I have been out since spring of 87. Used to have them more frequently then. Still have them on occasion. Had one earlier this week. But when I wake up and realize what the dream is about. I just ROFL...at them. :D-->
Yeah - I had quite a few dreams about TWI after I left... It was always the same one - or extrememly similar (which never happened to me before in my life!). It always involves going back in residence, except this time my hubby is with me and we're split up into different dorms. Sometimes it's in Rome City, sometimes Emporia. But I always wake up feeling terrible, like something has been taken away from me.
I will say that after 3 1/2 years out (more mentally), I haven't had that dream, or any dream about TWI for a while. Watch, now I'll probably have one tonight (ah, the power of suggestion!).
Hope R. color>size>face>
...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
It's a normal part of working things out. Really. Dreams are exactly that: your inner mind working out things that bug you.
Since dreams are your mind working on things for you, you can control your dreams.
Before you go to sleep, relax. Some people go to bed with their minds all wound up and their muscles tight with stress. That's a good way to guarantee either nightmares or a sleep not deep enough to have dreams. Anyway, the point is to get your mind ready to receive your suggestions.
Once in a pre-sleep relaxed state, tell yourself how you are going to resolve an issue. For example, if you have been dreaming about being yelled at by a "leader", then tell yourself how you want to respond this time. Then picture it happening and let yourself drift off to sleep with the images in your mind.
You can also be aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. That's a little bit harder to do, but it's based on the same technique. Once you can do that, you can change the dream while you are dreaming.
Things that help before you go to sleep are aroma therapy, chamomile tea, sleep sounds, that kind of stuff.
Yeah, give it a little time, this stuff sorta fades away after awhile.
I had weird dreams about WayWorld occasionally
just after we left staff, but it wasn't long before that stuff was all history.
After 15 years out, it hardly seems possible that I could've been involved with such a jerk-off organization. I can't imagine that I actually believed the tripe that they served up as "gospel". It musta been somebody else using my name...
I would wake up in a cold sweat, my heart beating mile a minute, so thankful it was only a dream. My dreams would usually involve leadership and some intense confrontational situation...usually me being beaten down verbally by those a$$holes.
Many of my dreams were caused I believe, by unresolved situations that I had left in TWI. These were like cancerous wounds, oozing, aching and bleeding.
After I found Greasespot and started to experience some closure/healing to some of these issues, my dreams lessened and now I can't remember the last time I had one (knock on wood!).
Grasshoppie, you will be fine and as time passes by, your sleep will be sweet and peaceful.
I've had my fair share of waymares. They were 'abundant' when I first left TWI. The dreams mostly consisted of trying to get out of TWI and having local leaders laying in wait to keep me from escaping, to jump me when I wasn't looking and then being in a prison setting with these people who are trying to keep me lock in. The good news is that I always got out but not without much stress, fear and sometimes got to tell the bullies off.
Throughout the years there have been a trigger to set off a waymare, usually finding myself in a twig and wondering what the hell I am doing there, and thinking that I needed to get the heck out before I got sucked in again. It is just issues that sometimes haven't been fully resolved or it has just having been awakened to the nightmare I what I was in by reading some posts throughtout the years on exway boards that have triggered dreams.
Heck, last night I dreamed I was reading and posting here on greasespot!!! lol
I was still having a recurring dream until a few years ago about my being at HQ at the ROA and everything looked different and no one knew who I was. I was just walking around observing. LOL! And, I got out a LONG time ago.
Hang in there...this too shall pass.
"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
i am constantly haunted by my memories of The Way International. I have been out for one year and one month.
I think I am starting to get over it, but then it comes back, then i start to feel better, then it comes back (repeat this cycle over and over, that is what its like for me)
Mine were not always nightmares. Some were pleasent and I would see friends I had lost in the hurry to leave TWI. Then, I awake and feel the sense of loss over that friend.
The nightmares were that I made the wrong choice in leaving and I HAD to go back for things to be right again. In the dreams, I did NOT want to go back but found I had to in order to be "in fellowship" with God. There was a sense of dread... Then, I would wake up.
Now that you mention it... yes, I did have dreams about local leadership and about Martindale for about the first year after leaving. I had forgotten about it until now. I never really dreamed about these folks before I got booted but in the turmoil of trying to figure out my life afterward, yeah... they kept rearing their ugly heads.
The good news is that once most of the junk was resolved for me in the real (conscious) world, the dreams also subsided. I almost never dream now which, I think, means I don't leave a lot of unfinished business hanging over my head most days.
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grasshopper hi !!!!!
i have more dreams about the way than i can tell you. even recurring ones.
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I have been out since spring of 87. Used to have them more frequently then. Still have them on occasion. Had one earlier this week. But when I wake up and realize what the dream is about. I just ROFL...at them.
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Hope R.
HOPPY! How are ya?
Yeah - I had quite a few dreams about TWI after I left... It was always the same one - or extrememly similar (which never happened to me before in my life!). It always involves going back in residence, except this time my hubby is with me and we're split up into different dorms. Sometimes it's in Rome City, sometimes Emporia. But I always wake up feeling terrible, like something has been taken away from me.
I will say that after 3 1/2 years out (more mentally), I haven't had that dream, or any dream about TWI for a while. Watch, now I'll probably have one tonight (ah, the power of suggestion!).
