This poll is about education this time
Accredited Colleg or education after High School
23 members have voted
1. My level of training
Graduated from four year university12
left college after two years2
left college or before two years, or left trade school3
Never went to college0
Graduated more than once4
Graduated, Associates Degree4
Completed a valid apprenticeship1
2. Conditions I left under
I was kicked out for a good reason0
I was kicked out, but honest.. I was just holding it for a friend..0
I left, voluntarily.7
I'm still in2
3. I would rate the effect of the program:
It was professional suicide0
It was financial suicide1
It included the loss of relationships3
I gained professional employment with what I learned16
I made a "kazillion" bucks1
It st me back in above terms, irreperably0
Set me back in above terms, a few years..2
It didn't make one bit of difference4
Its the greatest..4
Never took classes or training beyond high school0
4. My personal feelings about the program:
I'm proud of the accomplishment, and would be happy to tell perfect strangers16
Indifferent don't attach any importance to it..3
If someone asks, I'm comfortable to discuss it7
If someone asks, I change the subject. Too painful..2
If someone ask, I generally curse and spit at the mention of my school..0
Never took clases beyond high school0
5. Recommendations
I graduated or am in. I Highly recommend it15
Graduated, or am in. Neutral.5
Graduated or am in. Gently advise against it1
Graduated or am in. Froth and spit if asked0
Never in. From what I've seen it do , highly recommend2
Never in. From what I've seen it do, neutral1
Never in. From what I've seen it do, gently recommend against0
Never in. From what I've seen, do the frothing and spitting thing if asked..0
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