God is watching out for my house. Jesus Christ didn't say to give God's Blessings, to you, away. And what is said about charity is always talking about hungry hearts. Don't cast your pearls to swine is what it says.
Pretty sure he mentions hungry bellies too. . . . The good Samaritan didn't give the stranger 3 John 2 and walk away. . . . He fed him, clothed him, took him to the hospital and paid for it!!
These are verses you don't want to be messing up. . . . remember. . . . when Jesus separates the sheep from the goats what His criteria is. . . .
And. . . wasn't God watching out for righteous Job's house?
Pretty sure he mentions hungry bellies too. . . . The good Samaritan didn't give the stranger 3 John 2 and walk away. . . . He fed him, clothed him, took him to the hospital and paid for it!!
These are verses you don't want to be messing up. . . . remember. . . . when Jesus separates the sheep from the goats what His criteria is. . . .
And. . . wasn't God watching out for righteous Job's house?
Take Care . . . Heckler. Thanks for chatting.
I don't know those records. ;(
Don't you think those people were hungry for the Truth? I remember when Christ spoke with the Sanhedrin knowing they were born of the wrong seed. He even did that because their were hungry people in the audience witnessing it, and he wanted to be an example.
You know - - - reading this here got me to thinking about something that happened to me about a year ago. A couple of Mormons knocked on my door looking to witness (much like we all did in the WOW program), and I was never one to turn away anyone from my door. Especially folks who "are on a mission". I figured they were there because they wanted to be, and far be it from me to make their day a harder one than it already promised to be. So I invited them in, asked if they needed to use the bathroom, offered them a cold drink, that sort of thing.
Well - - - the upshot of it is, we talked but couldn't agree on theology. We parted amicably, and as they were leaving one of the guys said to me "Say. I see your house could use a coat of paint or two. Do you need someone to help you paint it?? We'd be glad to help." I smiled and said "That's ok. I'll get it done on my own." The Mormon guy insisted - - - "No. Seriously. We'd be MORE THAN WILLING to help." Needless to say I was floored by his/ their willingness to extend a kindness to someone who didn't agree with what they taught/ thought/ etc.
Now - - - if you want to "move the Word", I'm thinking (given the example provided to me by a coupla Mormon missionaries), you do it by showing love/ compassion/ helpfulness/ etc., to those who you do not know, and never may meet again. I know for a fact that if any of us out on the WOW field had offered to help paint a guys house for him, we would have been reproved for "wasting our time on an unbeliever".
I know when my friend got into a wreck he lived at another believers house while he healed. Remember, it's composed of people who open their homes to people. I know many fellowship coordinators that give everything they've got to help believers. If your hungry theirs always some way we can help. A spiritually hungry widow will get help. A hungry orphan (lol @ oliver twist) will get help! What are you wanting The Way to do? behave like a worldly religion? Advertise on TV? Send money all over in hopes to get recognition and more money flow? Build buildings for people that aren't hungry? What are your expectations? I have a feeling your expectations aren't in accordance with the Word.
Pretty limiting. Darn shame. Have you ever considered moving from "believer" in "the word" to "disciple" of Christ?
You know - - - reading this here got me to thinking about something that happened to me about a year ago. A couple of Mormons knocked on my door looking to witness (much like we all did in the WOW program), and I was never one to turn away anyone from my door. Especially folks who "are on a mission". I figured they were there because they wanted to be, and far be it from me to make their day a harder one than it already promised to be. So I invited them in, asked if they needed to use the bathroom, offered them a cold drink, that sort of thing.
Well - - - the upshot of it is, we talked but couldn't agree on theology. We parted amicably, and as they were leaving one of the guys said to me "Say. I see your house could use a coat of paint or two. Do you need someone to help you paint it?? We'd be glad to help." I smiled and said "That's ok. I'll get it done on my own." The Mormon guy insisted - - - "No. Seriously. We'd be MORE THAN WILLING to help." Needless to say I was floored by his/ their willingness to extend a kindness to someone who didn't agree with what they taught/ thought/ etc.
Now - - - if you want to "move the Word", I'm thinking (given the example provided to me by a coupla Mormon missionaries), you do it by showing love/ compassion/ helpfulness/ etc., to those who you do not know, and never may meet again. I know for a fact that if any of us out on the WOW field had offered to help paint a guys house for him, we would have been reproved for "wasting our time on an unbeliever".
That was some extreme witnessing on their part. Wonder if they were told do such? That door to door witnessing is now called "cold-witnessing". Warm-witnessing is by just living the Word - thus being an example attracts people. At work, school, gym, swim team meets, wherever. What the Mormons do we do only with people that we see on a day to day basis. Even if they don't show hunger.
Pretty limiting. Darn shame. Have you ever considered moving from "believer" in "the word" to "disciple" of Christ?
I am a disciple, believer, saint, son, athlete, conqueror...
That was some extreme witnessing on their part. Wonder if they were told do such? That door to door witnessing is now called "cold-witnessing". Warm-witnessing is by just living the Word - thus being an example attracts people. At work, school, gym, swim team meets, wherever. What the Mormons do we do only with people that we see on a day to day basis. Even if they don't show hunger.
