment assistance do so with the idea that the student is going to comply and do his/her part, I mean sheesh.

What a world if I could call the lady where I got my degree and she'd do the work and call me back and say 'you start tuesday, the pay is ___ ' and etc.

And yes, in the economic place we find ourselves today it is tough to realize that just 'cuz I have some lovely piece of paper in a beautiful leather case that says I'm college educated, while it might move me ahead on some resume piles, maybe ~!, it doesn't necessarily mean nuttin honey.

I get to catch up with a few former college classmates and friends while they're on the other side of the fast food counter taking my daughter's order and thank God they have a JOB !

I find the advantage to utilizing the lifetime employment assistance service at the school I attended is that they when they call a prospective employer to possibly set up a meeting or see if they have what might be a fit for me is that the folks from the school know me. They ride my a$$ about keeping my resume current, they remind me that I'm a professional and need to act like it, they can give a decent referance for me, having gotten to know me as I was in and out of the place doing my school business, they have access to any disciplinary actions, my transcripts, all that stuff.

I would love to be on the other side of the ride and call them for employees since I get how it works.

But sue them in fault of me not being able to find employment; that's so silly. I'd suggest that this young lady in the article climb down a peg or seven from her high place and dig around for some humility.

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Some good comments, thought this was a interesting from another disgruntled grad:

Universities need to be more accountable about the fallacy they perpetrate in their advertisements that a higher education equates to a better paying job. It is this misleading perception that needs to be stopped, especially in this economic climate.

Universities need to be more transparent with the realities of the job market.

I propose that legislation be enacted that universities disclose statistical census about the prospected career a student is investing in. The disclosure should have facts about the median age of a person who is employed in the field, the level of difficulty in entering the field, how many of their students vs. other universities in the state, have successfully entered that field, and the overall longevity of that type of job. Additionally, the disclosure should also inform the student if their earned degree is complementary to another career.

As it stands, and recently informed to me by my graduate school, my degree does not complement another career path. Therefore making it virtually a worthless investment.

Unlike buying home or a car, that are concrete investments that result in some level of fulfillment, education is major abstract investment that may or may not result in a level of fulfillment. It is for this reason that schools need be more responsible with their insidious opportunity promises that career at their universities offers.

The thing is higher education is not suitable for everyone. If should only be pursued with the utmost consideration and discretion. I know that if my university had given me a disclosure as I have outlined, I would not be in the financial destitution that I am now facing at the age of 48 and single, soon to be homeless, without a job!

For nothing else, I hope this lawsuit puts and end to the predatory practices universities use to lure students in. They need to get real and stop perpetuating that higher education equates to higher pay, because in reality it is quite the opposite.

Of course, the military is always hiring.

ahhh, this one's better:

Far too many colleges are run by administrators who believe the institution's purpose is to collect tuition and use it to fill up their own egos with impressive-sounding (but useless) accomplishments and huge construction projects - - not to actually educate students. Hence they routinely admit students who lack any intellectual ability to benefit from college. Faculty are pressured to knuckle under and issue that sheepskin ... or else.

On the flip, no small part of this generation of youth believe that (1) if I sort of try, that's good enough, and (2) if I do exactly what I am told (while forgoing any initiative or responsibility or problem-solving), then I am 'owed' my paycheck, my degree, my job, whatever.

THAT problem comes from (1) parents making no effort to instill any work ethic in their children, instead spoiling them rotten with material possessions and letting them play video games endlessly instead of making them crack the books, and (2) from feel-good K-12 educators who give gold stars and praise to every child, telling each one how special and successful he/she is, so no one's emotionally stigmatized - ignoring the fact that, compared to the rest of the industrialized world, they are most all complete academic failures.

You put all that together and you get what you see here: an intellectually incompetent 27-year-old (she spelled 'suing' with an e in handwritten documents) who’s been rubber-stamped with a degree … who says she's owed a job.

"K-12 educators who give gold stars to every child" - he he, tar 'n feather 'em. :biglaugh:

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See, that's what bugged me most about this article/ this gal. Understandalby, she's young and all that excuse shi+ but what the heck?

Additionally, the college that gave me that pretty leather bound piece of paper was a private business college, but there was, that I recall, never any cloudiness of the fact that getting the job was up to us.

Pfffttttt she has had a dose of what will be many many reality crappers tossed on her head and she had better just get used to it. And she'd better understand as quickly that suing everyone who pi$$es her off or offends her pretty little head aint gonna earn her interviews.

Silly girl

Edited to add that thinking about this some more, it wouldn't shock me to learn that several Co's contact her to be the one that served her better than her Educational Institution.

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my college not only helps look for employment and resume services etc., but I get to in on weekends and use facilities like labs and material. That way I can stay current on my field and skills. It's not any official program, but myself and others get to do that. It helps while I work wherever and wait for the next wave of job oppotunities.

She probably had made a lot of enemies when she was in school.

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