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I dont know--Paw might know the way

but since we are on the subject

I wanna know how you delete things you say in real life--like the other day when I asked the girl I know in the hardware store but hadnt seen in awhile when she was due--and she told me that she wasnt pregnant--- :asdf:

O crap

I knew the very second I said it that it was the exact wrong thing to say but by then it had blurted out.... :doh:

What an a-hole

I would like to delete that like it never happened if anyone knows how

Edited by mstar1
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Short answer: You couldn't before, but now you can.

How? Not sure. I think it's different for admins than it is for editing your own shouts. Try poking around again.

If you see an icon next to the shout, looks like a piece of paper with a pen writing on it, try clicking on it.

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I dont know--Paw might know the way

but since we are on the subject

I wanna know how you delete things you say in real life--like the other day when I asked the girl I know in the hardware store but hadnt seen in awhile when she was due--and she told me that she wasnt pregnant--- :asdf:

O crap

I knew the very second I said it that it was the exact wrong thing to say but by then it had blurted out.... :doh:

What an a-hole

I would like to delete that like it never happened if anyone knows how

Oh mstar, I've done that a time or two and there was no hole deep enough to swallow me up. Recently, however, I did find a new piece of magik and it worked like a charm.

You rewind the tape. Just before you blurt out you mistakin words....cut the tape. Wind the tape reel back to any acceptable position and splice. I wish you luck with that.! ^_^ :cryhug_1_:

Edited by krys
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Woo Hoo Okay I figured out the shout box thingy... NOw first off let me say you can not delete your comment but you can change it ...

HEre is what you do there is a box around the shout box and to the right there are little links and one of them says preferences.. click on that and you have moderator status.. when you make a shout from that box your shout has a pencil right next to it.. if you want to edit your shout you click on the pencil and it tells you to select the function you want to use .. the only one available at that point is edit.. but that opens the shout you clicked on and you change what you want to say then shout it again.. it will take a few seconds but when you look again it will be fixed!

COnfused yet????? LOLOL

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I dont know--Paw might know the way

but since we are on the subject

I wanna know how you delete things you say in real life--like the other day when I asked the girl I know in the hardware store but hadnt seen in awhile when she was due--and she told me that she wasnt pregnant--- :asdf:

O crap

I knew the very second I said it that it was the exact wrong thing to say but by then it had blurted out.... :doh:

What an a-hole

I would like to delete that like it never happened if anyone knows how

I doubt you'll ever make the same mistake again, but I'm reminded of something the humorist Dave Barry once wrote:

Unless her feet are in the stirrups, and you see a head crowning, NEVER suggest that a woman is pregnant!



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Speaking of the Shout Box, .......

....... where is it? :unsure:

Or the Chat room for that matter? :(

Post Update: Ok, NOW I see the thread titled 'Post Upgrade Issues' detailing these very gripes.

Or, as the Saturday Night Lady would say, .... "Never mind!"

Edited by GarthP2000
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