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Does anyone grow old in The Way International?


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They are so young.. and the idjits are running it on the fly, just like gramps did..

and if they so fervently hold to gramps doctrine, when people start aging, it will be history repeating itself. There will be purges, confrontations.. mark and avoiding.. not because people are "ungodly".. but because they are just HUMAN. The kid actually considers the corps program and ministry to be a success, before the "bad people" came in..

somehow, I don't think it will ever come close to the success in terms of numbers of its parent.. I hope people are smarter.

Lets hope so.

as far as the way they are running the thing - :asdf:

--Isnt one definitions of insanity doing the same thing and expecting different results?

Good idea :wacko: do the exact same thing again :doh:

I wonder if V2P2 will write "The Old Stagnant Church"

"Live and Learn" apparently isnt one of his "great abilities".

Its barely off the ground and in the distance I can almost hear that plane in a nosedive to crash and burn. I hope not too many get hurt--and are smart enough to stay off in the first place...

Edited by mstar1
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  On 7/2/2009 at 2:51 AM, mstar1 said:

I wonder if V2P2 will write "The Old Stagnant Church"

What am I bid for this old stagnant church?

One victim? Two? Who'll make it three?

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  On 7/2/2009 at 2:49 AM, erkjohn said:

Waysider, I remember it differently, see what you think. I remember him saying that cancer itself was a devil spirit. So, if you had cancer, you were possessed.

Yes, you are correct. That is what he said.

Maybe I watered down my explanation a bit too much to convey the point.

I apologize.

What a dilemma it presented.

If he was right, we'd been following the ramblings of a possessed man.

If he was wrong, his credibility was in the toilet. He could, therefore, have been wrong about virtually any and every thing he ever taught us.

Based on his own teaching in the AC and his personal lifestyle, stop and consider how many of these puppies he would have kenneled.

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  On 7/2/2009 at 3:04 AM, waysider said:

Yes, you are correct. That is what he said.

Maybe I watered down my explanation a bit too much to convey the point.

I apologize.

What a dilemma it presented.

If he was right, we'd been following the ramblings of a possessed man.

If he was wrong, his credibility was in the toilet. He could, therefore, have been wrong about virtually any and every thing he ever taught us.

Based on his own teaching in the AC and his personal lifestyle, stop and consider how many of these puppies he would have kenneled.

Indeed! And oh, by the way, no need to apologize.

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Got a letter today about Kristine Crawley's funeral and what action I need to take with my life.

It made no sense. I never knew these people (crawleys/panarellos).

Wayfers are dumb. Really dumb.

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Let me guess! Let me guess!

Do they want you to be reconciled to the House Hold of TWI??

Is there an 'OR ELSE' involved--bet there is. Lookey lookey, someone died and you could too!

I think we will live longer without all the stress from TWI.

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They haven't marked and Avoided you yet???? What is wrong with them?

Really I am with George.

What are you supposed to do with your life. Spit in the wind... fall on your knees and pray for protection from the debil spureets??



or show up and be slave labor at NK

Edited by leafytwiglet
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Oh, Shellon...I don't know what to say. Words fail... And I thought I had reason to be angry... Even though I did not suffer the death of a family member I know your anger and how you were treated.

The question was Does anyone grow old in The Way Internationl? Does anyone grow, period. I don't think so. The rules and regs and dogma and brow beating and thumbing down was, well, just that. twi yapped and yapped and yapped and etc., etc., infinity... about the Love of God, the Household of Faith, the Family of God, God is Love, we gotta love each other, look out for each other, stand with each other, infinity again and again...

twi yapped it but had no idea about love and loving and helping each other and above all standing by and with each other in ALL times. There was no unconditional love. No love, period. None whatsoever. Not saying there wasn't love between lots of us (truth be told, still is :)) but you know what I mean when I say twi.

