You can't beat yourself up because you allowed yourself to be talked out of what you knew was right. That sort of thing was standard M.O. for anything that might "bring blame to the ministry". If it's any consolation, I, too, experienced something quite similar in the very early days of my Way involvement and yet I stuck around for years afterward.
I try, but fifty MF years and let me tell you allI do is fail down and get back up.
I freely admit to being a mess.
that is the reason I wont deny god mostly.
and when I do think I am on top of the world or beaten to death on my last breath I just remember my one and only promise to god that I wont deny HIM as real.
After reading that last little bit there is something that I'd like to add.
Since Christianity is a walk of faith and not by sight there seems to be an element of proving all things that is necessary. So for the unbeliever it is not sound to call voices, hunches, or miracles God. I do believe however it comes out in the wash that truth will pass the test of believers or unbelievers, because truth stands on it's own. So on one level there needs to be a split between those that hear God and those who don't. But on another level there is room for people with clear consciences to agree that some such statement is either true or false, no matter how they feel about God. In practice it seems to me that a little meekness and a slow fuse is a good thing on both sides of that bacic, inevitable disagreement. And a healthy sense of humor helps a lot too.
But if someone chooses to believe the scriptures, then perhaps the saying, "Let God be true, but every man a liar:" may apply. As a believer I just have to root for those of you who believe in God. It seems to me that if according to this saying from Rom ch3 it is innevitable that we will find out that God is true, but at times teachers and our own selves will be wrong. Since what this verse is discussing is ourselves overcoming the inevitable judgement of God this mindset will be important to us.
With our own mistakes and sin, it seems that the kind of things that are being discussed here involve years and even decades of our own lives in the working of these things out. If it is any comfort, even after the things that Job suffered he managed to come to a place where God was magnificent in his eyes.
And for the folks who deny anyone hearing God, I would simply answer that whether or not you believe in the specifics of these possibilities that from a perspective of the human psyche I tend to be more comfortable around folks who see themselves as small and the universe to be big; humbleness is much more pleasant than anyone who thinks that "they are the truth."
And the one and only who I believe deserved to say, "I am the truth" was also my example of humility!
dear excathedra i had the same questions and ideas for a long time because i just was so sure god was spending so much time with me but how could that be with all the crapola going on around me how was it that i was so special and all the other kids were not? then my current therapist posed an idea to me and she said that maybe it was just me inside all along, just my knowing right from wrong, good from evil, and maybe i am all that great for myself and maybe my own company is a comfort i can take. i'm not denying that there's a spiritual thing going on but i'm just putting out here the idea that maybe the spiritual thing is that "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened" and your true self is being raised up and strengthened and made wise. learning and growing is a two way street because there is the lesson and then there is the person learning the lesson and you have to be willing to learn. why did i "hear god" so much when the other kids didn't? probably it wasn't hearing god so much as learning the lessons. the other kids spent alot of time being either being afraid or being completely unable to function for sorrow but i spent my time planning and plotting my escape and fighting off the insanity. i'm not saying i was better than them but i am saying that i was learning and growing regardless of what was happening. call that god or call that gifted or call it whatever you want to call it but recognize that the most important factor of the equation is the willing participant.
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i think he talks to me all the time not because i speak in tongues or anything, but i get thoughts and i really think they are from my loving god or jesus christ plus i talk to him/them all the time
I am so glad your heart is comforted. . . if someone has a problem with that. . . it is just too bad for them. Yes, God talks to me. . .maybe not in the way we learned about in TWI. . . but . . . whe
Im not a card carrying christian believer or even a true believer of any type that I can tell or define, but I have to admit that i agree with geisha. I might word it differently but the belief is ba
You can't beat yourself up because you allowed yourself to be talked out of what you knew was right. That sort of thing was standard M.O. for anything that might "bring blame to the ministry". If it's any consolation, I, too, experienced something quite similar in the very early days of my Way involvement and yet I stuck around for years afterward.