Interesting. Back in the day (when I went WOW in 1979), "cold witnessing" was what was expected and required. We were to hold a 20 hour a week job, and witness (knocking on doors/ etc.,) for 40 hours per week. If we witnessed (shared the word/ showed the green card for the class) to a person and they "hemmed and hawed", we were told to forget them.
And - - - it's a testament to the Mormons that they truly do want to help folks. It wasn't "extreme witnessing" on their part to offer what they did. It's what they do. You should have been here (on this site) several years ago, when Maureen (a practicing Mormon) shared her thoughts about what her denomination did, and why.
Interesting. Back in the day (when I went WOW in 1979), "cold witnessing" was what was expected and required. We were to hold a 20 hour a week job, and witness (knocking on doors/ etc.,) for 40 hours per week. If we witnessed (shared the word/ showed the green card for the class) to a person and they "hemmed and hawed", we were told to forget them.
And - - - it's a testament to the Mormons that they truly do want to help folks. It wasn't "extreme witnessing" on their part to offer what they did. It's what they do. You should have been here (on this site) several years ago, when Maureen (a practicing Mormon) shared her thoughts about what her denomination did, and why.
I have admiration for the Mormons.
And don't forget the title of which you are most proud: a heckler.
Most proud of? What gives you that impression? This website isn't a ball for me. These aren't my dress clothes. lol Anything else you wanna make-up? My name fits like a glove.
You're too funny. Coming on a website to stir up trouble heckling and then "dismissing" members who have been on here for quite a while and ordering them to leave.
Actually - - - I for one don't want anything from you. However, there a lot's of folks here who have found this site to be helpful in (whatever) things they personally have had to deal with, as a result of having been involved with the ORG (twi).
From what I've read so far (Heckler), you are young (25 years old), and have no concept of what actually happened back in twi before you were even born. I don't mean that as a "diss" on your character or anything, but the truth about it all is - - - Things happened that "never made the History books", as it were. If you have questions, they'll certainly be addressed here. If you entertain certain beliefs - - - please go ahead and talk about them. This is not a docvic/ twi friendly site, however many who came here (I include myself in the "many"), felt a whole lot like you seem to feel now, when they/ we first came here too.
It always pays to be civil, and antagonistic postings will get you nowhere. Neither on this site, or others. Just my IMO.
Actually - - - I for one don't want anything from you. However, there a lot's of folks here who have found this site to be helpful in (whatever) things they personally have had to deal with, as a result of having been involved with the ORG (twi).
From what I've read so far (Heckler), you are young (25 years old), and have no concept of what actually happened back in twi before you were even born. I don't mean that as a "diss" on your character or anything, but the truth about it all is - - - Things happened that "never made the History books", as it were. If you have questions, they'll certainly be addressed here. If you entertain certain beliefs - - - please go ahead and talk about them. This is not a docvic/ twi friendly site, however many who came here (I include myself in the "many"), felt a whole lot like you seem to feel now, when they/ we first came here too.
It always pays to be civil, and antagonistic postings will get you nowhere. Neither on this site, or others. Just my IMO.
I SIT before I came to TWI and still do. My relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ predates my involvement with TWI and it has not changed since leaving. He led me in, and He led me out, IMO much like the children of Israel and Egypt.
I SIT before I came to TWI and still do. My relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ predates my involvement with TWI and it has not changed since leaving. He led me in, and He led me out, IMO much like the children of Israel and Egypt.
Hey there Chockfull - - - i learned how to SIT in a Charismatic Catholic fellowship I was involved with before I even heard of twi.
Hey there Chockfull - - - i learned how to SIT in a Charismatic Catholic fellowship I was involved with before I even heard of twi.
Cool. I've heard of those. I was led into it from secondhand teachings off of Oral Roberts ministry by someone in my high school youth fellowship. Funny Oral's teachings worked for me but not for VPW even up on the stage. Actually I think that receiving that privately is easier and more personal.
No. They believe that tongues is prayer and praise to God - therefore no interpretation necessary. Prophecy is spoken - obviously - not necessarily to the whole group. If you watch a Hillsong DVD you will see praise and tongues being done during songs. Heck Joyce Meyers speaks in tongues.
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The odd thing is that if what they have is so unbelievably wonderful as they tell you, you would think that they would want to share it with the rest of the world and correct our misperceptions instea
Pretty sure he mentions hungry bellies too. . . . The good Samaritan didn't give the stranger 3 John 2 and walk away. . . . He fed him, clothed him, took him to the hospital and paid for it!!
These are verses you don't want to be messing up. . . . remember. . . . when Jesus separates the sheep from the goats what His criteria is. . . .
And. . . wasn't God watching out for righteous Job's house?
Take Care . . . Heckler. Thanks for chatting.
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God calls on us to be an example to the world in our deeds in our words..In our lives. Christ was the living example of this while he was on earth.
They will know you by your love!
Edited to add
By the way I am glad to hear that as always the individual believers outshine Headquarters.