Hope R. color>size>face>
...I don't know who I am but life is for learning... we are stardust...size>face>color>
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It's a normal part of working things out. Really. Dreams are exactly that: your inner mind working out things that bug you.
Since dreams are your mind working on things for you, you can control your dreams.
Before you go to sleep, relax. Some people go to bed with their minds all wound up and their muscles tight with stress. That's a good way to guarantee either nightmares or a sleep not deep enough to have dreams. Anyway, the point is to get your mind ready to receive your suggestions.
Once in a pre-sleep relaxed state, tell yourself how you are going to resolve an issue. For example, if you have been dreaming about being yelled at by a "leader", then tell yourself how you want to respond this time. Then picture it happening and let yourself drift off to sleep with the images in your mind.
You can also be aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. That's a little bit harder to do, but it's based on the same technique. Once you can do that, you can change the dream while you are dreaming.
Things that help before you go to sleep are aroma therapy, chamomile tea, sleep sounds, that kind of stuff.
Sweet dreams!
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George Aar
Yeah, give it a little time, this stuff sorta fades away after awhile.
I had weird dreams about WayWorld occasionally
just after we left staff, but it wasn't long before that stuff was all history.
After 15 years out, it hardly seems possible that I could've been involved with such a jerk-off organization. I can't imagine that I actually believed the tripe that they served up as "gospel". It musta been somebody else using my name...
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musta been somebody else using your name.... when i had a dream about you geo. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
(and other greasers)
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Two Cats
I used to have those creepy waymares too, especially during the first year out. Then they go rarer and now I can't remember when I had one last.
Hang in there, this too shall pass.
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well thanks a lot when will mine pass ?
;)--> honest
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hopper - took me 15 years to have a dream where I got to tell off lcm - worth the wait - very satisfying
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A la prochaine
My waymares happened off and on for years.
I would wake up in a cold sweat, my heart beating mile a minute, so thankful it was only a dream. My dreams would usually involve leadership and some intense confrontational situation...usually me being beaten down verbally by those a$$holes.
Many of my dreams were caused I believe, by unresolved situations that I had left in TWI. These were like cancerous wounds, oozing, aching and bleeding.
After I found Greasespot and started to experience some closure/healing to some of these issues, my dreams lessened and now I can't remember the last time I had one (knock on wood!).
Grasshoppie, you will be fine and as time passes by, your sleep will be sweet and peaceful.
'til the next time...
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I've had my fair share of waymares. They were 'abundant' when I first left TWI. The dreams mostly consisted of trying to get out of TWI and having local leaders laying in wait to keep me from escaping, to jump me when I wasn't looking and then being in a prison setting with these people who are trying to keep me lock in. The good news is that I always got out but not without much stress, fear and sometimes got to tell the bullies off.
Throughout the years there have been a trigger to set off a waymare, usually finding myself in a twig and wondering what the hell I am doing there, and thinking that I needed to get the heck out before I got sucked in again. It is just issues that sometimes haven't been fully resolved or it has just having been awakened to the nightmare I what I was in by reading some posts throughtout the years on exway boards that have triggered dreams.
Heck, last night I dreamed I was reading and posting here on greasespot!!! lol
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Second James
Its the greaspot cafe dreams that I'm MOST concerned about...LOL JJ
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LOL I raised an early morning eyebrow over it, too!! LOL
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I was still having a recurring dream until a few years ago about my being at HQ at the ROA and everything looked different and no one knew who I was. I was just walking around observing. LOL! And, I got out a LONG time ago.
Hang in there...this too shall pass.
"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
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i am constantly haunted by my memories of The Way International. I have been out for one year and one month.
I think I am starting to get over it, but then it comes back, then i start to feel better, then it comes back (repeat this cycle over and over, that is what its like for me)
now im "OUT and on"
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I certainly understand what you all have been through. I too had waymares for a long time. I can honestly say that I don't anymore.
It takes time and healing. I think what helped me was going to a therapist. I know this isn't for everyone but for me it certainly helped.
The waymares will get less and less as time goes on and your life becomes more your own.
Then you are free. What a wonderful freedom after years of being in bondage!!!!!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Dot Matrix
Mine were not always nightmares. Some were pleasent and I would see friends I had lost in the hurry to leave TWI. Then, I awake and feel the sense of loss over that friend.
The nightmares were that I made the wrong choice in leaving and I HAD to go back for things to be right again. In the dreams, I did NOT want to go back but found I had to in order to be "in fellowship" with God. There was a sense of dread... Then, I would wake up.
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My fellow Hopper...
I had not heard that you were out!
Just a dream now.....ain't that nice?
OK then...Who's your mommy?
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usually about Way D and HQ. usually woke ready to fight. course I could always see those smug pious whatever looks on their faces.
happens much much less often now.
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Now that you mention it... yes, I did have dreams about local leadership and about Martindale for about the first year after leaving. I had forgotten about it until now. I never really dreamed about these folks before I got booted but in the turmoil of trying to figure out my life afterward, yeah... they kept rearing their ugly heads.
The good news is that once most of the junk was resolved for me in the real (conscious) world, the dreams also subsided. I almost never dream now which, I think, means I don't leave a lot of unfinished business hanging over my head most days.
Hope your WayMares stop soon!
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