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I think a big part of the problem was the wrong doctrine of "The Law of Believing." They taught that our believing was the key to everything, and God had almost nothing to do with it. They even taught that the early Christian martyrs, especially the Apostles, died when their believing failed, rather than that God had some purpose for it. Only in recent years have I come to understand what profit there would be in their death. It helps to verify that their witness was true, since nobody in their right minds would be willing go to their death for the sake of something they knew was a lie or a hoax. God having a purpose for their death would make no sense if this life was what it was all about. But they will be in the resurrection when Christ returns, and eternal life is God's perspective. This life is fleeting and often short. Not because of our believing but because it just is. We live in a fallen world, and we are told that sometimes there will be suffering in this life. It doesn't mean we're "not believing" - but we're to keep looking toward the hope of God's Kingdom. But that didn't fit with TWI's theology, hence the blame game.

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  On 7/7/2009 at 3:27 AM, kimberly said:

Oh, Shellon...I don't know what to say. Words fail... And I thought I had reason to be angry... Even though I did not suffer the death of a family member I know your anger and how you were treated.

Thank you, Kimberly. I understand that my family was so much not the only one treated poorly when a loved one dies while any involvement with their organization. I was never very surprised at their actions, frankly. I just oft wished they could have given me a little bit of room to breath and adapt to the so new tragedy before they started chewing me up and trashing a man who loved God greatly and was a really good man who wouldn't have purposely left his family for anything.

My husbands family and ours have been doing some reconciling lately and just yesterday I had a wonderful surprise lunch with more family and we discussed how wonderful it would have been if twi would have just embraced me and our daughters, loved us, taken care of us. Simply that. There was one man in leadership that did love these family members and embraced them; for that I'm ever thankful. We just happened to be in an area with a leader who chose to be ugly hearted.

I'd do a ton of things different if the time were given to me to do over.

We've developed a new normal and we're doing great. Alot of what I learned in twi was how NOT to treat people and in the experiences since when I've needed to comfort those who've lost a loved one, I remember well what hurts, damages, crushes.

I get angry when I look at the sweet face of my 14 year old and know she doesn't have daddy, but what is the point in staying angry? I get angry when I consider my oldest who was 15 during all that mess and she remembers how she and her mama were treated. But again, anger doesn't serve us well.

Someone here told me recently "not forgiving is like me drinking the poison and hoping they die"

I understand that.

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  On 7/5/2009 at 11:21 PM, RumRunner said:

Come on Bolshevik - cough up - we need some fresh dirt to dig through around here.


I don't want to give details. Someone tried to connect someone else's business and family matters with my own. The two have no connection. A really lame attempt to manipulate.

It just underscored how practiced one has to be in logic leaping and control freakishness in order to remain a wayfer.

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  On 7/7/2009 at 3:27 PM, Bolshevik said:


I don't want to give details. Someone tried to connect someone else's business and family matters with my own. The two have no connection. A really lame attempt to manipulate.

It just underscored how practiced one has to be in logic leaping and control freakishness in order to remain a wayfer.

Well I am glad your out and giving them a run for their money!

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  On 7/2/2009 at 2:45 AM, leafytwiglet said:

Here you go

Sowers Web Site

Victor Paul Weirwille, the grandson of VP has started his own program.

Built on his Grandfathers teachings and his grandfathers design.

One can only hope that VP2 is not a rerun of VP1 but it seems to be shaping up to be just that.

Honestly, WHO signs up for this in this day and age?!!! No mention of any qualifications at all! Ugh, are there still that many people who have no television, newspapers, internet, radio, smoke signals or alien telepathy? UN-believable. "Why, yes, I don't know you but, sure, I'll give you nine months of my life."

I guess there still is one born every minute...


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  On 7/7/2009 at 3:27 PM, Bolshevik said:


A really lame attempt to manipulate.

It just underscored how practiced one has to be in logic leaping and control freakishness in order to remain a wayfer.

  On 7/7/2009 at 8:15 PM, Ham said:

Well, I'm just glad to see you are alive and well.. not languishing in rosies "little shop of horrors" under guard by the waygb..


Naw Ham Bolshevik is safe from wayGB. First of all I think his brain functions orthogonally to TWI thinking...secondly...tapping fingers on desk...he may be just unstable enought that L(nder would want him to be far away from NK

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