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I don't know those records. ;(
Don't you think those people were hungry for the Truth? I remember when Christ spoke with the Sanhedrin knowing they were born of the wrong seed. He even did that because their were hungry people in the audience witnessing it, and he wanted to be an example.
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Shivers up my spine. I just get electrified by stuff like that.
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You know - - - reading this here got me to thinking about something that happened to me about a year ago. A couple of Mormons knocked on my door looking to witness (much like we all did in the WOW program), and I was never one to turn away anyone from my door. Especially folks who "are on a mission". I figured they were there because they wanted to be, and far be it from me to make their day a harder one than it already promised to be. So I invited them in, asked if they needed to use the bathroom, offered them a cold drink, that sort of thing.
Well - - - the upshot of it is, we talked but couldn't agree on theology. We parted amicably, and as they were leaving one of the guys said to me "Say. I see your house could use a coat of paint or two. Do you need someone to help you paint it?? We'd be glad to help." I smiled and said "That's ok. I'll get it done on my own." The Mormon guy insisted - - - "No. Seriously. We'd be MORE THAN WILLING to help." Needless to say I was floored by his/ their willingness to extend a kindness to someone who didn't agree with what they taught/ thought/ etc.
Now - - - if you want to "move the Word", I'm thinking (given the example provided to me by a coupla Mormon missionaries), you do it by showing love/ compassion/ helpfulness/ etc., to those who you do not know, and never may meet again. I know for a fact that if any of us out on the WOW field had offered to help paint a guys house for him, we would have been reproved for "wasting our time on an unbeliever".
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Pretty limiting. Darn shame. Have you ever considered moving from "believer" in "the word" to "disciple" of Christ?
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That was some extreme witnessing on their part. Wonder if they were told do such? That door to door witnessing is now called "cold-witnessing". Warm-witnessing is by just living the Word - thus being an example attracts people. At work, school, gym, swim team meets, wherever. What the Mormons do we do only with people that we see on a day to day basis. Even if they don't show hunger.
I am a disciple, believer, saint, son, athlete, conqueror...
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Except for the ones that aren't. And they have titles and positions.
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Back in the day (when I went WOW in 1979), "cold witnessing" was what was expected and required. We were to hold a 20 hour a week job, and witness (knocking on doors/ etc.,) for 40 hours per week. If we witnessed (shared the word/ showed the green card for the class) to a person and they "hemmed and hawed", we were told to forget them.
And - - - it's a testament to the Mormons that they truly do want to help folks. It wasn't "extreme witnessing" on their part to offer what they did. It's what they do. You should have been here (on this site) several years ago, when Maureen (a practicing Mormon) shared her thoughts about what her denomination did, and why.
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And don't forget the title of which you are most proud: a heckler.
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I have admiration for the Mormons.
Most proud of? What gives you that impression? This website isn't a ball for me. These aren't my dress clothes. lol Anything else you wanna make-up? My name fits like a glove.
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What do you want from me?
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I don't want anything from you. I'm just participating in a forum.
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Actually - - - I for one don't want anything from you. However, there a lot's of folks here who have found this site to be helpful in (whatever) things they personally have had to deal with, as a result of having been involved with the ORG (twi).
From what I've read so far (Heckler), you are young (25 years old), and have no concept of what actually happened back in twi before you were even born. I don't mean that as a "diss" on your character or anything, but the truth about it all is - - - Things happened that "never made the History books", as it were. If you have questions, they'll certainly be addressed here. If you entertain certain beliefs - - - please go ahead and talk about them. This is not a docvic/ twi friendly site, however many who came here (I include myself in the "many"), felt a whole lot like you seem to feel now, when they/ we first came here too.
It always pays to be civil, and antagonistic postings will get you nowhere. Neither on this site, or others. Just my IMO.
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That was a cool post. Sorry
OK, for starters, Do you Speak In Tongues?
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P.S. - - - - I'm trying to be kind to you here, and offer some friendly advice, should you care to take it.
Yes. I SIT. My main avenue of prayer.
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I SIT before I came to TWI and still do. My relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ predates my involvement with TWI and it has not changed since leaving. He led me in, and He led me out, IMO much like the children of Israel and Egypt.
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Hey there Chockfull - - - i learned how to SIT in a Charismatic Catholic fellowship I was involved with before I even heard of twi.
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Cool. I've heard of those. I was led into it from secondhand teachings off of Oral Roberts ministry by someone in my high school youth fellowship. Funny Oral's teachings worked for me but not for VPW even up on the stage. Actually I think that receiving that privately is easier and more personal.
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Charismatic Catholic groups were prominent in the mid 70's. I don't think they are around much (these days).
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That's so cool. Another sterotype I had in my mind torn down. What about bringing forth word of Prophecy.
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Assemblies of God do both - think Hillsong Church in Australia - as do many of the apostolic churches.
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They still agree it's not to be done alone?
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No. They believe that tongues is prayer and praise to God - therefore no interpretation necessary. Prophecy is spoken - obviously - not necessarily to the whole group. If you watch a Hillsong DVD you will see praise and tongues being done during songs. Heck Joyce Meyers speaks in tongues.
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