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I didnt know it was right.
AFTER I realized it was a most HOly God that told me something to keep me safe.
I went to the leaders and the person (my twig coordinator) and sought consel. I had just taken pfalI didnt know anything by their standards.
Yet god did chose to tell me . but I refuse to listen.
The cost was very high in my life waysider and I often wonder IF the bad had not happened if I could or would never deny God today.
I never would have seen or known the mircle of the deliverence that is for sure .
so God is a mystery god to me with all my whys.
no I guess when I feel as you say like beating myself up I just remember God did tell me, and delivered me anyways even tho I didnt listen to HIM.
and that is a good thing not a bad thing. something Ihave lived with all my life.
The fact I was healed and delivered is the very reason I refuse to blame the people of twi for maybe not being to hear me or trust God.
Because I was and could be the same . getting better I hope. but I still wont deny Jesus is real and the only able Saviour for me.
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As far as doing "what was right" or is right.
All I can say is
I try, but fifty MF years and let me tell you allI do is fail down and get back up.
I freely admit to being a mess.
that is the reason I wont deny god mostly.
and when I do think I am on top of the world or beaten to death on my last breath I just remember my one and only promise to god that I wont deny HIM as real.
my life in a nutshell
quite simple really.
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After reading that last little bit there is something that I'd like to add.
Since Christianity is a walk of faith and not by sight there seems to be an element of proving all things that is necessary. So for the unbeliever it is not sound to call voices, hunches, or miracles God. I do believe however it comes out in the wash that truth will pass the test of believers or unbelievers, because truth stands on it's own. So on one level there needs to be a split between those that hear God and those who don't. But on another level there is room for people with clear consciences to agree that some such statement is either true or false, no matter how they feel about God. In practice it seems to me that a little meekness and a slow fuse is a good thing on both sides of that bacic, inevitable disagreement. And a healthy sense of humor helps a lot too.
But if someone chooses to believe the scriptures, then perhaps the saying, "Let God be true, but every man a liar:" may apply. As a believer I just have to root for those of you who believe in God. It seems to me that if according to this saying from Rom ch3 it is innevitable that we will find out that God is true, but at times teachers and our own selves will be wrong. Since what this verse is discussing is ourselves overcoming the inevitable judgement of God this mindset will be important to us.
With our own mistakes and sin, it seems that the kind of things that are being discussed here involve years and even decades of our own lives in the working of these things out. If it is any comfort, even after the things that Job suffered he managed to come to a place where God was magnificent in his eyes.
And for the folks who deny anyone hearing God, I would simply answer that whether or not you believe in the specifics of these possibilities that from a perspective of the human psyche I tend to be more comfortable around folks who see themselves as small and the universe to be big; humbleness is much more pleasant than anyone who thinks that "they are the truth."
And the one and only who I believe deserved to say, "I am the truth" was also my example of humility!
(edited for grammar)
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dear excathedra i had the same questions and ideas for a long time because i just was so sure god was spending so much time with me but how could that be with all the crapola going on around me how was it that i was so special and all the other kids were not? then my current therapist posed an idea to me and she said that maybe it was just me inside all along, just my knowing right from wrong, good from evil, and maybe i am all that great for myself and maybe my own company is a comfort i can take. i'm not denying that there's a spiritual thing going on but i'm just putting out here the idea that maybe the spiritual thing is that "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened" and your true self is being raised up and strengthened and made wise. learning and growing is a two way street because there is the lesson and then there is the person learning the lesson and you have to be willing to learn. why did i "hear god" so much when the other kids didn't? probably it wasn't hearing god so much as learning the lessons. the other kids spent alot of time being either being afraid or being completely unable to function for sorrow but i spent my time planning and plotting my escape and fighting off the insanity. i'm not saying i was better than them but i am saying that i was learning and growing regardless of what was happening. call that god or call that gifted or call it whatever you want to call it but recognize that the most important factor of the equation is the willing participant.
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