a family member has been having a tough go of things for awhile and she likes to draw alot and someone gave me one of those graphic tablets that i've never used so i thought i'd take it to her the next time i was out her way and we'd play around with it awhile but she isn't as skilled as she is talented quite yet so i was wondering if anybody here draws and if they do are there any links on the 'net we could look at that would give my relative some more discipline and skill?
I may be able to help...
Brainy - I don't have a link - but go get the workbook to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. It should be under $20.
that "spooky" thing was supposed to be "wee hours of the morning" humor but i guess it didn't come across like that. the workbook is ordered and will be here by saturday because i paid for it to be expedited. thanks so much.
oh and i bought it used off amazon so total with expedited shipping was 13.99. :)
she got it but not expedited and i said something to amazon and we'll see where that goes, but she's enjoying the book and is learning alot so thank you.
Tell her to do "before" drawings and and "after" drawings. I've done this with students for years and it always amazes them how much they learned in a very short time.
And the more you draw and the more things you draw the better you get at it... it is a skill like playing an instrument. IT gets better the more you use those skills.
Brainfixed, does your relative have a library card to the local county/city library? My local library has a gazillion dvd and vcr videos on how to decorate a cake to roofing your own house to oil painting to sewing.
I am a big advocate and supporter of the library. There are shelves and shelves of dvd and vcr movies, documentaries, and music cd's. No charge. A precious little library card is all it takes. Wish all of life was that simple.
Some years ago I came upon a traffic check. I could not find my driver's license. I was crazy because I could not imagine why I would not have my license with me. I pulled out a couple of other ID's. The officer was hmmm hmmm, yes ma'am, yes ma'am. I showed him my library card and he said o. k. you are good, you can go!!!!! I tell folks this story and they think I am lying because in our state you go to jail, plus $250.00 fine, if you don't have your driver's license in your posession while driving.
i don't talk with her much and keep up with her mainly through email and her online spaces so i try to keep my suggestions hidden in little snippets of "idk" and other stuff she can relate to, and she has troubles in her life so i don't think keeping track of library books would be something she could do right now but that is a great way to enjoy all the knowledge available without going broke. also she lives in a very small town and the "library" is in the back of the coffee shop and is mostly a "sharebrary" between the locals which means most of the choices are paperback romances or cowboy tales with quite a few incomplete and outdated encyclopedia sets.
amazon put the blame on the seller and the seller pointed out that amazon promised me the original "expedited" date but the tos stipulate that "expedited" is up to 14 days so i learned something and now i know and now i won't pay for "expedited" again. but even with the extra charge i think i got a deal.
There are some other books that Betty Edwards has written. I'd also recommend the one on color.
I've also found that repeating the exercises in the workbook she now has great benefit. I'd recommend that she re-visit that book at least once a year.
i hope she'll be getting this kind of encouragement in school because she wants to be an architect, which is something she said when she got the book and wondered how it was going to help her and i told her that just learning the discipline will help a whole lot but she's 14 and knows eveything. lol.
My 19 year old autistic son has always liked to draw. In recent years he has also become increasingly computer savvy, to the point where in a regional competition, he impressed some Microsoft people enough to where they gave him a laptop. I know the two can go together, because one of my celeb contacts (not friends; see famous friends thread) has been an artist and now does it with computers as well, producing graphic novels. I don't know if he could be headed fo something like that, but I know enough to be aware that a manual artistic talent can actually be tranlated, at least in part, to the computer world. And this old fart knows, like everyone else, that almopst every profession is getting more computerized...architecture, I'm sure.
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I may be able to help...
Brainy - I don't have a link - but go get the workbook to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. It should be under $20.
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whoa that was quick! kind of spooky.
thank you and i'll sure go find a copy of that and take it with me to her. thanks again.
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I just refreshed my page and your request was there. Not too spooky...
Hope it helps.
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that "spooky" thing was supposed to be "wee hours of the morning" humor but i guess it didn't come across like that. the workbook is ordered and will be here by saturday because i paid for it to be expedited. thanks so much.
oh and i bought it used off amazon so total with expedited shipping was 13.99. :)
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she got it but not expedited and i said something to amazon and we'll see where that goes, but she's enjoying the book and is learning alot so thank you.
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MY pleasure.
Tell her to do "before" drawings and and "after" drawings. I've done this with students for years and it always amazes them how much they learned in a very short time.
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And the more you draw and the more things you draw the better you get at it... it is a skill like playing an instrument. IT gets better the more you use those skills.
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Brainfixed, does your relative have a library card to the local county/city library? My local library has a gazillion dvd and vcr videos on how to decorate a cake to roofing your own house to oil painting to sewing.
I am a big advocate and supporter of the library. There are shelves and shelves of dvd and vcr movies, documentaries, and music cd's. No charge. A precious little library card is all it takes. Wish all of life was that simple.
Some years ago I came upon a traffic check. I could not find my driver's license. I was crazy because I could not imagine why I would not have my license with me. I pulled out a couple of other ID's. The officer was hmmm hmmm, yes ma'am, yes ma'am. I showed him my library card and he said o. k. you are good, you can go!!!!! I tell folks this story and they think I am lying because in our state you go to jail, plus $250.00 fine, if you don't have your driver's license in your posession while driving.
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i don't talk with her much and keep up with her mainly through email and her online spaces so i try to keep my suggestions hidden in little snippets of "idk" and other stuff she can relate to, and she has troubles in her life so i don't think keeping track of library books would be something she could do right now but that is a great way to enjoy all the knowledge available without going broke. also she lives in a very small town and the "library" is in the back of the coffee shop and is mostly a "sharebrary" between the locals which means most of the choices are paperback romances or cowboy tales with quite a few incomplete and outdated encyclopedia sets.
amazon put the blame on the seller and the seller pointed out that amazon promised me the original "expedited" date but the tos stipulate that "expedited" is up to 14 days so i learned something and now i know and now i won't pay for "expedited" again. but even with the extra charge i think i got a deal.
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You did get a deal, brainfixed.
There are some other books that Betty Edwards has written. I'd also recommend the one on color.
I've also found that repeating the exercises in the workbook she now has great benefit. I'd recommend that she re-visit that book at least once a year.
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i hope she'll be getting this kind of encouragement in school because she wants to be an architect, which is something she said when she got the book and wondered how it was going to help her and i told her that just learning the discipline will help a whole lot but she's 14 and knows eveything. lol.
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Lifted Up
My 19 year old autistic son has always liked to draw. In recent years he has also become increasingly computer savvy, to the point where in a regional competition, he impressed some Microsoft people enough to where they gave him a laptop. I know the two can go together, because one of my celeb contacts (not friends; see famous friends thread) has been an artist and now does it with computers as well, producing graphic novels. I don't know if he could be headed fo something like that, but I know enough to be aware that a manual artistic talent can actually be tranlated, at least in part, to the computer world. And this old fart knows, like everyone else, that almopst every profession is getting more computerized...architecture, I'm sure.
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